Rating:  Summary: The best movie on earth! Review: Aliens was the best one out of all four, I think. Segourney weaver was awesome in it, then again she was in all of them. Aliens was really cool because everyone was panicing which gave the film more suspense to it. I own 1-3 of the Alien movies, but I love Aliens! The facehugger scenes were great in it expecially. Overall, I loved it.
Rating:  Summary: Aliens: The only worthy sequel Review: Aliens is an effective action/horror movie unlike its' slower paced, suspenseful predecesor Alien. It succeeds brilliantly at being just that. The only reason I can't give it five stars is because it owes 80% of its' creative content to the original movie; the premise, creature and set designs. In terms of effects it surpasses the original in many ways. On a technical level Aliens is a breathtaking spectacle to behold. The performances are strong, especially Sigourney Weaver's portrayal of her now more developed character Ripley. Aliens is a very entertaining and exiting film that does true justice to the original. As for the rest in the series....I prefer to believe the story ends here.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best sci-fi thrillers of all time! Review: When I was 12 I refused to watch this movie with my mom and brother - I sat in my room and was probably just as scared and tense as if I had actually watched it! All I could hear was screaming, then silence, then more screaming, then some shouting and gunfire, then more screaming. But let me tell you, when I finally saw it, I wanted to kick myself for wasting so much time! First, I felt that the dialogue was real and genuine - when I watch a movie I have to feel that what the characters are saying could be said in the real world, even if the subject matter itself is other-worldly. The interactions between the characters, their dialogue, even their expressions are all beautifully written and acted. Don't get me wrong - the marines still talk like marines, but nothing is contrived. You also can not ignore the amazing effects in the movie! Giger's designs (he created the alien body prototype in the first movie) are just as breathtaking, frightening, and surreal in this sequel as they were in the original, and the alien queen is a masterpiece! The setting is also well done - the landscape of LV-426 (the planet that Ripley and the team of marines go to investigate) is haunting and dark, giving it a real feeling of alienness. Finally, who can forget Ripley (played with balls, grit, and a dash of motherly instinct by Sigourney Weaver)? She is, to my mind the strongest female character in this genre to date, and yet she does retain a measure of femininity. The relationship she forms with Newt, the young girl and lone survivor on LV-426, seems to be surrogate to the relationship she lost with the death of her own daughter, who died during Ripley's 57 year hypersleep. Also, Ripleys romantic bond with Hicks (one of the Marines) is there, but is done in a nice subtle way that doesnt ditract from the sci-fi action. Having the extra 18 or so minutes was a wonderful thing for me, having seen both the TV and regular video versions MANY times. There is more background into the colony on LV-426 and how they were initially exposed to the alien threat, and there are scenes that were previously in only the TV and/or regular video version. One more thing - this movie is chock full of action, exploding alien exoskeletons, gore, fire-fights, slimy alien pods, rough marine language, cool weaponry, and great one liners. This is not a movie that you should forgoe! See it, for me, for yourself, for posterity...then pass the word on to the next poor fool whose been living in a cave for the past 15 years.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best ever...period. Review: Perhaps I should warn you right off that this review is probably biased being that this movie is sitting atop of my favorite movies of all time list. If you have never seen this movie before, you better clip your nails. As other reviewers have said before, this movie is completely different from the original in its format. This is one hard-hitting, fast-paced, throttle-your-throat type of movie. There aren't very many pauses in the movie that allow you to breathe once the feverish action begins. It's a little known fact that this movie was actually nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars, it didn't win, of course. Sigourney Weaver was nominated for her role in this film, which isn't surprising since it was a powerhouse of a performance. The film's endless unpredictability keeps you on your toes, the frantic race for survival is enough to keep your heart pumping as though you were on a treadmill. There's special effects too (in which case DID win the Oscar for that category) which are simply stunning for its time. Then there's James Cameron. A notorious perfectionist, he has remarkably turned the aliens into a frightening revelation, and let's not forget to credit the design of those horrendous creatures to H.R. Giger. One of the themes of this movie that some people probably overlook is that of feminism. Cameron (think about his movies) is a die-hard feminist, and in this movie, he lets his thoughts be well-known with Weaver and the big bad momma that everybody on the block runs away from. This movie, at its core, is really a fight between mothers, protecting her child(ren). Their maternal instincts kick in and inevitably heads towards a catalysmic fight. At the end, one realizes it's not so much a fight of good vs. evil, but a matter of survival and protecting the offspring. The marines, the planet, weapons, etc., are merely backdrops to this confrontation. I have to say, though, being a guy and all, I loved watching the marines, their camaraderie, tough-guy attitude, especially Hudson right before he goes down, that alone is a treat to watch! It's amazing that Cameron infuses such a powerful theme (never mess with mama) and yet is able to create such a enjoyable masterpiece that I never get tired of watching. I've only seen the special edition on DVD a couple of times (it was the first DVD I bought...of course) but I immediately liked what I saw. This is one entertaining DVD packed with features and a very nifty interface. Get this flick...even if you're not a big fan of sci-fi or Weaver, you'd definitely would appreciate this movie and see why it was nominated for a few Oscars.
