Rating:  Summary: AWESOME! Review: Fans of the TV series might be dissapointed with the look of the Hulk, he morly has the comic book look which in my opinion is way cooler, if you were dissappointed with some of the cgi in Matrix Reloaded, you wont be with this, Marvel did a great job! You cant help to feel sorry for the Hulk, a beast in todays society with the military after him, but he shows them whos boss, this movie display's the great strenth of the Hulk and you can see the compassion in his eyes not to mention the anger. I almost cried during one part, its not as good as Daredevil but I think its better than Spiderman. Other Marvel heros coming to the big screen are the Punisher and Ghostrider, I think its time we saw some female heros though.
Rating:  Summary: Another successful Marvel adaptation Review: Director Ang Lee and screenwriters James Schamus, John Turman, and Michael France have successfully reinterpreted the Hulk for modern audiences. The Hulk is activated by the rage of Bruce Banner, but for many years the comics failed to address this important aspect of the doctor's personality. Lee and his writers have realized that it is important to establish the repressed character of Banner before the Hulk becomes truly believable as a personification of his anger. The result is a lengthy build-up before the Hulk's first appearance. Unlike many, I was not bothered by this, because the drama between the characters was so effective. When the Hulk finally does make his appearance, the screen explodes with action and does so pretty consistently until the end of the movie.A couple quibbles: I found the inventive style Lee adopted for the film annoying rather than enlightening, and too much of the action was poorly lit. I thought the CGI was successful. I, too, noticed a certain jerkiness at times, but it was not terribly distracting to me. And the Hulk in close-up is absolutely photorealistic. Compliments also to the fine cast.
Rating:  Summary: The Hulk himself was just awesome Review: I think this was a really good movie, but the storyline wasn't the greatest. It took nearly 45 minutes of screen time for the Hulk to emerge, but once he did Iwas impressed by his appeareance and didn't have any complaints about him. My only wish for this film is that they showed more of The Hulk. The Hulk himself was just awesome. I truly hope their is a sequel. If their is a sequel I just hope that the storyline is better and that they show the hulk more.
Rating:  Summary: Only the low intelect people hated this movie Review: Sheesh, I am so sick of people saying this was a boring movie. It was the greatest Sci Fi/ Superhero movie ever. Absolutely perfect. And the Hulk looked like a real thing. Not a CGI mess. Please, go back to your trailer parks and watch Ernest Goes to School or something like the Fast and the Furious. You need it all spoon fed obviously. It was too much of a movie for the "I need an explosion or car chase every 3 minutes" crowd.
Rating:  Summary: Huge Disappointment Review: At first I was really very iffy about seeing this movie from the beginning because after every preview that I'd see on television the less I wanted to see it. But I went to see it anyways. Boy did I sure feel dumb when the movie was over. I thought it was a complete waste of my money. A majority of the time I didn't understand what the heck was going on. Plus the movie took way too long to get the good parts (if there were any). No I did not think it was cool seeing the Hulk jumping from one place to another, or climbing the Golden Gate bridge, or throwing an Army tank in fact it made me tired to watch it. If you haven't seen this movie yet, don't see it.
Rating:  Summary: Long, yet good. Review: Just to let people know, yes The Hulk is suppose to be that big & able to jump like a huge green grasshopper, that's the way it is in the comics & not suppose to be like Lou Ferrigno's Hulk which he was only like what, 6-7 feet. That was some of the complaints I heard from viewers & a few movie critics. Sure, the movie was a bit long but I believe that Ang Lee stuck to the comic as best as he could. However, I was a slight disappointed with ILM's CGI "Hulk", I mean I think they could have done better job with him, after all it is George Luca's company. Oh and to Mr. Martin Andrade, what do you know, you gave Johnny English & Mystery Science 3000 more Stars than The Hulk. Oh, by the way, Bruce Banner is a tormented soul with a raging monster inside of him, how do you want to get humor from that Mr. Andrade?
