Review: What a horrible movie.
An action movie that has far too little action.
A catastrophe that is burdened with criminally bad performances, most notably from Nick Nolte, who clearly began his own personal problems while filming this movie.
Sure I know the Hulk is a CG character, but it doesn't even look remotely "real", I felt I was watching a video game.
The incredibly dull first hour tries to set the stage and plot but then leaves numerous angles/questions unanswered and unaddressed - why waste my time developing a plot in an action-less action movie if that stage setting is completely forgotten after the "action" begins.
Compared to the other Marvel superhero movie of 2003 (X2), this film is a disgrace.
Ang Lee should be charged with gross negligence and prohibited from ever making another movie.
Summary: Oh my God this is rank!
Review: Really awful beyond words. The most annoying camera split shots, a painfully S L O W start, middle and end, a hairstyle on Jennifer Connelly that made me want to grab a pair of scissors and cut off that terrible bang on the right side of her face, what more can I say? Except for a dozen minutes of fury in the 2 1/4 hour long film this is a huge waste.Stay far, far away.
Summary: Majestic modern drama with 30s Universal horror sensibility
Review: "HULK" by filmmaker Ang Lee isn't a film for everyone. It's not for the kiddies, it certainly isn't for comic purists, and people looking for dumb blockbuster-style fun will be sorely disappointed. However, Lee has re-envisioned the comic book opera by treating it with as much seriousness as it deserves (it's a *drama*, folks!) and come out with something new and refreshing, not to mention reflective of a better time for moviegoing--specifically, he's recalled the genre of the 1930s-40s Universal horror film, i.e. "The Wolf Man" and "Frankenstein" certainly, though updated it to the 21st century--pretty much only in its vastly superior special effects and budget.
Bruce Banner, introverted scientist, has spent his life subconsciously working toward the answers to questions that have plagued him since childhood--"Who am I, why am I here?" and the answers--in the form of an egomaniacal father and a misunderstood manifestation of Banner's brutish id--frighten him, justifiably so. Monsters abound in the script (in different ways--David Banner, Bruce, Talbot, Ross), and nobody's totally innocent or entirely 'good' or 'evil' as such, they're three-dimensional iterations that really make you think.
When the Hulk displays his vast powers for the camera, he's every bit the creature from the comics, leaping vast distances through panoramic desert vistas, exploding through labyrinthine corridors of a government base, smashing and destroying a lab by virtue of his size just as well as his fists--it's all terrific eye-candy. The film dares you to understand his all-too-human conflicted nature--the Hulk, flawed much like us, cannot forget the past his father inflicted upon him, just like the nanomeds that combined with the gamma radiation and Banner's own biology to create him, will not, as their often fatal flaw, forget. As referred to in a terrifically illuminating deleted scene, they remember all too well.
"HULK" is a first-rate, instant classic from director Ang Lee and a studio I did not believe had the potential to make a film so terrific ever again. Watch it and enjoy the human drama at its core; give it a chance. Time will tell whether Lee's auteurship really impacted this film positively or negatively, but I've already got my mind made up that it sits at the forefront of not only the comicbook genre, but also 21st-century filmmaking as a whole.
Summary: This movie SUCKS!!!!!!
Review: This is the worst movie of 2003! Don't buy it and don't even bother watching it! It is unblelievably boring with crap acting, bad lines and i story that line that i don't even bother caring about. Seeing some guy with dumbo ears (ERic Bana) turn green in the face and then smash out through the side of a house made me laugh out loud! He says the same line about 10 times, which is "don't make me angry, you wouldn't like me when i'm angry". Also, what is with it when you see the Hulk running? He looks like the ROADRUNNER from the cartoon! Also his ability to jump a thousand feet in the air was also over done by about 1,000 times. Don't waste your time. You'd be better off seeing Spy Kids:3D instead.
Review: Now, before we get 'you know what into a twist' - this babe cost an arm and a leg ~ but .......... didn't dear old Ken Russell do it SO MUCH BETTER in "Altered States" ~ and yeah - I do know that this is supposed to be a cartune ...
Bana emotes very effectively as the tortured soul, Oscar winner Conneley seems out of place somewhere between 'two minds' [script problem] BUT NICK NOLTE saves the day in a 'to be overlooked' Oscar Nom performance ~ this thesp. has what it takes and should be nurtured back to brilliance ~ this guy hold the very shaky genes [jeans...] together - and mentioning that .... willy is not quite free in this one and could never be ... nevermind...!
Our talented director is very very limited with this one.
The ONLY saving grave is Bana's poutyness, and the magnificent [and surely to be overlooked] editing - quite, quite unique.
