Rating:  Summary: Even better than the 1st! Review: While I didn't realy enjoy the 1st one, I liked it enough to see the sequel and let me tell you, it rocks. This is a MAJOR improvement from the previous. Better acting, better plot & story, better special effects and much better than the first. While this movie does get cheezy in parts (Like how each charcter knows jujitsu in one moment, but are completely helpless in another less threatening situation, and the fact that the powers they possess could not be the product of mutations, but w/out makebelive this wouldn't be fun). Yes it's theory's are incorrect and yes the characters break all the las of physics and [copy] the jedi and the matrix but who cares it is still an enjoyable film. If I helped you by making you wanna see it, click yes, if I convinced you not to see it click yes. Either way I've seen it and my recommendation is SEE IT NOW!
Rating:  Summary: Blockbuster sequel makes your skin crawl with exctiement! Review: Wow! X-Men 2 did not lose any momentum from X-Men 1! If you haven't seen this movie yet, run, don't walk to your nearest theater and get in line! This movies continues the plot of Wolverine searching for clues to his past, which ties in directly to the bad guy of the month, Colonel Stryker, a human who is out to kill all the mutant aborrations.The plot of Stryker is based on a comic book by Chris Claremont entitled, "God Loves, Man Kills" (buy it...), where a religious fanatic (Stryker) gets a "call by God" to kill all mutants, and has a paramilitary organization funded by his religious ministry to do such that. In the movie, he doesn't have religious ties, but rather he has a personal crusade because of... well I won't tell you! Apart from headliners Prof. Xavier, Cyclops, Jean Grey, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Storm, Ice Man, Rogue and Pyro, along with baddies Magneto and Mystique, there are mutant guest appareances in this movie include: Dr. Hank McCoy, Jubliee, Shadowcat, Colossus, Syrin, Mastermind (sort of), and Lady Deathstrike (sort of). The credits list "Remy Lebau / Gambit" as well, but I didn't spot him. I'm wondering if Stan Lee found himself a cameo, too, like he had in the first X-Men movie and the Daredevil movie, but I didn't catch it if it was in there. Of course, what's an X-Men movie with Magneto? The title and trailer both betray the plot fact that the forces who were in opposition in "X1" are working together in this one against their common foe, Stryker. But after the movie's over, where does it leave these two temporarily-allied camps? Well I guess we'll find out in X3, which mmmmust be made since it's terribly obvious in X2 that there is so much more story begging to be told (and wrapped up.) Seeing these merry mutants on the big screen gave me goosebumps. As a long time (17 years!) reader of the X-Men comic books, it is very satisfying to see them bigger than life in a very well-made movie with top-notch special effects, acting, and most impotantly, a seamless plot! If you love a good sci-fi action movie, or if you enjoyed the first X-Men movie, you should see this one while it is still on the big screen!
Rating:  Summary: "X2" is way, way better and has more action than the first!! Review: I saw director Bryan Singer's ("The Usual Suspects", "X-Men") highly anticipated "X-Men" sequel "X2" at the theater twice and I just couldn't get enough of it! "X2" has more ground-pounding action and suspense, dynamic fighting scenes, more laugh-out-loud humor, and more awesome special effects than what the first "X-Men" film gave you back in 2000! Director Singer did a tremendous job in making this sequel and I see no reason why they should ever replace him in case there is a script for "X3"! The all-star cast from the first film, including Patrick Stewart (TV's "Star Trek: The Next Generation"), Hugh Jackman ("Swordfish"), Ian McKellen ("The Lord of the Rings" trilogy), Oscar winner Halle Berry (007: "Die Another Day"), Famke Janssen (007: "Goldeneye"), James Marsden ("Disturbing Behavior"), Anna Paquin ("Finding Forrester"), Rebecca Romijn-Stamos ("Femme Fatale"), and a brief appearance by Bruce Davison ("X-Men"), gave flawless performances all the way, which makes "X2" the best film in their careers! Joining the original cast