Rating:  Summary: Solid Follow-Up Review: After being pleasently surprised by the first X-Men movie, I went to this one with the trepidation I have come to know from such sequels as `Blade II,' `Terminator 2,' and `Highlander 2.' Usually after filmmakers have a hit with their first film (usually due to the amount of time invested in their scripts and actors over the amount of money in their special FX budget), they are heady with success by the second and chuck characterization and plot out the window in favor of boffo FX. I'm happy to type this is not the case with X2. There is more of everything which worked for the first film - more characterization, more plot, more mutants, more film, more cameos (and nods to the fans - watch for Remy `Gambit' LeBeau's name on a computer screen and Hank `The Beast' McCoy being interviewed on Tv at a bar). The only thing I found lacking in this film was the presence of Sabretooth (while not a particularly memorable character in the first film, he DOES have a lot to do with Logan's past), and screen time for Cyclops. However, what we do see of Cyclops is very well done, particularly in the performance of James Marsden, the man behind the visor. In the five or ten minutes of time he has to emote throughout the film, he does a memorable job. And did I miss it? Where was Stan Lee's cameo? But there's so much more to like in this movie than those minor quibbles. I should mention the quality of this cast - particularly the supporting characters, as the main players showed their admirable talents in the first film and do no wrong in this one either (in the case of Halle Berry as Storm, there is an actual improvement). Alan Cummings gives an affecting portrayal of Nightcrawler, a unique looking mutant with the ability to teleport. Spirituality and faith, something usually sadly lacking today's movies gets a good representation in his character -a young man with the appearance of a devil and the heart of a saint. On the other hand, we have Aaron Stanford giving an awesome show as Pyro, a slacker of a mutant with `something dangerous in him' and the ability to maniuplate fire. Pyro is the raging youth given the power to enact his angst on the adult world - he swings from typical teenaged apathy to gleeful violence with the kind of believability Hayden Christian was sorely lacking in Star Wars 2. Shawn Ashman as a likable Iceman plays as a polar (pun intended) opposite to Pyro - he's the well-adjusted son to Pyro's broken home kid (there's a great scene where Pyro looks at one of Iceman's family photos with longing - superb!). Even the brief cameos by Jubilee, Shadowcat and others are memorable - evidence of great casting which I hope will be more utilized in X3. Of particular note is Daniel Cudmore as Colossus, whose physical presence in the flesh is just as impressive as when he shifts to his armored skin. With the one underplayed line `I can help,' he serves to establish his character as a benevolent protector. One can only hope we'll see more of him next time. The FX - something which is most often the downfall of a sequel (too many, usually) are used to great effect. The escape of Magneto from his plastic prison is brilliant and exciting...the teleportation of Nightcrawler is well done (there's a nebulous, paint-in-the-water after effect that takes the BAMF! and smell of brimstone description of the comics to a new graphic level), and the escape of the children from the X-Mansion is great. But where's the Danger Room? I have full confidence in Synger's ability to pull that off in the next one... Story-wise, the individual skeins of characters in the first film are nicely woven in the sequel, attaining new heights -most signifigantly with Jean Gray and Logan. The better (or worse?) part of Logan's past is revealed, and there is a great arc in Jean Gray's progression as a character which elevates this beyond the status of a mere inbetweener and puts it on par with Empire Strikes Back, Star Trek 2, and Godfather II in the way of superb chapters. I hope this isn't truly a trilogy, and that Synger and the fantastic group of filmmakers he has put together agree to more of these films, because I just don't see how ending the series in the next one could be satisfactory (but then, I didn't see how X2 could be good, either!). I wish there was more time spent on Rogue and Iceman, and its my hope that Synger knows not to introduce too many more mutants, for the plot could become convoluted if he panders to too many hopeful fanboys. In short, Colossus and The Beast, yes! Gambit and Forge, no! As much as I would like to see such characters on screen, they would work better as cameos. Let's see the story of the X-men we have. To wrap it up, its very rare nowadays that we see a franchise of such quality as X-Men - something which appeals to a mass audience, is approved of by die-hard fans, and yet has a deeper, important message as well (that of tolerance, love - both of the self and others, and basic goodness). Bravo!
Rating:  Summary: It's good, but... Review: On the good side, I like that this movie takes up exactly where the other one leaves off. Each of the Batman films feels like it is in a different universe (different actors, directors, art design, tone, etc.). The two X-Men movies could be spliced together to form the X-Men Saga. Nightcrawler is great - we believe it when he "BAMPHS." For those of us familiar with the comic books, we get the beginning of the Phoenix Saga here, which will undoubtedly be played out in future films. There are great special effects, great fight scenes, and the overall tone of the movie is true to the comics. On the flip side, even though more X-Men are introduced, they don't have that much to do. Iceman has always been one of my favorite characters. He plays a large part in this film, but he never really has a chance to let his awesome power loose. NOT ONCE DOES HIS SKIN FREEZE OVER! Colossus is here too, but he is young - he only has one scene. Surely Colossus would be an invaluable asset. I am most sad about Magneto. Magneto has always been one of my favorite characters. He's more than just a villain. There is a chance in this film for him to become the Magneto who would lead The New Mutants. Unfortunately, his hero moment passes, and they let this complex character degenerate into just "the villain."
