Rating:  Summary: Godzilla:King Of The Monsters Review: I could not wait until this long awaited movie made it to theaters. "Godzilla" was lambasted by critics, but I feel it was a great version of this monster series. The special effects make the movie, and are unbelieveable to say the least.Matthew Broderick, light years ahead of "Ferris Bueller", is cast perfectly as the only voice of reason in the movie. Another great role is Hank Azaria as the wisecracking camera man. The other actors are sort of wooden, but of course you see the movie to watch the monster and not "Hamlet". The best scene in the movie is when Godzilla first descends on New York City, and of course as expected, panic and horror ensues! The movie would go on to make 400 million, so I hope a sequel is in the works. Godzilla is king of the monsters AND king of the movies...
Rating:  Summary: godzilla # 1 Review: i like godzilla godzilla is king of monsters past and future
Rating:  Summary: GOOD LORD! Review: when i went to see this hyped film in 1998 i was sooo disappointed. i mean i do admire Roland Emmerich and Dean Devilin for StarGate and ID4, but some people says this makes Ishtar and Howard the Duck look like Winners and i myself did loved " Howard The Duck" but this Movie " Godzilla" i really didn't like. save your Money on the ID4 DVD instead.
Rating:  Summary: godzilla at maximum size Review: godzilla is in 3d in this movie. he goes on a rampage in newyork . the army tries to destroy godzilla with every thing. but godzilla withstands all of the attacks. my whole family loved this movie but i liked it the most. and i was the only one who could figuer out that godzilla just needed to find a place to lay his eags.
Rating:  Summary: Come on...This was a good movie! Review: Why does everybody hate this movie?! Godzilla invades New York, destroying portions of the city, including M-S-G! People say "it doesn't look like Godzilla" SO WHAT?! This is an awesome monster movie, so check it out. Besides, has anyone seen the previews for "godzilla 2000"? It's gonna be same old god-awful effects from way back in the old days, it's gonna have the same terribly annoying Japenese style script, its gonna be the SAME OLD THING. So check out this version of 'Zilla, it is a new and improved style of the monster/lizard/nuclear accident/whatever he is.
Rating:  Summary: A flop Review: Sad to say, "Godzilla" pretty much falls flat on its face. The characters are mostly stupid and many of the lines in the movie are chessy. Some of the special effects doesn't quit make up for that and I really expected this to be a great sci-fi movie of '98. I can't believe the guys that made that awesome "Independence Day" made this. Oh well, maybe "Godzilla 2000" will be much better.
Rating:  Summary: Godzilla fans hated this movie, and so did I Review: Mindless characters, a poor script, and horrible special effects are the main attraction in this Americanized version of Japan's famous fire breathing dinosaur. It really has nothing to do with Godzilla, and it's hard to belive that it was made by the same film makers who gave us "Indepence Day", which is a good science fiction movie. proof positive that Godzilla movies should only be made in Japan.
Rating:  Summary: slow start Review: well this movie would have been better if they had made it interesting at the beginning. however it still delivers the goods. it almost looks like your watching jurrasic park for the last 45 miniutes of the movie. And a unclear ending, well actually it was very clear but it left it open to a sequel. it has some pretty good special effects. but quite frankely the soundtrack is much better. it has the wallflowers,puff daddy/jimmy page just to name a few. only buy it if your a hardcore godzilla fan.
Rating:  Summary: GODAWFUL... Review: By far the most spoiled potential franchise of them all, from the team that also spoiled UFO films for the next decade or so, by releasing the cartoonish cheeseball "ID4." I can't wait till these two very untalented so-called filmmakers retire and stop ruining great film subjects with their 6 to 13 year old demographics. They can only get away with this garbage here in America, and they know it, but with two bank accounts that grow larger every summer, why even bother about story, character or depth? Remember the depth they gave Kurt Russell's character in "Stargate"? Come on, you didn't catch it? He was stearing at his gun with a dirty blond California-style hair contemplating suicide at the beggining of the film, right after the homage to "Raiders of the Lost Ark", I believe. The scene was very badly executed, but that is as close as you are ever gonna get to depth in a Roland Emmerich 'movie'. How this guy acquired such bad taste for movies can only be explained as a survival instinct. He found a passage to wealth when he realized he could manipulate the Hollywood machine with the ilusion of event movies, and the suits bought into it. Exhibitors are thankful -- in Emmerich's event movies, popcorn sales rise to the sky, since people abandon the movie to refill their buckets, and return to realize all they have missed is the money invested on the ticket. There are good and well intended commercial films, and then there's Roland Emmerich, who along with Michael Bay, has inmersed this generation into a sarcastic awareness of movie cliches, simply because it seemed easier than re-thinking the genre to come up with an original voice; a voice that could inspire awe rather than forced laughs. I will forever miss Jan de Bont's original concept for "Godzilla." As for Emmerich, you certainly made the Sony people very happy, but you owe an apology to the medium of film. I find it hard to believe you were somehow able to rationalize this one. I find it even harder to imagine you felt gratified as a filmmaker when they closed the Cannes Film Festival with the premiere of "Godzilla." Roland, face it, it's time to reconsider a few aspects of your career; it's time for you to choose your favourite charity and invest some of that easy money on a good cause. Willem.
Rating:  Summary: Mind-numbing Review: Enormously hyped, with an advertising campaign that ran for over a year, this follow-up to 'Independence Day' had all the explosions and effects of that earlier film, but with none of the charm, or indeed anything else. At all. The absolute apotheosis of the 'big-budget effects movie', 'Godzilla' is quite literally an excuse for a set of CGI / model shots of a big monster tramping around New York. Handled well, this might have been enough, but it isn't handled well - it borrows liberally from elsewhere, and tries for a post-modern, self-mocking tone that fails through a lack of wit. It all seems as if it has been processed through a big mincer, with all the flavour or interest washed-out, just like the gloomy skies in the film. Despite the omnipresent rain and gloom, the effects are well-done - they have to be, as there is absolutely no other reason to watch this film. None at all. There must be a script there somewhere, as I can remember that the story made sense, but I can't remember anything anybody said. The acting is superfluous - I felt sorry for poor Matthew Broderick, as he is quite obviously not supposed to be the star of the film, and I felt doubly sorry for Jean Reno, who is so effortlessly cool that this just falls off him like water off the back of a duck. Of special note is Maria Pitillo as the love interest / spunky heroine - as a shrieking, whining harridan you'll be wishing for her to be eaten from the moment you see her. The real star, Godzilla itself, is just a big blank slate - you neither feel sorry for the poor beast, nor hate him. Whereas the Japanese version of the monster was charming despite obviously being a man in a suit, here Godsie is just a big effect. As for the rest of it, what can be said? It rumbles around for two hours, and when it's over you're left wondering what the heck you were just watching. It isn't inept enough to be truly awful, it's just horribly, totally competent. On DVD there are extra bits - you'll probably never watch them, as I should imagine you'll only get the DVD as a Birthday gift from an ill-informed parent (for example).