are Alan Cumming ("Spy Kids"), Brian Cox ("The Ring"), Kelly Hu ("The Scorpion King"), Shawn Ashmore (seen briefly in "X-Men"), and Aaron Stanford ("Tadpole"), in which they too did an outstanding job with their performances. "X2", in a nutshell, focuses on Professor Charles Xavier (Stewart) and his team of X-Men: Storm (Berry), Cyclops (Marsden), Jean Grey (Janssen), Rogue (Paquin), and last, definitely not least, Wolverine (Jackman), as they and their enemies Magneto (McKellen) and Mystique (Romijn-Stamos) team up against a common enemy. The common enemy: General William Stryker (Cox), a renegade military leader with only one purpose in mind: mutant genocide by way of the Anti-Mutant Registration Act. During the film, "X2" also introduces us to some new characters, including Nightcrawler (Cumming), a.k.a. Kurt Wagner (pronounced "Vagner"), who has the ability to teleport through walls and other objects in no time flat, Iceman (Ashmore), a.k.a. Bobby Drake, who has the ability to freeze anyone or anything he touches, Pyro (Stanford), a.k.a. John, who has the ability to manipulate fire, and Deathstrike (Hu), a.k.a. Yuriko Oyama, who has the same amount of abilities as Wolverine has, but different. And you'll see what I mean when she and Wolverine go head-to-head against each other! The film also talks about Wolverine trying to piece together some answers about his shadowy past that made him what he is right now. And, as with any comic-based film adaptation, there will definitely be some surprises along the way! In conclusion, "X2", without a doubt, will easily be one of the best summer films ever made (although "X2" will be in competition with "The Matrix: Reloaded", "The Hulk", and "Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines"), not to mention that it will be one of the best films of 2003! With powerful storytelling, top-notch performances, suspense that will keep you on the edge of your seat, and special effects that will blow you away, "X2" will be among one of those films that reminds us as to why we go to the movies in the first place! "X2" is a film that you'll want to watch over and over again, and you'll see why when it is released on DVD! And all I have to say is...bring on "X3"!
Rating:  Summary: A movie with strong special effects and a weak plot Review: The special effects of this film are incredible. They are comparable to Star Wars films. However, the plot is weak. If plot is what draws you into a movie, as it does for me, then this movie will fail, and you will find much of it boring, as I did. Unlike Spiderman, which builds its great effects into an engaging plot, X2 works the other way around. And it shouldn't have. If you didn't like Black Hawk Down or some of the Star Wars films, you won't like this movie.
Rating:  Summary: X Marks the Spot. Review: I don't know why, but it seems that in movies, the second part of a trilogy is usually better than the first (INDIANA JONES AND THE TEMPLE OF DOOM withstanding). X-MEN gave a nice introduction to some of the basic characters and set the stage for what was to come later. X2 begins not long after X-MEN ended. Wolverine is searching for his past; Rogue and Iceman have started a relationship; Magneto is still in prison; and so on and so forth. The film steadily builds leading from one critical moment to the next, until we finally reach the film's climax at a Canadian dam. X2 is a far superior film than X-MEN. The first movie was basically a live action cartoon, moved by action rather than character. X2 is the opposite, it is an action film, but one with substance, moved forward by character and motive rather than action and special effects. Watching the film, I felt as though I was watching a modern Shakespearean play set against the backdrop of a comic book. There aren't very many action films that can do that. This is a movie that all people will enjoy, whether they know anything about the X-Men or not.
Rating:  Summary: Blew me away Review: They did a fantastic job on X2. The action was much better than the first movie and the story was origional. The only thing I didn't like about it was it turned into one of those "end of the world" movies. It's a very old and tired scheme. Other than that I'd say anyone who has any interest in X-Men would love the movie.
