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X2 - X-Men United (Full Screen Edition)

X2 - X-Men United (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $29.98
Your Price: $17.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: 10 STARS!!!
Review: This is the best sequel EVER made! This makes X-Men 1 look like Pee Wee's Playhouse. This is everything every comic book movie wasn't. This movie is PERFECT! Let me start off with the Nighcrawler scene at the beginning of the movie. That alone was the most incredible action scene EVER in a movie! The Matrix? What's the Matrix? Just about all of the characters in this movie have a balanced time on screen and they all get to show off their powers. The only one who was left out was Cyclops. But he does have more to do this time than last time. Storm gets a lot more to say and plays an important role in the outcome of the story. She still doesn't get to fly but what she does do makes up for it. Wolverine is COOL! Magneto kicks BUTT! But who is the coolest mutant in X2? MYSTIQUE!!! She went from a nobody in the first film to the most incredibly cool character in this one! When you go to see this movie be on the look out for Gambit's name on a computer screen (Remy LeBeau) and Beast on a TV screen (Hank McCoy.) This movie sets up X3's story line which should include a major role from Jean Grey. She is one of the most powerful and important characters in this movie and in the next she will probably be the most dangerous. Go see the movie. If you don't like it there's really no hope for you.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: X2 Marks the Spot!
Review: To the film's credit, X2 does a sensational job at bridging the gap between believabilty and sheer nonsense. It is often difficult for a movie such as this to walk a fine line without crossing over it. Many motion picture writers and directors miss one very important aspect of filmmaking: Reason. You can fill a film with special effects and extraordinary characters, but if you don't have a good reason for why a character looks, behaves, or strives for something, then it is my belief that you are lost. The sequel chooses to have more fun in the wake of sheer unbelievabilty, while maintaining plausible and often unexpected reasoning behind each action and character trait, and therefore is superior to the original. Another credit to the filmmakers lies in the way they juggle an ensemble cast as large as X2. The later BATMAN movies proved that just because you have a big name in a role, doesn't mean people will always go along for the ride. This film manages better character development, in less time, with less familiar actors. I have never picked up an issue of the X-MEN comic, and my only knowledge of the story comes straight from the two films. But I must say that for as bizarre as this film is, it is very entertaining and, at moments, quite humorous. I also spoke to a number of patrons after the screening, and all agreed that X2 was more enjoyable than X-MEN. If you are a fan of the comic, I don't think you'll be at all disappointed. And if you think the whole idea seems ludicrous, I think you may be surprised.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great fun
Review: Better special effects, more action and an excellent opening sequence. Better then the first.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: GOOD
Review: X2 is soo much better then the first. Has action and has a good story. The cast did a better job in this one, Storm and Jean kick ... .

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: When Mutants Rise
Review: X2, the long awaited sequel, does something very few sequels do, it's actually better than the original.

After a lone mutant called Nightcrawler (Alan Cumming) attacks the White House, one of the President's (Cotter Smith) top advisors, General Stryker (Brian Cox) visits an imprisioned Magneto (Ian McKellen) to pump him for infomation about Charles Xavier (Patrick Stewart) and his famed X-Men. As these forces gather, Storm (Halle Berry) and Dr. Jean Gray (Famke Janssen), are sent to find Nightcrawler, in the hopes of discovering the truth behind the White House attack. As the investigation begins Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) returns, after some time away, searching for clues, as to his true identity. The true nature of this mystery, ultmately forces Professor X, to confront the ghosts of his past.

One of the problems that I had with the original film, was the way some of the major charaters got slighted in the story by having too many characters to keep track of. Well, I don't how director Bryan Singer managed to do it, but the sequel has even more characters this time out, and it's still better than the first film. While Cyclops (James Marsden) is still getting shortchanged here, everyone else is given some major screen time, and gets a chance to shine, as opposed to X1 Rouge (Anna Paquin) is still in the mix--this time with Iceman (Sean Ashmore) and Pyro (Aaron Stanford both of whom were all but cut from the first film) in tow. Even though the entire team is split up at various times throughout the film, we get to see the heroes work together more--which to me also helps the film. At one point, the movie even allows for Magneto to become an ally, but not for long.

As with most sequels the action is notched up a bit. X2 is no exception There's plenty action and special effects. My favorite fight sequence though, is a confrontation between Wolverine and Deathstrike (Kelly Hu) As the clawed pair do battle--it's pretty cool Even as the daring do takes us away...Singer and the writers manage to slip in a message about accepting those who are different and a little more humor as well. X2 is longer than the previous adventure, but never seems to get bogged down, or lose its way. It breezes along at a good pace and sustains that pace throughout.

