Rating:  Summary: Excellent. Hope they will make a sequel. Review: Bought it, enjoyed it, and I recommend it, especially if you watched the original TV series. It was fun to see some of the cast members from the TV series doing cameos in this movie. Just wonder why Billy Mumy who played Will Robinson in the TV series didn't appear in a cameo. Is Mr. Mumy still around? This entertaining, action-packed film held my interest the whole way through.
Rating:  Summary: Una nueva versión de lo que vimos hace muchos años.... Review: Por supuesto que no es lo mismo que nos ofreció Wuy Williams, Jonathan HArris y los otros.... pero me pareció una pelicula muy buena... unos excelentes efectos especiales y además, una execelente actuación de Gary Oldman. Sin embargo, tengo un detalle que destacar: En una escena, el profesor Robinson sugirió ir en busqueda del combustible nesesario para salir del planeta "al amanecer"... ppero si estaban perdidos en el espacio como hablar del amanecer ? inclusive en la película amenecio y todo... nuestro anochecer y amanecer dependen fundamentalmente del ciclo de rotación de la tierra en su propio eje..., entonces como puede el profesor Robinson asumir que en ese planeta tambien anochecerá y amanecerá ? sin duda un error de producción.. pero la escena mas impresionante de la pelicula es cuando deciden atravesar el sol ! excelente efecto bajo la hipervelocidad que toma el jupiter II !!
Rating:  Summary: Decent Adventure and Tribute to the Old Series Review: "Lost in Space" purists probably had a problem with the "updated" version of the 60's show. However, the movie basically reworks several of the better episodes from the "more serious" first season. There are remnants of "The Reluctant Stowaway" which introduced the nefarious Dr. Smith, "The Derelict" wherein the crew discovers a seemingly abandoned ship, and "Island in the Sky" featuring the crash of the Jupiter II. Also, the film expanded the role of the Judy Robinson part (Heather Graham) by presenting her as a doctor with skills essential to the success of the mission; the television show never really effectively utilized the character. The film also makes better use of the Maureen Robinson (Mimi Rogers) character who is seen as an equal to her scientist husband played by William Hurt. As played by June Lockhart on the show, the character was often relegated to the background as the damsel in distress. Matt Leblanc is appropriately "macho" as gung-ho pilot Major Don West. The two younger roles of Will and Penny Robinson are handled well by Jack Johnson and Lacey Chabert. Cameos by Lockhart, Angela Cartwright, Marta Kristen, Mark Goddard, and Dick Trufeld (the Robot's voice) are welcome. Gary Oldman as Dr. Smith gives a very understated performance. This is due, perhaps, to the over-the-top performance of the series doctor played by Jonathan Harris. Even with the plot inconsistencies and some "effects" that don't work, the movie is still a fairly enjoyable "journey."
Rating:  Summary: Could Sombody Just Shoot Me Now? Review: One of the worst films that I have ever seen... and I've seen a lot of movies. It's staggering to see such a concentration of talent and special effects being brought to bear upon such a terrible screenplay. This film would be a candidate for cult status for its consistent use of sloppy dialogue and cliches if it wasn't so sad to think of how much money went into the making of it. How many quality, low budget films could have been made with the money that went into this turkey? Like the question "How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop", the world may never know... and for my sanity, I don't WANT to know.
Rating:  Summary: So bad it's not even anywhere near funny Review: I can't get over how bad Lost in Space is. It's so pitifully dumb one has to wonder if the script was written as the movie was being filmed. This is MTS3K material and everybody involved should be ashamed.
