Rating:  Summary: ONE OF THE WORST MOVIE'S I HAVE EVER SEEN Review: Godzilla is one of the worst movie's I have ever seen in my life. It's such a rip off of Jurassic Park and the graphics for the little dinosaurs are completly terrible. Plus very bad acting.
Rating:  Summary: A great movie shot down by its' own hype. Review: Godzilla was destined to be a dissapointment, but only because it was the most hyped movie ever, outside of the George Lucas universe. If it made $200 million instead of "only" $140 million, it'd still be a dissapointment because it didn't make more. But forget the grosses, forget the critics panning, and watch it for what it is; a monumental achievment. A great summer movie is fun, loud, and doesn't require a triple digit IQ. Godzilla is that. And what are all the comments about the lack of plot? I recall the original Godzilla movies were just a guy in a cheap suit trampling cardboard buildings. Oh what genius screenwriting. Now, about the new and improved version.In a nutshell, awesome, spectacular, and visually stunning. When they showed the first glimpse of Godzilla, my heart was racing. The thunderous footsteps sent chills up my spine. Then later on, we're treated to the full monty: Godzilla, bigger, leaner, and a whole lot meaner. When that chopper is consumed underneath, I nearly cheered. But I saved it for the final reel. The last chase scene in the cab is without a doubt, the greatest in movie history. When the cab shoots out of Godzilla's mouth, I cheered as if the Niners won the Superbowl. The only reason I didn't give it a full 5*'s is because the movie slows down in the middle. Too much talk, not enough destruction. Also, it was kind of sad when Godzilla's babies were killed. The death of Godzilla was also a letdown. I'll save the full 5*'s for the sequel, which promises to be redeeming.
Rating:  Summary: One of the stupid movies ever! Very disappointed! Review: This movie copies ideas from Jurassic Park (Little Godzilla chases human) and Aliens (a lot of eggs). Disappointed! The most stupid idea is that Godzilla is dead finally??? This is total unacceptable for a classical Godzilla fan, If you grew up with the real Godzilla. The director and porducer toatlly forgot what successful idea they made in "Independence Day" (Alien can not be beaten by any human weapon, So is Godzilla), They makes people both in USA and Japan very disappointed!
Rating:  Summary: Godzilla was a Horror like War movie at the cinema. Review: Godzilla is back... After a nuclear testing years ago, A gigantic mutated lizard called GODZILLA, attacks New York city.
Rating:  Summary: watch out,I'm gonna bleeeeech! Review: (With apologies to The Wolf Man)"Even a man who has no brain and reads his porno by night, can become a moron if he watches this flick, and his roomate screams: goddamit, turn out the light!". So those cocky geniuses who came up with the enjoyable "Independence Day" (with a miscast Will Smith who resembled a street gang punk) thought they really had it all sewn up: another mega-blockbuster. They forgot one thing: a tight script, a new kind of monster who didn't look like he'd wandered in from "Jurasic Park" and characters who gave the illusion of having brains. Remember the scene where our madcap photographer is confronted with dozens of gnashing little Godzillas and he actually thinks of fighting them because his camera rolled into their midst? Or the bird-brained heroine who steals the precious tape of Matthew's and shows it on TV and then she cries at the end she just wanted to be in the big-time? with characters like that and a buffoon for a monster, no wonder this mega-bomb sank. Memo to future Godzilla creators: come up with a monster that scares the pampers and the pants off the audience, populate the cast with a few realistic people and you might have people coming to see it. In the meantime, give me "The Thing" and "Alien" anyday of the week.
Rating:  Summary: Godzilla still rules Review: I still say the big lizard rules. Case closed
Rating:  Summary: This Film Is A Huge Disapointment Review: This film was terrrible! Let's start with Godzilla himself or should I say herself. This unworthy Godzilla looked like a giant iguana who is a big chicken. When is the last time you saw Godzilla run from anything? This one ran from the army people like a punk. I never once saw "it" breath fire. The so called acting was terrible. The whole movie was focused around that worm doctor and his roody pooh girlfriend.
