Rating:  Summary: Spectacular Action Review: Let's get one thing straight: There is not one bad thing about this movie! I don't care who you are, if you haven't seen this movie you don't know what you're missing out on! This movie is 100% original with wonderful acting, top-notch story, wonderful special effects and the latest, best fight and gun sequences ever made! This is a must have for everyone. You also might want to consider picking up the soundtrack to this film if you love rock :)
Rating:  Summary: Excellent! Review: I've watched this movie probably 250 times by the time I'm now writing this, and every time I see it again I still find it to be one of the very best science fiction movies I've ever seen. It's the kind of movie you never get bored with.In the beginning, I had a hard time figuring out who was the good guy, in the middle I was saying "what the ...?" and by the end I was wanting to see it again and actually liking Keanu Reeves as an actor. One thing I definitely noticed were the whole Second Coming overtones: - Morpheus as John the Baptist - Cipher as Judas - A character named "Trinity" - Neo dying once and being resurrected - Morpheus' ship named the Nebuchadnezzar - etc. etc. etc. At any rate, I thought that this was a pretty cool spin on an old prophecy, not to mention the Taoist themes as well. The Matrix is definitely a package deal - you get plot, effects, action, drama, even martial arts all in one movie. If you haven't seen it yet, you should.
Rating:  Summary: More to it than meets the eye. Review: It's difficult to review this film without being guilty of quoting a plethora of superlatives. So were does one start? Firstly, and I think most significantly, there is more to this movie than meets the eye. This movie teases the viewer with possible new insights into various philosophical questions facing the human race. "Oh sure, you don't actually believe this stuff, do you?" That's not the point really. What The Matrix does, in addition to giving us an entertainment masterpiece, is nudge our subconscious, and consciously or not, make us pause and think about what this game of life is all about. How many of us have watched this movie more than once, and just don't get sick of it. It's engrossing all right, and I'm suggesting it's not just as a result of the entertainment factor. Well done to the Wachowski brothers. 5 out of 5 on that score. So your not sold on this analysis? No problem, lets get back to something easier on the mind, superlatives. Special effects, first rate with some groundbreaking stuff in their. Stuntwork, simply wicked. Acting, all round excellence from the cast. Music score, very appropriate. Script, way out. Action, non stop really and as a bonus the slower scenes are still absorbing. DVD extras, very good. Replayability, unlimited. If you can only ever afford to buy one DVD title in your life, this is it.
Rating:  Summary: THE BEST MOVIE EVER!! Review: when i walked out of the movie, i was thinking to myself:"why can't movies be as good as this". the matrix brings everything action,horror,romance, even a little bit of comedy from keanu(his acting!). the DVD is action packed with many special features. I have the special revisted DVD which i highly recommend to pick up because of its very in depth stuff. so overall, matrix is the best movie to date,PERIOD!
Rating:  Summary: Existential Sci-Fi Meets Hong Kong Action Review: This movie makes you question your own reality and truly engages the imagination. The special effects are unbelievable, and the fight scenes must be seen to be believed. The DVD has amazing quality sound, but the video seems a little grainy and muddy in some of the indoor scenes. It still looks really good though, and no DVD collection should be without this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Twists and Turns ... wonderful movie! Review: The plot twists and turns and is quite unexpected. Great movie! Must have for your collection!
Rating:  Summary: A smart mixing of kung-fu, John Woo and mangas Review: Of course the movie is good, with much suspense and movement, the special effects are great as usual, Keanu Reeves is very, very charming... But we can't keep saying that kind of thing. So I'm gonna put some middle critics about it. And there's quite much to say. The Wachowski brothers are fond of John Woo, kung-fu movies and mangas, and we can see that. We can see that so well that in fact nobody saw nothing at all. Actually the movie's been made under the entire influence of Hong Kong cinema. Open your eyes and you'll see that the story itself is taken from the famous Japanese manga and film "Ghost in the Shell" (a hacker pursuited by an overpowerful cyber-agent - doesn't this remind you something?). Open your eyes and you'll see that the action, shooting sequences have been taken from John Woo movies, especially "A better Tomorrow" and "The Killer" (Keanu Reeves throwing his empty guns away and replacing them, imitating Chow Yun-Fat). Open your eyes and you'll see that the fighting sequences have been taken from Hong Kong kung-fu movies, especially Tsui Hark ones ("Once upon a Time in China 1 & 2", with Jet Li); besides they've been made by a famous Hong Kong choreographer... the same one who worked on the Hark movies, and on "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"! As we know, Hollywood has become a master place in the art of imitation and recovery. With "The Matrix", the big shots can say they made a totally innovative movie (some others said 'the best sci-fi movie ever made') which's gonna be inspiring many unimaginative directors in the future (see "The One"). But they forgot (and not only them) that the movie itself owes Asian cinema very much, if not everything. For me "The Matrix" is not a new and innovative film, but a smart pack of sequences already seen before in other movies made a very long distance away from Hollywood. But people don't care, so we can say that the Wachowski brothers did it great. In any case the movie doesn't worth "Blade Runner" and other great futuristic movies "The Matrix" unsuccessfully tried to bury. About the actors, I noticed Hugo Weaving's amazing performance as the brutal, ferocious, pitiless agent Smith. He manages to keep away from caricature and makes his bad character one of the most believable and scary ones, in action movie history. But when I see him fighting and flying all over around in a perfect, high-class suit, I have some doubts. All I can say is that in the end, Neo can't do anything else but crush him when he at last gets aware of his great powers. Lawrence Fishburne, as the charismatic Morpheus, is excellent too. So I'll say that after their very personal and imaginative first film, "Bound", the Wachowski brothers, as many others like Bryan Singer, blew up their style and sold their souls to Hollywood. "The Matrix" is quite a good movie with a good plot borrowed from mangas but with a too obvious influence of the kung-fu, John Woo and manga styles, and with a bouddhist background (Morpheus' speeches). There's nothing much to be deadly admirative about. The special effects are perfect but too present and heavy and bring bad headache, along with the deafening music. But this is what people want to see and hear, so what's the big deal? As long as it brings big money...
