Rating:  Summary: Not worth the hype Review: What happened here? We were hyped into thinking it'd be a psychotic pyros-laden joyride, and it turned out to be a rain-soaked hunt for a pregnant iguana who's never shown totally in one shot! The acting isn't a huge improvement over the Japanese dubs, the plot is the same as all the radioactive monster on the loose films, and the monster itself is never seen clearly because of all the rain (clever trick since the monster looks so dumb, with its gangly arms and Leno-size chin.) The monster itself is a wimp compared to the old Godzilla, who would have eaten NYC for breakfast and shrugged off the volley of missiles that ended up doing the iguanasaurus in. The FX were pretty good, although you could tell they were CG. Not as good as the Japanese outings.
Rating:  Summary: The same old thing. Review: Why do so many people claim that fans of the older Godzilla films dislike this outing because of the plot? You don't expect multi-layered plots in monster movies, but the better of the original series (Monster Zero/Destroy All Monsters etc) at least had some kind of a storyboard. This new film is just one long chase scene, an obvious cash-in on the Lost World. It all seems like money is being made by trundling out the same old tired idea yet again - monster bred by bomb-testing goes on rampage. Ho hum. Back to the stone-age of monster movies we go. Certainly nobody expected a multi-layered story, but this is just mindless, and the characters seem no more than cardboard cut-outs. Why do they have to keep doing re-makes anyway? Re-makes of this, re-makes of that. Is the movie industry so stuck for ideas? Re-makes very rarely come out anything as good as the originals - just watch the 1960s Conan Doyle Lost World or the 1970s King Kong if you don't believe me.Special effects-wise things could have been better. The big monster is just a Jurassic Park T-Rex with humps and its offspring are nothing short of laughable. This could have been watchably bad (like certain older Godzilla films) but instead it's just a waste of time and effort, money for old rope, the industry still cashing in on a monster who should have been laid to rest years ago.
Rating:  Summary: God forbid! Review: This was one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Unless you are really bored, and all the other rentals are out, do not rent this. DO NOT BUY THIS TAPE (unless you like to torture yourself). Bad plot, horrible acting, and you have to suspend more than just your disbelief.
Rating:  Summary: I think I'll bring my bed into the cinema next time. Review: I don't know quite why some people think Godzilla fans were annoyed about this film just because it didn't contain a man in a stupid-looking suit. The CGI Godzilla was a step in the right direction, especially after the awful effects in the Spacegodzilla and Destroyah (sic) films. I think what really upset Godzilla fans was the fact that the action is hardly visible through the grey skies and rain, the characters are no more than cut-outs, there are endless ideas ripped off from the Lost World film and it's all very boring and slow. There are a few good scenes containing Godzilla, but after he disappears into an impossibly small hole there's nothing but wandering around and being chased by video-game Rapto...sorry, Godzilla's offspring. Tedious, and the plot is down there with the likes of 'Godzilla Vs Megalon'. You don't expect multilayered plots in these sort of films, but this is no more than one long chase scene. 'Size Doesn't Matter'. Hmm. That's just as well since you need an IQ of less than 5 to enjoy this.
Rating:  Summary: Incredible! Review: This movie is my favorite of all time. I think it ranks up there with "Citizen Kane" as a true classic. I hope no one ever tries to improve upon this masterpiece. I was blown away by the witty dialogue, the realistic looking monster and the stunning visual effects. It reminded me of the time I was stalked by an oversized lizard, which I'm sure a lot of people can relate to. It's a very common affliction. But I digress. Godzilla, in my opinion, was underhyped. If they had promoted it a little more, it would have been far more successful than it was. I LOVE THIS MOVIE!
Rating:  Summary: GIVES END AWAY-movie was alright Review: this movie was pretty good, descent amount of action and all, but i don't get the motto, SIZE DOES MATTER. well if that's true, what size are they talking about? because the humans killed godzilla, (even though one of his babies survives, that's not the point.) All in all though, i liked the movie, i don't really know why, maybe it was the awesome graphics, or the action, but whatever it was, it was worth seeing
Rating:  Summary: Yeaa Baby! Review: A break from the dumb Armageddon is a relief. I wish I could trade in Armageddon for the Godzilla DVD version.
Rating:  Summary: rolands pet iguana entertained me enough !!!! Review: first of all let me say the movie wasnt worth the hype. mr. broderick was the only problem the movie had other then the raptors (the ones from jurassic park) at the end of the movie. the plot was a reach and some of the acting was under done.but forget all of that. stargate had the plot and independence day had the cast. this movie is all about effects and action.and in my opinion the roland / devlin connection scores. godzilla wasnt ment to sink you in the world of the cast and make you feel sorry for the city of new york. you was supposed to go to the theatre and tell the iguana to destroy the damn place and he does that.it did bug me that the raptors were a direct rip-off of jurassics and that they were smarter then godzilla but all movie has its faults.roland has nothing to prove to me. stargate was the best sci-fi film of the decade and is now a sit-com. then independence day was one of the biggest films of all time and everyone seemed to like that movie. the film could of and should of been better but as a whole its still better then most. and after ID4 i dought any team in hollywood are better with special effects.if roland can find actors and acctresses to help him with the story i think the roland / devlin connection can be bigger then brickenheimer and his directors ( tony scott and micheal bay). i guarentee his next film will be big as long as its not a godzilla sequel. leave that alone for now !!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: IT JUST AIN'T GODZILLA! Review: "Beast From 20,000 Fathoms 2" would be a better title for this ripoff of just about everything from "Jurassic Park" and "ID4" to "20 Million Miles to Earth" and Irwin Allen's "The Lost World." The radical redesign of Godzilla is slick, but it's too great a departure to truly still be the Godzilla of yore. Add to that the sappy, insulting script and lackluster performances of all the major players in the cast, and you've got a $120 million stink-bomb!
Rating:  Summary: Proof that some films are about money, not entertainment. Review: Why bother paying for a licence if you're not even going to make good use of it? At last Godzilla is no longer a man in a rubber suit, but the new version resembles a cross between a Jurassic Park T-Rex and the Rancor Monster from Return of the Jedi. The characters are all lifeless and dull and the 'action' is barely visible through the grey skies and bucketting rain. There's no real feeling that Godzilla is actually in the city doing the damage. And originality is non-existent. The plot is just another atomic-age 'monster runs riot' piece of boredom filled with one idea ripped straight out of the Lost World after another. It would be okay if this film was fun, but it's just boring most of the time, not to mention filled the very wearisome xenophobia. And the Raptor-inspired Godzilla babies! The biggest unintentional laugh of the film! They seem to be walking just above the ground and up-close look like Raptors out of an old and rather feeble Amiga 500 computer adaptation of Jurassic Park. If the remake of King Kong is going to be as shabby and lifeless as this then perhaps they would be better off leaving old films alone.