Rating:  Summary: Bad Movie Review: Okay, there are those of us who hate this movie (me included). Then there are the people who tell us it wasn't that bad (usually not Star Wars fans). I understand that expectations were high. Basically what it boils down to is that if this was the first movie released instead of Star Wars (Yes, that's the name. NOT A New Hope), would people really think it was any good? Probably not. Would it spawn any sequels? Probably not. I really tried to like this movie for months, but when I ask myself those questions, I realize that this was a really bad movie.
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars Episode 1, The Worst? Review: First off, i just want to tell you why i gave this movie 4 stars. i didn't compare it with other star wars. but with other movies. it got 5 stars against other movies and only 3 against other star wars hence the 4. I highly recomend you buy this on dvd! i have it on vhs it is good but the sound could be better. and if you are like me you want it really bad in widscreen for the podrace and space battle as well as the entire movie. I personally thought it was the second best movie in the star wars series. but for 22 some dollars it is deffinatly worth the buy. Now for the good and bad. The good is the podrace and the end battles. The bad is the story. the story lacked what other star wars movies have. Another thing is jar jar binks, i wish they had had a human in a suit on makeup instead of cgi. I am not saying it isn't bad it just has that rubbery feeling to it. Bottam line. BUY IT AS SOON AS IT COMES OUT BECAUSE IT IS DEFFINATLY ONE OF THE BEST MOVIES OF ALL TIME!
Rating:  Summary: Is this really a Star Wars film? Review: While the action and special effects of The Phantom Menace are phenomenal, and the acting's not that bad, the story leaves a bit to be desired. We get quite a bit of "history" in this film, taking place about 40 years before "Star Wars: A New Hope". The problem is most of it's so contrived as to be unbelievable. The fact that the Force is explained as simply a symbiotic parasite in the body of the Jedi (and Sith) kinda takes all the romance out of it. Jar Jar Binks (good god in heaven!) is another reason that this film isn't as good as it could be. I understand the need for comic relief in a sci-fi film (C3P0 in the "first" 3 Star Wars films) but good grief! At least make him a bit part, not a major player. Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor and the rest of the cast do a bangup job with their parts and the battle scenese are incredible, especially between the Jedi and Darth Maul. As a martial artist, I can really appreciate the choreography that went into those scenes. But they were a bit drawn out. Don't get me wrong, this is a great sci-fi film, but I do wish that Lucas had thought more before putting it on the big screen.
Rating:  Summary: Not the same George Lucas magic from the first three Review: It's hard to give a bad review to a movie that you have grown up with. I believe that nothing could of lived up to Star Wars fan expectations. Expectations were simply just too high. The first three Star Wars movie were great, but not critically acclaimed since, lets face it, some of the dialog was corny. But at least there were great characters that you could love. With Phantom Menace the biggest let down is the lack of great characters. In the original movies you have a more threatening villan. In Phantom Menace, Darth Maul seemed like he was just thrown in the movie for the light saber scenes. The only character i did enjoy was Senator Palatine, he was the only one in the movie that seemed to have the dimension, and intelligence that the characters from the original movie had. All the other characters, especially the annoying Jar Jar Binks, were not as likable as the original cast...although he seems to be the most memorable character from the movie just from the fact that everyone hated him so much. Great, ground-breaking things were done with special effects and animation in this movie. It seems too much attention was put into being 'state-of-the-art' and not enough attention to story lines and characters. The original Star Wars didn't have all the digital gagetry that this one had but still told an interesting story. Some other things raise questions also, like the huge age difference between the Queen Amedala and Anakin Skywalker! After watching and loving the Original Star Wars trilogy it is hard to totally hate this movie. As far as classic sci-fi motion pictures goes i think maybe George Lucas should have left well enough alone and just be known for three great movies. But i think that no matter how bad his movies are we will still watch them and buy them just because we are addicted to the Star War legacy...even though the long wait for the release of the DVD version is a blantent attempt to get more of our money, after already buying the VHS version.
Rating:  Summary: It's the first of a trilogy! Review: Many people are judging Star Wars: Episode 1 on it's own, and really shouldn't. It is the first in a trilogy, and isn't meant to stand on it's own. Some people say that this movie is bland, but it's two purposes are to introduce you to several characters, and to give you a reference to several events mentioned in Episodes 2 and 3. I've read all of the spoilers to Episode 2, and many of the events in Episode 1 will make much more sense when the next 2 movies come out. Episode 2 will definately be the best Star Wars film released as of yet BY FAR (see my review of Episode 2 that I just posted on amazon).