Rating:  Summary: X2 exceeds the 1st film, instills hope in X-Men franchise Review: Summary: "X"cellent film-X2 exceeds the original film and instills hope in the x-men movie franchise" The second installment in the X-men saga delivers everything a moviegoer could ask for. Nonstop action, character driven pathos, resolution of plot threads, new questions raised, and cameos and suprises all along the way. X-Men and Comic book fans alike, will be proud that their favorite heroes have put their best face forward. The film's action unfolds within minutes of the opening credits and takes you along for a ride you'll remember long after the last scene in the film. The nature of a sequel, and its expectations notwithstanding, the film could be seen as a standalone. A moviegoer who has seen the original film will marvel at how the films tie so well together as plot threads in the first film get resolved, and new plotlines open up for future films. The film has done a great job to solidify the franchise and continue a new genre of comic related films. From a comic fan's standpoint the film does a very good job of keeping the feel of the comic translated to the big screen. Minor changes in origins and relationships get forgiven when the viewer gets to see their childhood (and maybe even adulthood) heroes brought to life on the siver screen. Marvel's decision to bring the feel of the new issues of the X-Men comics closer to the movie version, was probably a good one. The film itself has so many suprises for the fan of the comic, that the viewer's eye will dart from scene to scene trying to find all the film's character cameos and "easter eggs". The film's translation to DVD will probably be a view's delight. Brian Singer's direction in the film should be lauded, because of the sheer amount of character development you see with the growing number of different x-people in the film. His ability to juggle so many different characters, and actors has definitly grown since The Usual Suspects. Singer does a good job of showing respect to the material. Even slight nuances of the actors' performances at different instances in the film is artfully juggled. (See any character tied to the morphing of Mystique for proof). Hugh Jackman's performance leads the star-studded cast. His portrayal of Wolverine anchors the movie to the cheers of moviegoers-as they relish in the character's adamantium clawed rage. Jackman deftly displays his control of the character's complexity as his interaction with the different castmemembers is seen from scene to scene. Also noteworthy is Ian Mckellan's reprisal of his role as Magneto. It drips with a wonderful amount of sarcasm and dignity that even the most jaded of fans would have to admit that the casting choice was a good one. Alan Cummings's Nightcrawler will probably make lots of children want alot of blue makeup for Halloween this year. The character's addition was a good choice for the film. As the group's makeup starts to get closer to the classic John Byrne/Chris Claremont era of the comic. The X-Men movie franchise has been solidified well. X-Men 2 (X2) draws certain similarities to other sequels like Empire Strikes Back, Godfather 2, and The Two Towers-in its strength as a movie in a series. Fans of the film, movie-goers, and comic books fans will probably argue that its much better than the first film, and its placement in the series. Arguably the film has outmatched its predecessor in many aspects. Much like Empire, the film presents a plot thread that doesn't get resolved at the end of the film. Young fans and people not familiar with the X-Men's history will definitely have questions unanswered at the film's end. For the requirements of a sequel, the film goes a long way of going above and beyond its prerequisites. The movie viewer will be content at the film's end, but saddened that they cannot watch the next film-right away. The anticipation for the next installment of the film will feel arduous. But, at least X-Men 2 has done its job well. The franchise is in the able and steady hands of Mr. Singer. And as Professor Xavier says "I think everything is going to be just fine."
Rating:  Summary: Progressing Nicely Review: This was the ultimate comic book movie. It read and watched like an series of x-men issue. Some highlights: Wolverine addressing the mansion invasion his way. The Escape of Magneto The Jet battle The villian's dupe who apparently is seeking his father's approval. There isn't a bad bit of acting in the movie that I could see. Our villians and hero's were awesome. I also think the chemestry between Mystique and Wolverine will be worth playing off. The introduction of both Colossus and Kitty without actually introducing them is a great idea. The name stars such as Berry will likely not remain for the entire franchise so the missing characters played by young actors will set the stage for it to continue. I saw this at the drive-in as a double feature with Daredevil (Yes there still ARE drive-ins in Massachusetts but not many) and my wife pointed out that both movies had sympathetic portrayals of Catholic characters, for X-Men this would be Nightcrawler, the willingness not to run from his faith or try to write it out of the script is a good thing and brave in the hollywood of today. Wolverine is the guts of this franchise, and from what I saw he can carry this band for a long time. The first movie was very good but the LOTR & Potter franchises which followed afterwards were SO far beyond it that it made the movie less satisfying. This movie can stand toe to toe with them and like Gods and Generals makes the first movie better by its existance. This will be a fun ride. Take it.