With solid action, nice interaction, humor and a twist here and there, X2 is a well rounded comic book film. It has something that will please X fans like me and newcomers alike

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: WOW!
Review: I am not a self-avowed comic-book junkie, but after having loved the original X-Men movie (2000) and being totally hooked by the trailers for the new film, I was first in line to see it opening day.

The underlying story for this movie is an extension of the first one, only we know most of the characters and don't spend nearly as much time on their back-stories this time around. The mutants are in trouble again, and as in the first movie, Xavier and Magneto go head-to-head as to whether the mutants should try and resolve their issues peacefully or via war with non-mutants.

The effects are AMAZING. This movie is almost non-stop action but also reveals more about Wolverine's past and furthers the development and screen time of more minor characters from the first film (like Iceman). There's also a new enemy, Deathstrike, who is AWESOME. The battle between Deathstrike and Wolverine is the best in the film.

Long story short, THIS MOVIE ROCKS! Great story with a great (but non-preachy) message about tolerance, great effects, and the 2 hours+ flies by. The first of the summer blockbusters is definitely here.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: steve
Review: This movie was a joke. Talk about silly. It was way overdone, and if I have to see one more mutant either passing through a wall, or crawling on the floor, I will puke. I'm sorry, I just found myself in a state of boredom, and felt that the only strong part in the film was Wolverine and his "attitude." Don't wste your time unless you are a real comic fan.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Superior sequel that lays groundwork for the next...
Review: I just got back from seeing this film and was pleasantly blown away! This film really concentrates on character building, but there is a great deal of action too! A few new X-men appear in the forms of Nightcrawler, a Christian who has made an ancient symbol on his body for every sin he has made; Skystrike, Wolverine's "twin" sister; Iceman, Rogue's new boyfriend who was in the first movie; Pyro, the fire-wielding, leaning towards the dark side youngster and several others who we don't actually meet, but I'm sure we'll learn more about them in the next segment.

It was funny how 2:23 passed so quickly. I will see it a couple more times in the theatre because you leave feeling VERY SATISFIED.

Way to go X2, you should be a summer smash!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The long awaited sequel was worth the wait!
Review: X2: the X-men United was excellent. It is definitely one of the best movies of 2003! The special effects were cool and it's really hard not to like this. This action packed sequel is one of the best sequels I've ever seen. It'll probably top the long list of sequels that are being released this year. The special effects were the most fascinating thing in this movie. There is also more character development. The story is great, the cast ensemble is perfect, and the special effects are visually stunning. The movie is inspiring, thought-provoking, funny. Most of the cast from the 2000 box-office hit returned. This includes the Oscar-winning actresses Anne Paquin (Rogue) and Halle Berry (Storm). Mystique is chubbier, Storm got a haircut, Famke Janssen got a trim, and Wolverine has a female version of him so yes, a lot has changed. Night crawler (Alan Cumming) is quite annoying but I like Kelly Hu. She makes a great female Wolverine! There are several memorable scenes in this sequel and the movie has all the charm that great movies need. The X-men movie franchise is in my opinion the best comic book to movie franchise ever. The movie gets quite crazy but it remains on the topic. It's the most expensive movie ever made in Canada! It's the most rambling superhero saga to date!

It has everything that an excellent movie needs. It has a story, a theme, cinematography, a good score, a great cast, and impressive special effects (something that big destruction movies really need). This time the movie is funnier and it's as fictional as a movie can get. It really concentrated on it's fantasy storyline.

The story revolves around the X-men, the good mutant group that consists of mutants, each born with a distinctive genetic mutation, which manifested itself astonishing powers. They live in a world that fears them but the X-men protect the people. They are Magneto's enemies. Magneto is the leader of the evil mutant group but is in a plastic prison at the moment. He escapes. In the meantime Wolverine travels across Canada in search of his whereabouts and meets a 'female' Wolverine (played by Kelly Hu) and this continues the tradition of the fascinating kung fu moves in the X-men movies (The Mystique-Wolverine fight in X-men marked the beginning of it). The X-men face their most dangerous mission yet. They have to combat against their enemies, Magneto's gang, that threatens people and mutants too.

Overall it's a thunderous, explosive, dazzling sensory overload that takes us into its world for over two hours but leaves us rather unchanged by the experience. Bryan Singer is such a good director that it makes you see why it's important to have a director who was once the comic-book's fan, direct the movie (same thing happened with Spiderman). The frustrations are without difficulty overshadowed by the fine look of the motion picture.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Ultimate X-Men Movie
Review: Just got back from a midnight showing, and I must say this exceeded all my expectations. The action was phenemonal. The acting was superb for what it is. Everything was flawless. There are two lines of dialogue I would change, and the ending was a massive teaser for the next film. I hope Singer is working on it already.

Reccommended even for those who didn't like the first one.

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