Rating:  Summary: Can we please just forget about this debacle and move on... Review: Star Wars, the Holy trilogy in all of movie history, was kicked and beaten by this horror of science fiction. Episode One, was garbage, and anyone that says that is isn't is surely mistaken. This movie lacked in everything that made the first (or second, i'm not completely sure anymore) trilogy entertaining: dialougue, story-line, and character development. The kid who played Anakin has no business being an actor, and some of his lines were so disturbingly bad that I could feel my lungs caving in everytime he said a word. The introduction of the medi-chlorians made absolutely no sense in any possible way and took away from any mystery the original "Force" had. Sure, I don't know anybody who would turn down the powers of the Force, but that the fact that there would be "things" inside me wouldn't feel too good. But I'm not going to name all the bad points (cough*jar-jar*cough). I mean the movie did have it's moments, but so did Josie and the Pussycats, and that doesn't make it good. OK, the graphics were damn good and the fight scene between Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon and Darth Maul put anything Vader and Luke did to shame, but those qualities alone dont make a movie. I can only pray that Episode 2 will bring back any credibility Lucas had, but with a name like "Episode II: ATTACK OF THE CLONES!" I don't think I'll get my wish.
Rating:  Summary: a featureless flop, don't waste your money... Review: This movie was so void of substance as to be insulting. All of the characters were featureless. The main characters left nothing to be desired. The rediculously overcredited Anakin progeny proved incredibly annoying as I optimistically strained to suspend my disbelief in vain. That Mall creature did nothing to impress me. The battle scenes were just stupid. Basically, this was a complete letdown that doesn't deserve to be on the same shelf as Empire Strikes Back.
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace Review: This movie was HORRIBLE!! It will never live up to all the attention that it got. Quite possibly the worst movie of 1999. It was really bad because it didn't have any good plots in it at all. Even the special effects weren't great. I was yawning and almost fell asleep within the first half hour and that situation didn't change much for the whole movie. And the title, The Phantom Menace??? Yeah, I'm really sure everyone figured that out. And the title for the next movie in the series?? Attack of the Clones. That title is reason enough for me not to see that most likely horrible follow-up to this unbearable-to-watch movie. I plead with my life to you-PLEASE DON'T SEE THIS MOVIE!!! It's so bad that you will feel guilty about seeing it. I still can't believe that I didn't get up and leave during the movie. Even though I was in another state watching the movie, I would have happily hitchhiked all the way home. You want another reason not to see this movie?? BAD ACTING. The kid who played Darth Vader as a child (do we really need to see Darth Vader as a child?) is the worst child actor and shouldn't be acting. It is so obvious that this movie was made solely for the publicity. The "real" Star Wars movies were made to be masterpieces and they are masterpieces and this piece of trash only makes those movies look bad (as well as the so-called actors in the movie). Do not waste your time and money on this movie. Go out and rent a movie worth seeing. And if you can't get rid of the urge to see this movie and do give in, I hope your intelligence won't be hurt too much but it definitely will be. Trust me. Seeing this movie is one of the things that I most regret doing in my whole life.
Rating:  Summary: Maintains the Quality Review: If you like the Star Wars saga, this prequel is up to your expectations. I'd rate it clearly above "Revenge of the Jedi" and a hair beneath the first two films. They've done a great job with introducing characters we already know and watching them embark upon the paths we know they'll take, while inserting some mystery as to HOW they'll get to the beginning state of "A New Hope." There is some great action and some quality intrigue contained to TPM itself. Two small lapses in the film: 1) that little kid who plays young Anakin Skywalker is a lousy actor, even for his age, and 2) Jar-Jar Binks not only doesn't get shot right after we meet him, but he lives to film's end and is rumored to be in "Attack of the Clones." All in all it's a great film that I've enjoyed watching several times.
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars Fans: Stop Whining Review: Virtually every one of the millions of people who grew up loving the original Star Wars films had an idea of what Episode I should have been. That kind of devotion and anticipation easily produces failed expectations and harsh criticism. That being said, the tantrum thrown by many Star Wars fans because George Lucas didn't make the film just the way they would have done it tends to obscure this film's greatness. The Phantom Menace has its flaws: Jar Jar Binks is exceedingly irritating; Jake Lloyd's performance as Anakin Skywalker is very mediocre; the characters don't endear themselves to you the way they did in Episodes IV, V, and VI, partly because you don't get to know them nearly as well. Who cares what becomes of the Naboo pilots or the Gungan soldiers? What Lucas did in the Phantom Menace was lay the groundwork for the two darker films yet to come. Episode I showed us what Jedi can do given a full complement of training and modern special effects. When the Jedi go to work, the visuals are as action-packed as any shoot-'em-up you'll ever see. The nastiness of galactic politics is sure to play a bigger role in Episodes II and III, but Lucas has already given us a glance of the nefariousness faced by the Republic. The scenes on the capital planet of Coruscant were some of the most intriguing of the film, not to mention some of the most stunning to watch. Viewing the Phantom Menace by itself, perhaps it doesn't deserve five stars. But it wasn't made to stand alone. When the trilogy of prequels is complete, Jar Jar and the childhood Anakin aren't going to detract from the overall enjoyment of the tale spun by Lucas. Episode I is an integral part of telling that story. Star Wars fans seeking a religious experience should look for it in a house of worship, not a movie theater. Star Wars, including the Phantom Menace, is just a story, but a fascinating, remarkably illustrated one.