Rating:  Summary: A Comic Book Movie Made For All Review: X-Men is one of the top three best comic book adapted movies every made (Superman 1 & Batman 1 being the other two). The movie is made in a way in which people who have never picked up the comic book before can relate. No bright color spandex. No over the top explanation of why they have the powers they do. You walk out thinking, "Yeah, I believe that's possible. Every actor plays his or her role to the "T". This is the perfect jump of movie for Hugh Jackman, who gives an excellent rendition of his comic book counter part Wolverine. Although Halle Berry performance as Storm was not as great as some would have hoped, (honestly due to a lack of lines and badly written at that) she does have the upcoming squeal to improve. I was glad to see that the director, Bryan Singer, did not overflow his cast of characters as some other comic book movies have done in the past. Although this movie could have been called Wolverine and the X-Men, most of the other characters are well represented. This movie proves that as long as you keep the essence of the character in tact, you still can have a successful movie that everyone will enjoy. I can't wait for the sequel. Sentinels anyone?
Rating:  Summary: Joel Schumacher, Take Notes.. Review: During the last few years we've put up with some bad comic book adaptations that totally let the fans down. Movies like Batman & Robin, Steel ,and two of the last Superman flicks are some examples. Then came along the long awaited X-men movie which really changed the face of comic book films. In my eyes, this is the second most anticipated film made recently (first was Phantom Menace) and it was one of the best films this summer. The biggest star of the film should be the director, Bryan Singer, for making an actual movie version of a comic strip story that display its characters in detail.But sadly the movie had some flaws that a number of hardcore fans of X-men would disapprove of. The most obvious for me is that Hallie Berry (Storm) had little to do with the plot, so it was hard to determine if Hallie was right for the role in the first place. The film should have been called Wolverine 'cause he was the center of the story(not the ensemble, while Cyclops and co. takes the back seat. The Wolverine/ Sabretooth fight was good, but meant nothing cause their history from the comic didn't surface. The other fight scenes belittled the X-men, making them appear unable to throw a single punch. Plus, there are sections of the dialogue that were a bit dull. Despite the screenplay mistakes the film is reasonably good. The sets are cleverly designed, the Magneto/ Professor X rivalry was done brilliantly by Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen, the brief funny moments were fine like when Wolverine gave Cyclops the "claw". Also Ray Park does another good turn as a super villain since his vile debut as Darth Maul in Episode 1, now he's the elusive Toad who really stole some scenes. The chick who played Rouge had a certain mysterious persona but a bit too sweet for the strong willed character, she did o.k. The special FX complemented the film without being a distraction or overkill. Hugh Jackman has potential to be one of the new action heroes of the 21st century. He played Wolverine like Michael Keaton played Batman. The rest of the cast could have done better but like I said, the writer made a few mistakes. Bottom line, the movie is plain cool. It adapted the heart of the comic and has a subtle status like Matrix. This is the type of direction that the genre needs. Let's hope that the makers of the new Superman movie actually reads a couple comic books like Bryan read his. Forget it! Bryan should direct the new Superman, and Batman 5. X-men doesn't break any new ground, but a good film nevertheless.
Rating:  Summary: Best Movie of The Summer!!!! Review: Let me tell you something i totally hate X-Men but i totally loved this movie. Imagine if I hate X-men and i thougth this movie was exelent imagine if you are a fan youll love it. Its exiting, it has suspense , its serious, but most of all its funny. All the work that Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart and Bryan Singer put into this movie is amazing. When i got out of the theater i was totally impreased. Im defenetly going to buy this movie and you should to. I give it two very enthusiastic thumbs up.
Rating:  Summary: Best movie ever! Review: I was very excited to see this movie because I have been a long time fan of X-men. It lived up to my expectations and more. The acting is great, the special effects are awesome and the overall movie is the best. Everyone needs to own this movie. Very well done.
