Rating:  Summary: This one needs a sequel to get the story rolling.... Review: Unlike the critics I did like this film. The origin story was changed to include genetic manipulation. However, it's everything the Hulk of the comics was and still is today...a dark and tragic figure. The effects I expected to be cartoonish were not. If you notice a lot of the action takes place in the dark until the realism is perfected a bit more. It wasn't perfect but in lesser hands this movie would have been a disaster.
Rating:  Summary: Hulk SMASH!!! Review: I love the Hulk. I was a big fan since I could remember. I loved the comic and I loved the tv show with Bill Bixby and Lou Ferringo. Lou Ferringo makes a cameo in this movie too. I'm not sure why this movie didn't make a smash in the box office. I was absolutely amazed at the CGI. Hulk looked incredible. The scenes with Hulk destroying things, throwing things, leaping around, and fighting were the best in the movie. Story was a little slow at first, but it was repaid two fold when Bruce Banner turned into the awesome Hulk. Though slow at the beginning, the story was actually well written and it was interesting. I guess I just couldn't wait to see the Hulk appear. I couldn't get enough of seeing the Hulk on screen. I didn't want him to turn back into Banner. The Hulk even looked like Banner. Anyway, this is another hit for Marvel. A lot of great movies like Blade, Blade 2, X-Men, X2, Daredevil, and of course the biggest box office hit Spider-Man. I can't wait to see other Marvel characters come to life on screen... thank you Stan Lee... Marvel rules!!!
Rating:  Summary: H u l k . s l o w . . . H u l k . v e r y . s l o w . . . Review: The whole point of a movie about the Hulk is that Bruce Banner (Eric Bana) gets angry and engages in major property destruction as his gamma ray induced green skinned alter ego. However, it takes a long time for this summer blockbuster to get to that point as the pieces slowly (emphasis on slowly) fall into place. At that point the first couple of Hulkscapades occur at night, so that my tired old eyes had trouble picking up on the details. Eventually the Hulk sees the light of day and the best sequence of the film has the Army going after ol' greenskin in the desert. But then we are back to darkness for the finale, which is also slow in developing ("Slow" was the key word in the comments of the people walking out of the theater).At its fundamental level the character of the Hulk is a cross between "Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hydge" and "Frankenstein." However, that was not enough classical antecedents for screenwriters John Turman, Michael France, David Hayter, and James Schamus (who came up with the original story based on the character created by Stan "The Man" Lee and Jack "King" Kirby). So into the mix goes a strong dossage of "Beauty and the Beast," which works well because of Jennifer Connelly's Betty Ross (she only bats an eye once at the fact that her ex-boyfriend has become a monster) and to the advantage of the film. But then we also get this brand new plot line of Bruce Banner's father (Nick Nolte) as the Daddy Dearest of the Darkside, which was totally unnecessary. I suppose another way of characterizing the later addition is the reestablishment of Dr. Frankstein as the creator (Nolte's character certainly fits the model of Mary Shelley's story, where the scientist's greatest sin was not the act of creation but the abandonment of his creation). But given that you already have Bruce Banner accidentally becoming a monster, what do you really gain by making him a lab rat for his father and adding a major repressed childhood trauma? If the idea was to provide a psychological justification for Bruce Banner's unrepressed rage, then there needed to be a scene where it was his "normal" side that did something rather than simply turning into the Hulk. Besides, doing it this way loses the sense of identification the audience has with the character: you do not need to be a brilliant scientist to wonder what it would be like if you suddenly became the strongest creature on earth. The other key word besides "slow" for this film would be "stupid." Now, General "Thunderbolt" Ross (Sam Elliott) was always the biggest [put derogatory word of your choice here] in the Marvel Universe. But he was never this stupid: How many times can you let the Hulk escape before someone pulls your command from under you? Then there is Glen Talbott (John Lucas), who knows first hand what the Hulk can do up close and personal and decides that what he needs to do is to get Bruce Banner angry on purpose. Clearly, if it were not for these stupid people the Hulk would not be a problem. But, hey, the President seems happy with them and their stupid decisions. Director Ang Lee might have been unfamiliar with American comic books, but he gets credit for trying several times to simulate the multi-panel affect you have in the medium, that allows you to provide multiple views of a particular moment. But the pacing of the film also comes under his control and it is just too slow. On the flip side this film did a nice job of not only working in the cameo appearances of Stan Lee and Lou Ferrigno, but providing a rather different context for Bruce Banner uttering the most famous line from the popular television version of "The Hulk." Comic book fans will go see this movie once, but they will be...slow...to return for a second dose (at least I did not say they would be stupid to do so). The film is technically competent but lacks the emotional resonance we would have expected from the director of "Sense & Sensibility" and "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon." Final Note: I think that both the Hulk's new ability to run fast and his old habit of jumping miles in a single bound are both problematic. A major part of the pathos of the Hulk is that you have this man who becomes a monster against his will and is pursued by the armed might of the U.S. military. But given the Hulk's jumping ability the only reason the army corners him long enough to fire their weapons is because somebody in the script wrote it that way. The strength of the Hulk is in the idea of the unstoppable force and there is no reason to make it easier for him to jump out of trouble as opposed to wadding through masses of men and machines.
