Rating:  Summary: 8 LEGGED FUN Review: In the tradition of Lake Placid & Bats-comes another modern day nature revenge romp:With a plot line simular too Empire of the Ants. This time out a hord of gaint spiders :about 10*'s there normal size attack a mid western town. The town is on the verge of going broke & is ran by a corrupt governor who is allowing toxic wast too be secretly stored in an abanded mine.This wast interacts with crickets chemical structure-that causes the spiders too grow when the crickets are eaten.The man who discovers this is not only a town weirdo,but the first victem.The only other person left too warn the town is a boy.who figures know one whould beleive him anyway.So the spiders grow and then begin too spread.When this happens no living thing is safe. Once the spiders: begin to move out the big screen fun begins.The FX-is wonderfully done,the story is good .The attacks & dialogue are both comical at various spots in the movie.This is deffently worth a trip too the box office.If your into these types a films maybe make it 2 times -to double the fun!
Rating:  Summary: THERE HERE!!!! Review: Rabbit's are the cause of the problem in this wonderfully made film about giant spiders attacking a small town in Arizona starring David Arquette.A truck driving down the road carrying barrels of toxic waste that affects spiders spins around as not to hit a rabbit starts the fun.One of the barrels falls and lands into a lake.A spider collector named Josh collects grasshoppers that have been covered in the toxic waste feeds them to spiders who grow due to the effect.When his friend Matt learns what each of the spiders do a spider escapes from his cage and bites Josh causing him to knock down all the cages off spiders and they all come out webbing up the whole house.Matt returns and fides out that all the spiders have escaped into the old mine shaft owned by Chris McCormack(David Arquette).Chris returned to his home town from a ten year absence to declare his love for Matt and his sister Ashley's mom Sam untill one night the spiders attack.At night because the spiders are noctural except for the day attack of the jumping spiders who attack dirtbikers. The film is an exciting entertaining comendy horror film that is one of the years best.I recomend Eight Legged Freaks to all. ENJOY!
Rating:  Summary: Eight Legged Freaks Review: When a truck driver swerves to avoid hitting a rabbit, a barrel of toxic waste dumps in a lake. A nearby exotic spider collector feeds the spiders grasshoppers from the infested lake. The spiders, including tarantulas, trapdoors, jumpers, and orb weavers, mutate to monumental size and attack the small town of Prosperity, Arizona. It's up to mining engineer Chris McCormack and beautiful town sheriff Sam Parker to stop them. EIGHT LEGGED FREAKS is an excellent movie. The acting was flawless, the humor was, well, humorous, and the spider CGI was spectacular. Even the script and direction were nearly perfect. I'd recommend it to anyone, even those who are terrified of spiders (like me!).
Rating:  Summary: Bad Movie. Review: This movie is so bad that I can't even describe how bad it really is. This is supposed to be a cheesy horror film with action. Instead we are bombarded with stupid dialogue and notice how they jump from scene to scene just like in soap operas. I am not going to waste anymore time on this. Bye!
Rating:  Summary: Pure fun...no horror Review: On the Amazon scale of 1-5 for horror...this flick gets a 1. On the Amazon scale of 1-5 for comedy...this flick gets a 2. Is there another category? Go see this at matinee prices. If "Doofy" (from "Scream" fame) is the star, you need to spend your dollars elsewhere. If you are looking for lots of special effects, a script that could have been written by my dog while wading in its plastic swimming pool, then go see ELF. This flick is a combination of the 1950's flick "Tarantula"...a sequel called "Earth vs. The Spider"...and a more recent "Arachnaphobia". If you want to see what a spider's guts look like...and have them oozed onto your face.......if you want to listen to spiders talk (yes, talk) and give out sounds like velociraptors from Jurassic Park...this flick is for you. On one scale, it is good...on another it is destined for placement in the Horror Hall of Shame. Go see it with a sense of humor and anticipate a comedy. If you want to be frightened, buy a copy of "Tarantula" or "Earth vs. the Spider". I honestly believe the only reason this flick was created was because it was a spinoff of "Spiderman" and the new version of "Earth vs. the Spider"...both available on DVD. Wanna have fun? Go see ELF. Wanna see a classic 2002 summer flick...go see "Minority Report".
Rating:  Summary: Does what it wants to very, very well Review: Let's face it. You have to go into this movie with tongue firmly in cheek. You need to be prepared to accept the formula that has been in place for this kind of film since, well film began. You have to accept that David Arquette has been assigned to carry the movie from an acting point of view (he gets sole mention in the opening credits). And you have to accept that the good stuff really doesn't get going until 45 minutes into the movie. With all of that, three stars for this movie should be considered a very postitive rating. 'Cause once the spiders start popping out, they really start popping. You get at least three kinds of spiders: jumping spiders, tunneling spiders, and big hairy crawling spiders, all with an appetite for cats, ostriches, and people. The effects are state of the art, and you get more than your money's worth if you want to see hundreds of them virtually crawling all over the screen during the last half of the movie. You also get a wonderfully creepy scene where the sheriff's slightly loose teenage daughter gets sprayed with webbing. In this one, you get to see a face to face encounter between human and "freak" before the spraying starts. If you are the kind to have nightmares about spiders, you might want to stay away from this one. On the other hand, maybe it's the nightmares you are looking for, in which case, go for it. Well done film.