Rating:  Summary: The Matrix Review: The Matrix is the ultimate blend of stunning graphics and special effects along with an in-depth storyline that keeps the viewers on their toes. The quality of picture and audio available in dvd format only enhances the viewing pleasure of this excellent film
Rating:  Summary: Simplistic and unrealistic portrayal of advanced technology. Review: I liked this movie only for the idea of the matrix itself. I don't think anything else in it is likely to ever happen. I mean, if we created machines that could think for themselves and did not serve us, and even if they did take over humanity, don't you think they could find a better energy source than human bodies? In the movie, the humans are in comas and they have tubes coming out of them which supposedly extract the energy that the AI machines need. Even if they did do this, why would they need to put the humans in the matrix? If they're in comas, what difference does it make to them whether the humans have no consciousness at all, or they believe the matrix to be real life? Also, I think if the machines were this advanced, that they'd be able to totally eliminate any chance of resistance. But like I said, I found the concept of a matrix interesting. The matrix is already real in the sense of the internet-- it is certainly a "place" where things happen, people "go" and communicate, etc, yet it does not physically exist anywhere. It's all theoretical, but theoretically, an infinite amount of matrices could be created. Each person could be on his own matrix, interacting with people that do not exist. In the movie, the matrix was a copy of what the world used to be like, whereas meanwhile it has been utterly destroyed by the machines. In a matrix, anything can happen. A matrix could be used to punish criminals beyond imagination. If you liked this movie, read "1984" and merge the two. Scary thought, eh? With the matrix, a dictator could gain unlimited power. Since in a matrix, anything can literally happen, that means a dictatorship could do anything they wanted if they controlled a matrix world. On the other hand, a utopia could just as easily be created. The only problem is each person has their own idea of utopia but that is no problem either. A different matrix could be made for each person, or groups of people, etc. Also, people may get into a medical condition where they can be kept alive by having machines breathe for them and pump their heart, but not fully revive them. In this situation there are many people who would rather live in a matrix than either die or live indefinitely in a coma. The concept of a matrix brings philosophical questions. Is a matrix real? If you define "real" as something you can verify with the five senses, then yes, the matrix is just as real as the "real world." Yet, it just doesn't seem real even though I can't think of a better definition for "real." It also makes striving for a better world seem pointless because this world could be essentially erased like it was in the movie, and moreover, a million matrices could be created. So think of how insignificant you are in this world, and multiply that by a million. The only people with any real power at all (and they would have a LOT) would be the ones who design and operate the matrices. Although not stressed in the movie, it also calls into question free will. Surely in a matrix our free will could be totally taken away and our every movement and thought controlled by a computer, unknown to us. That is, if we even have free will. A scarier thought-- what if we're in a matrix now? How would we know? It reminds me of "The Truman Show," where Truman is filmed unknowingly and all his friends and neighbors are all actors in the show. But in the matrix, control over the subjects can become absolute. Truman eventually discovered what was going on and broke free from the set and into the real world. After watching "Artificial Intelligence," "Bicentenial Man", and "The Matrix," I have one question for Hollywood: "When will you make a movie that shows technology HELPING mankind, which is the whole point of it?"
Rating:  Summary: Must Have Review: Today, the Matrix is found in almost any dvd collection, whether part of a larger collection or the only one you own. C'mon, dvd's were made for movies like this. With the Matrix's amazing digital effects, only the clarity of a dvd can do this movie justice. Not to mention, this was a great movie which is spawning two sequels. Got a dvd player? Your next step is to purchase this movie.