Rating:  Summary: Decent, but somewhat uninvolving Review: First off, it is nice to see the introduction of several new mutant characters in this film. But motion pictures can never match comic books in scale, imagination, and narrative tightness and efficiency. Thus is the underlying problem with the "X-Men" movies.In "X2", we find our reluctant heroes under attack by a rogue General Stryker (Brian Cox, the ORIGINAL Dr. Hannibal Lecter on film) and the Xavier School/Institute/whatever forcibly attacked. The Xavier school, if you remember from the first movie, is a prep school-cum-mutant training academy for good-looking, upper-middle-class mutant kids. On the run, the X-men must keep themselves and the students safe yet find who is behind the attack and why. Magneto and Mystique join forces with our heroes for a while, and that stretches credibility just a bit. Did I just use the word "credibility" in a review of a movie about mutant superheroes? The movie is mostly a series of action setpieces, some Wolverine history uncovered, and spiffy effects. But the story never really gets you too involved or interested. I'm not saying you should NOT see it, but be aware that any movie franchise that wants to be all things to all people is bound to disappoint on multiple levels. On the positive side, Mystique is given much more to do (and the sequence where she plants the seeds for Magneto's eventual escape from his plastic prison is pleasingly clever), new movie character The Nightcrawler as played by Alan Cumming is a fun visual treat, and you get plenty of bang for your buck with the movie's 133 minute running time. Oh, yeah. One of the X-Men from the first movie dies. You'll have to see it to see which one. But that part of the film was also the weakest. With all of these incredible superpowers these mutants have, and their proven ability to emerge unscathed from just about any situation, logic dictates that it would take quite an incredible life-or-death situation to kill one of them. And the one in the movie that results in so-and-so's death doesn't quite live up to that.
Rating:  Summary: The saga continues... Review: I am going to forgo the typical "sum up the plot" review that most people seem to favor writing and instead focus on what makes this movie work. As with the original, it is the seriousness and the gravity with which Bryan Singer approaches his subject matter that continues to keep the X-Men movie franchise from sinking to the depths of such awful comic book movie sequels as BATMAN III & IV and SUPERMAN III & IV. At their best, comic books are dealing with real life issues and problems under the guise of fantasy. That is what has made the first two X-Men movies so good, they are a perfect blend of fantasy injected into a "real world" setting. This movie has a more somber tone than its predecessor, and one finds it harder to pity the humans in this movie, as we see their ingnorance and intolerance (as well as own reflected back at us) on full display. As far as action, the sequel far outdoes the original, and watching each mutant display his/her powers more breathtaking. My only concern is that the movie does not really stand on its own, and screams out for a third installment to complete the story. That may not be such a bad thing, as long as Singer and the excellent cast returns, and the storytelling continues to be as impressively executed.
Rating:  Summary: At least "X-Men" fans will like it Review: First of all, before I even start to write one word about this movie I need to explain a little something about myself. I USED to collect comic books and the trading cards, like most teenage guys. I have long past that interest in comic. Infact, I remember practically nothing. Which I suppose is sad considering all the money I put into it. IF YOU LIKE X-MEN 2 PLEASE DO NOT READ THIS REVIEW. THIS REVIEW IS FOR PEOPLE LIKE MYSELF WHO KNOW VERY LITTLE ABOUT THE COMIC BOOK CHARACTERS. But of course that won't stop people from giving me unhelpful votes. So to be fair I will try to be as unbaise as possible and review the movie from both sides. FOR PEOPLE WHO KNOW NOTHING ABOUT X-MEN: One of the many reason I didn't like the first movie was because the movie didn't really explain any of the characters. In all fairness it did go into depth with the Rogue character (Anna Paquin) and the Wolverine character (Hugh Jackman). But, the movie forgot that there were other characters in the movie that needed to be explained. There are characters we never come to know anything about, except for what they're special powers are. But, for those who know nothing about X-Men we are left in the dark. The movie doesn't try to pander to unfamiliar audiences. This movie is strickly for those who already know everything about X-Men. As I said, the first X-Men offered little to no explaination about it's characters, well, "X2" just picks up where the first one left off. The movie assumes we know everything and absolutely no explanation is given about anything. I mean, I'm not asking for much here, all I'm really asking for is a story that can capture my interest as well. As someone who doesn't know anything about X-Men I wanted the movie to be able to reach