Rating:  Summary: Sorry hardcore fans... Review: I, myself am also a Star Wars fan, but I can't fool myself. This movie was only mediocre. O.k., I would have given it 3.5 stars if I could, the .5 for the 20 minute conclusion of action and excitement. That was sweet.But really. Jar Jar was ridiculous. I'd take Chewie over that thing anyday. Jake Lloyd was almost as bad. My nephew could have been more believable. It looks like the DVD has lots of features, and might be worth the money. I bought the VHS format, and wasn't really going to buy the DVD until I saw how much more was offered on the DVD edition. I'll buy the DVD, because, alas, I am a Star Wars fan. No thanks to Jar Jar.
Rating:  Summary: Brilliant? Review: I have pre-ordered the DVD and cannot wait to see what is all involved. What I do NOT understand is several of the reviewers here rave about how great the DVD is and how they loved all the features. At the time im writing this the DVD is still a week away from shipping...how do they know its good and have details about it? Confused.
Rating:  Summary: Not as bad as they say it is. Review: The one that started it all! (sort of). Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace tells the tale of young Anikan Skywalker (who eventually becomes Darth Vader). Anikan is a slave, so is his mother. Not only does Star Wars Episode One tell the tale of young Anikan Skywalker, but a battle started by the Trade Federation and puts an entire planet under peril. Qui-Gon-Jin, and his apprentice Obi-Wan-Kenobi flee from the trade federation and hide on the planet of Tatooine (Anikan and Luke Skywalker's homeland) and try to get spare parts to repair their space ship. Qui-Gon-Jin meets a shopkeeper (whom which Anikan works for) and fails to use his awsome "Jedi tricks" against the keeper. I don't blame him for trying, the guy charges a King's Ransom for every dang item he sells! Qui-Gon-Jin makes a gamble (yes, the Las Vegas of Star Wars!) during pod racing, if Anikan wins the race, Anikan will be set free and Qui-Gon will get the parts he needs for the ship. If Sabulba (an undefeated cheater) wins, Qui-Gon will be forced to give up his space ship. As it turns out, Anikan won, and the young lad is set free. But, he leaves Tatooine, and his mother to go with Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. Now some other stuff, oh yes. Jar Jar Binks can get pretty annoying, sometimes humorous. The specail effects are simply put: spectacular. The kid actor did a pretty good job acting as young Anikan Skywalker, but he's not Anthony Hopkins or somebody. Star Wars Episode 1 is worth a look, but it's not as good as A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, or Return of the Jedi.
Rating:  Summary: STAR WARS ON DVD. WELL WORTH THE WAIT. Review: It was said that Star Wars wouldnt make its way to DVD for years to come. However the demand grew so intence, Lucas decided to feed our hunger, if only for a little while. I got this DVD early from a friend who works at Blockbuster...so i was very excited to be amoung the first to own this film on DVD. Everyone has seen Episode 1 so I dont need to go on about the movie itself, but the special features instead. Disc one has commentary with George Lucas and Crew, but no cast memebers. That itself is the only dissapointing thing on this DVD. It would have been nice to hear Liam Neeson, and Ewan McGregor talk about the experience. Also George Lucas pauses for long periods of time, before speaking again, I started losing interest into what he was saying, and more interested in watching the film again. Disc two has all the good stuff, outside of the movie. You can view the deleted scenes seperately, or they are intergrated back into the movie, if you can catch them. The film itself has many extended scenes at Corousant, and The Pod Race at Tatooine. Each deleted scene comes with an interview with Lucas explainging why it was cut and so on. The rest is all normal features. There are 5 documentaries and a bunch of other toys to play with. Its really a great DVD, with hours of fun. Also each time you put it in, the menu screen changes to a different scene. Its really nice looking. It sounds great, picture looks great. Feels like your back in the theatre again..all you need is movie popcorn. GO GET THIS ONE.
