Rating:  Summary: this is definitely the godzilla of old. Review: When I saw the american version of Godzilla I thought that it was so bad that Godzilla was gone forever, then I see Godzilla 2000 and my faith is once again restored. This is the Godzilla that I grew up with I am so glad that it was released in America because the after seeing the american version I had a bad taste in my mouth that I needed to get rid of and seeing this was just what I needed. If you like Godzilla then you should definitely see this one.
Rating:  Summary: Godzilla 2000 dvd - EASTER EGG Japan version Review: We all were looking forward to the Japanese verion with english subtitles and the additonal 9 minutes on this DVD. Well it may be there in the form of an easter egg. On the main menu - you will see "midnight Club" - can you get there? Why is it there??? Does this unlock the Japanese movie version????All in all the american version is good and Zilla is back the way he should be! NO Sony "atomic lizard" but the man in the suit! Also like all Sony DVD's this one defaults to Dobly Pro Logic - so do not forget to do the Audio Set-up and put it in Digital Dobly 5.1
Rating:  Summary: No Japanese! Review: Well I'm mighty happy to have Godzilla 2000 on DVD but there had been news that this would include the Japanese audio track and reintroduce the 8 minutes that were originally edited out. Whatever happened to these plans they seem to have gotten scrapped at the last minute in the long standing tradition of only offering goofy english dubs of Godzilla movies. Were this a serious film (AKA Gojira 1954), I think I would be really upset by this, but Tristar's dub is rather funny and serves the fil fairly well as camp (and it is hard to take this film as anything else despite its sometimes jaw dropping miniture effects.) I very much wish they could start releasing these films in the original language just on principle alone, but I gather they are still waiting for the Japananese DVD market to get up to speed before they start doing that. Anyway, it is a fun film--I'd definitely recommend this to people who enjoyed the silliness going on in the ghidora/mothra split DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Godzilla 2000 Rocks! Review: This is a short review, but, if you love the classic 'Zilla movies, this movie is EXACTLY what a Godzilla movie should be, none of that CGI monster crap, just pure and simple rubber monster filled fun.
Rating:  Summary: Back in fine style! Review: First the question, How to rate this movie? How many stars? I took a two pronged approach. When compared to other movies out in theaters, it deserves one star. But in the Japanese monster movie genre, I give it five stars. So averaged together, it gets three stars. As we know, Godzilla movies have their own seperate cinematic standards. The 1998 American version was a travesty, as I wrote in my review of it. But back in the hands of Toho, this is pretty much everything we could hope for. Here we see a fair amount of 21st century technical stuff, but then there's that guy in the monster suit. Toho knew just what to update and just what to leave in the old style. Well done! The movie was made with the sensibilities of a Japanese audiance in mind. But we wouldn't have it any other way. Yes, there are some gaping holes in the plot line, as if a few explanatory scenes were left on the cutting room floor. The kid in the movie is about the most annoying kid they've ever featured (and they've had many). The alien spaceship is mesmerizing in its design. The bad guy's almost poetic demise was a nice touch. Watching this movie made me feel like a kid again, taking me back to a much simpler time. Many thanks, Toho! This is well worth having, once the price comes down. Be patient--there will always be a Godzilla.
Rating:  Summary: Godzilla returns! Review: I saw this movie in the theater the first day that it was released and as I left the theater when the film was over I had mixed feelings. I have all the Godzilla movies, toys, games imaginable, but I just couln't get into this movie. Godzilla shows up at the beginning and at the end... the rest of the film is spent talking about Godzilla and a stupid myserious UFO flying around Tokyo. The plot makes no sense (even for a Godzilla movie!), Orgah is the WORST monster imaginable (I mean come on, his hands are bigger tham his body and there stiff through the entire "battle scene" if thats what you want to call it), and Godzilla easily kills this "threat" in seconds flat. But there are some good points to it as well. Godzilla is one of the best designs of the monster ever, he's got "Super, Mega, Plasmic, Atomic Breath" which destroys everything around him, the musical score is really good with classic G-marches and new music and that scene where Godzilla is underwater is totally done in CGI, which is awesome! Although my review probably isn't the best on here, I'm just a simple kid that loves Godzilla in every shape and form... so I give it 4 stars... even though it stunk big time. If you like Godzilla, you'll enjoy "Godzilla 2000"!
Rating:  Summary: BEST GODZILLA MOVIE EVER Review: This in my opion is the best Godzilla movie to date. Back in 1998 Tri star realesed a film that was not godzilla only by title but now the studio that brought us the originals is back with Godzilla 2000. I don't know why people find this movie funny but I don't I found this film to be the most enjoyable movie this year. The special effects are the best in the japanese series and also the acting is better then many japanese monster films. I reccomend you add this video to your movie collection.
Rating:  Summary: Best Movie Ever Review: Well I came, I saw, and I was incredified! If you want to know all the really fake parts, here they are. When the tower is exploding near the end and he slides down the elevator cable for 90 floors and only has a rash! THERE WAS A GIANT FLYING ROCK! If you want a comedy this is the movie of the year, but if you want an action then this movie is the worst ever. No wait Batman and Robin was worse. Then it is the second worse.
Rating:  Summary: More fun than a giant lizard with bad breath. Review: Three words to describe this: Best Movie Ever. Or worst movie ever. It depends on how you look at it. If you buy this movie expecting to see an action-packed movie with awesome special effects, you should buy a different movie. If you buy this movie with the sole purpose of making fun of it, you are one of the smartest people who have ever lived. Personally, I thought it was hilarious. From the rubber suit to the cardboard buildings to the giant flying rock, this movie was great. If you like this movie, I recommend you watch "Godzilla vs Gigan," or any other Toho movie. And remember, there's a little bit of Godzilla in every one of us.
Rating:  Summary: Godzilla 2000 Review: Godzilla resurfaces from the Pacific Ocean again, and his immediate intentions this time are to destroy every nuclear power plant in Japan, whether operating or not. But that campaign is cut short when the great grey behemoth has to go up against what at first is a rock barried at the bottom of the sea, than a UFO spaceship, than, finally, an oposing monster that mimics the physical characteristics of the creature from Roland Emmerich's 1998 American version of Godzilla. In fact, there are more than just a few visual similarities between G2K and movies made by Dean Devlin and Roland Emmerich (too many to mention) that was probably an intentional effect by director Takao Okawara, seeing the harsh criticism that Devlin and Emmerich recieved because of the derivitive elements in their films. The prank works much better than one would've thought, and the updated look of Godzilla is quite good, but the pace lags in several spots, becoming down-right boring in the middle, because Godzilla isn't on-screen that much, and the UFO isn't interesting enough to build a strong subplot around. Things pick up again towards the ending, with the two monsters locked in combat and smashing every usable scaled-down building in sight. Nice music score. Hopefully, the next Godzilla picture (Godzilla X MegaGuirus, or something like that) will be released in American theatres, but with G2K only grossing 9.74 million, it seems unlikely.