Rating:  Summary: immediately decided to add to my collection Review: As soon as our group got out of the theatre we all unanimously rated the movie as a four out of a possible five. As a science fiction/action adventure film I would give this a five. But as an X-Men fan, I felt a little disappointed that I did not see more characters. Also, the knowledge that I was going to have to wait a few more years before I would get the chance to see more of those characters rained on my parade a little. At the same time, I also immediately decided to add this movie to my collection after seeing it because it IS a good movie. For those who were introduced to the X-Men for the first time, this movie may have seemed sufficiently entertaining and complete in itself. But as for me, although I loved watching it, I just couldn't help myself from longing to see a more complete (and varied) team of X-Men and a greater sense of finality to the ending. Don't get me wrong - I loved the movie. But something inside me wanted just a little bit more.
Rating:  Summary: "Two Thumbs Up" Review: I've seen this film 4 times. I liked it and now am a regular at the local comic book store. The cast is great and the story is very well thought out. I heard people saying it would never live up to it's comic ncounterpart or it's cartoon series , but I believe that it surpassed everybody's expectations. if you haven't seen it , go see it and if you've seen it , see it again. :)
Rating:  Summary: spiff Review: This movie was awsome. With great special effects, and has a great story. I cant wait for the dvd version to come out!
Rating:  Summary: Best comic book adaptation ever. Review: I think that Bryan Singer's adaptation of the Marvel Comics title is the best, most true to form comic book film. While Tim Burton's Batman Returns is the best film of the comic book adaptations, X-Men feels the most like a true representation of the paper format. Rather than campy fun (a la Superman) or even complete misfire (Punisher, Captain America etc.), X-Men nails the comic book world with its representation of what the world might be like if it really had superheroes in it. The best example of this is Alex Ross's Kingdome Come series, but that will never make it to the big screen. If you want a taste of comic book fun, as well as bare bones action and serious storytelling, check out X-Men.
Rating:  Summary: So when's the sequel? Review: After enduring years of countless rumors, the motion picture event that comic book junkies alike have waited for has arrived. While there were many heroes that were missing and others who appeared to be too young to be major contributors to the story, the movie itself does a good job recreating everyone's favorite merry mutants to the silver screen. While I am slightly disappointed in the lack of characters like Gambit and Psylocke (Yes, I collected X-Men in my younger days), I was overall happy with the way the film was finished. The casting directors could not have produced a better person to play Professor X than Patrick Stewart while Ian mcKellan convinced the audience that the only way for humanity was his way and no other. I envisioned Wolverine to be physically larger than Hugh Jackman, however, his quick wit and wry smile fit the role better than expected. Yes, there were several discrepencies between the comic book and the movie itself, but definitely a good effort. Halle Berry as Storm? W..O..W. Her every appearance seemed to command respect from fellow mutants alike. Funnily enough, there were even cameos for those of you who are more familiar with the X-Men. Exactly who appears I will not say for the benefit of those who have yet to watch this movie, but keep your eyes open and you'll recognize many characters, both new and old. All in all, a good movie with stupendous efforts from the cast, producers, and the director. While I found the story to be somewhat...lacking, the effects can almost more than make up for this apparent oversight. Personally, I can't wait to see who they decide should be in the next one.
Rating:  Summary: Wow! Review: I must say that this movie totally surpassed my expectations! As a long-time X-Men fan, I was expecting an utter horror, either playing too much to the fans so people who've never read the comics wouldn't understand or totally ignoring all established history so fans would be clutching their heads in despair. This movie managed a nice balance, with enough explanation for people who've never *heard* of the X-Men to understand it, yet attention to history and a few in-jokes for the fans. The only complaint I had was with Storm, who was an incredibly weak character played totally ineffectually by Halle Berry. And what was with that accent? The interplay between the other characters was perfect, including the relationship between Scott and the Professor and the Scott/Jean/Logan love triangle. I heartily recommend this movie to anyone, whether or not you're an X-Men or sci-fi fan. Fun for all!