Rating:  Summary: Great for music and action, but otherwise a terrible movie. Review: The first half-hour of the movie opens strong. We are presented with Kevin Costner's strong, rogue character who doesn't take anything from anybody. He's strong as both a character and Costner himself pulls off the job superbly. And then comes the action! GREAT stunts and special effects! And the movie is accompanied by a superb score by wizard James Newton Howard. But, then the middle comes: Dennis Hopper (one of my least favorite actors) appears as the bad guy, the lady (whatever her name is) shows not only her bad acting skills but her completely cheesy character. The little girl is bearable, but still unnecessary. As far as costumes, action, and music go, this movie is pretty good. You won't find much better for shear scale of action! But, as far as story, plot, dialogue, and acting (except for Costner) goes, this movie leaves you wishing it were something more. The ending is bad and sappy and towards the middle the movie slows down almost to a snails pace and begins to do nothing more than bore the heck out of the viewer with ridiculous and unnecessary additions to the already paper-thin story (the crazy seamen who will trade his maps to Costner just for a half hour of sex with the woman was stupid, stupid, stupid). All in all, rent this on DVD once and if you like it, fine. But, my opinion stands. This movie is one of the worst I have ever seen in my entire life. Avoid buying it at ALL costs.
Rating:  Summary: Apocalypse Wow! Review: Kevin Reynold's is obviously a student of Coppola's work. KR's films (The Beast, Rapa Nui, Waterworld) are all reminiscent in one way or another of Coppola's Vietnam War epic. Yet, WW is original. The idea of setting the action almost entirely at sea is a previously unused concept. Jeanne Tripplehorn is excellent in her role as the lonely damsel-in-distress type. Deniis Hopper's performance is forgettable, except for its Apocalypse Now reference, once again. But, the picture has utterly spectacular stunt scenes, the watery horizon helping out there. Too bad the film got so much bad pre-release press its box-office days were numbered the day it premiered. Because of the film's failure, Hollywood's going to wait a long time before it invests another Fort Knox budget into an epic film that's purely action . . . ((sigh)).
Rating:  Summary: From disappointed to fascinated... Review: When I first watched the movie I thought - what's this?? I was utterly disappointed! Then I watched it again, nice... and a third time - WOW. It's true, it is absolutley underrated and according to my own experience becomes better and better each time you watch it. One customer wrote: Buy the DTS version. I can only agree: It is really worth it. I think that Kevin Costner pays special attention of how his movies appear in public. The movie has NO extras (subtitles, making of, etc.) but picture and sound quality is one of the best. The story has action, suspense and humor and gives you the good feeling of being entertained very well. Get it for your collection - the DTS one - it's worth it.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie even better in DTS! Review: Do yourself a favor get the DTS version of this movie. WOW Very good.
Rating:  Summary: Rommel - DVD collector Review: This is an excellent movie! All the negative reviews of this film before it came out were grossly undeserving. Waterworld has an excellent story, good action and much humour. For those of you with a vivid imagination, the premise of this movie - living in a world where the ice caps have melted and inundated the earth - forcing mankind to adapt to survive in a 'waterworld' is engrossing fantasy and quite fresh. I have bought this dvd and it continues to be one of my favourite movies by Kevin Costner. The premise of this movie is what makes it exciting and engrossing. For me this movie is best viewed when I am alone and want to engage in a bit of escapism. Entertaining, buy it!
Rating:  Summary: Amazing visuals with an interesting story Review: This is one of my favorite movies, mainly cause its unlike any other movies that I have seen. I've read some other reviews sayings its a rip off of various other films, but none of those were filmed completly on water, which makes this movie more impressive. I found the story to be good overall, but if anything I would of liked to of seen a little more than the small mention of how the polar ice caps melted. Then again, if the characters knew what happened in the past there wouldn't be that mythism about dry land. I just found this very interesting, almost as if it were a fantasy world. As for the DVD itself, I would of liked to seen more extras included in this, however it is an older dvd, and this is just starting to catch on with newer releases, so I guess I shouldn't complain. Its a great movie to add to your collection.
