Rating:  Summary: Sweet Review: This DVD is a must have that all there is to it
Rating:  Summary: It seems to me like you need to unplug, man! Review: Green data that moves down over the computer screen making a high-pitched electronic noise. That's the code of the matrix. You ask what is the matrix? It is a hi-tech computer capable of reproducing a physical reality to all of us, humans. Once the humans created artificial intelligence, it quickly turned against us and it started a war of man against machine. Brain against software. And since the machines get their energy form the sun, the military scorched the sky, turning it into pitch black. But the machines were clever. They didn't need the sun to survive, they just needed some sort of energy, and they found that energy on the electrical impulses of our bodies. So all humans were taken as slaves and they were put into this huge prison, where they keep humans sleeping, but dreaming about reality, a reality created by the matrix so the human brains can keep working and producing all the energy the machines need to stay alive.But Thomas Anderson feels that reality is a little weird. It feels strange, he always has the feeling that he is dreaming because... he is! So that's why he's contacted by Morpheous, one of the people who's not in the Matrix. Morpheous believes Anderson is the key player to destroy the matrix and set all humans free. But before they do that, he has to convince Tom Anderson he's special and that he can do a lot more than what he believes. What we have here is one of the most interesting and intelligent science fiction films of all times. Yes, I said that. I've always liked Keanu Reeves and Laurence Fishburne, but they practically seem like they were born for these roles! And this film is quite a treat for both the eyes and the brain. I was very pleased after I watched this movie, because it's not one of those sci-fi films that use special effects just to cover its plot holes or script weakness. The Matrix uses special effects only when it's necessary and the final result is outstanding! It has also one of the greatests soundtracks and scores I've heard and the whole deal about perception is something that will leave you thinking long after the final credits. If you're into sci-fi, and more especially, if you're into intelligent films, this one's for you! Also, check for Hugo Weaving's performance as Agent Smith... if that's not creepy, I don't know what is!
Rating:  Summary: Over-rated Review: I heard so much about this movie that I had to try it myself. I liked most of it except for the dumb ending. I also didn't like the fact that in order to get extras - a separate DVD has to be purchased. Disks like this should be boycotted. The special effects are fine, but overloaded (just as said in Amadeus: too many notes). Rent this DVD if you have to, but there's no real reason to buy this one. Wait for one with a different ending (hope there is one on the editing room floor) and more special effects.
Rating:  Summary: It's A Matrix of Plot Holes! Review: One of the characteristics of bad science fiction is the use of a fundamental premise that is unscientific. It is one thing to suspend physical laws (e.g., to "allow" faster-than-light travel to make a story) and another to be ignorant of them. I refer to the fact that humans do not produce any kind of energy; we, like all organisms, consume energy in endothermic processes. So, if one were connect a whole bunch of us together in a giant farm, one would get a net energy consumption and a whole bunch of fertilizer. I am only person I personally know who hated this movie, but the other people I personally know who saw it are children. There are many other things about the film that are unbearable, but I wouldn't expect anyone to want to read any more about it!
Rating:  Summary: Absolute Best Video To Add to ANYONE's LIBRARY Review: You have to admit, there are very few movies that can be watched more than 3 times. This is a movie than can be watched more than 10 times and still amaze an audience of all ages. The Matrix is definitely a movie that amazes a movie goer by how much detail there is in it!! Great story line and creativity -all unveiled in a couple of hours!! ...
Rating:  Summary: ZERO originality. Review: "People who think that The Matrix contains one single original idea should probably not try to read a Phil Dick novel. Their heads would explode." - Marc Laidlaw From Star Trek Borg to Sleeping Beauty, there is not a single original thought in this movie. Most of it derives from concepts and theories portrayed in several Star Trek and Outer Limits episodes. Yes, the special effects were good, but they would have been much better had they been illustrating an idea born, and not re-born. The cheezy ending topped it off. I really wish he would have taken the blue pill.
Rating:  Summary: The Matrix a sci-fi great Review: Based in the future after computers have taken over the world a computer hacker, NEO is trying to save to the living world. This is a classic story of the loaner who steps up to the plate and saves the day. The charater development is excellent, the cinematopgraphy is cutting edge and the acting is great from everyone, including the extras. Although you know how the movie will end the trip there is full of unexpected twist. Even after seeing this movie numerous times I still get excited, all over again, at some of the best parts of this movie. This is one of the few movies I keep watching over and over again.
