Rating:  Summary: DARTH MAUL REIGNS Review: There is one reason to buy this movie and one reason alone, DARTH MAUL, played by the one and only RAY PARK! Darth Maul is not a fake and neither is Ray. He does all his own stunts in the movie, cordinated most of the fight sequences and simply rocks! The minuses to the film, well, everything else, I have to say. The story, the special effects, the whole underwater sequence that had no point other than saying, "LOOK AT WHAT INDUSTRIAL LIGHTS AND MAGIC CAN DO," JarJar Binks, that stupid kid and the lack of Darth Maul screen time. It had exceptional potential, but at the end, when DM kicks the bucket, it is so lame. Obi-Won shouldn't have stood a chance. Watch and you'll see what I mean. Darth Maul must've been asleep when Obi-Won did that stupid flying flip thing and sliced him up, that's all I can figure. I mean come on, this movie even makes George Lucas look bad! But I'm still buying it on DVD. Just for the one and the only... DARTH MAUL/RAY PARK!
Rating:  Summary: The Unbelievable has become true! Review: I want to start provocative:Every so called Star Wars fan who doesn't like this movie,is NO Star wars fan and hasn't understood anything what Star Wars is actually all about!I am so tired of having to read,people ripping this phenomenal masterpiece apart. You have to bear in mind that this is the beginning of the saga and all the characters are being introduced to the audiece. I love every single movie done by George Lucas.In my opinion,he is the best filmmaker,at least on this planet.This is not just a stupid no brainer like Amargeddon,Independence day and the like. This is a part of a series,a family saga.The biggest project ever attempted in film history!It's awesome,bind-bending,beyond good and evil.It's the jewel under the movies.Everything from story(world-connecting),costumes(the most beautyful in any film),the design(the most ambitious),the sfx(simply staggering-giant-head-expolding-perfect),simply everything is perfect about this film!The people who still don't get it,should try to think and deal with bigger dimensions,to be able to see the whole picture,which is esantially the major problem of mankind.People are soo narrow-minded.Try harder,at least try,not just with this film but always.This way,you can avoid a lot of damage!Thank you! The Dvd is Perfect(relative).The picture is almost flawless and always a pleasure to watch,never anything distracting.The new scenes are awesome!The sound is amazing in every regard.The extras are genius!This is the first Dvd,which satisfies me in every way!Thank you Lucas and Team!You earn my highest respect and gratefulness! In all:This is a must own for every one who considers Star Wars:episode1-the phantom menace to be a great movie.Bye!!
Rating:  Summary: Average prequel with an excellent DVD! Review: I had a feeling I was not going to like this movie. The trailers looked disappointing and I just felt a 'modern' Stars Wars flick would put all of them out of place. I was wrong. This is a good movie, and even though it was disappointing and a little too modern for me like I thought it would be, I was entertained throughout. The film has some very good action scenes, great acting from Liam Neeson and Natalie Portman (whose character twist, quite simply, confused the hell out of me) and the visuals are breathtaking. However, good visuals, brilliant sound and fabulous editing do not a great movie make. The things I disliked about the movie were the fact that the character of Obi-Wan Kenobi hardly has any involvement into the plot, but the twist at the end is sure to have him more included in Star Wars: Episode II ' Attack of the Clones. I also hated the character of Jar Jar Binks. What an annoying little [guy]! Technically, he was pretty amazing, but he was just a brat with an overacted voice by Ahmed Best and some of the cheesiest lines in any recent sci-fi film. The worst thing about the movie, however, is the fact that the villain is never really developed. I would've liked to know more about Darth Maul's background and attitude, but all I knew about him was he has a red and black head, is the apprentice of the evil Mayor and has a double light-saber. Despite that, I was entertained by the movie and I didn't hate it. The pod race was exciting, the boy wasn't annoying like that AWFUL Jar Jar Binks and I loved seeing Yoda again, a little younger. Hopefully, for the next instalment, the plot will be a little better, Chewbacca and Han Solo will return, the villain will be better developed and we won't see anymore of Jar Jar Binks! Let's just say the force wasn't exactly with George Lucas for this movie, but it was a good stab at a saga beginning. NOTE: This DVD is brilliant! There are so many features, I loved the making of the game and the commentaries the most. Even if you only though the movie was average like me and didn't buy the movie, ask a friend with this DVD if you could check it out because the behind-the-scenes and commentaries and making-of features are well worth a look.
