Rating:  Summary: all good things come to an end...... Review: I remember when i was 8 years old many fond memories which includes the ninja turtles which in my opinion was the greatest action show for boys and well...... as far as I remember some girls as well.....well the movies at least. I loved the first and I loved the second movie (actually i liked the second more even though i shouldnt have really) and the third.......well we can be very cruel and nasty at this movie and give nasty reviews and how it was the cause of the turtles demise but the fact is that turtles had already enjoyed its peak and was already on the way out. this movie was merely the ninja turtles last breath of air. however the fact is this movie had a lot less efort put into it than the previous 2 movies which is reflected in the bad use of lip movement by the turtles which mixes badly with the script which obviously was neglected in the making of the movie. also the costumes had changed slightly for the worst and in one scene if i remember you could see strings on splinters hand as he shuts a window at the start of the movie. it was little touches like this that bought the movie right down. then came the hard task for the producers to make a story without shredder involved and you may say that if the produces had of bought him back for the third movie it would have looked stupid as he clearly died in the 2nd movie but then I have to ask you...would it have mattered really? i mean this movie clearly was just a cheap cash in on the turtles series anyway which was going to be the teams last attemped to make some cash on the dying series so if the movie is ugly anyway would shredders precence have really mattered because in my opinion it would have helped because the movie couldnt have been any worse. Altough all companys will try to make as much cash as they can on there products its just a shame the turtles series had to go down the same path and was done so badly in the process? just dont remember the turtles this way because i really wish i hadnt have. i would like to recommend though on a brighter note that the first and second movies are great and will bring back fond memories of when the ninja turtles were still the greatest. BUY THEM NOW
Rating:  Summary: Get The Third Movie, Now! Review: I say this movie is one of the coolest ninja-action adventures in a long time. It really gets a real entertainment out of me. See the 3rd movie, it will give a lot of fun and excitment for you and all of your friends. It's a movie that should be seen by a lot of ages.
Rating:  Summary: Get The Third Movie, Now! Review: I say this movie is one of the coolest ninja-action adventures in a long time. It really gets a real entertanment out of me. See the 3rd movie, it will give a lot of fun and excitment for you and all of your friends. It's a movie that should be seen by a lot of ages.
Rating:  Summary: Bah. Review: I think there's a reason this site has a kid review form for people under 13. That way we all know when a kid is reviewing so we can disregard the review because they don't know anything. If you were a fan of the three movies at a young age when they came out, you can watch the first and second films and still get a slight sense of nostalgia when you're reminded of your childhood and the good times the turtles brought you. But not with number three- it was horrible and was most likely made just for the sake of making another sequel and making some cash (like when disney makes crappy pointless sequels to their crappy movies). It's just goofy and stupid. It's like they didn't even try.
Splinter is more of a joke than the voice of reason and wisdom, as he seems crippled and never moves throughout the movie. Casey comes back after missing the second movie, but why? To play grab-ass with samurais who are lost in time. Mikey's the only one who resembles anything close to his character from the first two, because they all have weird voices and kiddy-cartoony faces, and something that looks like moles on their bodies. Also: crappy villains. Some WASP who's in love with birds. Who cares. Where's the foot clan? Or that angry bald guy who worked for the Shredder? That's what made the first two great: ninja action and great good-vs-evil match-ups. Not goofing off with kids out in the open. Ralph has one outburst in the beginning just for show, and the rest of the time he's useless and boring.
It's just a totally different movie. They shouldn't call it number three if it has nothing to do with the other two. And if you disagree with everything I think about this movie, even though it's all true, we can all agree on one thing: we don't need to open and close the movie with turtles dancing around like morons. That's bad cinema.
Rating:  Summary: Worst of the series! Review: I've read several negative reviews on this movie so i decided to watch it over again...sure the animatronics weren't the best i'll admit, but the argument that the story is too far-fetched...people, we're watching a movie about GROWN TURTLES WHO CAN TALK AND STUDY NINJITSU!! DO WE REALLY NEED TO HAVE A DEBATE ON WHAT'S "FEASIBLE" OR "REAL"?? come on now, if we wanted realism, we'd watch jackie chan roll down a mountain or something...accept the movie as what it is, and judge it accordingly...it's like saying a plane sucks cause it can't go underwater...wasn't meant to!
Overall TMNT was a decent movie, the first was of course the best, but i would put this one in a close second to TMNT 2 only but where it fails in accurate animation it succeeds with an enjoyable plot (that, and TMNT 2 had in vanilla ice, what was that?? lol).
Rating:  Summary: By far the worst of the series Review: If you like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, you will hate this movie. I remember renting this movie when it came out, and thinking it sucked, but I could never remember why. My brother and I were watching the first movie, and he asked how much TMNT 3 would cost. It was only a couple bucks, so I figured what the heck, and got it. As soon as I put it in I remembered why I hated it, all those years ago.