Rating:  Summary: LOVED IT.... Review: All the fighting all the action it was great!!!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: TOTALLY "X"CITING!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: I cannot think of a better word to describe this movie. I have seen plenty of sequels in my life, but X2 goes beyond great. One of the best things about this movie was the use of multiple XMen and thier powers. 1. Storm summoning multiple tornados in an air fight sequence. 2. Rogue using her powers to help calm a fire set by Pyro. 3. Pyro using his powers to drive away the police. 4. One of my favorite scenes is with Siryn. The "troops" break into the mansion and barge into her room. She sits up and activates her sonic scream (those who read the comics know what her power entails). Coming to her rescue is Colossus. He walks into her room and his body transformers into all metal-COOL. 5. Professor X freezing the entire mall. 6. The "near the closing" scene of Jean Grey and the water. Of course there is a great story behind all of this. An attack on the president (by the newest mutant Nightcrawler) causes a "rogue" military man to seek vengence on the mutants, specifically Professor X. There is also the intertwining of Wolverine's past which became a little clearer. There were some excellent fight scenes and tremendously eye popping special effects. Another great thing is the character development. We are introduced into the past of Nightcrawler, Wolverine and Iceman (Bobby Drake). We touched on a little more of Storm's hatred of humans. There is the spark of romance and betrayal. We also meet another human experiment with the adamentium; but this time just her "nails". Mystique is a pivotal player in the movie this time and I was glad. She has become one of my favorites. Also cleverily placed throughout the movie are subliminal "X's". I found a few. I also liked the idea of expanding the use of thier powers. XMen like Jean Grey, Storm and Wolverine. There was also some subtle hints of things to come. During a t.v. interview we meet Dr. Hank McCoy (Beast). While breaking into some computer files, Mystique came across a few names including Remy L. (Gambit). A big scene with Kitty Pride or Shadowcat. Another mention of Jubilee and the boy who can change the t.v. without using a remote. I will be seeing this movie again, again and again. This is completely worth the money. Besides the end scene with Jean Grey left a big opening for a sequel. I LOVE THE XMEN.
Rating:  Summary: The best comic to movie adaptation ever Review: Comic book movies have had a long history of being disappointing to say the least. Aside from Superman, Spider-Man, and the first X-Men movie there have not been many that would be considered noteworthy. But with the first X-Men movie something changed. The first X-Men movie was not perfect, but was pretty darn close. It was very true to the spirit of the comic it was based on, featured good one-liners, and was over all a very enjoyable experience. I gave the first X-Men movie a five star rating, I liked it that much. For a sequel to surpass the original when I gave the original a five star rating is something spectacular. I wish there was a rating that I could give X2 that would be double what I gave the original, it was that drastically improved, and the original was not so severely flawed to begin with. The acting in X2 was improved over the original, with Halley Barry (Storm) having dropped the cheesy accent, and James Mardesen not being as dry as he was in his previous outing. Everyone seems to be much more comfortable with their roles this time, and much more capable. Nightcrawler is loveable and funny just like in the comic books, yet you also feel sorry for him in that even his fellow mutants seem to be taken a back by his appearance at first glance. Alan Cummings did wonderful in this role. One compliant I had in the comics was Lady Deathstryke and her cheesy dialogue. They kept her quiet for the movie; as a result she came off as cooler, and much deadlier. The plot is also loosely based on my all time favorite X-Men story, God loves Man Kills, and so it was nice to see so many references to the source material, as well as a number of mutant cameos like Colossus, Shadow Cat (albeit played by a different actress than X1) and many others. The best part of the movie was the way the movie ended. I am trying not to give out too many spoilers these days, but Phoenix fans will get a kick out of the movie's ending. Let us hope that it does not take too long for them to get the third movie under way, when considering how much better this movie was than the original, I now have very high expectations for the third film, especially since it very likely will end up being a movie version of the legendary Phoenix Saga! All in all, this movie definitely warrants repeat theater viewings, and is now one of my most anticipated DVDs, second only to the Two Towers Extended Edition. In short, if you like super heroes you have to see this movie!
