Rating:  Summary: Plot? We don' need no steenking plot! Review: Deep Rising has the terrorists and geography of Die Hard,the boat from Titanic, a few of the characters from Star Wars, the soldiers-vs.-monsters action of Aliens, a creature that resembles a mindless Lovecraftian Old One, a horribly gory almost-dead victim stolen from Robocop, and the classic sequence where the bad guy dies a slow, horrible death because he wasted his last bullet trying to kill the good guy. Ah, the modern morality tale. Plus a sense of humour which is really what keeps this movie going. As you may have gathered, this is a formula movie, but it is done gracefully and never slows down or tries to be serious. At the same time, it never mocks the traditions of the creature feature, treating every cliche and stock scene with exactly the right respect. (Unlike, for example, Independence Day, which couldn't decide whether it was a major family feature or a B-movie, or the Mummy, which never made its nasties seem nasty enough). The jokes are funny, the gore is plentiful enough to turn give seasoned stomaches a jolt, the action is well-framed, the music is creepy, and the ending is FABULOUS!! However, it's not for everyone. I've seen this a couple of times with mixed crowds, and I've found it to be one of those movies that will make your best friends look down on you forever - unless they are horror fans. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Rating:  Summary: Before The Mummy there was... Review: Before director Stepehn Sommers directed his smash hit The Mummy, he directed this film - Deep Rising. Deep Rising is a film on the sam level as The Mummy, with great comic timing and enough scares to balance it out and making it enjoyable for all audiences. Treat Williams does an adequite job in his role of Finnegan, a captain who's in way over his head. But it is Femke Jennsen as the beautiful theif Trillian (where'd Sommers' get these names?) who's both ravashing and comical. Kevin J. O'Connor gives a "Beni"-like performance, but he's playing for the good guys this time and his role works well for the film. The visual effects (done buy DreamQuest Images), are not quite ILM, but they definately verve their purpose to the tune of many jump-out-of-your-seat thrills. As did The Mummy, Deep Rising begs for a sequel (The Mummy is getting one on May 4 - The Mummy Returns, which so far looks awesome!). I'd love to revisit the characters and have some more fun in Stephen Sommers world of sweeping adventure and off-beat characters giving memorable one-liners.
Rating:  Summary: Bad day for a cruise! Review: From the start this movie packs a whallop. The various charecters in this movie, all have their cinematic moments. Even the creature has some great scenes. The music really makes you want to get up and run for your life!! I would really give this film a 10+++++
Rating:  Summary: Deep Rising Review: A very fun movie. Not just loaded with a bunch of one-liners and knockoffs from other movies. The CGI effects are very good. Most people think that they are the worst ever made. They are wrong. This movie is very fun because it has a lot of humor, not just dead flat people with no personalities. This movie also has a great soundtrack too. NOTE:If you do not like very high amounts of gore, take caution when watching this movie, because there is a very high (5/5) amount of gore.CGI Effects:5/5 Acting:5/5 Final Grade:A+
Rating:  Summary: VERY Fun Sea Monster Flick Review: "This Ain't No Pleasure Cruise", the tag line of this under-appreciated movie reads, but it is for anyone who loves a good popcorn movie.If it weren't for "Jaws", I would have said this is the best, most fun sea monster movie ever made, period. I read about it in Fangoria, and the effects looked cool. I have trouble resisting a good monster movie, and I remember reading was that all the cast and crew said they had an absolute blast making the movie. I didn't really expect much, but this flick turned out to be so much fun I ended up buying it. Treat Williams is Finnegan, a stock type of hero that is a cross between Han Solo and Bruce Campbell (or Bruce Campbell as Ash, I should say). You know, the type of 'scoundrel for hire' who owns his own ship and will get the job done for you for a price, even if it is technically criminal, but is basically a stand-up guy. He and his roughneck gang of mercenaries are hired to hijack and rob a luxury ocean liner on its maiden voyage in the South Seas. When he and his gang, which includes his stock Comic Relief Sidekick, Joey (Kevin J. O'Connor), find out that the rich scumbags who hired them to do the job left out some crucialinfo that make the job even more dangerous, they get cranky (standard dialogue such as "This wasn't part of the deal, and you know it!" ensues). However, this turns out to be the least of their friggin' problems, because when they board the ship, they find all the thousands of millionaire passengers have vanished without a trace. The only handful ones left alive are a sexy jewel thief (Famke Jannsen) and the big bosses of the ship. Hmmmmm...guess what happens? This is a monster movie, so...So I know this doesn't sound like much. While this movie won't win any prizes for making you ponder the meaning of life, it is entertaining. One of those fun, mindless roller coaster movies that won't go down as the most thought provoking movie (you can predict exactly what is going to come out of a character's mouth at any given moment, such as "Hey..." "What?" (pause)"....Be careful"), but makes you realize how much fun a good dumb monster movie can be. The special effects are inventive and mind-blowing-they don't look low budget at all, and there's a ton of cool FX. Some of them are pretty memorable. The monster seems kind of run-of-the-mill at first, but keeps getting better and nastier. Instead of just eating its victims, it takes agonizing time to digest them before spitting out the gristle and bones, making for such a long painful death that characters save a bullet to kill themselves if the monster gets them, rather than go through the torture. Without spoiling it,the monster turns out to be much more impressive and