The biggest problem with this movie is the characters. Nearly all of them act out of character. This is especially noticeable in Raphael and Donatello. Raphael acts all goody-goody in this movie, and he befriends a little kid. He also has no concern about his sais, and in the other movies he was very protective of them. This isn't the Raphael I know. Donatello is considerably dumbed down for most of the movie and becomes smart at the oppurtune times. April is much more ditzy than normal. Casey only wants to fight which, and he fights for justice not just to fight. Splinter is way more strict than usual. The European and Japanese characters aren't well done either. The only characters that are very good are Leonardo, Michaelangelo, and the guy that's played by the same actor as Casey. The Turtles and Splinter also look much worse than they did in the first two movies.
The plot is also really bad. April suddenly brings back an item from 1600s Japan that can send them to that time period from a flea market. She gets sent to there and a Japanese guy comes back. She gets captured and Turtles rescue her. When they go to Japan, 4 Japanese guys take their place. Casey has to babysit them. That's about it.
The dialogue is another bad thing about the movie. Practically everything said is unbelievable and only said to get a laugh from kids. This ties in with the characters not acting in character stuff. I also find it annoying that the Japanese people speak in English. The Casey segments are painful. The Japanese people act like kids and he tries to teach them hockey and stuff. Not good at all.
A final pet peeve is that the cast is almost entirely different from the first two. Apirl is different as always, and the turtles and Splinter sound much different. Casey is the only returning actor.
I wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone over the age of 10. The entire point of this was to make a family oriented movie with lots of jokes for kids and that's not what TMNT's about. If you have little kids in your house, they might like it, but that's probably the only way anyone would.
Rating:  Summary: Not as good as its predecessors but... Review: Not as good as the first two, but a worthy buy nonetheless. Interesting twists as the Turtles take on new advisaries and certain hilarity usually welcome and adored by Turtle fans.Look forward to John Woo's CG adaptation of TMNT. Visit [URL] for more info.
Rating:  Summary: Tame and sicking kiddie fare Review: Oh dear, if you're diabetic then I would seriously advise against watching this film. It' so sugary it'll rot the brain right out of your head. Why on earth Eastman and Laird allowed this to be made is beyond me. It's soooooooo far removed from their black and white comic book. Okay, I know the cartoon series was too but the first movie did have a hard edge to it. I mean, take a look at the cover-the Turtles are smiling and happy. Then look a cover of one of the original comic books. They're almost always gritting their teeth and frowning. THAT'S how it should be. Not like this. Even the animatronics look fake. The first 2 had a rather believeable Splinter but now he's juddering and stiff and obviously operated by a couple of technicians loitering a few feet off camera. His voice is also totally different and he seems a touch more upbeat and lively. HARDLY the way Splinter is supposed to be. The plot itself defies logic and there are massive holes all over the place. With such a dramatic change in locale from New York to Fuedal Japan you'd think the movie would take advantage of that and go nuts with imagination. But sadly not. It just...goes nowhere. I mean, what is the deal with the character of Whit. Why does he look like the great, great, great grandfather of Casey Jones. In fact, the return of Casey is the only reason I am not giving this a 1-star rating. It's a pretty wretched movie but Elias Koteas can make it a tiny bit less unbearable. Hopefully the new cartoon show and the possibilty of another (harder) movie will cancel this one out. It's nothing but dated, mindless fodder for under-fives. At the risk of repeating myself; this is NOT how the Turtles shoud be. Extras are almost non-existant but the animated menus are cool. The 1.85:1 anamorphic picture is in pretty good shape but the Dolby 5.1 track isn't up to much I'm afraid. The film was orginally recorded in Dolby SR so this is obviously a remastering job. It's just adequate is all I'm saying.
Rating:  Summary: love it! Review: OK, I've a turtle fan before i could even say teenage mutantninja turtle, it came out tenage mutin nijit turtles! Well, i am not that old, i am a teen, but i love this movie, this is the only i dont have, and im missing a few of the cartoon tabes. But, this is my fave. of them all. I love the age of the ninja, so i fell in love with it the first time i saw it. And this was the on TMNT movie i saw on the big screen. Well, if i had the choose of the three, this would be it! END
Rating:  Summary: Great twist on the series Review: OK, so this movie doesn't feature uber-villain Shredder, but this is one great entry into the TMNT series. Though not as good as TMNT: The Movie it is ten times better than TMNT II. The story starts with the Turtles down in their new subway lair (discovered in II) just hanging out now that Shredder is dead and buried. April stops by with an ancient Japanese device she picked up for Splinter at a garage sale. The device turns "on" and transports April to feudal Japan, a young Japanese prince taking her place. The Turtles spring into action and travel back in time to save their friend. Of course complications ensue and the Turtles find themselves in the middle of a revolution of sorts between the prince's father and the prince's rebel girlfriend. The great part of the film is that the Turtles must decide if they want to stay in the past, where they are accepted and revered, or return to the present and remain outcasts. And perhaps the best part of the film: No Vanilla Ice!!!