Rating:  Summary: X-MEN 2 IS THE KING OF COMIC MOVIES Review: there is so much to tlak about x2 that i could fill this whole space. the action is a lot higher in this movie and the story fits so well that this movie garners multiple viewings. in x-men 1 bryan singer had to introduce all the characters and their powers to all fo the x-men neophytes, which is understandable. but he wastes no time on introduction in this movie. in my opinion the opening scene with nightcrawler is the best sequence in the movie. singer has shown nightcrawler in a way that could not be done in the pages of comic books. watching nightcrawler teleport so fast and efficiently is simply breathtaking. the action does not stop there either, singer jumps right into the assault on xavier's school. at this point you get to see wolverine finally cut loose... plus singer gives you a buffet of characters from the books. colossus powereing up and turning into steel is very cool, siryn is also cool when she cuts loose with her voice, there are just so many to go over. iceman is one of my favorite characters from the comics as well as in the movies, he just hits all the right notes for me. i love when he creates his ice wall. in the next movie they should show iceman completely ice his body like in the comics, it would be too cool. jean and storm go off to find nightcrawler, and he breaks your heart. it is sad to see someone so pure and likeable taken advantage of and made to do evil by people such as william stryker. however by the end of the movie you love him with all his heart because he is such a good person with a soul made out of pure gold. i have not forgotten about magneto either, unfortunately he is taken advantage by stryker also but i love the way he breaks out of prison, he may be bad but he is bad in all the right ways. mystique rocks also, she is so cool it is beyond words. especially as she flips off the guards at the dam while slithering behind the door. also take a look at the computer screen when she looks at stryker's files, you will see many names of x-characters fro the comics, the on i saw most clearly was jamie maddox, the multiple man. also keep a look out fro mystique as rebeccas romijn stamos in the bar with the security guard, on the tv in the bar you see a human henry mccoy a.k.a the beast. the scene at bobby drake's house is also entertaining and educational. the comics have always made the point of how different people are treated simply for their differences. when his mother asks him if he has tried not being a mutant, it is reminicent of the same question homosexuals encounter when asked have you tried not to be gay. his brother proceeds to call the police, in an display of stupidity whene someone panics when confronted with something they do not understand. pyro really gets to show off here as well as rogue. when pyro cuts loose and almost kills people rogue saves the day by absorbing pyros power to control flame and put the fires out. in the x-jet all the x-men almost die except storm unleashes a plethora of tornadoes to shake the plains in pursuit of the x-men. jean also steps in the try and disarm the missiles, and almost accomplishes this feet, but they are forced to be saved by magneto, ironically. although magneto helps the xmen he also has alternative plans, like any smart bad guy. the fight b/w wolverine and deathstryke is a highlight of the movie, its kinda nice to see wolverine get[s] whooped a little bit. at the end it is awesome to see jean really use her power to its fullest extent in order to save the day. singer also gives you a clue as to his plans for a third movie, all i can say is the phoenix. there is humor through out the movie also. the humor is very subtle but is timed perfectly. my favorite funny part was when magneto and mystique are snickering like school girls at rogue and then tell her that they love what she did to her hair. people who are ian mckellen fans will pick up on the truly ironic funniness of the statement. but rogue is hilarious when she is ready to fight both of them right then and then there and takes her gloves off. x2 has all the right elements of a great summer blockbuster. it has action, humor, depth, sincerity, and [great] charcters and story. go see this movie 800 times and enjoy yourself the whole time every time you see it. i dont see how anyone could be disappointed by this film, my prediction is it will be the best movie of the summer, but note i have not seen the matrix reloaded yet so after i see that, i will be able to judge which will be the best. see ya at the theater.
Rating:  Summary: X2= Twice The Action, Twice The Fun! Review: X2 starts out with the character of Nightcrawler (a big comic fave) breaking into the White House. From there, it goes on to show Wolverine's return and the movie begins. While I thought X-Men was a wonderful movie, albeit a bit stifled due to the need to explain characters, I do believe that X2: X-Men United is twice as good. I nearly jumped out of my seat so many times due to the wonderful actions sequences and suspenseful parts that I lost count! A major new addition (other than Nightcrawler) is the enhancement of Iceman and Pyro. You can obviously tell that Iceman cares deeply for Rogue, and that Pyro feels like an outcast. Now, I dont' want to give away the ending, but a painful sacrifice will show you just how much you have come to care about the characters, and how good a movie this is. X3, here I come!
