Rating:  Summary: Unbelievable Film! Review: Sometimes I wonder what film some people were watching. Ang Lee's "Hulk" is an absolute marvel which, in my opinion, is the greatest comic book film created to date! The first time Bruce Banner (Eric Bana) transforms into the Hulkster caused chills to run up my spine, and I got to tell ya', almost took my breath away! Some of the most incredible, smack-down style action scenes I've ever seen! And, it's not just action, this film possesed great acting, masterful directing and a storyline which wasn't bad at all. A great all-around film which even the most discriminate of comic book films would adore. The most unique element of this film is it's cinematic brilliance of split-screens, disolves, wipes, pans, zooms...you name it! Watching this film made me feel like I was actually reading a comic book. Please note, this review is based on the theatrical release, so if the DVD is any better than that you're gonna get more than your money's worth!
Rating:  Summary: 1,000,000 thumbs up Review: ang lee has made a better movie tan crouching tiger hidden dragon. i dont know why people say it sucks. it kicks ass.yeah its almost 3 hours but look at titanic. right not a good example. but it still kicks ass. 3 hours of tight stuff. i admit i never really was a big fan of the hulk, but when i saw the movie it change me about the way i liked the hulk. every single second is worth it. i know it sounds weird but ang lee is a pretty good director, and not just that, ebert and robert gave it 2 thumbs up.......help?
Rating:  Summary: full mental coma Review: So many worthless movies, so little time. Well, ok. This one seems to be the culmination of the idiotic craze that started back in, oh, 1996 or so - the computer special effects movie. First Jurassic Park (which really was a fantastic movie, especially at that time before the ghastly sequel Lost World was released) then Independence Day (which kind of sucked), then absymally painful epics like Volcano or Twister. The trend has only continued and the level of sheer stupidity progressively descends as I look on in terrified wonderment. This one, unsurprizingly, tries to cash in (a little too late) on the retarded "retro 70's" trend that started with movies like Pulp Fiction and worked its way into things like Beck and Beastie Boys videos way back in like 94 (on a side note Pulp Fiction has aged terribly - kind of like a Jesus Jones album -this may or may not be because of the explosion of P.F. rip-offs). It also tries to cash in on the "comic book character movie" trend that started with the so-so "Spider Man." What the executives failed to realize with this movie is that: the retro 70's trend is DEAD and only looser teenagers with no sense of identity and nothing to do still think it's cool /// the original 70's hulk tv show was absolutely terrible /// computer effects can only float a movie for so long /// you can only push your luck so long with making one bomb after another /// handing a ridiculous movie over to an "artsy" asian director does not neccesarily give you positive results (especially when the movie is playing off the "70's" that is, a purely American cultural trend that this director probably cannot understand in any way) /// the reason "Spider Man" worked is because Sam Raimi directed it /// The "Hulk" comic book was a looser through and through -lame characters, lamer villians, and when compared to much better comics like X-Men, was literally unbuyable /// throwing money at a movie does not make it a better movie. The Hollywood big budget result is so utterly painful to watch that I really lack words to describe it. I would have to invent new words in order to somehow illuminate the cultural horror (on so many levels) that this represents. Movies like this simply need to DIE. There used to be and still is a kind of movie that is known as "straight to video" - this is what "The Hulk" SHOULD have been. This green hued garbage should have never made it into theaters.
Rating:  Summary: when the action starts, nothing is better than this. Review: when bruce starts to transform into the hulk, my god, the movie really rocks! but i have to regretfully point out, other than those amazing fighting scenes, all the other sections left are terrible, acting, dialogue, editing, and so on, are all terrible, terrible enough to become a very lousy movie. but, again, the fighting scenes are the best so far i've ever seen. very exciting, hilarious, nerves breaking, when hulk against the whole modern weaponries, my god, i just don't know how this fantastic stuff is created. if the fighting scenes were created by some other studio brains and the left-over scenes were directed by ang lee, then lee, for this movie, is a total failure. kow-tou to those guys who created such a wonderful and exciting viewing experience.