Rating:  Summary: Great Acting + Strange but Creative Directing =A Great Film! Review: Alright, everybody who has read a review about The HULK from people who have just seen the trailer don't know what they're talking about. HULK is a great, creative film, maybe better than SPIDERMAN but not even close to X2: X-MEN UNITED. The HULK is so true to the comics, that's why people have mixed reviews about it. They split the screen like a comic, when some scenes end you see a page flip, and they freeze some scenes also. But enough of the HULK, what about the storyline? At the beginning of the film Ang Lee makes the only mistake of the film, showing the hard to understand creation of the Hulk. But from there on, Eric Bana shines as Banner, Connely rocks at the role of Ross, but Banner's crazy dad (Im sorry I don't know the actor's name but I heard he''s crazy in real life)steals the show. Go see the best summer film in a long time!! HULK ROX! o yeah, this isn't a funny film, no jokes to lighten this dark film.
Rating:  Summary: Better than Spiderman! Review: Some complaints I've heard about this film, and my responses: 1/ Eric Bana is stone faced and unemotional (He's playing an emotionally repressed scientist, not Jim Carrey!). 2/ The origin of his powers takes up to much screen time (Why don't you try catching a lethal burst of Gamma rays in the face and see what super powers you gain!) 3/ The story goes to deep into Banner's mind (Let's see; the character of Banner transforms due to extreme anger. I don't know about you, but I can't remember the last time I flew into a blind rage, but then I didn't have a traumatized childhood). Face it! This is a great movie, and if you didn't like its thought provoking story, then there's always the mindless Charlie's Angels 2 (But then that's bombed too... Hey, what the heck kind of movie do you guys want?!)
Rating:  Summary: Not just a popcorn movie Review: but not arid and boring (well, most of the time not). I won't summarize the plot because most people here have done that already, just say that I really liked the whole look and feel of the film. You can tell this is the same guy who directed "The Ice Storm". The CGI was a little hard to get used to, but once I did it worked just fine. You could do a LOT worse at your local theater than to see this (not to mention any titles cough cough).
Rating:  Summary: An awesome movie Review: This is the best recent super hero movie I've seen except for maybe the first X-men film. It starts out kind of slow but that just makes it more exciting when the action finally starts. It is also very nicely filmed and acted. I had to watch this with a splitting headache but it still captivated me, and it takes a really great film to do that. Even my friend who thought he was going to hate it because of the changes they made to the comic story liked it. See it in the theaters if you can for the great desert scenes.
Rating:  Summary: This is really a bad movie Review: I walked into "The Hulk" with pretty good expectations. Even though I'm not a big fan of comic book films, I knew that Ang Lee was directing it. I loved his masterpiece "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" and thought he would do a fine job with this. I was nearly 100% wrong. "The Hulk" is pretty much a terrible film. The story revolves around Bruce Banner, a scientist, who is doing all of this work with Gamma Rays, and that sort of stuff. The plot's not even worth going into because essentially it doesn't matter. The film tries to be a smarter, deeper movie than most of the other Marvel Comic films, but ends up coming off laughable, and boring. If a comic book film is going to be smarter and talkier than the others, then it needs good dialouge and at least good acting. However, the film has neither. Eric Bana is terrible as Bruce Banner. He is monotone, and totally unconvincing as he tries to make us like him and care about him. One time it looks and sounds as though he's reading his lines right off of a cue card. Jennifer Connelly is emotional in nearly every scene, adn plays the cliched female character, who is trying to protect Bruce, and stands up for him, and so on. Sam Elliot and Josh Lucas play the villans, but neither are intresting, and just stand around making threats and trying to act tough. Nick Nolte plays Bruce's father, and most likely delivers the worst performance of the film. There's a scene at the end where he's talking to Bruce and then stands up and starts screaming. He is so unconvincing and laughable, that the whole theatre was rolling in the isles at how stupid he looked and was acting. Every single character is one-dimensional, and no one is even worth caring about. Also, the whole film is pointless. There is no furthering in plot. At the end, we're about at the same point as we were at the 30 minute mark. All the Hulk does is get mad, run from everyone, and then go back to normal. Then the whole process happens about five times. The Hulk can also jump miles at a time. Therefore, why doesn't he just jump and run away. Ahhhh, the film is such a disaster that 1000 words aren't enough to let me tell you how excrutiatingly painful this film was. The reason it gets 2 instead of one is because of Danny Elfman's score. The score is very good, and is the highest point of the film. As the end credits rolled, the person in front of me stood up and said "Thank God" in referring to that the movie was over. He also said to the person beside him this was the worst movie he'd seen in a long time. I'd have to say he's about right.
Rating:  Summary: Very good.. Review: I almost liked, 'Hulk' as much as, 'Spiderman' The plot was a little bit quirky. With just a few minor changes the creators could have made this perfect. Still a very good movie.
Rating:  Summary: Hulk is a great film! Review: I liked this film more than Spiderman. True, it does take a while to get going but once the hulk shows up the film takes off. I really don't see what the problem is with the CGI. Would you rather see a body builder in a green wig again? I thought the battle scenes with the army looked great. A lot of care went into making this film and it shows. The casting was very good, Sam Elliot made a great General Ross. I hope we will see a Hulk 2. This time I hope they put him up against a strength based villain.