Rating:  Summary: A pretty fair movie is getting a really bum rap. . . Review: The biggest problem with Tri-Star's Godzilla is the hopelessly inappropriate title. As any one who has seen any of the Japanese films will tell you, this is NOT Godzilla. It's more of a hydrid between a T-Rex and a velociraptor, and the special effects are far closer to Jurassic Park than any of the earlier Godzilla films.That said, this is still an entertaining romp through sci-fi land. The story is played very tongue-in-cheek, giving it a delightly comic turn. Mathew Broderick plays the role of Nikko Tatapoulos with just the right amount of understated disbelief, and Jean Reno is magnificent as a French Insurance Examiner/Secret Service Agent. The movie is a wildly entertaining chase through the high-rises, streets and subways of New York City, with the military doing far more damage to the Big Apple than this poor confused megalizard ever dreamed of. In many ways, Tri-Stars Godzilla bears a closer resemblance to the old western serials than to science fiction. The fun and charm of the movie is in the seemingly endless chase, and the ending sets it up beautifully for the inevitable sequel. So, to all of you Godzilla purists, and I am one of you, let's relax and head back to the Land of the Rising Sun. This isn't Godzilla by a long shot, but it's one heck of a fun movie. Take it for what it is and enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: There's only one godzilla and he's not it! Review: I liked the movie but he does not deserve the godzilla name, and there's only one, and in my opinion he does't deserve that name. It should be called Giant lizard attacks New York. But I still liked the movie.
Rating:  Summary: Test the limits of your HOME THEATER SYSTEM! Review: I will admit that this is a cheesy popcorn movie. If you have a basic TV setup or are buying it on VHS, I agree with many of the other reviewers here that you should pass on this one. However, if you have invested in a home theater system, this DVD is *essential* for your collection. The sound transfer to Dolby Digital 5.1 will let you test the limits of your speaker system. The 6-channel helicopter scenes literally chase throughout your living room, and the fantastic action sequences are explosive on a big-screen TV. The low-frequency effects from the sub-woofer channel (the ".1" in Dolby Digital 5.1) will make the pictures hanging on your walls tremble, when Godzilla is pounding his way through the New York City streets. Your neighbors will hate you, but you will love the entertainment value of this DVD.
Rating:  Summary: PLEASE GIVE TRISTAR GODZILLA THE CHANCE Review: Personally, I thought that Tristar's Godzilla was sensational! I agree that Godzilla should have used his fiery breath more often as well as confronted other monsters. However, this is just the pilot movie! The best stuff will be saved for the upcoming sequels!
Rating:  Summary: A pretty fair movie is getting a really bum rap. . . Review: The biggest problem with this film is the hopelesslyinappropriate title. As anyone who knows the Japanese classic willtell you, this movie has nothing to do with Godzilla. The creature involved seems a bizarre hybrid of a velociraptor and a T-Rex. It certainly has an identity problem, since it's apparently asexual and can't even decide how big it is. Regardless, this is a very enjoyable film to watch. Most of the damage done to the Big Apple is caused by the military. For most of the movie, the most secure being in the city WAS Godzilla, because they were shooting AT him. Everyone and everything else was in serious trouble. Matt Broderick does a competent job by not taking his character too seriously. Jean Reno is absolutely delightful as a French insurance investigator, nee secret service agent, hot on the trail of our overgrown lizard. Picking out problems with this film is like shooting fish in a barrell; it's full of them and they're fairly obvious. Nonetheless, Godzilla is fun to watch and provides an entertaining diversion for an afternoon or evening. If you want a classic, go watch Shakespeare. If you want a few shivers, a few more chuckles and a lot of fun, take a peek at Godzilla.
Rating:  Summary: Ferris Vs. What we believe to be Godzilla I think? Review: What this movie needed was GODZILLA! not his stunt double. and what was with Ferris Buler? Well anyway Jean Reno rules and no matter what a movie with im is always fun. Go see "The Big Blue" it Rules. This just Rulezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Good night
Rating:  Summary: no fighting monsters! Review: this movie needs for Godzilla to fight other monsters and there is the fact that in most other Godzilla movies Godzilla protects the human race by fighting other monsters in this movie it goes way far from other Godzilla movies by saying Godzilla was formed from an iguana while the closest story to this is Godzilla forming from a giant dinosaur.
Rating:  Summary: yuk! Review: worst monster movie ever made, the japanesse films were bad, but good. this just completly sucks. this monster is nothing at all like the REAL godzilla. i'd say the special effects were good, but that's not enough to save this waste of time. i own every godzilla flick but will not include this in my collection. can't wait to see how godzilla 2000 turns out.
Rating:  Summary: Broderick 1 star, Special Effects 1 star Review: I honestly did'nt like Godzilla. A couple things I said are the only bright spots of the movie...and that's about all.
Rating:  Summary: I feel the movie was great and I am glad to have it. Review: I think the movie was good , it had all sorts of feelings in it: suspence, sadness, action and , a little comedy here & there. There are a few things that you say "What the hell is your problem , RUN! It had great graphics, good story it was physicaly possible (in other words , not fake). All in all it was definatly a worth while movie.