it's entire audience. Then again, of course, why would someone go see this movie if they don't know anything about these characters. Which is exactly why I didn't want to see this movie, but, I went with two younger cousins who naturally just HAD to see this movie. I didn't know what I was watching. The movie story-line is so weak that if you asked my what's is about, I wouldn't be able to answer you. It's not that I wouldn't want to give away the story, it's just that I honestly don't really know myself. The movie's story takes shape near the end of the movie. I guess this was done so that they would have more to work with in the third one. But all "X2" really is, is payoff and no set-up. Is there action in this movie? Yes. But that's mostly all there is. It's just payoff after payoff after payoff and no build up. There was one scene where all the mutants are under attack and they start to run away from the humans. My cousin and me started asking each other why are they running away. Why don't they use their powers? They clearly outnumbered the humans. And could have probably caused more harm to them then the humans could have with they're guns. For people who know nothing about "X2" save your money and stay away. A real piece of junk that so far is the worst movie I've seen this year. * 1\2 out of [5 *'s] FOR PEOPLE WHO LIKE X-MEN: If you enjoyed the first movie "X2" is going to be twice as entertaining to you. Most people will enjoy the fact that they are more characters in this one. But, we don't get to see them all perform they're special powers. Some new characters are barely used. I thought the character "Beast" was suppose to be in this one, but, I didn't see him. And they're were other characters, who's names I don't know, have very small parts. But, over-all, if you really enjoyed the first one and are a comic book fan, this will probably be the best movie you'll see all year. And to some, it will become they're new favorite movie of all time. Others will say it's the greatest movie they have ever seen before in their life. Trust me. You will be in for a real treat. If you have friends that aren't interested in "X-Men" don't bring them with you. They won't like the movie. This is really just for the fans. [5 *'s]out of [5 *'s] FOR EVERYONE: There are two things fans and nonfans will enjoy. The two most interesting characters in this movie are "Nightcrawler" (Alan Cummings) and "Mystique" (Rebecca Romijn Stamos). They provide some laughs in the movie and are really the two characters you be exciting about seeing. They are the most interesting characters in the movie. Bottom-line: FOR FANS ONLY! If anyone thought the first one had no depth to it as far as character devolpment go, wait to you see this one. The movie is basically a big action sequence. It's all payoff and no set-up. Fans of the comic book will love the movie, no doubt! It will turn out to be the greatest movie they have ever seen.
Rating:  Summary: This movie kicks major booty and is a heck of a lot of fun! Review: I'm giving this movie four stars out of 5 within its genre. X2: X-Men United is an unbelievble follow-up to what was just a mediocre first film. It isn't often that sequels are superior to the first film - in this case it is definitely true. The first film wasn't horrible, but as a fan of the comics, it was disappointing on several casting levels as well as the plotline and flow. X2 makes none of the first film's errors: it is action from the moment the movie starts and it ends the same way. A new mutant has infiltrated the White House and threatens the President. For those of us familiar with the comics, we know this mutant to be Nightcrawler, but to those unfamiliar, you find out eventually. In fact, this film manages to step up not only the action and the pace, but integrates a love triangle very prominent in the comics, and effectively uses a few other new mutants. We are introduced to a mutant of unbelievably strong psychic power (Legion in the comics?) and are able to witness a pre-mutant Hank McCoy (Beast) on television, while witnessing a list of mutants whose names many will recognize. These are just a few of the things that are thrown out there for the comics fans. Possibly the biggest thing thrown out there to us is in the final moments of the film. I won't divulge it here, but suffice it to say that those who haven't read the comics may feel that something is lacking in the ending of the film....For those of us who know the comics, we'll eagerly await the next installment. I'm not necessarily nuts about the "mutated" life lines assigned to our heros. (i.e. Iceman is one of the original X-Men, but the movie makes him a much younger novice.) I'm also not nuts about the original casting of Halle Berry as Storm - yes, she's gorgeous and now that she's got an Oscar she's more of a draw than before - BUT - Chris Claremont once said that Storm was modelled after the model/actress Iman, who is not only very much alive, but doesn't look much different than she did years ago - and she IS African as Storm is supposed to be). ..... X2: X-Men United is a really great action film that will have you laughing and cheering and leaving the theater wanting more!
