Rating:  Summary: Hulk vs Daredevil...Hulk Wins. Review: Comparing The Hulk with Marvel's other newest movie, Daredevil, I found that the Hulk comes out the winner in almost every art department of film making.Cast; The casting of this movie was very good. Eric Bana, Jennifer Connelly, and Sam Elliot play their characters with a lot of humanity and depth. Where as the performances of Ben Affelick, Colin Farrell, and Jennifer Garner in DD were hollow and wooden. Production Design; The Hulk has some of the best sets and makes effective use of on location filming. It was a real world they created for the movie with a touch of comic book here and there. Daredevil looked too much like a styledized comic book world (aka the worst of the Batman movies). Visual Effects; Dennis Muren and the ILM staff did a very good job with the Hulk, He looks about as good as the Dinosaurs from the Jurassic Park movies and that says alot. In Daredevil, they used all too noticeable CGI effects when he used and used his radar sense. Screenplay; The story was very good. This was based very closely on the Stan Lee/Jack Kirby Hulk stories. Daredevil had no script. Music Score; It's really the only thing about the Hulk that I feel needed something more then the score Danny Elfman did for it. Elfman is very good for Spider-Man, but he comes up a bit short for the Hulk. I hope when they do a sequal, they ask John Williams to score it. In closeing, this is a very good movie. The Hulk belongs with Superman, X-Men, and Spider-Man in the list of comic to film projects that got it right.
Rating:  Summary: Very good film,very artistic Review: This film was great. The visual effects were great. The story line was good. the plot was good too.
Rating:  Summary: The Incredible DUD Review: OH MY, I have no idea where to begin to tell you how bad this movie was. First off, I am a huge fan of the TV show will the late Bill Bixby and somewhat a fan of the comic strip (when I was young)So I was excited when I first heard of the movie, then disappointed when I saw what the hulk would look like, then got somewhat excited again with all the rave reviews that it was receiving. So I broke down and went - thinking that the movie itself was good and i could over look the CGI Hulk. Well I left an hour and a half into the flick, it was that bad - i couldn't take any more Ang Lee's intention to make it like a comic strip failed, the split screens and annoying camera work made me want to stand up and scream "STOP IT OR MY HEAD WILL EXPLODE!!"(I wished it did) Next Eric Bana and Jennifer Connelly were awful, they had no onscreen chemistry, i guess they were supposed to be an ex couple, well it fooled me. Eric Bana was so stale in the beginning, little emotions - but got so easily angered talking on the phone that he turned into the hulk(Which took like two seconds) -come on now, Lame-O. Now I don't even want to get into Nick Nolte's part, it's not worth my time, probably his worst role ever. So I decided to stay for one of the big scenes, the hulk fights the gentically alter dogs. ok now , the hulk can throw a tank but has trouble fending off 3 dogs, mutants or not, they weren't that bad. At that I got up and walked out(i never walked out of a movie before). I had to go home and watch the original episode of the TV show about 10 times just to get the image of the awful movie out of my head. RIP Bill Bixby, whose has probably rolled over in his grave.
Rating:  Summary: Pretty (D)Ang Cool.... Review: A solid effort from Ang Lee. So deep and dark at times that its final battle almost jars by being pure comic-book. Expository and character scenes may bore the juniors but the set-up and pay-offs come fast enough for the older viewer. Gollum remains the high mark for character CGI but there is no shame in ILM's work on HULK. Both the title character and depictions of property damage are completely convincing in context; we can ask no more. I look forward to the DVD and sequels.
Rating:  Summary: Great potential, bad directing! Review: Yet another movie to fall to the clutches of a bad director. Great actors, they all fit their characters very well, but the movie simply tried to cover too many bases in one movie. It was like they took a 10 hour long movie, then just took parts of each scene, and pasted them together in a general order of occourance. And it was STILL too long and drawn out. About the first 2/3 of the movie is so slow I felt like just leaving so many times.
Rating:  Summary: saw it twice! Review: I have seen Hulk twice because it was one of those movies that have alot of pieces to put together. It had alot more depth and was much more like the comic then the cheesy Bill Bixby series. Eric Bana and Jennifer Connelly do a great job as Bruce and Betty. I can't believe people are complaining about the Hulks Graphics, I thought he looked fairly realistic considering how huge he is. I like Ang Lees multi screen effect, you really get to see each characters emotions at the same time.
Rating:  Summary: 2 hours I'll never get back Review: I saw the latest offering from Ang Lee this past weekend. The Hulk is all hype. I can't believe I didn't walk out. There was the compelling feeling that if I gave it another minute it would all come together and the pacing (and story) would pick up. Nope. I don't have ADD, but this was a butt-numbing movie to sit through. They tried to make it so hip that it defeated itself. With multiple split screens and squeeze frames it was more distracting than artistic. I can't see a kid sitting through this slow moving freight train. The animation was nicely done. I didn't like the way the Hulk jumped around the landscape like Tigger on steroids. Oh, Lou Ferrigno has a brief cameo in the film, he plays a security guard. Appearantly they spent all the money on the animation because Lou's shirt was 4 sizes too small. Nick Nolte was in the film. Thats about all the credit I can give him for doing it. His character could have been cut out completely and the story would still have been the same. anyway, Don't see the Hulk unless you have about 2 1/2 hours that you don't need back or if you're hiding from the law.