Rating:  Summary: And the winner for best movie is... Review: The Matrix! This is the best movie I've seen. Thomas Anderson, or Neo (played by Keanu Reeves) is 'the one', the girl of the movie is no-trash Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss) And then we have Neo's mentor, Morpheus (Laurence Fishburn) After the cool opening for the movie, it's kinda slow, except for the bug part, but the action makes up for it. After hacker Neo finds out the truth about the 'real world', he joins with a ragtag group of rebels. Together, they fight Agents, or basically the programs that try to kill them (they're just men in tuxes) I have to say, this is one of the best movies I've ever seen. The plot is awesome, and the action is excellent. I gave this movie 5 stars. By the way, when Neo walks in the lobby door, make sure you're watching the movie. :)
Rating:  Summary: An action/adventure future? Review: What can I possibly say about this movie that hasn't already been said? There are over twenty-six hundred comments at IMDb and another twenty-five hundred at Amazon. There even seems to be some block "reviewing" from young Christian groups enthusiastically pointing out all the parallels to Christ's life: Neo, "The One," "Trinity," saving humankind, and being lifted up to heaven, etc. I would add that directors Andy and Larry Wachowski touched some other religious bases as well. Note that Gloria Foster is "Oracle" (Greek mythology), that Lawrence Fishburne is Morpheus (of the Underworld) and that Joe Pantoliano is "Mr. Reagan" (a little secular allusion here). The band of heroes are also referred to as "freedom fighters" to recall our ex-prez's words. (But never mind.) The main thing to understand is that this is one very popular and very arresting movie, the sort of thing Hollywood producers love; in fact all of Hollywood loves The Matrix because it gave work to so many. Scrolling the credits takes longer than your mother's phone good-bye. The Matrix is an industry in itself, something like Star Wars and Rambo. But is the movie any good? Well, it's not much on video. The DVD is undoubtedly an improvement, and on the silver screen it might lean you back in your seat. The cinematography, sound and special effects are first rate. But I mean philosophically speaking? I think we can get a hint from a review that began (and I quote) "Why can't all movies be this good? -A 12-year-old viewer." Indeed, this is the question all those marketing minds in Hollywood are asking. The true blockbuster action/adventure/sci-fi movie aims at a male viewer of about 18. Ideally the range would include 12-year-olds to thirtysomethings. Any philosophy beyond that mental age is burdensome. So you don't think it is a philosophically interesting movie? Actually I do. I just don't think it's original. I mean Plato's cave allegory is over two thousand years old. And let's not forget The Wizard of Oz (1939) or even The Truman Show (1998). Any science fiction buff can point to half a dozen precursors. Isn't that stretching it a bit? Okay, how about this short story from half a century or so ago called something like "The Perm-Machine." Everybody in the future society is working their nine-to-five tails off for a TEMP--that is, for a few hours in the box hooked up to the feelie machine complete with 3D screen, surround sound and electrodes attached to your every neuron so that the complete, thrilling, all senses experience of the greatest adventures in life are theirs, including sex, drugs, heart-pounding action and other sensual pleasures. But what everybody really wanted was a PERM, which would place them in the box permanently hooked up to the electrodes and intravenous drips, etc. for the rest of their lives, a kind of virtual reality heaven on earth. What about the acting? Forget the acting. It was okay. Consider this instead: we are going to become software. There isn't going to be any "warfare" between man and machine with the human spirit triumphant. Instead, we are going to become more and more attached to our machines, our computers, our chips, until at some point (see Ray Kurzweil's The Age of Spiritual Machines: When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence or Pierre Baldi's The Shattered Self: The End of Natural Evolution) the line between us and machine will be completely blurred. And then, molecule by molecule, we will DISAPPEAR, and at no time will we even realize it happened! The Matrix is a vision of the future, but it is a hopelessly anthropomorphic vision, a kind of action/adventure director's scan, extrapolated from the present. Where artificial intelligence, virtual reality and the prospect of quantum computers is taking us cannot be envisioned at all. Some people call this the "singularity" factor. The future (and by the way, most of the audience of The Matrix will live to see this) is like the horizon of a black hole that we accelerate toward, never able to see beyond that horizon until we are IN.