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X2 - X-Men United (Full Screen Edition)

X2 - X-Men United (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $29.98
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great!
Review: I thought this movie was great (even having not seeing the first one before because of having some sort of prejudice against it)! Though it seemed to me to start out a bit corney, the rest was great. The action and little numerous love triangle side storylines as in the comic/original cartoon when I saw when I was a kid gave me great memories. I was a little disappointed though at the fact that they follow the new television show "Evolution" a bit more than the original cartoon/comic. What I'm really trying to say is that I miss the Beast, Jubilee and Gambit (especially him!)... I see there was reason to leave out Gambit for he doesnt really have much of a power with exploding cards and all but still, there might have been room. Hopefully they will be encorporated into other sequels (which I'm guessing they'll be more of). Still, it was a good movie and I highly recommend it... One reason being the hook at the end of the movie where they give you a hint of a bird flying through water... I believe that they might bring in the Phoenix as in the cartoon in the next film, hopefully my predictions are correct as I would find that very amusing! Overall, as I've mentioned many times before, this was a very enjoyable and nostalgic film; I hope you comic fans out there go see it because its well worth the nine dollars!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: More Action, Better Storyline, more characters!
Review: This movie is a winner in my book. It starts off with a mutant that was not in the first movie. Nightcrawler is a mutant who can teleport. He looks like a demon in the movie with his pointed ears and pointed tail, but we find in the movie that he is a deeply religious character. The scenes with Nightcrawler I think are the best, because of all the action, and the special effects are amazing. You also with get introduced to more mutants that were not in the first one including Pyro, who can manipulate fire. You got Lady Deathstrike who has metal claws that come out of the tips of her fingers. There is no Gambit in this movie.

The most suprising thing in the movie was the attack on the mutant school run by Professor Xavier. You get to see some mutants in small roles, including a girl who can walk through walls, and fall through the floors, there is a kid who can change the tv station by blinking, a girl who screams so loud it breaks glass, and shakes the ground, and a boy that is about to get shot who suddenly has metal covering his entire body.

The title of the movie tells you a lot "X-Men United". In this movie Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Cyclops, Storm, Jean Grey, Iceman, Rogue, and Pyro join forces with Magneto and Mystique, to take back the Cerebro technology that was stolen from the mutant school.

I recommend this movie to anyone. It is better than the first. It has more actions, more mutants, and a better plot than the original.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: *Bamf*
Review: It will no doubt be repeated a million times: X-2 is superior to the first X-Men. And it's true. And for a simple reason: X-2 assumes you've seen the first film, so it doesn't bother with all those cumbersome "origin" subplots. Unfortunately, X-2 has its own share of subplots and new characters, thus forcing the filmmakers to spend so much time covering everything, they have little time to focus on anything. Very little in this film get's the screen time it needs or deserves. As a result, the films emotional resonance is weak. This point is highlighted by the utter lack of chemistry between Cyclops and Jean Grey. However, [director] Singer stages some terrific set pieces and seems more confident with the material -- overall, the production values seem far better realized in this film than they were in the first. The acting is generally a hit, with pockmarked Brian Cox, playing a former US military scientist commander, turning in the most memorable performance.

Ironically, the one real strength of the X-Men films is that it stays clear of the ridiculously convoluted comic books: you won't find silly alien races and cosmic themes here. Yet, the plot continues along the X-Men's beloved theme of "tolerance" and "discrimination": the "heroic" mutants are fighting against the mass destruction of all mutants on earth. This is the plan of William Stryker (Cox), a military scientist who has studied mutants for decades. Because he's a comic book villain, Stryker has an intensely personal motivation for his rage: his own son, Jason (Michael Reid MacKay), is a mutant. But of course. Although the mutants are feared by many, the analogy with racial "minorities" is false: the mutants are clearly superior -- and highly dangerous. In reality, far away from the Hollywood fantasy land, non-mutants sharing the world with mutants would be like mice sharing the world with cats. Like it or not. In the end, X-2 does provide enough solid entertainment to please most geeks (of all ages).