Rating:  Summary: With All Respect ... Needs Less Thinking and More Smashing Review: I watched "Hulk" simply because it's a film directed by Ang Lee, whose previous works include "Sense and Sensibility" and "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon." I thought he was not going to do anything wrong. And I am sorry, but I was terribly mistaken. Mr. Lee says here and there in the interviews to the effect that he saw something like Greek tragedy in "Hulk." Excuse me, but Hulk is NOT a human being; it's a cultural icon. You cannot change it like that. The story is long, too long, showing how Bruce Banner aka Hulk finds his power and secret in the past, after being exposed to the deadly gamma radiation. The first unwise decision is, the film goes all the way back to the time of his father (hence, Greek tragedy) David Banner, who must have done something to his son. And his son comes to realize his tragic history ... wait, but the film is supposed to be about "Hulk," that "Incredible" Hulk? So why take so much time to see HIM? Anyway, Bruce Banner knows his physical change, so the military people (again) take advantage of his power, led by unashamedly banal characters such as Josh Lucas's selfish tycoon Talbot taking over the institute, where Bruce Banner is working with his love Betty Ross (Jennifer Connelly). Of course, after being bullyed, Bruce gets very angry ... finally. It looks like years to reach there. The rest of the story involves Hulk's fight against the army and the father, the latter played by hammy Nick Nolte. The story is too predictable, even considering its comic book origin, and to make matters worse, the CGIs used to express the movements of Hulk need much improvement. Actually, some of them are fantastic, when Hulk attacks the tanks and tears them apart. But some of them are just awful, showing Hulk like a big green rubber ball bouncing up and down. If that is intentional, I call it a misguided idea. Australian Eric Bana does a fine work as Bruce Banner, convincing as a scientist tormented by his childhood memory, but to be frank, the rest of the cast is huge disappointment. Ms. Connelly does nothing but worrying and crying, and that worrying is not particularly good. Worse is her father Sam Elliott, whose "General" is nothing but a cardboard character. Maybe that's also intended so. But as to Nick Nolte ... well, his overacting just reminded me of the time when he was really cool. In short, Ang Lee thinks too much. Sorry to say this, but looking at the endless multi-screen shots that are made to resemble the pictures of the comic book, I have to say so. Do we need that labored job that much? Why cost so much pain there? And misguided ideas like an exploding frog, which may make some of the viewers sick (I was). Do we need that? ANd that's when we want Hulk, incredibly angry Hulk? Imagine this "hulk" was directed by some newcomer with MTV background. The critics, who are inexplicably kind to this film, would hurl harsh reviews upon it. And I think it deserves them.
Rating:  Summary: Very close to the comic book character Review: Many people got disappointed by the movie because they had the "Lou Ferigno" Hulk in mind... But the true - original comic book - Hulk, is far more powerful, and the movie shows it well... Of course there are some deviations from the comic, but they are ok, I liked the fact that they made him grow as a visual equivalent of "the madder he gets, the stronger he gets". I've already seen it 3 times, and i cant wait for the DVD, and for a Hulk 2, i d love to see the Grey Hulk, or classic enemies like the Leader or the Abomination. This movie - between the action movie and the psychological drama - desserves a 5/ from an old Hulk fan.
Rating:  Summary: Loud and Boring, thanks CGI Review: When I left the theatre after having seen this movie, the only point that really stuck with me was how loud the movie was. Not that other movies aren't really loud, this one just seemed louder for longer periods of time. However, if you'd have asked me what I liked about "Hulk" as I was leaving the theatre, I would have nothing to give you. I wouldn't have heard you anyway. This movie was all glitter and no gold. The computer generated Hulk was unbelievable to say the least. Hulk bordered on cartoonish. One of the ways the makers of the film hid the fact that the Hulk looked stupid was to make a number of the fight scenes happen at night. This happened on more than one occasion and it just made the loudness of the movie stand out more, since the visuals were so dark during the "good" parts. Among other things that the movie lacks is any decent performance by any actor in the film. Even the normally sturdy George Elliot gets caught up in the overdrama that is this film. About the only person that would find any entertainment value in the movie would be super comic book geeks that don't read reviews, for those that do read reviews, don't waste your time on this film. Forty-five minutes too long, no humor, no acting, and loud. All that glitters is not gold.
Rating:  Summary: An innovative step for comicbook movies. Review: I feel sorry for those whose attention spans are so short that they are unable to wait for dramatic tension to build. From the start, this comicbook adaptation grabbed me with good cinematography, clever editing & a great soundtrack. Good writing, casting & acting actually helped me take this movie seriously. I was suprised by a psychologically darker tone than what I was expecting ( definately not suitable for younger viewers )- but for me that was a pleasant suprise. As the Hulk was one of my favorite comics as a kid, I found it remarkably true to the spirit ( if not the letter ) of the original. I give this movie credit as being the first to use split-screen panels to capture some of the comicbook reading experience. I think the editing & this movie is one of the elements that made it so entertaining for me. As far as the c.g. Hulk is concerned - it's some of the most convincing & unobtrusive computer effects I've ever seen in a genre movie. I was perfectly happy with the Hulk being larger than life - HE SHOULD BE. This movie is solid entertainment & Ang Lee's artistic touches are just icing on the cake.