Rating:  Summary: The beauty of the Phantom Menace Review: The Phantom Menace is the most over castigated movie in the history of cinema. It has received criticsm from virtually every camp of people, and I believe that this is a gross misjudgemet of this film. This film is beautifully shot with sweeping camera shots that reveal the glory of this new land. People say that it doesn't compare to the previous three movies in content or execution. I believe that people have canonized the original trilogy without really investigating the claims that they are making. The original trilogy is poorly shot, replete with bad dialouge, and could not have worse acting. It is beloved by everyone because it was so revolutionary at the time. Just on terms of filmmaking the Phantom Menace is a much better picture. It has a more consitent plot than any of the originals. In general, I believe the Phantom Menace should be regarded more highly among Star Wars faithful.
Rating:  Summary: Not what it could have been Review: Lucas has lost his touch. First off, if you have a somewhat poor script (written by Lucas himself, if I'm not mistaken), then you get an entirely CGI character thrown at you, which you have to act like you're interacting with, and then half the time you're put in front of a green screen (or blue) with nothing real around you, how are you going to act well? You don't. Even Liam Neeson (a usually excellent actor) did a flat job. Jar Jar Binks stinks like nothing I've ever seen in a movie. A complete waste of film space, and completely unnecessary! He nearly RUINED the film. A few scenes could have been incredibly powerful were it not for him swaggering around with his floppy ears filling up half the screen. There are even people who have taken the time to make Jar Jar hate sites! A total goof ball... agh... I can't go on writing about him. Lucas even managed to inject more eastern religion psyco babel. It's a bunch of rot, and really annoying. "Ooh, there's some weird little things called 'mediclorians.' The more of 'em that I have, the cooler with the force. Whoa." (not a direct quote!;) Other than the poor script, the flat acting, the bad story flow, the egregious Jar Jar, and a mediocre soundtrack for Williams (except for Duel of the Fates!), the pod race and saber fight still make it worth watching! Just rent it when you don't want to watch the old ones, but still want to see something like the old Star Wars (it has an essence, but a very weak one at that).
Rating:  Summary: Great movie. Review: It was a great roller coaster ride. Everyone secret loves this movie, it's just the cool thing to bash it. This DVD will be a number one seller, just like the VHS was and the movie itself was.
Rating:  Summary: Oh well... better luck next time Review: Well... unfortunately the much hyped "Episode I" did not live up to my expectations. I was expecting some amazing sci-fi action, and the classic good storytelling of George Lucas. Instead, Episode I is a mass marketed exploited fest of fake digital effects and weak storyline. In short... the story was no longer written to be a good story, but it was written to be a money making film (A lot of money). Hopefully Episode II will be better.
Rating:  Summary: STAR WARS: EPISODE I: THE PHANTOM MENACE Review: I think this movie is great. The saber duels and 3d are one of the best I ever seen. The negative about this movie is that jarjar is in it. Did chewy make stupid jokes in episode4-6? No! And that thing about our cells talking to the force? I mean, comeon! The force is supposed to be something that you cannot explain, like God, not anything logical that scientists have proof of. And the story are a little bit shaking. Anakin was a good P I L- O T when obiwan met him, not a R A C E R. How can he then learn exactly how to fly a fighter in a minute when adult people learn to fly only after a year? Sure luke is a good fighter, but i dont think he flied when he was 9 years old. I know Lucas can do better than this, its clear that he did this movie to make money. But I read that he creates episode 2 especially for 12-year old children, "if adults like it, then its just a plus", he said that on an interview. We can only hope the force is still with him, like it was 30 years ago...
Rating:  Summary: A mixed review. Review: I agree with a lot of people who think this is the weakest of the STAR WARS films, but I'm not one those reviewers who gives this movie only one star because of Jar Jar Binks. EPISODE I still has a lot going for it. It has all the great special effects and action sequences that the first three movies contained, the pod race being one of the best examples. It also has a few really good characters like the quietly menacing Senator Palpatine and the criminally underused Darth Maul. I especially found Ewan McGregor impressive as a young Obi-Wan Kenobi. But on the other hand, it does have its weaknesses. I am in complete agreement with those were annoyed with Jar Jar, but I also found Natalie Portman's performance as Queen Amidala as pleasant as someone trying to write on a chalkboard using a rusty nail. Furthermore, EPISODE I has the same rushed feel to it that 95% of all summer blockbusters have. Overall rating: 3.5 stars.
Rating:  Summary: Great movie for what it is Review: When most people saw the original movies they were young, with that I think alot of people were expecting the same magic. That magic died when you were a kid and you wont find it in a movie. What you will find in this movie is more question with a few answers and thats exactly what i expect from a movie of this caliber and scope. I think it deserves much more praise than what it's getting.