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: X2: The Review
Review: I can't say I disliked X2. It's true that action movies are not quite my favorite, but it was a comic, so I wanted to see it. I went to see the first one in the movie theaters too, but I can't seem to remember anything about it, so this movie was sort of a brand new story to me. There's quite a bit of fighting in it. Xavier gets taken prisoner, which stinks. Wolverine is still pretty gnarly, but Jean Gray stays with Cyclops, who I hate. Cyclops is a stupid pretty-boy jerk. All in all, it's an okay movie. It just didn't overwhelm me with the feeling of being impressed.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Better than the first
Review: First of all I am not a Marvel comics reader and never had any idea of X Men. I went to see the original because the plot intrigued me and because Hugh Jackman (Wolverine) was in it. I did like the first film, but I have to tell you that X2 SURPASSES the first film in action and story and character development. Everybody can tell you about the plot. What I can tell you is that it is a fantastic film that flew by in a matter of what seemed like minutes (even tho it is over 2 hours long). I will see it again that's for sure. DON'T WAIT GO SEE IT NOW!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Comic Book Movies Come of Age
Review: The first 'X-Men' wasn't so much good as it was anticipated. Fans wanted this movie, and while it wasn't exactly what they wanted they were grateful and held out hope for more and better sequels and spinoffs.

'X-Men 2: X-Men United' doesn't disappoint. Brian Singer knew what worked and what didn't in the first film and made sure this one had the kinks worked out. Almost all the characters have enough screentime to get thier personalities across. Surprisingly, the character "Nightcrawler" comes off as both more capable and more sympathetic than his four-color counterpart.

Ian McKellen once again gives an outstanding performance, managing at times to overshadow every other actor on screen with him... even Patrick Stewart, which is saying something. Stewart manages to have his own spotlioght moment however at the end, showing that even the most peaceful mutant can be pushed only so far.

Knowing the books, I have a pretty good idea what the ending means in terms of what the next film will cover; I hope Singer & Co. are up to the challange.
Someone mentioned spin-offs of the characters and other teams might be forthcoming. While I would welcome them, I'm still smarting from the 'New Mutants' nonsense on FOX (yes, I hate what FOX does to talent. Sue me). So we'll see...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Meatier, More Urgent than the First
Review: I loved the first X-Men, mostly for its intriging story, fine acting and cool special effects. Multiply all those by two and you get the result: X2. The characters are more developed, the action tighter and more gripping and the story more compelling. This is a truly statisfying thriller. The best performance in the movie is a tie: I would have to give that honor to Hugh Jackman again for his evolution as Wolverine, Brian Cox as the sinister, mutant-hating Col. Stryker, Ian McKellan for the wicked Magneto and surprisingly Alan Cumming as the religious Nightcrawler. The movie starts off with a bang as Nightcrawler attempts to assinate the President in a headspinning opening sequence. The film moves from there, held together by the stern and tight direction of Bryan Singer and a meatier script where original writer David Hayter gets aid from two other wirters, who help develop the characters more and give the movie a healthy dose of humor. The climax is an extended sequence at Alkalai Lake, where special effects and an atmosphere of impending doom take over leaving you leveled from it. Unless you have been living under a rock for the past month, you know X2 has been coming, and it was well worth the hype. An action movie with a brain, X2 will leave in awe.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: i haven't seen it but i've herd very great things
Review: i've havn't seen this movie but i know a lot of people who have and it looks so good and i've herd it was good. "X-MEN" was great and that last sentence at the end made u know that their is a second one and the sentence at the end makes u want 2 see this one. I can't wate 2 see it!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Better Than the first!!!
Review: If you didn't like the first you will like the second, if you did like the first you will like the second... it's that simple! The first X-Men prepared you for the second which directly means more action in X-Men 2. There is not much to say about X-Men since most people do understand the plot but i am here to give you a little more info about this film. X-Men United has a great cast of new characters but the only downfall is that you don't get to see them do as much as in the first since there are more characters, especially Nightcrawler which is a new character in the film. You get to see him do a few cool stunts but frankly he doesn't do as much as i expected. You get to understand a little more about Wolverines past and "YES" he has a lot more action scenes than he did in the first. Simply all the characters that didn't get to steal the spotlight in the first film ,for instamce Magneto, get to show off this film. So enjoy the movie and definitly add this to your DVD collection when it's released around Oct.!!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Review: Gosh it's all about him from the first movie and now this one. Don't get me wrong or anything he's great and the X-Men wouldn't be the same without him but... this isn't a weekly series and waiting for like the next 3 years just to see more of our most favorite X-men characters is just fustrating. Let's have Rogue and Jubilee explore and develope their powers a little more shall we!?

Other then the little issue X2 is bigger, badder, and better than the first one!


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