Rating:  Summary: Better than the original! Review: This is the way a sequel should be made! You build on the original and take it to the next level. Everything here is great, with cameos from several X-Men and surprises throughout the film. My only gripe is the fact that Gambit wasn't in this anywhere! Colossus had only about a 5-second part where he was metal, although he did manage a good few minutes as human. Please bring him back in the next film with a bigger part - and bring Gambit in there too PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! All in all, this is an incredible movie, and it sets itself up perfectly for the final film in the trilogy (the actors are signed for 3 films, and it's doubtful you could get all of them back for any more so enjoy this cast while it lasts). Nightcrawler's part in the film is amazing, and they truly bring him to life as you'd imagine him from the comic books. The teleporting effect is awesome, and the opening minutes of the film will leave you breathless! It totally changed my opinion of Nightcrawler from the comics because I'd always seen him as one of the weaker characters...now I see that he has the potential to be one of the deadliest! Wolverine gets a ton of screen time, and it's nice to see Iceman use his powers (but let's see him turn to ice in the next film like he does in the comics). This movie stays incredibly close to the comics as far as characterization goes, so true fans should be pleased. Cyclops doesn't get much screen time at all (but being such a stick-in-the-mud character, who really misses him?), but he's obviously going to play a major role in the next one. Hopefully, the final film will have a few key things to make it perfect: Nightcrawler in a cool uniform rather than the circus clothes he wore throughout this one, Iceman TRULY becoming his namesake (the special effects are there, so don't say it can't be done), Gambit (complete with staff, cards, and overcoat), more screen time for Colossus and Kitty Pryde (she's been in both movies so far for a few seconds, so go ahead and give her some serious screen time), and finally, the return of ALL the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants (including their new recruit from this film). Get ready for number three to blow you away if this one is any indication of it. This one blows the first one out of the water, so plan on watching it again and again! Get out there and see it!
Rating:  Summary: Superb Popcorn Movie Review: Good stuff all around here. No, it's not Kurosawa or Lean or anything like that, but wow, that scene at the school . . . wow. It got my blood flowing just as well as Braveheart or Gladiator did. Be forewarned, however - every character gets a little bit of time in this one, and if you're walking into this one without having seen the first one and/or being unfamiliar with the X-Men universe, you might have trouble keeping tabs on who's who. Very, very well done sequel with lots of excitement, stellar special effects, and some actual emotional resonance to the story. A great ensemble cast, too, and it's great to see them give Mystique (Rebecca Romijn-Stamos) more screen time. Kelly Hu seemed to be the only person with nothing to do. Oh well, time to wait for the third one now. I think we should call it "Rise, Phoenix, Rise."
Rating:  Summary: Prelude to X3: The Dark Phoenix Saga? Review: My, oh my! I just watched this movie the second time in four days and boy, did it rock! Mmm ... let me count the number of times I cheered heartily during this movie (don't read if you don't want any spoilers): 1. Nightcrawler teleporting in and out, to and fro, again and again, during his attack on the Oval Office! I couldn't have imagined that scene being done any better. In the wrong hands, a teleporting mutant would have looked about as convincing as Scotty beaming up Captain Kirk. 2. Dr. Hank McCoy! Despite hopes being crushed that the Beast will be a main character in X2, the lovable amazing blue furry mutant still managed to make a small cameo in his human guise as the good doctor. 3. Wolverine going into his berserker rage during Stryker's raid on the X-Mansion! NO ONE could have been a better Wolverine than Hugh Jackman, despite the fact that he is a foot taller than the Wolverine in the comics. 4. Colossus suiting up in his steel-armor! Whoa! I wish he had a bigger role in X2, but I'm sure there will always be X3. 5. Kitty Pryde passing through her bed and then through the bedroom floor! Siryn's earth-shattering scream! Still, X2 missed letting Jubilee (the Asian girl) do her stuff to defend the X-Mansion during the raid. In the comics, she was a gutsy and independent girl who would have done her best to confound the raiders. 6. Pyro going psycho! Way hot scene for the way cool hothead. 7. Storm finally gets to show who's the boss. Twisters galore! Halle Berry finally gets to sink her teeth into her role as the white-haired weather goddess. 8. Magneto and Mystique save the day! When was the last time you cheered for the VILLAINS? Ian McKellen is simply amazing as the flawed and vulnerable but nevertheless evil Magneto. 9. Jean Grey versus Cyclops! Wolverine versus Lady Deathstrike! Professor X versus mind-controlling evil mutant! Climatic battles worthy of Star Wars movies! 10. Final scenes possibly setting the pace for X3: The Dark Phoenix Saga! (X-Men neophytes might like to know that in the comics, Jean Grey eventually became the immensely powerful and destructive cosmic entity known as the Dark Phoenix - it took all of the X-men's might to stop her path of destruction across the galaxy. If Bryan Singer is planning to make his own version of the Dark Phoenix Saga, I'll be jumping up and down with joy.) Need I say more? Bryan Singer, bring on X3!!