Rating:  Summary: Prelude to X3: The Dark Phoenix Saga? Review: My, oh my! I just watched this movie the second time in four days and boy, did it rock! Mmm ... let me count the number of times I cheered heartily during this movie (don't read if you don't want any spoilers):1. Nightcrawler teleporting in and out, to and fro, again and again, during his attack on the Oval Office! I couldn't have imagined that scene being done any better. In the wrong hands, a teleporting mutant would have looked about as convincing as Scotty beaming up Captain Kirk. 2. Dr. Hank McCoy! Despite hopes being crushed that the Beast will be a main character in X2, the lovable amazing blue furry mutant still managed to make a small cameo in his human guise as the good doctor. 3. Wolverine going into his berserker rage during Stryker's raid on the X-Mansion! NO ONE could have been a better Wolverine than Hugh Jackman, despite the fact that he is a foot taller than the Wolverine in the comics. 4. Colossus suiting up in his steel-armor! Whoa! I wish he had a bigger role in X2, but I'm sure there will always be X3. 5. Kitty Pryde passing through her bed and then through the bedroom floor! Siryn's earth-shattering scream! Still, X2 missed letting Jubilee (the Asian girl) do her stuff to defend the X-Mansion during the raid. In the comics, she was a gutsy and independent girl who would have done her best to confound the raiders. 6. Pyro going psycho! Way hot scene for the way cool hothead. 7. Storm finally gets to show who's the boss. Twisters galore! Halle Berry finally gets to sink her teeth into her role as the white-haired weather goddess. 8. Magneto and Mystique save the day! When was the last time you cheered for the VILLAINS? Ian McKellen is simply amazing as the flawed and vulnerable but nevertheless evil Magneto. 9. Jean Grey versus Cyclops! Wolverine versus Lady Deathstrike! Professor X versus mind-controlling evil mutant! Climatic battles worthy of Star Wars movies! 10. Final scenes possibly setting the pace for X3: The Dark Phoenix Saga! (X-Men neophytes might like to know that in the comics, Jean Grey eventually became the immensely powerful and destructive cosmic entity known as the Dark Phoenix - it took all of the X-men's might to stop her path of destruction across the galaxy. If Bryan Singer is planning to make his own version of the Dark Phoenix Saga, I'll be jumping up and down with joy.) Need I say more? Bryan Singer, bring on X3!!
Rating:  Summary: X2 amazes! Review: When sitting down to watch this movie, I was expecting more of the same as we saw in the original. What a surprise! The action's far better, the CGI is better, and we are kept guessing as to whether good will REALLY win over evil right up till the last five minutes of the movie. New characters are well-rounded, and the visual effects and filming are rich to look and marvel at. It would be worth the price of the ticket just to see the amazing acion in the first scene with Nightcrawler going against the President's Security Detail. Action and FX galore! A definite five out of five.
Rating:  Summary: More character-driven than first movie Review: My best friend often makes fun of my taste in movies; specifically, she doesn't understand why I enjoy films that are 'deliberately paced' (read: boring). Thing is, I've always been a fan of character-based, psychological dramas. And I liked this movie because it emphasized character while still supplying decent action. Now, this doesn't mean that I liked the movie as much as, say, 'The Piano Teacher', but I thought it was certainly better than the first installment (which was diverting, but somestimes just a series of gimmicky set-pieces). Wolverine and Jean Gray (my favourite character) get the most to work with and, not suprisingly, Hugh Jackman and Famke Janssen give the best performances (even though the latter is sometimes forced to utter dialogue that sounded like it was from the mouth of Deanna Troi). Rebecca Romijn-Stamos does much the same thing she did in the first movie, but her character now seems stronger and more resourceful. Ian McKellen doesn't have much to do, but he has a couple of good scenes and generally makes good use of his limited screen time. And Brian Cox does a good job with his role as the (somewhat generic) villain. However, those characters with relatively little to do on screen still register relatively poorly (as they did in the first movie). Halle Berry shows much more conviction than she did the first time out, but she can't quite save herself from some of the howlers she has to deliver. Alan Cumming makes a hell of an entrance as Nightcrawler, but his Teutonic Catholic schtick (and garish makeup) wear very thin very quickly. Anna Paquin still has to learn to pick an accent and stick with it. And poor Patrick Stewart, his character is basically neutralized; as a result, he just comes across as weak (and many of his lines are just too stupid for words). Ultimately, it's a good action movie for people who (like me) don't like action movies, though there are enough problematic elements to keep it from being a great one.
