Rating:  Summary: Where's MST3K When You Need Them? Review: If you are like me, and saw this flick when you were younger and have fond memories of it, then save your memories and your money. What was I thinking? Bad acting, bad writing, bad directing. The jokes are horrible and the timing drags...like watching grass grow. This movie makes "Spaceballs" look like an Oscar winner! To add insult to agony, the quality of this DVD is worse than a Betamax bootleg. Fuzzy distorted picture, muddy sound. Probably the worst film quality I've seen since I saw "Hercules in New York" on the Late Late movie. Cult? Yes!, Classic? Only if you are really stoned.
Rating:  Summary: Oh well Review: My dad made this movie. And I've never seen a good quality version of it. We have a lot of old tapes but they are terrible pan and scan and in some parts the entire panavision is squeezed onto the screen so everyone looks really tall and thin. We were eqcited to hear of the DVD and were terrified to find it's made from the same bad print. We know of people who have it on film and high quality versions do exist. It's sad the DVD is so bad though.
Rating:  Summary: Galaxina on DVD Review: The film transfer to DVD is Good. I had wished it to be in widescreen, but it is in Pan & Scan. The special features are Star Bios, A short Slide Show, The original trailer and a not so hidden Easter Egg.I still can't figure out if this is a B film on it's own. Or a campy parody of a B movie. Anyway the corny humor still works as the movie makes its point. Definitely is to space movies, what Spinal tap is to Rock & Roll movies. I always loved the soundtrack to this movie, Great Classical Score and a romping Rock & Roll number mid way.
Rating:  Summary: Galaxina on DVD Review: The film transfer to DVD is Good. I had wished it to be in widescreen, but it is in Pan & Scan. The special features are Star Bios, A short Slide Show, The original trailer and a not so hidden Easter Egg. I still can't figure out if this is a B film on it's own. Or a campy parody of a B movie. Anyway the corny humor still works as the movie makes its point. Definitely is to space movies, what Spinal tap is to Rock & Roll movies. I always loved the soundtrack to this movie, Great Classical Score and a romping Rock & Roll number mid way.
Rating:  Summary: shockingly awful Review: There's nothing more awful than a comedy that isn't funny. Apparently the folks who made Galaxina were going for a kind of space-movie parody with sex, but there is exactly ONE funny bit in the movie. The bikers on the distant planet who worship Harley Davidson by bowing down to a motorcycle and going "Vroom! Vroom!" That's it. It lasts about 10 seconds, and pfft, end of funny. Quite honestly, has there EVER been a funny space-movie parody besides "Galaxy Quest?" Ever? Nope. And this one isn't either. The jokes are so bad, and so labored, and take so long to arrive, and are delivered so badly, that it's agonizing. The sex part? THERE ISN'T ANY. Not unless you count the scene in the space bordello, which is neither sexy nor funny. So the movie fails on both counts; it's not funny, and it's not sexy. It just sort of flops around from disconnected scene to disconnected scene. All the guys in the movie are slimy cheeseballs with open shirts and ASCOTS. And then there's Avery Schreiber. Avery Schreiber. Who told this guy he was funny? Can we sue them? Was he funny? Ever? And what was this movie shot on? I mean, the whole film is blurry. It's out of focus all the way through. I've seen MP3's with better image resolution than this movie. The only thing that might make this dreadful failure worth watching at all, for even five seconds, is Dorothy Stratton. Poor Dorothy. She can't act, of course, but she is beautiful, even in the sublimely stupid outfits they put her in here. And she goes through this thing like a trooper, doing exactly what she's supposed to, which is act like a robot. Trust me, this movie's not even good no matter how many of whatever substances you imbibe. It's too awful to even make fun of. It's just plain awful. Unless you are absolutely obsessed with Dorothy Stratton or you have some weird need to collect every bad science fiction movie ever made, avoid this like the plague.
Rating:  Summary: Funny movie Review: This is a cult classic, stupid movie. Avery Schreiber commands the Space Police cruiser Infinity and her crew of idiots. Infinity and her crew are near the end of their seven year mission when the police chief sends them on a jouney to rescue the Blue Star from a planet of crooks. The journey will last fifty-four years total. Along the way, Sgt. Thor falls in love with the ships robot, Galaxina (Stratton). The plot is classic B-movie, the one-liners are great and Stratton looks good in her tight satin jump suit. Who could ask for more?
Rating:  Summary: A bit cheesy Review: Well we have here a sorts of galactic adventures started in the final and first 80's. Galaxina(Dorothy R Stratten) is a female robot which leds in the Eternity Police starship. The crew including a cowboy a shaggy beared captain,a black vampire(or cousin of Mr Spock the vulcanian) and a japanese old man. They get a mission got to a remote planet to get the Blue Star(ahhh!) from a alien robot which lives in a west town style full of aliens. Of course they sent Galaxina to get the treasure. After she is captured by a band of Harley Davidson believers they rescued her and returns to the ship. The dialogue is a bit cheesy the humour and jokes are very obvius and the intents of Galaxina of talk are evident. The presence of playmate DRS at least worth the money. The sound is clear and audible,but the image clarity is poor,it seems that the transfer was done from an old vhs tape. They should make a better image quality.