Rating:  Summary: "Guy Williams, We Miss You! " Review: Guy Williams is still the best potential actor I've ever seen, an American cross of Errol Flynn, Clark Gable, and Sean Connery rolled into one! Guy's last role was as Professor John Robinson in "Lost in Space"--his first science fiction role--and as usual Guy played his part with his outstanding blend of charm, rugged handsomeness, tenderness, and charisma. Unfortunately, Guy died in l989, and couldn't return to his role for this movie, and it's all downhill from there. The casting is all wrong--except for Gary Oldman, who, although I never liked the Dr. Smith character I have to admit that both Oldman and his predecessor Jonathan Harris are both excellent actors--the story is boring, and this is one movie based on an old tv show that shouldn't have been made! William Hurt is too stiff and not goodlooking enough, Mimi Rogers is too old--just as June Lockhart was-- the kids aren't likable--I loved the old Robinson kids!--and the robot is as silly as ever. (Robby of "Forbidden Planet" is still the best!) The special effects are very good, but not enough to make up for the movie's flaws. Dale Midkiff would have been a perfect John Robinson, but for some idiotic reason the makers of this movie decided to cast against type. Don't buy this movie, don't rent it, and don't skip anything important to watch it on tv! It's a loser! Oh, and Guy Williams, we miss you! Chari Krishnan ...
Rating:  Summary: Don't bother with Search and Rescue Review: They should have taken some of the money spent on special effects and bought a decent script. Who in their right mind would send a completely dysfunctional family, and an oversexed pilot to try and save the world?? I sure wouldn't want to depend on these people for my salvation. The only bright spot in this movie is an expected great performance by Gary Oldman (does he ever disappoint??) as Doctor Smith. William Hurt as Professor Robinson - pullleeeze! He's been freeze-dried for years. They should have kept more of the flavor of the TV series in it. This movie is a waste of time and has no redeeming value.
Rating:  Summary: Turkeys in Space Review: This thing is a truck load of turkeys. Buy this movie, and you'll get deep fried turkeys, frozen turkeys, microwaved turkeys, ice cream turkeys, charcoal roasted turkeys, yougart-flavored turkeys, marinated turkeys, undercooked turkeys, rotten turkeys, diet turkeys, ultrasonic turkeys, infected turkeys, dead turkeys, unintelligent turkeys, English-speaking turkeys, over-sized turkeys, turkey-like turkeys, ... It's the reunion of Turkeys' Class of '65. You must see it!
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Sci-Fi Entertainment for lovers of Visual Effects Review: I first saw this movie on video when I rented it. I loved it! The VISUALS in this thing are excellent. Yet, they don't match the stunning visual vistas of The Phantom Menace. The story is a little weird, but it's Ok. It also offers humor in the right places. The critics bombed this, but I loved every minute of it. I recommend ths SUPER FUN movie.
Rating:  Summary: Lost Review: Along with 'Godzilla' this was something of a recent watershed - as a couple of the DVD-extras attest, this film is first and foremost a technical showcase. It's visually dazzling - virtually every shot features some form of CGI effect, and the sets and costumes all reek of money. But, and this is a big but, there isn't actually a film underneath it all. Seeming like the first three episodes of a bad cartoon series, the film is just a big, hollow mess, with a needlessly complex plot and surprisingly little of the original show (which, come to think of it, isn't necessarily a bad thing). Looking back, I can't think of a single line or situation that stood out as being particularly dramatic, witty or memorable, except perhaps Mimi Rogers' costume, and the gravelly, twenty-five-cigarettes-a-day voice of the younger daughter, which surely was also a special effect. On the other hand, it's likeable enough, and chunters along without being too dull, and the cast, although they have very little to do, is interesting. William Hurt is a 'proper' actor, and I can't actually remember anything of any import that he did in this film, apart from argue with Matt LeBlanc. Interestingly, at the second cinema in which I saw this, the audience burst into laughter every time he appeared - as with the rest of the 'Friends' he is so inextricably linked with his character type that we won't let him do anything else. For the guys in the audience Mimi Rogers is like your best friend's glamourous mother, Heather Graham is Heather Graham, and the aforementioned vocally-afflicted Lacey Chabert will make you feel slightly uneasy about fancying somebody so young.