Rating:  Summary: I wish it were both. Review: Aliens is one of my favorite films, and if all you've ever seen is the theatrical cut, odds are you'll be just as wowed by the special edition, if not more so. This is a solid DVD with good features and extras. My lament over this DVD, is that it is the only version of Aliens to be had on DVD. The original theatrical cut does not exist. This is a disappointing trend by some film-maker to, as it seems to me, eliminate any versions of the film besides their re-edited director's cut. Part of my enjoyment in watching a DVD comes from remembering the film I saw in the theaters... and want to see again. Even though I like the special edition, and want to see the film the way the director intended, I also want to be able to see the same film that I've already seen and want to enjoy again. Ideally, these films should be released as two-sided DVDs (or on two discs) with the director's cut on one side and the theatrical release on the other. Failing that, and knowing how important money is to the movie industry, release two separate DVDs - one with each version. I WILL buy them both and line your pockets with even MORE money. Sadly, I do not have this option here. Like "Blade Runner," even though I prefer the director's cut, I would still like to have the choice to watch the version I would rather see. With Aliens, you don't have that freedom.
Rating:  Summary: The best and the Last Good movie done is Aliens Review: The Three good things I can say about this movie is;1. James Cameron put a lot of action and humanity into the film. The mother/daughter relationship between Ripley and Newt (Sigourney Weaver and Carrie Hein) is well acted and played out.2. This is a straight-forward action adventure with great effects 3. The story in it's own way comes full circle and ends. You might as well view the next two films as having taken place in an alternate universe. The restored footage clarifys and makes the movie better continunity wise.
Rating:  Summary: The Special Edition is even better Review: I always thought "Aliens" was an excellent movie, a great combination of action and sci-fi. But when I saw the special edition on DVD I actually felt that the special edition surpasses the original version of the film. The edited footage that has been put back in the film really adds to the depths and dimensions of the characters, not to mention giving the audience even more action. I feel that this is a Special edition that is even better than the original.
Rating:  Summary: Joseph Conrad in the Alien Movies Review: Ok, I've said I love this movie before, but that's not what I'm here about. As far as I can tell, I don't think anyone has noticed this before: Every ship in the first two movies is named after a book or town in a Joseph Conrad novel. The Nostromo is named after his book, called, well, "Nostromo"; the Narcissus is from his book the "N-----(it's an offensive word) of the Narcissus" and the Sulaco is the name of the town from "Nostromo". I guess the whole "Heart of Darkness" thing parrallels with the Alien movies, but in the last two Alien movies, the script writers were too stupid to get this. I mean, geezus, they could have named the Auriga the "Brute" or "Duelist" or something from Conrad, if just to keep up the tradition.
Rating:  Summary: The best of the Alien movies by far Review: Nothing against the original, but Aliens is so good I can't stop watching it every time I see it on TV. I had to get the DVD. There are 17 extra minutes in this release, and it's so good I don't even know where they are. Weaver, Biehn, Paxton, et al, do teriffic jobs in their roles. Cameron, as usual, does grade A work in the director's chair to churn out one of the best movies you can buy. The bonus features on this DVD increase it's value even more. The behind the scenes footage is a wonderful addition, as well as the still photos. Even the interactive menu is well thought out and very cool. Aliens is a worthy purchase to add to, or upgrade your collection.
Rating:  Summary: Why they have film editors Review: Simply said, this was a great film without the extra 17 mins. They PAY film editors because they are experts in creating flow and consistency in a film. When a director comes back and adds 17 mins to create a special edition, with only a few exceptions, he creates a work which is FAR INFERIOR to the original. The 17 extra mins added to this film are aboslute film killers. They destroy the flow of the film in general, and a few sceens with only one or two simple lines added turn a dramatic PUNCH onto a wet noodle. I was incredibly disappointed, where can I get a DVD version of the ORIGINAL theactrical release?