Rating:  Summary: Dances with whales Review: Waterworld is a riot! It surges along at thirty plus knots from the start and the pace slackens only long enough to allow us to catch our collective breath. The action sequences are among the most exciting in filmography. The cinematography is outstanding and the soundtrack (James Newton Howard) is very good. The movie offers an interesting premise (an inundated earth) with the added adventure of a quest for the mythological "Dry Land". Along the way we are met by mutants, sea monsters, comely maidens, and a host of marvelously deranged characters; most notably the despicable "Deacon of D's", (Dennis Hopper) the leader of the Smokers, a tribe of sea-faring, post apocalyptic Hell's Angels. Hoppers' hilarious portrayal of the over the top Deacon is one of moviedom's shining moments. One could fault Costner's misanthropic "mariner" for being two dimensional but one would be wrong. I can easily recall many scenes involving the mariner, and Costner's transformation of him from cranky hermit to hero is, in IMHO, convincing. Oh, and then there's that neat ship of his... What Waterworld lacks in intellectualism or originality it more than makes up in fun and excitement. Kick back and enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: Rip-off of The Road Warrior, though entertaining Review: Reasons why The Road Warrior is a superior film to Waterworld despite almost astoundingly similar plot. 1. First and foremost, the biggest reason is because of the difference between Mel Gibson and Kevin Costner. Both are no doubt big movie stars (though Mel is the proven box office draw) but only one delivers a good performance in every one of his films and it isn't Costner. You might notice the similarities between the characters Max Rockatansky and the Mariner but Costner is really acting like his bland self (though a little better than usual). 2. Both films have incredible stunts but the ones in Waterworld stretch credibility, even in a sci-fi pic. 3. Kevin Reynolds is no George Miller. Miller was able to make a whole lot of something almost out of nothing (i.e. VERY low budget and a dry, desolate desert setting). Reynolds doesn't too much out of a LOT of money along with a very interesting premise and setting. 4. Dennis Hopper is fine as the villain but he's nowhere near as menacing and searing as the pure force of destruction that was portrayed by Kjell Nilsson and Vernon Wells. 5. The Road Warrior is a serious film that has moments of humor but never gets campy. Waterworld wants to be a film that is serious but gets campy quite a few times. 6. Tina Majorino was extremely annoying as the kid the loner hero befriends in Waterworld. Emil Minty's Feral Kid was an interesting and entertaining character (not to mention the fact that the friendship he develops with Max feels a lot more genuine and honest). Okay, from what I listed above it may seem like I hate Waterworld but the truth is it is entertaining. I saw it before The Road Warrior not knowing at the time how unoriginal the film was. Taking Waterworld for what it is-an escapist acion/adventure-the movie is well worth renting and viewing, but as a sci-fi epic that has an interesting premise, it fails. The filmmakers don't bother to explore the interesting ideas that are brought up and this leaves a sense of dissatisfaction. The action sequences in the film range from decent to even spectacular. There attack on the atoll is one of the better action scenes I've seen. A couple of the supposedly energetic moments in the film do slack, though. The chase scenes on water aren't quite as exciting as it should have been. The acting is adequate enough for this sort of picture. Costner and Majorino are mediocre but Dennis Hopper and Jeanne Tripplehorn act with some emotion and Hopper gets some of the film's best lines. If you had to choose between this film and The Road Warrior, definitely go with the latter unless you prefer a more Hollywood style film. The Road Warrior is a bit more offbeat than the usual Hollywood action film and some of the mad characters in that film might be a little off putting for some viewers.
Rating:  Summary: A Well Thought Out Film! Review: I don't understand why people don't like this movie, maybe because it stars Kevin Costner. Well to tell you the truth Kevin played an excellent role in this movie. I thought that it was an interesting and different movie. Many of you people who disliked this film should give it a second chance, because there is nothing bad about this movie. I know that Kevin Costner is not a great actor, but for some reason he really did a great job acting in "Waterworld". Just imagine how life would be if there was no land. 5 stars all the way!
Rating:  Summary: A BOMB? Or Explosive? Review: Waterworld is very much like Mad Max: The Road Warrior on water. Is that bad? I don't think so, since I like both movies. Yet Waterworld has some beautiful cinematography that gets easily overlooked by those who think this movie wasn't worth their time. What do I like about it? The setting, music, and even the story. Costner's independent and tough character actually carries a level of humor and charm. I think the greatest visual disappointment was when the underwater city was shown; very bad CGI/background effects; I think I'd rather leave that scene to my imagination. At any rate, eveything else was a roller-coaster of fun and adventure. The DVD has NO special features (I think the non-DTS has a promo), so don't expect beautiful menus, but all-in-all it's a great film, give it a chance.