Nah ~ better see "Freud, the Secret Passion" and/or "Altered States"
def a 5-
Review: The movie is a perfect tribute to the hulk franchise, it isn't filled blatantely with crappy action scenes (like M:Reloaded) and it sure as hell doesn't have any corny storylines (like Spiderman), it succeeds at being a drama that keeps the audience thinking and it builds up tension till we see Bruce lose control. I can't imagine the hulk being anyother way. For all the people that said negative things about this movie, I've got one question to ask- Do you even read Hulk comics, because if you did you would see how awesome this movie really is.
Summary: One of the most underrated films of 2003
Review: I had mixed expectations when I rented "The Hulk". It had been Marvel Comics' first post-"X-Men" film that flopped at the box office, and many critics had said it was overlong and far too slow. And so I was very impressed with how much I enjoyed "The Hulk".
I have to assume that when everyone said the film was too slow, they were referring to its first 45 minutes. It is true that viewing the first part takes a little patience, especially getting used to Ang Lee's sometimes bizarre camera tricks. However, these beginning scenes are important buildup, and- unlike for "Matrix Reloaded"- I never thought that I was being had with unecessary scenes that were there only to drag out the running time. "The Hulk" has much higher goals in mind than other comic book films out there, so all of these beginning scenes of character development and talking actually increase the overall quality of the film. It is true that it's a while before we finally get to see the Hulk, but in a way keeping him off the screen for that long makes his inevitable appearance that much more dramatic and thrilling.
Once the action does kick into gear, it hardly ever lets up. Contrary to what other reviewers have said, the CGI-ed Hulk is quite impressive looking, and the scene where he throws the army tanks and planes around like toys is one of the most memorable I've seen this year.
Almost all of the major characters are complex and conflicted, so we feel for them and care what happens to them. For example, two characters who are technically villains- General Ross and David Banner- both show moments of sympathy. The guy who plays Bruce Banner (Eric Bana) is adequate, though this wasn't an Oscar performance. Jennifer Connelly is good as his girlfriend, who is also the only person that can calm the Hulk down. I thought that Nick Nolte gave the most interesting performace- David Banner is completely insane, both sympathetic and dispicable.
If the film does have a weak spot, it's the ending. I'm still trying to figure out exactly what happened in the final battle between Bruce and David Banner. I understand the outcome, but I'm not sure how or why. Director Ang Lee probably could have made this whole scene clearer. Also, the movie is a little on the long side, though as I said earlier not a whole lot obviously needed to be cut.
So overall, I found this to be an enjoyable and interesting movie, up there with "X2" and "Spider-Man" as one of the best comic book adaptations of the current decade. In some ways, it was even superior to those films. For those of you out there that haven't seen it, I would recommend it. For those who don't like it, I won't try to change your mind, but there's no way that "The Hulk" was a complete disaster. I for one will be sad that it did so poorly at the box office, because now there won't be a sequel.
Summary: Ang Lee should have watched Spiderman first...........
Review: The CGI Hulk was very impressive, for the 18 minutes you got to see him during the 2 hr. 18 min. film. The movie explains pretty much nothing and gets more confusing as it goes. Constant picture-in-picture type scene splits make it even more confusing. Bad transitions between scenes dosen't help either. In a nut shell, no plot, confusing story and no ties to the original Hulk story. The only way I would reccommend you see this film is on DVD when you can pick the scenes with the Hulk in action and watch them to your delight.
Summary: Too Much of a Good Thing
Review: Ordinarily I love movies that have plot, but "Hulk"'s plot is too slow, too convoluted to enjoy. After watching it twice, I still can't explain it fully but suffice it to say that after Bruce Banner's father experiments on himself and passes on a generic abnormality, which is then somehow modified by exposure to gamma rays so that he becomes the Hulk if he gets too angry. Um, yeah, that's it, I guess.
The Hulk's origin is too long, too complicated for a superhero movie. The problem I think wasn't so much Ang Lee's direction or the script, but that unlike most other superheores the Hulk doesn't have a supervillain to match wits against. His main enemy is the US Army and you can only have so many scenes of tanks or planes trying to bring him down like Godzilla. That forced the writers to come up with a bad guy, in the form of Bruce's whacko father, which I still don't entirely understand.
I like what they tried to do with this movie, to make it more sophisticated and dark than other superhero flicks, but it just didn't work for "Hulk". Really, most other superhero movies--Spider-Man, X-Men, Batman, even Daredevil are better than this strange, complicated mess. Don't waste your time on it unless you, like me, have a very male reason to watch. <wink, wink>