Rating:  Summary: loved it from start to finish.... Review: a mind blowing film -so artistic, so thought provoking, i was caught in up from it's opening scene! ang lee is such a complete above all other directors for his time, it takes your breath away! a truly deep, moving, disturbing film, and yet it also astounds on the spectacle level as well. please do not listen to the critics or some of the reviewers here- it is a brilliant film that will be fully realized over the years, as a true classic as well as a masterpiece! bravo to ang lee
Rating:  Summary: Wow. Review: I didn't initially expect much from this movie; the only thing that held out any hope for me was that it was being directed by Ang Lee. This is a solid and well-done reinvention of the Hulk. Many moviegoers have complained about the slow start to action, or the focus on relationships and dramatic dialogue, but it strikes me that such people haven't really paid much attention to the original Hulk. The Incredible Hulk was only partially about a Giant Green Behemoth who Breaks Things When He's Mad. It is, to a great extent, about people -- about the monsters that live inside all of us, about relationships going through change, about obsession, paranoia, fear, and anger. With this movie, we see the seeds of disaster sown early (by Bruce Banner's father, not coincidentally named "David Banner" -- the same name chosen for the scientist in the TV version), allowing for a typically comic-book origin that is, at least, a bit easier to swallow for modern day audiences than the original "exposed to Gamma Bomb radiation" -- and which, at the same time, preserves virtually all of the ESSENCE of the Hulk's origin. The CGI Hulk works wonderfully on the big screen; the small screen actually detracts somewhat from the experience. I'm not sure if it's showing up flaws that for some reason are less evident on the movie screen, or if it's just that this, like Titanic's Big Sinking Ship scenes, is something that can't really be fully appreciated on anything that isn't Really Big itself. I *CAN* (yes, can) understand why some people don't like The Hulk. Ang Lee uses many of the same atmospheric tricks he did in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Many of his dramatics are keyed both to the concept of bringing a comic to life, and to maintaining an almost mystical, dreamlike atmosphere to the action. Thus some events don't *quite* make sense, but yet somehow work in the context of the movie. Overall the acting is better than one might have expected -- even if there were mediocre actors cast (I don't know how good most of the main cast normally are) Ang Lee has clearly driven them to give decent performances. Bana's Banner is a heck of a nice guy overall, just with more and more problems always coming to roost right on top of him. This is the way Banner has always been portrayed, and it works. The Hulk himself is given a fair amount of character through expression and action; one interesting point that viewers will note is that the Hulk does his level best to avoid hurting people, even when it seems that it would be a LOT easier to ignore that point and just get to the smashing. Overall, a good movie. I enjoyed watching it several times.
Rating:  Summary: Hulk for Real Review: I seen movie with my daughter last summer and we both enjoyed the movie alot. I felt it was a little long and the last half hour of the movie could have been used in the next movie. The pace of the movie was good in developing the story and when the Hulk broke loose and the action took off to amazing heights. It would have been nice if the Hulk talked more like in the comics. I enjoyed watching the REAL Hulk jump, run and destroy everything in TRUE MARVEL FORM not a man on TV with green makeup runnig through downtown Manhattan in New York. If you read the Marvel comics or watched the 1960's cartoons on TV everyone would understand why Hulk can do what he does. I feel it's a good buy because it has a good storyline and the true Marvel nature of what the Hulk is.
Rating:  Summary: DVD With Small Features Review: Director Ang Lee brings his movie Hulk based on the marvel comic book The Incredible Hulk, to life on screen. Hopes for this film were high following Lee's brilliant direction of Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. Bruce Banner (Eric Bana) and love interest Betty Ross (Jennifer Connelly) are scientists working together on research involving gamma radiation. On the outside Bruce appears mild mannered but within lurks repressed childhood memories, a tragic past, and a violent temper. After a freak lab accident in which Bruce is exposed to gamma radiation and survives, scientist Bruce Banner is transformed into the genetically indestructible Hulk. Banner must confront his inner beast while maintaining his sanity. Adding to his conflict are his rivals Glenn Talbot and his long lost father played by Nick Nolte. The story develops at a slow and plodding pace. Even minute details, which would have better been left off screen, are included. There are enjoyable action sequences and even brief moments of brilliance despite its pace. Now the DVD The first disc contains the movie itself and some bonus material including four deleted scenes, a Sunny D commercial, and a director commentary. The picture is clear and the changing clips included on the menu are great. Sound is in Dolby 5.1 so for those who own a good surround sound system you should be pleased. The Sunny D commercial is unnecessary and the deleted scenes are nothing of note. The first disc also contains a short making of. Disc two contains several makings of which are short and of little interest. The renowned artist feature is an uninteresting story board comparison of one scene from the film. Overall the extra features of disc two are repetitious and thus one disc would have sufficed. I was unable to test the Hulk Xbox video game level included on this DVD. One short includes an enjoyable but brief commentary by Stan Lee.