Rating:  Summary: Simple Plot but Nothing Simple about Effects and Acting Review: Wow! Having enjoyed X-Men thoroughly, I was pleasantly surprised to see that its sequel, X2, was actually better! Now, the only thing stopping me from a full 5 stars is the fact that the plot is simplistic and rehashed from similar movies. You know the type - bad guys (once good) were wronged by the good guys and now seeks ultimate revenge. Had the plot been more original, it would boost the score one notch. Then again, it's based on a comic book series so how deep can it really get? I feel no particular need to explain the story as it's been done thoroughly by other reviewers and I never like to divulge the story line or it spoils it for the rest. However, having said that, I was so impressed with the characterization, acting, and special effects. The latter was amongst the best I've viewed bar none, particularly for the genre. It totally makes up for the lack of originality in the plot. Do yourself a favor, whether you are a die-hard comic book fan or a person who tends to dislike sci-fi or action movies, this flick will not disappoint! See it on the big screen. After being awed, purchase the DVD when it comes out. I plan to do so!
Rating:  Summary: Best comic book movie EVER! (No Spoilers) Review: It's a rarity for a sequel to be as good as the original. It's even rarer for it to surpass its predecessor. And that's exactly what X2 does and then some. X2 is way better than X-Men (2000) in every regard. The plot, the direction, the acting, the characters and their depth, the 'cool' factor (way HIGH), and the FX are all superb. X2 is definitely the best and most ambitious comicbook based film ever. It would be virtually flawless if that was it. However, X2 also is one of the best Sci-Fi/action/thrillers. Returning director Bryan Singer has taken several character and not only made them unique in their special attributes but also in their motivations, their depth, and their personalities. Several new characters are introduced and the returning characters are given even more shining moments. As you can tell, I haven't described even the most cursory plot details and that's because I want every first time viewer to enjoy this movie like I did without having anything spoiled for me. All in all, X2 is now THE peak which future comicbook based films would have to reach. Rating: 10/10
Rating:  Summary: A strong sequel! Review: A few years ago the first X-men movie was released to theaters everywhere. I don't know what it was, the sharp posters that decorated the interior of the theater, the exciting trailer, my past obsession with the cartoon series, my friend's recommendation, or the rather attractive guy that plays Cyclops, but I needed to see it. I was not disappointed. The first X-men movie is exciting, with a stronger plot than you see in most action movies, and a talented cast. Because of this I really wanted to see the sequel, and I did not get was I was suspecting to see. What I saw was much more. All around the world a war is brewing, with humans and mutants on either side. This possible war is heightened when an attack is made on the President of the United States. His attacker is a mutant with the power to teleport and fight unlike anyone of the secret service has ever seen before. Everyone on the world knows about the attack including Professor Charles Xavier and the X-men. Meanwhile Logan, also known as the Wolverine, returns to Xavier's mansion after discovering that the one link to his cloudy past has been destroyed. As the X-men filter out of the mansion one by one a dangerous man named Stryker is planning an assault on the Institute, with few full-fledged mutants to defend the young students. All of a sudden the few remaining fighters, and a couple new ones too, are facing a race against time. Professor X has gone missing and if they can't reach him in time something terrible might happen. Now mutants, both good and evil, must unite to stop the force that threatens to wipe out their very existence. The characters are much better developed in this movie. Logan continues as more or less the main character with other characters like Storm, Iceman, and Pyro getting much more screen time. Unfortunately we see less of Rogue and Cyclops but that's necessary to keep the plot moving. Jean Grey goes through some startling transformation that's thrilling to watch. We're introduced to a new character that many fans of the comic and cartoon series will be happy to see, Nightcrawler, the mutant with the appearance of a demon but the heart of an angel. Stryker and Lady Deathstrike, who both have a strong link to Logan's mysterious past, make a strong appearance, making life a living hell for every mutant on earth in the process. Blink and you'll miss cameos from Shadowcat, Colossus, Beast (looking far less fury than we're used to), and Gambit. The special effects in this movie, believe it or not, far surpass the ones from the first. For example sometimes Nightcrawler teleports faster than your eyes can catch. Pyro's control of fire is stunning and Mystique's shapeshifting transformations are flawless. Once again, they set up at the end for an even better looking sequel that I just can't wait to see. I have a feeling that this is a movie I'll end up seeing again and again.
Rating:  Summary: WHAT A DISAPOINTMENT Review: ok i was excited about this film, i bought tickets early, got to the theature early. I was excited to see night crawler who was the best charecter in this lame movie. He is the reason i gave it a 2 becuase i used to use him as a character in an old xmen game for sega genesis. The reason i gave it a bad rating was becuase it was so boring. I sat their in my seat wishing for more action, but it never came, just constant talking. This had less action than star Trek Nemesis did. It was bad becuase there was no action, not alot of fighting scenes. In total, about 5-10min of fighting seens, the rest is either talking, arguing or flying their ship. I thought it would have more action then the first one, but i was wrong. This movie was truely boring and a waste of my money.
