Rating:  Summary: ...depends on what gets you going. Review: This movie is scary. For a while, at least. It is visually unlike anything Ridley Scott, George Lucas, or other mainstream directors ever turned out. Fresh? That would be pushing it a bit. But it is appealing. The screenplay - playing off of the same theme as Jaws - what you don't see can scare you - works. For a little while. There isn't anything to make you care about these characters as more than a few meet their demise. The sound quality is good, and Vin Diesel is excellent in his role. The other actors didn't have much material to work with. The character development is weak due to a so-so screenplay, but if you are just looking for a film that is more on the lines of a modern Blob or Thing, you might enjoy this. Right up there with Starship Troopers and Phantasm.
Rating:  Summary: Great modern sci-fi thriller Review: It's not entirely correct to call Pitch Black a sci-fi movie, but it certainly is in the same way as Alien. From a technical point of view, Pitch Black has many original ideas to pull it away from the cheap slasher type. Sometimes it seems kind of hard to catch up, for it is somewhat bumpy in storytelling but not full of mistakes. The quick cuts to different scenes make the film quite short-wave. Action is always an difficult element and though it's not the quintessence of the movie, it's perfectly realized and even comes up with a few surprises. Visually the movie is just great, the difference between day and day, the black night and Tatopoulos' beautiful creatures ensure great popcorn entertainment. The great DTS Surround Sound creates a fantastic atmosphere, especialy at the planets night. One last thing, Vin Diesel ist absolutely great.
Rating:  Summary: Great Action, weak plot Review: The first time I saw this movie I stepped in while my friends were watching it. I honestly thought it was one of those alien respawns like "alien 3, or alien : ressurection" or whatever they are. I really dont watch that much sci-fi because not much sci-fi is good. This movie was fully equipped with a bald chick, a group of crazy creatures and even an environment that was reminiscient of Alien. I took it in stride though, and I actually started to like it. The action and suspense is good, and it was a bit of a touching ending. I would watch it a third time, but I doubt I would buy it. The replay value of a movie such as this is not large. Go rent this movie. I wouldn't reccomend buying it until you at least see it.
Rating:  Summary: Deport this movie! Review: If you liked "Plan 9 from Outer Space", you'll love this movie. Vin Diesel makes Arnold Schwanzegger look like a Shakespearan actor. Except for the blonde, I couldn't understand what most of these actors were saying. This movie never should have left Australia.
Rating:  Summary: Great for cheap thrills and good popcorn Review: "Pitch Black" is another "Alien" variation. You have your usual team of estranded space travellers, the deserted base and the mystery about the disappearance of all humans and animals. Then you have your monsters, with big heads and killer jaws. But this is an excellent variation. The monsters are affected if touched by light. Now the planet is in total darkness due to a long eclipse. The way to survive is to keep batteries running and the fire out of the rain. Another good element of suspense if the addition of a killer within the group of survivors. The movie is even better than it sounds. The special effects are superb and the movie is very well crafted. No masterpiece, ok, but an excellent addition to your horror/sci-fi collection.
Rating:  Summary: WARNING! THIS REVIEW CONTAINS SPOILERS BUT IT WAS GREAT! Review: I did not listen to the critics. I rented this movie with an open mind and got a great thrill ride for it. I loved the concept, the crash scene was fantastic and all the acting was top notch. I loved the religious Moslems, the little boy who was a girl (I thought he/she was) the bad scary but hulky gorgeous caramel crimnal and the whiny scheming antiquities dealer. The woman lead was good as so was that 'cop'. I loved how three suns affected how the world itself appeared. Glaringly hot white and then a strange sort of bluish gray. I loved the creatures, loved the machinary left behind by the previous occupants of the planet. I loved the eclipse, how those big planetary rings rose up over the horizon. BUT MOSTLY I LOVED WHO SURVIVED! MY GOD THAT TOOK COURAGE! Like I said this review contains a spoiler and here it is: a boy who was really a girl, the old black moslem and the bad criminal black guy. Not a white anglo saxton protesant hetero in the whole bunch! That took guts and I applaud the screen writer to taking me there. After waiting for something good to happen with "Mission From Mars" and nothing ever did; after be unwilling to invest my time and money into The Red Planet, Pitch Black was a fresh of visually and emotionally and scientific fresh air...
Rating:  Summary: Unbelievably bad Review: People actually get PAID to make this stuff?? Bad plot, bad acting, bad directing and utterly abysmal cinematography made this movie go straigt to the top of my list--of the WORST movies of all time. Not even worth the [money] to RENT, much less any price you'd pay to buy it. Too bad [I can't] assign 0 stars, that's still more than this picture deserves.
Rating:  Summary: Surprise!--- It's actually very good!! Review: Most of the Sci-Fi titles that never get to the theater (or leave the theater quickly) are standard B-fare with ho-hum effects, unimaginative directing, a carbon-copy script and dismal casting and acting. "Pitch Black" is not one of those. I rented the VHS version on a busy night when nothing 'good' was left. The next day, I ordered the unrated DVD...without owning a DVD player yet!! The visual impact of this film is startling, especially when you consider there was little-to-no publicity for it. The opening crash scene is world-class in it's effects and artistry. And the rest of the film's first half (the daylight hours) is a visual feast mated to a good cast of lesser-knowns and a neat plot. Once the sun sets, it takes on a more 'shot-in-studio' feel, but still moves along, maintaining interest despite the very "Aliens"-meets-"Gilligan's Island" overtones. Keep your big-budget stars and overblown productions. Here's how to do it it right, for less. GIVE ME MORE OF THIS!!
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful idea but destroyed by lackluster acting Review: I had previously heard great things about this movie. I had everyone telling me how great the characters were and how great the action was. I decided to check it out. I was seriously dissapointed. First off I knew quite soon into the movie that it was going to be irritating watching this camera move around. I decided to let it slip by me and watch it. The movie than presents your average stereotypical cast which includes the strong hearted and strong willed women, the tough male leader, the confused kids, the "kill-off" extra members of the group, and the strange alien character who assists our heroes. This movie is plagued entirely by uninspired acting and you never really get a chance to enjoy each of the characters. The alien creatures were a great idea but you were never really presented with a chance to awe at them as they were avoided much of the time. What keeps it from 1 star is the main character was wonderfully portrayed and acted giving him an eerie sense about him but he was probbaly the only character that interested anyone. Rent it if you are seriously into sci-fi flicks but the casual movie viewer should avoid it like the plague.
Rating:  Summary: The crash is incredible... Review: Gotta admit I wasn't looking forward to this one. My buddy suggested it, and I went along for the ride - and what a ride it is! The acting is so-so - but this film is not built on acting. Vin Diesel, however, is perfect as Riddick and the rest of the cast works well together at least. The script is also average - certainly interesting, but not overly intelligent. What got me about this film, was the cinematography - just an excellent picture in that aspect. As far as I was concerned, this is what made the movie. The bright lights, the planet, the crash, were all incredible shots, and superbly put together. Give it a shot - even if this isn't your sort of flick. It's pretty darn good.