Rating:  Summary: The Hulk " A Spiritual Revelation" Review: The movie "The Hulk" has a wealth of spiritual meaning, for the one who can look far beyound the concepts of the movie. And for the christian and follower of Jesus Christ, one can for surely see the spiritual side of this blockbuster hit. Here is what I mean. When a person accepts Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour, the old spiritual man that he, or she was, is put to death, and a new man, or women comes to life, through the presence of God's Holy Spirit. But now, when we pertisapate in sin or allow ourselves to give in to temptation, that old man that was once put to death, is somehow ressurected spiritual, but remains behind a locked door in our spirit, seekinging for a way out, just like in the movie "The Hulk". If we continue to partisapate in sin, or continue to give in to temptation, for example; anger, the spirtual old man that we once was, begains to get stronger and stronger inside of us. And soon, if we do not ask God for forgiviness, seek his face, meditate on His Word, and turn away from sin, that old man gains enough strength to break out of the confindment he has been in, and come to the surface of our natural being, making us to become just as he is, and carring out everything that he desires. When looking at the movie "The Hulk" you can see this happening all through the movie, and when the evil on the inside of David Banner is released, all those around him begain to suffer, even David Banner himself suffers, from the torment within himself. But, then comes love, love from someone he cares for in his natural life, and it is this love that comes the beast that he has become, and allows the new man to return to the surface, and the old man is placed back into a cell of confinment. The holy scriptures reveal that love conquers hate, and we can see this in action in the movie, when the hulk is comfronted with his love interest, in the movie. But there is one setback. Although we see love overcoming hate, if the new man that a man may become, is not feed spiritually so, he is soon to repeat his past as the old man is revived once more. The moral of this review is that man must feed his spirit with the things of God, and have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and meditate on God's Word daily, if possible, that the old man will never come to the surface of his natural life. The Hulk was a great movie, for many of the reasons I listed above, and I fully recommend this movie, even to and for christians to exaime, even as they exaime themselves from within. D.F.
Rating:  Summary: Except for the Hulk... its bad and needs editing! Review: Apart from when the Hulk is on the screen, this film suffers from Eric Banality! and Ang Lee hits a career low in total misdirection. Okay, don't get me wrong, Ang Lee probably said to himself "Okay, this movie is about the Hulk but it is also about family relationships, genetics and all these other things that should make this action film a little better" which is good, but then he goes and directs a version of the Hulk that is anything but action packed at all and it ends up being a really sloppy soap-opera with zero drama or suspense. Eric Bana is usually great but here he delivers a totally flat performance. The story is extremely convoluted and while it tries so hard to be MARVEL, Lee just can not stop himself from playing with the AVID and while he toys with his new montage to make the film look like a comic (great idea but overused!), he forgets to EDIT the film at all. It does not even register as a Superhero movie and starts to move into "Disaster Flick" territory only to be completely confused about itself. At the same time Lee is trying to make the film more adult but misses the connection there and kids will be bored to death with what little he has provided for them in terms of the hulk smashing things up which is what they want to see. Its a film that does not know what it wants to be. In short, another director may have been a better choice and the film screams Edit me! Maybe this is one of the first movies that should receive a new directors cut where the film is actually 30 minutes shorter. Having said that the special effects are very good but there is not enough action sequences to actually make it worth your while. Its no Spiderman by a long shot.