Rating:  Summary: Not A Fan Review: I must admit, I never read any of the Harry Potter books and spent most of the movie quite confused. Nice special efx, but the story was quite muddly
Rating:  Summary: After seeing this once... I'm hooked! Review: Before I bought this movie, I had never read a Harry Potter book. In fact, I really had no idea who he was (except for the bits of information from my brother). I read several reviews, and decided I would go ahead and buy the DVD when it first came out. I have not regretted my decision since.Prepare to be amazed as Harry Potter, a not-so-ordinary boy becomes an extraordinary wizard. The plot line is interesting, and the movie more than adequately explains the story to those of us who were not previous addicts. A new viewer will easily be able to catch on quickly. This movie has everything from fantasy to sci-fi to sports action to science. A truly great movie that everyone can enjoy. The DVD is well worth the money to purchase, as much for the special features as for the movie. The makers of this DVD have gone the extra mile to bring you a tour of the magical Hogwarts, so that after the movie you can do a little bit of exploring on your own. This feature had me hooked for hours. There are numerous others, so prepare to spend an evening with this DVD. The movie is great for those with children, because it is very clean compared to other movies. If you have young children, however, please remember that this is a PG film so you may want to view it once before you purchase. If you're not into the magical realm of movies, then I recommend that you rent this one before you buy. If you like a good movie that is interesting and entertaining for all ages, and will keep your interest throughout this is the movie to buy. The special features of this DVD are the icing on the cake.
Rating:  Summary: The best kiddie movie I've seen so far... Review: I must admit that I am biased toward material specifically geared toward children. Very seldomly does a childrens movie contain material that is enjoyable for adults as well. When Harry Potter began to get popular I just ignored it, something I had learned to do when I got sick of the Pokemon mania that was ending just around that time. I had no desire to get involved with the Harry Potter franchise. I was suprised that this movie seemed to begin planning and wrap shooting in six months. Two months later the movie was in theaters. When a movie is done in that short of time I tend to really doubt its ability to be a good movie. My parents begged and pleaded with me to visit them one night, and they had planned a trip to see this movie for a family activity. I didn't really want to go but I'm glad I did. The movie was far from unenjoyable, and while the CGI effects were not spectacular the story was innovative, and fun despite being childish. The movie manages to be childish, but not immature, which makes it one of the most enjoyable kiddie flicks to date. I'm actually looking forward to the sequel. The acting in this movie is spectacular. I have not seen such talent in youth since Haley Joel Osment. The actors were also well cast as far as appearances because the actors resemble the characters they are portraying more so than any other movie of its kind. I am very pleased with the way this movie was done. If the special effects were better it would have otten five stars from me. I have not had time to check out the DVD extras yet, however just reading the back of the box has me itching for the time to do just that. I also must stress the importance of getting this movie in Widescreen I have seen both the Widescreen and Pan & [Scan] (Full screen) editions of this movie. You loose a lot of picture on the Pan & [Scan] version as the movie was presented in a 2:35:1 ratio, more than half of the picture is lost in the transition to "Full Screen".
Rating:  Summary: Great fun! Review: Having read the books, I really looked forward to this movie. It did not disappoint! Not much more to say on that! I only had one problem with the dvd. There are so many special features that I cannot find the deleted scenes!
Rating:  Summary: Best Movie ever Review: I think Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone is the best Movie ever. I love Harry Potter, and everything about it. I so wanted to be in the next movie, but I wasn`t that lucky. Oh well, Maybe next time!!
Rating:  Summary: 5 stars Review: I have to say i loved the DVD, if u don't have it u should get it. It is most definately worth the price. The 2nd disc is OK but, the movie disc is a 5 star disc!
Rating:  Summary: One of my fave's. Review: For start, the movie is really great, is not for just kids as many people say, i'm 15 and i like it, the special effects are good, when you start to see it, the movie introduce you in a world of magic, i can't wait to see the new one (the chamber of secrets), if you don't wanna buy it, go and rent it, in other hand i'm a little disappointed of the DVD, yes i admit, it has a lot of stuff, but i think that is not that great as all the people tought, anyway..., just check it.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome Movie Review: I really like Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone. It is really cool and doesn't leave out important parts of the book. You should see it if you like: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.
Rating:  Summary: A Great Transition from Book to Film Review: With J.K. Rowling becoming the richest author in the world, it seemed almost inevitable that her books should become movies. Though everyone went to the theatres with a healthy dose of trepidation, most came out satisfied, feeling that Rowling's story and vision had been successfully transferred onto the big screen. This is not too surprising as Rowling herself was a major participant in the making of the movie. For those people who have been living under a rock these past few years, here is the general story - orphaned Harry Potter is taken to live with his aunt, uncle and cousin where he grows with no knowledge of his magical past. He lives a rather miserable life under his family's tyranny, till his eleventh birthday when he recieves a letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. So off he goes, to find his independance and freedom, a host of friends, kindly teachers who become parental figures, and of course an education in the magic arts. But there is a secret plot within the school concerning the Philosopher's Stone - one of the staff is planning to steal for his master - Lord Voldemort, the evil wizard who killed his parents, and only Harry, Ron and Hermione can stop them. The real strength of this movie lies in the transition of Rowling's imagination and her host of characters, places and creatures to 'real life'. The detail of the sets, the merticulous costumes, the superb casting choices, and the special effects make this movie a visual feast for the eyes. A big highlight was seeing the Quidditch match - it was inevitably more exciting visually than any written account of it. Although in some scenes you could tell the actor where obviously CGI or strung up against a blue screen, the pace and action eliminates this minor gripe. Richard Harris as Dumbledore, Maggie Smith as McGonagall and Ian Hart as Quirrel are great, but standing out even more so is Robbie Coltrane as the gentle giant Hagrid and Alan Rickman as the cold, arrogant Snape, who still comes across as one of the good guys despite his loathing of Harry. I felt that perhaps the friendships between Harry, Ron and Hermione was not properly created as I picked up no real warmth or affection between them. Though Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson are all fine young actors and presented the personalities of their characters they functioned more as three separate beings than the team linked by friendship that Rowling creates in her books. On the whole, though this is a *very* enjoyable and re-watchable movie, it is presented more as an accomplice to the book, only being able to be fully appreciated to those familiar to the books, who are able to fill in the blanks that the movie leaves out. Therefore, I urge others to read the books before watching the movie, as it cannot even begin to convey the intricate layering that Rowling creates in her book that reflect on future books in the series (for example the plot twist concerning Scabbers in book three). Though purists will hate me, I felt perhaps film-makers should have been given a bit more extra freedom to work with the material instead of being so restricted to the book. To do so would have made the movie feel like it had beginning, middle and end, with character development, plot growth and a climax, instead of a series of events where one can almost see the separate chapters of the book.
Rating:  Summary: The World L-O-V-E-S Harry Potter Review: I don't purchase DVD's very often, but THIS one is a keeper!! I recomend this film to anyone who is brave enough to slip into the magical world of Harry Potter.... The world has gone crazy for Harry! It's no secret this movie has been a tremendous success worldwide. Many thanks to Chris Columbus for such a fantastic flic! It forces the audience to forget about their everyday troubles and enjoy the magical, mysterious world of wizardry! And... an even bigger "thank you" to Daniel Radcliffe for a fantastic performance. WOW... what a talented young actor with a bright future!! And... he is SO adorable I could scoop him up and take him home! I recommend this movie to anyone.... ages 9 or 99. It's such a treat. ENJOY!!