Rating:  Summary: Arac Armada Attacks Arizona Review: Thank goodness they let Leon Rippy live all the way to the end of this movie--he was flawlessly sleazy as the bad guy/mayor. In fact, it's the supporting cast that makes this movie FUN. The hokey "Barney Fife" style deputy (Rick Overton) had everyone cheering for him by the time things looked really hopeless. The appropriately geeky kid-who-loves-spiders was adorable, and even the snotty teens had terror- induced attitude adjustments. We laughed, jumped (many startling moments)and cheered. This is what a CAMPY movie is supposed to look like!
Rating:  Summary: Eight Legged Fun Review: I just saw this movie tonight and I have to say that not only did I have a blast watching it, but it's the perfect summer movie with a bit of every genre mixed in that will please any movie lover. With more satisfying and crowd pleasing special effects than Men In Black 2, more laughs than Mr. deeds and more scares than Halloween: Resurrection, Eight Legged Freaks will keep you entertained from start to finish. The movie takes place in this small town where a truck driver trying to dodge hitting a rabbit on the road swerves quickly out of it's way dropping one of it's containers of hazzardous chemicals. The container ends up rolling down some hills and landing in a lake where this spider collector / mad scientist type discovers the chemicals are like steroids and makes whatever it comes in contact with grow twice it's size. A freak accident occurs when one of the spiders the man collects get loose and the man is visciously attacked. He ends up knocking all the spiders tanks over, shattering them and letting all of the spiders free. This scene is probably one of the best in the film which is both funny and scary at the same time. Keep an eye out for the man's hilarious parrot which "sees dead people". After the spiders are free, they begin growing and taking over the town in true campy B-movie fashion. I thoroughly enjoyed watching this insanely action packed movie that featured some really great actors such as the always impressive David Arquette and the eternally funny Doug E. Doug. Comparable to Gremlins and Honey, I Shrunk The Kids with all the special effects of a Jurassic Park film, this movie should delight all audiences. And if you're worried about it being cheesy, just go ahead and see it. You'll be very impressed. The spiders all look very real and the size and amount of spiders are both intimidating. While it's not the best film I've ever seen, it's hardly the worst and alot better than MIB2 which pales in comparison to this great flick.
Rating:  Summary: Eight Legged Freaks Review: I just got back from seeing the first showing of this movie. It is a must see. The movie is fun and kid friendly. As the producers of this movie always seem to put a great family film together. You will love it. And I will take my boys back to it again this weekend. The film makers are two of hollywoods best Dean Devlin and Roland Emmerich, who also made Star Gate, Independence Day, Godzilla & Patriot. The movie has great effects, and it is not gory at all. It is a perfect match of comedy and action. Children will love this movie, as well as adults. The movie is about a toxic spill that gets into the water of a small town, the spiders are fed insects that are found in that water,and then multiply in size. Then the town fights back against spiders bigger than they are. The acting is great and you will be glad you went. For a great family movie with no cursing or any nudity what so ever, this is a must see.
Rating:  Summary: Ahhhhhh.......I don't think so! Review: This new creature flick from the producers of Independence Day and Godzilla (one out two isn't bad) sets out to pay homage to the classic 50's horror movies with giant animals like the big ant attack in THEM but see the difference is that those movies were B movies that looked completly fake. These spiders look real and that is scary. To me this is a lot more scary then EXORCIST just because spiders are just so creepy. Don't get me wrong I shudder at the idea of demons attacking and taking over your body but I just pray that doesn't happen. You see spiders ever day you don't see demons (thank God for that) so this is a lot more creepy. BUT at the same time that doesn't mean the movie is bad or anything its just to sick for me to sit through. I just watchd a TV spot for it and that creeps me out. Spiders are scary but in a different way then Mike Meyers. If you are scared of spiders I would stay away from this or if your like me and you just don't see yourslef sitting through it. THE SPIDERS LOOK REAL. It looks cool but too sick for me on the other hand this is the alien/giant dino type summer movie that is usually good so if you think seeing all these spiders wondering around eating people whole won't creep you out I say go for it, otherwise I would go to ROAD TO PERDITION or heck why not Croc Hunter for us wussies at least the croc hunter usually doesn't play with the eight legged freaks. Thats why I dont expect this movie to make that much money when it comes out but hey I caould be wrong. All I know is I will be glad when I stop seeing previews for this.