frightening (like other great monster movies, you don't see the entire creature in all its 'glory' till the grand finale) than anyone expects. There's guts, goo, and gore-a-plenty for splatter fans (I was actually surprised that the MPAA let them get away with an R rating). There's many great horrifyingly disgusting moments, and I remember one in particular that occurs about 1/3 into the film that will make the most jaded viewer's jaws drop. While the dialogue is corny and the characters 1-dimensional, there were actually several twists and turns to the storyline that were a shock, including one of the best and most original "the end...OR IS IT?" endings I've ever seen in a horror flick. Treat Williams is kind of a discount Bruce Campbell (man, that bit of casting would have made the movie perfect), but does a fine job even with some of the stupid catchphrases he is given ("NOW what?"). Famke Jannsen looks stunningly beautiful as always and is more talented and charismatic than more people give her credit for. The Sidekick, who does such a great job impersonating Joe Pantoliano (or "Joey Pants" as he is called by the indie film industry) that I had to check the credits, actually gets some funny lines in (Finnegan: "Do you know how many uncharted islands there are out here?" Joey: "Uh, two?") The supporting cast, even the extras, ham it up and are clearly having lots of fun. There are some moments that are pretty frightening and there's plenty of nail biting suspense. While this movie is strongly reminiscent of John Carpenter's "The Thing", the "Alien" series, and even "The Empire Strikes Back" (Star Wars fans, listen to Williams when he raises his voice, he's a dead ringer for Ford as Han Solo) it is also very original. More importantly, this flick is just flat-out fun. If you're in the mood to escape reality completely, scream, and be entertained, then by all means pop in this underrated little gem , turn off your brain, and get ready to have a blast. Full scream ahead, baby!
Rating:  Summary: Lights, camera...NOOP - ACTION! Review: HIIYAA! This movie is made for us who like non-stop action. Thers a simple but smart storyline and great visual and sound effects. Not recommended to people who cant stand blood and gore. It is not a horror movie but theres alot of bodyshots and other gory scenes. In other words - Full speed ahead... Replay value: High
Rating:  Summary: i liked it Review: this movie was great in my opinion. it had good special effects average acting about the right lenght, good storyline. the only problem i have with this movie is the end. they just get done with destroying the alligators and then at the end there on a island with some other monster. but still is a watchable movie. i would just rent however.
Rating:  Summary: Incredibly enjoyable Review: I admire bad films, and I enjoyed this very much indeed. Not all the bad touches were successful - the comic relief character was annoying, despite his having an identical voice to Shaggy from Scooby Doo, and there was something profoundly disturbing about the cloying amounts of wryness Treat Williams managed to exude. Apart from that, though, there are few things to complain about.
I was especially impressed by the way the filmmakers combined the most successful elements of Alien 2 (heavily-armed nutcases running around a compound being massacred by hideous monsters) with the least successful elements of Alien 3 (British actors constantly shouting ridiculous lines). Most notable in this respect was Jason Flemyng, the ginger thesp of Lock, Stock... fame. His delivery of such lines as 'It's like they've all just... vanished', 'You killed him didn't you' and - best of all - 'Eat this, you wankers!' was a high point of my moviegoing life, and I was sorry to see him eaten (sorry, drunk) by a tentacle-beast. However, the ship captain (who bore an astonishing resemblance to one of the Chuckle Brothers) managed to outstage him by crying 'What the bloody hell is going on?' in a very impressive way.
Rating:  Summary: Non-Stop Guilty Pleasure Review: "Deep Rising" is one of those guilty pleasures. Even though it borrows from so many flicks ("Alien," "Poseidon Adventure," etc.), it is nonetheless a very entertaining roller coaster ride of a movie. It starts quick and never lets up. Lots of tight and involving action sequences; good (if not great) special effects; and a cast of some good and awful actors! I had a hoot watching it. The monster was pretty awesome, and the villains certainly deserved what they got. Wes Studi's final scene is one of the most vile characterizations in modern horror films. Kevin O'Connor is very enjoyable in his whiny supporting role. My favorite of his many one-liners: "Can you just catch asthma?". Treat Williams is a good anti-hero and Anthony Heald is awful as the main villain, but you can't help waiting for him to get his! The rest of the cast is typical and adequate, although I think poor Wes Studi couldn't have gotten much more "wooden". All in all, one of those great B-movies of the 90's!
Rating:  Summary: Top Creature Feature with B-Grade feel Review: This is the sort of film that makes going to the movies fun. And it makes owning a home theatre system even more so. This film is the most cliched, overblown, obvious creature feature you have ever seen, with ideas balatantly stolen from other films. But this film works! Treat Williams is not your typical square jawed action hero, as you'd expect to find in a film like this, but nevertheless he carries the film well. Famke Janssen is the token female (in an otherwise all male cast) and its shows. Her inclusion into the cast was an obvious crowd puller and to allow for some kind of romantic sub-plot between her and Williams. The film is just plain fun, and anyone who complains that it isn't plausible or realistic needs to purchase a sense of humour. While the DVD doesn't contain much in the way of extras, i still recommend this disc to anyone who likes a slam bam action blast, with the final edge-of-your-seat chase sequence sure to have you cheering at the end. Lovely sound, and decent picture, this disc is one you should own, if not for any reason but to test out your speakers.