Rating:  Summary: X2 - X-Men United Review: The movie was a hit, even on the second day of its release, the Lowells Cineplex was completely packed, with 4 full theaters. The movie is quite similar to the first X-Men movie, but with one more added detail - Striker trying to destroy all the mutants on earth. The movie was impressive, and with some parts of humor. The movie should introduce Striker, and who he is, even if he was introduced in the first movie, people do forget. The movie was great, but there were parts that weren't as good. For instance - the clawed female (she was pure hearted, but was killed because of the fight with wolverine) & Jene's death, or at least thats what the characters pointed out, if you noticed at the ending, when the Professor looks out from his window to the ocean, he says that things will be good after-all, I'm guessing that Jene is still alive. Even though X2 was 2 hours and 30 minutes, its worth the watch.
Rating:  Summary: Surpasses the first Review: It is not very often that the sequel surpasses the first. However on rare occasions it does happen (Terminator 2 and Aliens). X2 is one of those extremely rare times in movie history. The story behind X2 starts off with Wolverine returning to the mansion shortly after an assination attempt is made towards the president. The would be assassin is new mutant Nightcrawler. From that point WIlliam Stryker (Brian Cox) convinces the President to allow him to send a strike team to the X-men Mansion. As it turns out Wolverine is babysitting that night. After a kick ... battle sequence (where we see such mutants as Siren, Kitty, and Collosus, and Iceman go into action) every one in the school eventually escapes. What is not realized is that stryker has captured Cyclops and Proffesor X (Patrick Stewart) and is going to use him (PRofessor X)to destroy all mutants on the planet. The X-Men must then team up with Mystique and MAgnetto to stop him. Stryker however has back up as he has Cyclops under a deep mind control sedative and has a deadly assasin, Lady Deathstrike, by his side. In the end there is a lot of action and deep emotion as the story has the underline telling of civil rights and equality while packing magnificent special effects and incredible action. Everyone who was in the first (outside of Sabertooth and Toad) has returned for the sequel. The stor is very well done and the action is non stop. In the end it left implications for a third movie with hints of the Phoenix saga as well as the Sentinals. This has by far surpassed the first and I am sure many fans will agree. My only complaint is that the character of Cyclops is still under utilized. He is still a supproting character and not the leader as he is in the comics. However he is more 3 dimensional this time with some emotion to him. In the third film (if it is made) there will probably much more with him in the story than before. This is a must see movie and when the DVD hits, you can bet I will own this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Not your ordinary day at Xavier's... Review: This movie is a great present to all X-fans. As it opens a demonic looking, teleporting mutant launches an outrageous attack on the White House - almost getting to the President before he is stopped and disappears. Eventually getting a bead on the mutant with Cerebro, Xavier sends Jean Grey and Storm to investigate, while he and Cyclops pay a visit to the incarcerated Magneto and Wolverine looks after the students at the Institute. Certainly things don't go as expected for Jean and Storm, who find the would-be assassin in an abandoned church. He not only makes no move to attack, but seems genuinely distraught and has no idea why he did what he did - a relief to all X fans because this is, as they've already known at first sight, the unmistakable Kurt Wagner a.k.a. Nightcrawler - a gentle soul who would never intentionally hurt anyone. Things go less well for Logan and the students, who face a retaliation for the assassination attempt, leaving some captured and the few escapees on the run. As the movie goes on we learn the connection between Kurt's initial behavior, Wolverine's amnesia-clouded past, the attack on Xavier's and the fact that the Professor and Cyclops have not called back since they left... The movie is definitely geared towards fans, and I have to admit here that people not familiar with the X-Men's history may be a little lost. The comic is now over 30 years old with many characters, and alot of emotion and events between them. It's impossible to do full justice to them all in a movie - it would take a full-fledged limited series to do that. So you probably won't get the whole effect if, for just one example, you don't know why the people behind you are chuckling when Kurt meets Magneto's cohort Mystique for the first time. Knowing at least a thumbnail sketch would enhance the experience. For fans, though, it's a feast - with a compelling storyline and characters we've known for years, even decades. The special effects are great, and you'll clap like a kid as our heroes use their powers to protect and defend both mutant and humankind. There are also some neat little cameos by some familar, though here unnamed, mutants (the best probably being Colossus). The movie also ends with a strong hint as to the probable subject of X3 that will leave you squirming in glee. Definetely recommended to anyone who has ever read the comic.