Rating:  Summary: Glorious! Review: I gotta tell you I got this DVD since friday, apparently here in Israel they come out ten days before USA. This DVD is gorgeus the best one I can remember since T2. The Beginning ROCKS I mean it's unlike any behind the sceans before, it's not bunch of interviews it's kinda more like Cops in a way. Now for deleted sceans. I realy can't understand the way they cut the pod-race for the release of the film. the left out all the intresting parts and went with the boring stuff. I've always got bored when I watched it. for the DVD the put back in some of those intersting moments but still the coolest of the all, sebulba's fire thrower they left out. this DVD made me love the podrace and bag for more. all in all this DVD made me like TPM much more cuz now i can better understand it and it's even got me more optimistic about AOTC cuz u can actually see that Lucas felt he went a bit to far on this one. It even made me like Jar Jar a little bit, well, maybe not like him but feel sorry for him. hope you'll all enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: Im glad I only saw it once Review: This was predictably bad. Star Wars has continued its downward slide that started with the Ewoks in "Return of the Jedi". It's really a shame that Lucas can't come up with a better plot and script. There has been alot of good material written for Star Wars, the Zahn novels and Dark Horse Comics series to name a few. I think Mr Lucas has lost his ability to be an artist and is more the businessman. Got to sell those Jar Jar binks dolls! PS The directors cut and special editions will be out after this DVD so he can maximize his profits. So if you can wait and actually like this movie, you'll save money.
Rating:  Summary: 3 and a half stars Review: Since I really don't know how to start this review, I'll start with saying that Episode 1 is underrated and overrated in different aspects. Yes, there's the special effects, which are magnificent but take up practically the whole movie. And then there's the acting, which is...I'll explain that later. There are many good things about this movie, there's no doubt about that. The special effects and fight sequences are great, and the movie itself is very fun to watch, but not very thought provoking. Although there is almost no plot, it doesn't really matter once you get in to it since you will be eager to watch young Obi Wan face off with Darth Maul, the best enemy in a Star Wars film to date. But then there's the acting and some of the characters... (1) Jar-Jar Binks gets very annoying by the time he says his second line in the movie. No matter what the other characters say, Jar-Jar is always there to comment with "How rude" ... (2) Whoever plays Anakin Skywalker is horrible at it. The kid can't act wort a darn. (3) And some characters, I don't even know why they were in the movie. Samuel L. Jackson was in the movie for less than 5 minutes, and so was the mysterious Darth Sidius, who lacked character. All you see when he's in a scene is him talking in a robe. ..The only good acting is from Ewan McGregor, who plays Obi-Wan and Natalie Portman, who plays the queen. Liam Neeson is OK. All in all, Episode 1 is enjoyable, but real star wars fan expecting a movie to top the originals will be dissapointed.. 1999; 136 minutes; Rated PG for scenes of sci-fi/action violence.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Beginning Review: I'd give it 4.5 stars if I could, the minuses being Jar Jar Binks and the acting of Jake Loyd. Otherwise, this was a terrific start to the saga. Perhaps the most exciting movie of all time, Lucas did a very good job in introducting us to the major players and where they came from. He didn't stoop to cheap sex, graphic violence, or shocking language to entertain. The pod race and the final duel stood out particularly.
Rating:  Summary: WHAT?!?! Review: I can't believe everybody! I know this movie's weak, but Jar-Jar wasn't put in for comic relief, he was a sub-plot in himself. And the part with Darth Maul, there's no character development because George Lucas wanted to keep him mysterious. I think this DVD's gonna be great. This movie is much better than Return of the Jedi. I'm gonna buy my copy now!
Rating:  Summary: If Jar Jar gets deleted, I'll buy a copy Review: My title says it all - If Jar Jar gets deleted, I'll buy a copy. I've seen the original 3 Star Wars movies multiple dozens of times each, and saw Phantom Menace twice (once on opening day, because I used to believe in George Lucas, and again several days later just in case I had hallucinated how bad Jar Jar stunk up the entire movie). Jar Jar wasn't the only bad part of the movie, but with him it is totally un-watchable.