Rating:  Summary: This movie should have been call Jurassic Park 3: Godzilla Review: From the creators of Independence Day comes the most talked about movie of the year.....well, almost. Godzilla? or Jurassic Park 3? The first time I got to see these flashy movie teasers I said to myself that this movie is going to be BIG (no puns intended), a sure fire Mega-Blockbuster. The original conception of Godzilla was evolved as a testament to the nightmarish life of the Japanese brought about by the a-bomb drop during world war 2. This time it was geared against the French Nuclear Testing. During this mishap an unsuspecting iguana? happens to be near the site and gets irradiated. We've heard about the earthworms to enlarge and The Incredible Hulk to bulk in size, but growing to a skyscraper magnitude?? And in such a short span of time? Talk about major growth balls. I have got to get one of those. And the only thing it wants to do is lay some eggs on a country thousands of miles away? The US is really having bad luck. Nick Tatopoulos (Mathew Broderick) started off in the area of the Chernobyl Disaster area. This scene pretty much tells a backgrounder of the nature of his work. This guy, must be either really fascinated with irradiated creatures or the radiation must have fried most of his logic cells. Just imagine being face to face with Godzilla and above all things is enjoying himself by taking a picture of Godzilla! That would have scared the pants out of me. And this guy seem to have all the answers to everything. What's weirder than this is the spontaneity of these answers. His decisions seem to pop out of thin air and come up with the most absurd suggestion and end up being right?!!? Philippe Roache played by Jean Reno is what I think the only un-exaggerated character in Godzilla. The French Agent out to save France from its mistakes. At first there is an enigmatic nature to his character. You can't really say who's side he's on and what his purposes are. However, midway in the film, he gets to introduce himself and turns out to be a comical McGyver type of a guy. People looking for no-nonsense, thrill packing movie or if you're the special effects junkie, then this movie is for you. Like their previous movie, Independece Day, Godzilla is loaded with visual effects. Devlin and Emmerich really have this nasty habit of blowing up buildings, and it's cool. Godzilla provides an in your face horror. Just seeing disaster right out of your window and staring at you. A humongous irradiated lizard so agile it can dodge rockets. The action sequence in Madison Garden is an edge of your seat thriller. 200 Baby Godzilla ready to pounce on you from all corners. Film companies sometimes overdo special effects even if they are not required. Visual Effects are but mere tools to enhance the movie and not the focus of it. Bottom line is, no matter how great your effects are without a substantial storyline it would fail. Special Effects were great, top rate, but they were not "original". We've already seen them on Movies such as Jurassic Park and ID4. Basically, there was nothing new to watch. This is what disappointed people. They expected a bunch of all new special effects and be awe-struck like what ID4 did but found stock effects they have already seen.
Rating:  Summary: Never saw the Oldies Review: I've heard that the old Godzilla movies were better, but I never saw them. So, obviously, I can't compare. But, I thought this was a great movie.
Rating:  Summary: Another effects movie and nothing else. Review: I grew up in a simplier time. This was the late 50's and early 60's. As a kid I'd spend my Saturdays at the neighborhood theatre enjoying grade B horror films from Roger Corman, Hammer and, of course, the latest Toho Godzilla movie. When I heard Godzilla was being remade into a multi million dollar film I couldn't wait to see it. Unfortunately I got my wish. After seeing this new version of Godzilla I had the same sinking feeling I had after seeing Godfather III. All the money the producers threw at this picture can't save it. A confusing script, an overdose of cheezy computer generated effects, sloppy editing, mis cast actors, weak music and alot of money waisted. What is sad is the fact that the money was there to make it right. It all starts with a decent script. Give me King Kong vs Godzilla any day over this mess. Hopefully, someday, Hollywood will remember how to make films, not video games. Jamey Moore