Rating:  Summary: A review for the fans: Snikty snikty snoin! Review: "X2" is a better movie than it's predecessor in all the ways that "T2" was to its. It has a plot that is fresh and interesting, groundbreaking special effects and action scenes, and great acting and directing. Plotwise, the film is slightly lacking. I stress the word slightly. It's nothing you'll notice in the movie, but were you to summarize the plot for your friends, it might sound a little trite. And maybe it is, but it's not noticeable thanks to the acting. But we fans won't care about any of this. The beauty of having read 20-plus years of continuity allows us to bridge gaps and make assumptions involuntarily. We already HAVE a director's cut in our heads. What you really want to know about is the acting and the effects. And here they are: Wolverine: If you had any doubts about Hugh being perfect, this will throw them to the floor and tromp them. One of my complaints with the first film was that Wolvie was kinda weak. He got trashed by Mystique (granted, an butt-kicking Mystique who is better than her comic counter part) and Sabretooth. Here though, Wolvie gets to go berserk. Mmmm... berserk. The whole mansion scene is a fan-service and oh what joy does it elicit. Logan kills, maim, and generally destroys. He's the best there is at what he does. But what he does isn't very pretty. Nightcrawler: Oh. My. God. Alan "I am Een-veenceebahl!" Cummings IS Kurt Wanger. His accent is dead on. His face is all but perfect. The only problem I had with his appearance was that there wasn't enough shadowplay ... it was TOO blue. But during the night scenes... it's an Alex Ross painting come to life. And they got his teleporting right! Remember the Claremont runs when Kurt would take down a group of foes by teleporting behind them and flooring them in succession? He DOES that! No mention made of his BAMF! stench though. Jean: I don't want to give anything away, but this isn't the Jean from the first movie. Oh, it's still Famke Janssen, but when she used Cerebro, it changed her. And I think you can guess how. I didn't care for her much in the first film, but now... god, you can why Logan loves her. Cyclops: James Marsden needs to die. Remember the old Cyclops? The dorky-but-cool, I-can-take-down-the-entire-team-by-myself Scott? What happened to him? I don't like comic Cyclops as a person, but I always though he was kinda cool. Movie-Cyclops is just a dork. It's a wonder why Wolverine just doesn't break him. I can't believe this weenie is playing Jesse Custer... they'd better cast Cass better. Storm: Halle Berry is okay, but Storm just doesn't do much. When you consider that she was usually the second or third main character in the comic stories and you give her a minor role in the movie... it's not going to cut it. I won't miss Halle is she doesn't return for the sequel though. Stryker: Why don't we see more of Brian Cox? He's been in, I think, four of my favorite movies these past few years. He's a great actor and his Stryker is cold, but there's a hint of pain beneath it all. Deathstrike: Never mentioned by her alias in the film. God, she's beautiful. Unfortunately, she's the red-shirted-crewman of the film ... the only reason she's there is to throw down with Wolverine. And she does. And it's cool. Too bad she only had a single line of dialogue. Mystique: Didn't care for her much in the first film. Then, she was just Generic Half-naked Henchwoman. In "X2" we see her devotion to Magneto. I love her scenes as Senator Kelly too (Bruce Davidson did a great job playing Mystique-as-Kelly). She's definitely become a central character and much thanks to Rebecca Stamos for enduring all that make-up. And she can actually act! They didn't really let her in the first, but she's darn good here. Magneto and Professor X: They're played by Ian McKellan and Patrick Stewart. If these guys ever make a mistake, I'll let you know. Now then, cameos, cameos, cameos. Colossus is there and his part is great (pretty funny too) and when he metals up ... awe inspiring. Too bad it was so short. Syren (or is it Siren? Theresa Cassidy, anyhow) is there, same with Kitty "Katya" Pryde and we see the girls use their powers. Worst-Mutant-Ever Artie has a few seconds of screen time (thankfully he's not annoying). You'll catch a