Rating:  Summary: WARNING: SPOILERS! Review: I liked it a lot. It was better than the first one (which I loved) and it fulfilled all my comic book fanboy desires and dreams. When I saw the first X-Men movie, I told Shell that "I've been waiting my whole life for this movie" and that was true. I read my first X-Men comic in 1972. I bought the first "New X-Men" comic (#94) the day it came out... who knew someday the X-Men would be on the big screen. I don't really read funny books much anymore, but there is a place in my heart for these characters. Cameos, cameos, cameos 1) Collosus. I was happy to see the big russian make an appearance (short as it was) and hope this means that we'll see more of him in the next flick. My only complaint with the entire movie is that we didn't see more of Peter and the refugees that escaped the raid on the school. 2) Siryn. She was a blip on the radar (though a memorable one), but I was happy to see her... seeing Banshee would have been better, bet you take what you can get and what we got was great. 3) Shadowcat/Kitty Pride. Nice to see her back, if only to dash through a few walls. 4) Beast. Missed him? He was the guy on TV while the security guard was in the bar. I hope this means we'll see him in the next flick (even sans the blue fur). 5) Gambit. I hate gambit... LOATHE him... But it was a nice nod. For those who missed it, Remy LeBeau's name appeared in the database that Mystique was going through in Stryker's base. Mixed and Matched to good effect 1) William Stryker. I've always loved Brian Cox... he's good in everything. But who is Stryker? Stryker (to me) seemed to be the combination of a few characters. (a) Stryker, leader of the Marauders (which his group emulated in the film), (b)Dr. Bolivar Trask. Trask was a mutant hunter that created the sentinels (and had a mutant son) and (c)The head of the Weapon X project (name escapes me) that created Wolverine. 2) Jason Stryker/The Illusionist. This was a nice twist and sort of a nod to two of my favorite old school characters. (a)Larry Trask (son of Bolivar Trask) and (b)Jason Wyngarde/Mastermind. Mastermind was one of Magneto's original brotherhood and was an AMAZING Illusionist... and was ugly as a stump.... Performances 1) The original cast was great... no exceptions. The movie felt less like "Wolverine and his Amazing Friends" and more like the X-men. Everyone was perfect. 2) Storm. Halle Berry seems to have finally warmed to the role and seemed a great deal more natural... I really enjoyed her performance. 3) Mystique. Rebecca Romjin Stamos wasn't given much to work with in the first movie (probably because she is not first and foremost an actress), but this time out she was great. She is a very visual storyteller and her face and body convied a lot more this time around and her lines were delivered well. 4) Nightcrawler. Wow... I love Alan Cumming. I hoped... but ... Wow... he stole the film. 5) Wolverine. Hugh Jackman rules... he was funny, tough and very beliveable as the berserker. 6) Magneto. Is it just me or is Ian McKellan a GOD? That is an amazing gift you have there Pyro. You are a God among insects, never forget that. 7) I could go on and on... The Look... it's all about the look 1) Costuming and sets were fabulous (how cold must Rebecca Stamos have been in that snow scene?) 2) It was nice that they picked up where the last movie left off... it gave a nice sense of completion. That's my two cents. If you read this and haven't seen the movie, shame on you... you've ruined a great flick for yourself
Rating:  Summary: Wow, just wow! Review: I was absolutely blown away by this movie. And that's an understatement. If you've read many of my reviews, you'd know how rare it is for me to give any movie five stars. I save them for films that really do something to me, and that usually means heavy dramas like "The Pianist" or revolutionary films like "Requiem for a Dream" or "Moulin Rouge." No way did I expect "X2" to wear the same crown. Sure I had seen the first film, and been moderately happy with it flaws and all. When I heard a big positive buzz on this one though, I became excited. Much better then the first? Cool. And that's the frame of mind I went in to see it with, thinking it would be a significantly better film then the one I gave three stars to; say maybe a four star movie. This, my friends, is now my favorite comic book movie. Sorry original Batman and Superman films, sorry Spiderman. You used to be my top picks, but "X2" came along. Go figure it'd be a sequel. "X2" does everything right the first one did wrong. Many amazing action scenes, each one better then the best moments in the original. Stronger characterizations and relationship building. A much stronger plot that is more involving, urgent and dire. And an ending that impacts you with a crater-sized hole. It's true that it borrows a lot from other great sci-fi films. The ending is, in fact, a quite obvious lift from another well known franchise. But I found I didn't care. That's because director Bryan Singer and his crew did the job right and created equally strong versions of prior-used themes and scenes... But my favorite moments all stem from the characterization incorporated into the film (such as a scene with Wolverine and various students at the school on what seems to be a normal night), and the flushing out of its theme of prejudice. "X2" takes the first film's analogy comparing humans afraid of X-men to real world homophobia to a new level. Military renegade Will Striker (Brian Cox) has been determined to "heal" mutants to make them regular human, similar to real groups that try to convert homosexuals to be straight. The ability comic books and their films have (along with other sci-fi tales) to deal with current issues in an analogy is a fantastic way to deal with subjects, and "X2" doesn't come close to dropping the ball. Oh, and there are just so many memorable moments in "X2." Every few minutes in the film, I saw something I tried to remember, only to forget it shortly after by another great scene. Look for them, but you'll probably have to see it again just to remember them all. This movie does have some minor flaws, but really they're just nit-picks. "X2" doesn't really allow you to dwell on them though, because the next genius scene will wipe any memory of them away. Check this one out. Definitely my favorite superhero film of all time!