Rating:  Summary: 3.5 stars Review: Ehhh... Not what I expected, and not as fun as Spider-man, but kicks Daredevil's butt! The director was dumb though. You'll understand when you see it. Die-hard Hulk fans should appreciate this. People that didn't like it thought it'd be another mindless action all the way movie. But this is more focused on characters then on action. There's action in it, but not to the extent people thought.
Rating:  Summary: this movie is pretty bad Review: ive been a hulk fan since the mid 80s. collected the comic for awhile and ive seen just about every version of the hulk-from stupid and green to smart and grey. hes always been my favorite comic hero.this movie is overall not what it should have been. anyone who is a fan of the comic would agree that the movie really didnt capitalize on what makes the hulk such a cool character. that is the fact that hes insanely strong, almost indestructible and gets into huge brawls with other superpowered bad... this movie had some of the weakest action ive ever seen. i mean, whos brillant idea was it to make him fight some [mad] dogs?! why did it take 45 mins for the hulk to come out? why didnt he fight some other supervillian like the abomination, now that would have been seriously cool if done right. oh yea and what the holy hell was up with the end sequence and the lake?! that was just plain confusing and ridiculous. i think the big problem is obviously that ang lee is not a hulk fan and tried to make the movie deeper than it should have been. the hulk is, i guess, a complicated character and banner was an abused child with emotional problems in the comic, but come on now, 45 mins of pure drama before we see the hulk? gimme a break-nobody cares, we wanna see action, ie big brawls with building crashing down and cities razed to the ground. im not all complaining, i do have a solution for the hulk sequel if there is gonna be one. no matter what it takes, whoever is in charge of hiring the director MUST get JAMES CAMERON. he will make a movie that will make everyone forget how bad ang lee screwed up.
Rating:  Summary: One of Ang Lee's best films! Review: I saw the movie and I was stunned. It was the best Marvel movie I had ever seen. The graphics seem very realistic. I can't wait for the DVD to come out.
Rating:  Summary: "We're going to have to watch that temper of yours." Review: Director Ang Lee took a more serous approach towards the comic book film genre with "The Hulk" and the end result was disappointing. The notion of psychological instability in a super hero was a theme previously explored in Tim Burton's "Batman" (1989). Thus, Lee was breaking no new ground in portraying a character with more angst and grimness than his fellow costumed counterparts. Yet, Burton was wise enough to realize that a touch of humor and a sprinkle of fun was necessary in order to keep a film entertaining. Without a wink of an eye and the occasional smile, a film full of dour people can seem like sitting in on a two hour session with a psychologist and his patients. Certainly not what was expected from a big budget summer film. Dr. Bruce Banner (Eric Bana) had his genetic make-up manipulated by his father (Nick Nolte) as a youth. These manipulations trigger a startling metamorphosis in Banner after a gamma radiation accident in his lab years later. Thereafter, whenever he becomes agitated, Banner transforms into a green goliath. With his former lover Betty Ross (Jennifer Connelly) and her father General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross (Sam Elliott) in pursuit, the Hulk leaves a trail of destruction in his wake. Eventually, Banner is reunited with his father who has his own diabolical scheme to make use of the Hulk's power. Ang Lee has for the most part deviated from Stan Lee and Jack Kirby's original source material in constructing his film. There is no gamma bomb, there is no Rick Jones, and Glenn Talbot (Josh Lucas) has been re-imagined. All of these creative changes turn out to be ill-advised as it distances the film from the original Hulk mythos. Elliot is the only character that rekindles memories of his comic book counterpart. Furthermore, while the special effects are serviceable, the action scenes that showcase them are uninspired and bland. To be honest, Ang Lee just was not the right director to handle this material. "The Hulk" in the end is a film that takes itself too seriously and this in turn dooms it.
Rating:  Summary: Awful!! Review: This movie is simply awful. I don't see how anyone would like it. The acting is horrible, the plot is horrible, the special effects are amazing (that's the only redeeming quality of this terrible movie. I almost turned green and muscular because I paid to see this ... thing! Other than the action sequences this movie will bore you to tears! Perhaps if you cut them out you could use this DVD as a cure for insomnia!! Nuff said!
Rating:  Summary: A good superhero movie Review: I enjoyed this movie. They spent alot of time in developing the Hulk character. The special effects are really good. When you watch this movie remember that it is a comic book hero movie, so don't expect alot of realism.
Rating:  Summary: bad Review: My name is Matthew Smith.I think this movie was bad.
Rating:  Summary: Art film... Or film from comic art? Review: Ang Lee is a brilliant director. That being said, I don't think Universal should have handed this movie to him. Comic book movies need to remember from whence they came. They need to remember who their core audience is. This movie does neither. It is an excellent movie. It's just not the movie that it should have been. The movie looks great. Eric Bana seems to be sleepwalking through the better part of the film. Jennifer Connelly does her usual great job. Nick Nolte should join Over-Actors Anonymous. The effects are top-notch. And still, this isn't the Hulk that I wanted to see on the big screen. The old CBS series, much of which is now available on DVD, came closer to the tone that should have been here. A man who is tortured by what he's become on a search to find the cure. This movie makes the same mistake that the "Lost in Space" movie made. It all boils down to "Everything will be alright if only my Dad would love me." The franchise that could have been "The Hulk" now gives way to this solo movie. Enjoy it for what it is, or for what it could have been.
Rating:  Summary: A Great Movie Review: Okay, I've never reviewed a product in my life. I chose this one to do a review of. That's how strongly I feel about this movie. Okay, I'm a fan. As a kid, "The Incredible Hulk" was the only comic I would read. Back in the day I wished for a "HULK" movie. Yes, the show was okay. As a kid it was enough, but still did not do the book justice. Then came this movie. If you see this movie expecting all eye candy like what's delivered in Spider-Man or X-Men, you'll be disappointed. "The Hulk" is more than just a green man with anger issues. In order to do the character justice, the movie had to be done the way it was done. And the movie tells the Banner/Hulk story nearly perfectly. The dynamic between children and parents (father/son Banner; father/daughter Ross) is played out especially well. Honestly, I can't understand the complaints leveled against this movie. If you want a popcorn movie, that fine! Watch "Tomb Raider." If you want a movie that makes you think, watch "The Hulk." To bash the movie the way some people are is not warranted. This coming from a guy who loves to rip apart Trek movies. If a movie is bad, believe me, I'd say so. So why 4 instead of 5 stars? Well, the movie does have a few problems. For one thing, for the money spent on the CGI, I expected the Hulk to look a little better. There wasn't enough consistency in the CGI. One shot the Hulk looks real as could be while at other times he looks like a cartoon. And the fight scenes at night were too dark. I have no idea why they were made so dark, especially since the Hulk CGI looked so good in daylight. Bottom line: If you want to see a thinking person's comic book movie, watch "The Hulk."
Rating:  Summary: Set your pre-judgements aside. Review: Hulk is a masterpiece. This is not a kids movie. This is not Hulk saving the country. This is Hulk as it should be. Ang lee took a mediocre comic and made a film that fully understands and "gets" the mythos of the Hulk in a way no one has ever done before, in any medium. The cast is brilliant, everyone is perfect for their part and you truly believe what is coming out of their mouths, they actually involve you in the film. A lot of people think Hulk was a bomb. But for those of us who appreciate storytelling and mood and don't mind a "thinking" movie, we were truly treated. *Although I will admit the ending was a little off base and didn't quite fit. But otherwise, a superb film.*