glimpse of human Hank McCoy, a soundbyte of Sebastion Shaw (which nixes the argument that Stryker's kid was Mastermind), and a few names on Stryker's computer. In addition, one of the folders on Stryker's desktop is marked "Project Wideawake" ... Sentinels anyone?! Maybe in X3. My favorite cameo was the RonCo guy, Ron Popeil when that little kid is watching TV. The ending of the movie is very well done. There will of course be an X3 which leaves the question of its plot. The movie seems to hint towards Dark Phoenix which would be awesome were it done right. Personally, I would love to see Proteus. Maybe if they did that Cyclops-beating-down-Wolverine-and-Nightcrawler scenario I might respect James Marsden more... nah, probably not. Sentinels are always a possibility (as mentioned with the Project Wideawake folder). In any case, if Hugh, Brian, Famke, and Alan return we'll have a surefire hit. In short: See this movie. See it twice. Quit your job and live at the theatre if you must. Because this movie is probably the best comic adaptation to screen. Maybe not the best movie, but certainly the best translation. Seen it twice already and I'll probably see it several more times ... and I don't usually do that. Last movies I can recall were "Harry Potter" and "The Matrix". Until "Watchmen" or "Preacher" hits the screen, the "X-Men" will have no trouble holding their title against the other comic-movie contenders.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome, Awesome, Awesome Review: I really enjoyed X-2. If you are into special effect and good action, this is your movie.
Rating:  Summary: Can't wait until X-men 3! Review: I thought that this was a great movie, but I don't want to talk about the movie a whole lot. The visual affects in this movie were great and the acting was awesome. This movie should hopefully throughout the weeks beat the rather dumb Marvel comic Daredevil in the box-office. This classic Marvel comic X-men had a better plot and it had some really cool characters. The best actors in a comic book movie ever so far! Huge Jackman, Halle Berry, Alan Cumming, Rebecca R. Stamos, Brian Cox, and many more great actors. I don't want to give the ending away or accually any of it away. It was an awesome movie and even Erbert and Roeper both gave it thumbs up! I would say don't even wait until video, go see it in theaters!
Rating:  Summary: A Summer Blast-- Ben N. at the movies Review: xmen 2 is one of this years most action packed films it is fast paced and has alot of xmen action including more classic characters such as nightcrawler... if you want to see a great action film see this one hugh jackman returns as wolverine and is a great performance this is a major step from xmen 1 see this go on dont be afraid it great ben n.. Shout out to Xmen 2 cast Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry Patrick Stewart Ian Mckellan Keep up the good work
Rating:  Summary: X-Men 2: X-Men United is the best sequel of the year! Review: This movie is awesome from beginning to end with action, an excellent emotional movie near the movie's end. "X2"'s director Bryan Singer does a brilliant and better job to this sequel. The characters are intriguing and interesting because of how well received the movie has been so far critically and box-officelly. The movie has a brilliant beginning and ending with surprises to keep you afloat. Hugh Jackman is smart as Wolverine, because of how we makes his character's emotions come alive onto the screen. The emotional scene between Cyclops and Jean Grey near the end when she sarifices her for her friends is very heartwarming and tearful. The music, production design, costume design, everything is just brilliant. The next sequel will probably be as good as this one was, maybe.
Rating:  Summary: Better than the first! Review: I saw X2 the day it came out and I was very satisfied. I thought it was by far better than the first. More action and more mutants. I've also grown a better appreciation for Wolverine in this as he was continually hacking up soldiers. Nightcrawler was pretty ownage too with his teleport and hit fighting. Good action and good acting. I did think that Mystique in Wolverine's tent scene was pretty pointless. Even after two days the wanting to see it again is still bothering me. Definately five stars.