Rating:  Summary: A Fantasy Come Back To Haunt Us All! Review: For any of us brought up with regular overdoses of big, big Lou Ferrigno as the Incredible Hulk on TV, the leap into the computer-created Hulk on the silver screen is a mind-boggling jump indeed. This is a very entertaining movie, and while it may not always make a lot of sense, it brings out the wide-eyed kid in all of us as the far-fetched idea of a secretly genetically-enhanced body of young scientist Bruce Banner get a mighty dollop of gamma-ray contamination, and this sends his biochemistry into serious overdrive. By the time the plot finally winds around to a situation when Bruce gets cornered and suddenly becomes enraged, I found the audience around me cheering for the appearance of the unbelievably big and powerful green monstrosity at last. The movie is very well made technically, although the same cannot be said for the drama of the piece. So as the Hulk begins his involuntary rampages, we are awed by the pyrotechnics and sheer overkill innate in a creature of such stunning size and power. Indeed, he is a radical bodybuilder's dream, with an upper body to die for, a veritable nightmare of deltoids, pecs, lats, and incredible traps, a guy with biceps so big he could squash a Studebaker with them. Bu this is guy isn't a circus clown intent on entertaining the public for pocket change. This is a tortured soul with plenty of attitude. And the authorities accommodate that attitude by compounding his pain with angst and anger. So the rampage goes on. Of course, this is all punctuated with the subplots anyone familiar with the comic book series is aware of, and a few new to the twisting and turning plotline. The love interest and humanizing factor in the Hulk's rage is his dimwitted recollection of Banner's erstwhile intellectual foil and main squeeze wanna-be, the lovely Jennifer Connelly, who must be dumbfounded indeed to go from playing the wife of someone with a brilliant mind in her last Oscar winning performance to now being the plaything of a big, brawny green monstrosity here. But she plays it straight, and gives a good performance in a movie that really is a set piece for the big green guy. Another cast members perform equally as well, and one is impressed by the quality of the cast, which includes people like Sam Elliott, Nick Nolte, and of course, Eric Bana as Bruce Banner, the Hulk's calmer alter-ego. Ther is also a nice cameo by Lou Ferrigno as a Security Chief that provides a nice tribute to his former incarnation as the big green guy himself. I recommend this movie, which I view as a great continuation of the old classic monster movies of the 1940s and 195os. I think we can all rest assured that the Hulk will return for any number of sequels, and long may he rage against the machine! Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: Too Much Budget Review: Ang Lee's visual pyrotechnics were stupendous. They would have made a movie on their own. But the TV/comic strip Hulk was a fairly modest creation. An ordinary guy grows into a green muscle man when angered. A smaller effort might have been a more intimate, lovable film. But as it is, this Hulk has an embarrassing amount of baggage. Bruce's (Eric Bana) brilliant scientist father who worked for the military pushed the boundaries of genetics and was banned from his laboratory. A huge explosion occurs and Bruce is left a 4-year-old orphan. Fast forward to Bruce 34, a brilliant scientist, a loner with a beautiful scientist ex-girl friend Betty Ross (Jennifer Connolly--truly lovely). He has a history of terrible headaches and nightmares. Coincidence: Betty and her father, 4-star general Ross (Sam Elliott who could have played this role in his sleep) were at the same army base as Bruce when the terrible explosion occurred. Bruce's experiments are being taken over by corporate interests in the slick persona of Talbot (charming villain Josh Lucas). Coincidence #2: a new janitor arrives at the lab (Nick Nolte who looks and acts positively feral) who is really Bruce's long, lost father. Bruce is taken off his project. Bruce gets very angry. Gets large and green. Destroys lab, and we are off on a worldwide manhunt. The Hulk in all his green glory is too long acoming. It seems like half the movie is over before he even shows himself. (Unfortunately, this is not true.) It is a private irritation with me why it seems to be a rule that all these comic book heroes (exception Batman) must be played by bland, banal types with totally unlived in faces? I think their stressful childhoods or their awesome powers should entitle them to a few character lines or some manly ruggedness. But no. They look like uninteresting, passive choirboys. The movie has many split screens, framing and curious dissolves that I found irritating and distracting. Also we were treated to both medium and extra-large Hulks which confused me. Why in one scene was Hulk barely able to restrain three vicious dogs and in another quell an entire army while destroying mountains? Answer: the madder he got, the bigger and stronger he got. I thought the best visual trick was making him back into an ordinary mortal before your eyes. Also, would like to go on record that I liked the ending. It was funny and clever. Overall, I would recommend seeing this on the big screen if you intend to see it at all. When Ang Lee is given full rein with his imagery, it is magic. -sweetmolly-Amazon Reviewer
Rating:  Summary: hulk falls short Review: The Hulk. another attempt by marvel to produce a box office hit, heck just the name brings people in. But i have to say the hulk fell pretty short of expectations.it had good actors, awsome special effects, good story line but there were some things that just totally killed it.the ending [stunk] majorly where he dukes it out with his father, please. that was sooo stupid.And the whole thing with his father was pretty much filler.however the hulk was a cool charachter but they drug the story out big time. all and all it was good but doesnt even come close to spider man. it was a good try.