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Minority Report (Single Disc Edition)

Minority Report (Single Disc Edition)

List Price: $14.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: MInority Report-Speilberg Makes Another Masterpiece
Review: I must say Steven Spielberg has done it again, this time with the new sci-fi smash, Minority Report based on the short story by writer Philip K. Dick. Tom Cruise, who dazzles on the screen plays detective John Anderton, who works for a police organization, which can predict the future. Actually the predict a crime before it takes place and capture the criminal and take him/her into custody. A interesting story with some twists and turns, excellent Colin Farrel, talented Samantha Morton and amazing Max Von Sydow costar. The film feature spectacular visual and special effects, and stunts all done by Tom Cruise, if that's true just kidding. Steven Spielberg directs with care into making a true masterpiece, perhaps another
E.T., or maybe Jaws, who knows? Maybe in ten years there will be an anniversary for Minority Report like there was for E.T. which came out in March by the way. Spielberg, a very talented director, I don't know how he does it because this is true work of a skilled director and I must say Tom Cruise also does a great job as a skilled actor. So, I would suggest seeing Minority Report, in theaters everywhere June 21, 2002. You should see see it, for it is something you will want to see again
and again. Trust me, see MINORITY REPORT! Rated PG-13 for Violence, Brief Language, Some Sexuality and Drug Content. See it Today!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Better than Blade Runner...
Review: All I have heard out of sci-fi fan films is "Blade Runner is better". Um... No it's not! The story is better, the effects are better (which cannot really be used, because Blade Runner was made before). But this is not really a sci-fi film... This is an all out action blockbuster! Go enjoy... And know this is better than both Phillip. K. Dick adaptations, yes (Blade Runner and Total Recall!) Well done Spielberg!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A Good Philip K Dick Movie
Review: If you like Blade Runner, Total Recall and/or Vanilla Sky, you would want to watch Minority Report. They were all from the same sci-fi writer. The movie is fairly close to the original story. Like a lost of his stories, this movie is a bit dark, cold and philosophical.

I like the movie because I love Phillip K Dick's writing. You may not appreciate the film as much as I did if you didn't read the story. Tom Cruise must like the author very much to play in both Vanilla Sky and Minority Report; and I personally think he did a good job here.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Minority Report
Review: This movie was awesome. There was a nice plot, a great story, and a fresh idea to Minority Report. It's not a typical futuristic story line, that isn't believable. You get caught up in the excitement of this thrilling adventure, and at the same time, it makes you think about your own opinions of pre-crime.
This is a must buy for the DVD library. Two Thumbs Up and Two Big Toes too....

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: An Eye For An Eye...
Review: 4.5 stars

On paper the teaming of Steven Spielberg and Tom Cruise for Minority Report, a movie based upon a Philip K Dick short story, looks a sure-fire winner but then so did Vanilla Sky. The problem is movies aren't made on paper but whereas Vanilla Sky was a great disappointment, thankfully, this is not the case with the excellent (but very cold) futuristic noir thriller Minority Report.

As previously mentioned, Minority Report is based on a Phillip K Dick short story and is similar in tone to Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, which was subsequently made into the rather excellent cult classic, and benchmark for all subsequent sci-fi movies, BladeRunner. Set only 52 years in the future, Tom Cruise plays Detective John Anderton, a driven cop with a self-medicating drug habit, still haunted by the abduction and disappearance of his son, whilst in his care, at a public swimming pool five years previously. Anderton is chief of the Washington DC Pre-Crime police unit, whose SWAT teams stop murders before they can be committed by swooping down from the heavens and arresting the future perpetrators before they can carry out their intended crimes.

Pre-crime is reliant upon the visionary powers of three "pre-cogs"; apparent mutated shadows of human beings, interconnected by computer whilst floating in a tank of water, in a semi-comatose state, at police headquarters. Their dream-like premonitions are displayed on a giant screen, the images conducted and deciphered by a cyber-gloved Cruise, as coloured wooden balls bearing the name of both the prospective victim and perpetrator, roll down plastic tubes like this weeks 'winning' lottery numbers. There is no apparent debate about civil liberties because the pre-cogs are never wrong, nobody gets hurt and the capital's murder rate is down to zero, making it a very desirable system for federal law enforcers. The pre-crime system is almost ready to go national. However, just when everything seems to be going swimmingly Detective Anderton's balls drop (down the plastic tube that is), as the pre-cognitives identify him as a future murderer in a vision on the big screen. As he's in charge and convinced the premonition is fake, he has the opportunity to go on the run in order to prove his innocence, an opportunity denied to every person he's arrested for the past six years.

Minority Report is an excellent and exhilarating ride into the future, full of action, suspense, FX and more twists and turns than a country road. Spielberg's collaboration with the late great Stanley Kubrick (on A.I.) has obviously left an impression in that Minority Report has a distinctly Kubrickian cold alienation about it. In many ways it looks and feels very un-like a Spielberg movie except for the Hitchockian (or Spielbergian if you like) type suspense and mass of product placement (from Gap to Bulgari and Guinness). It is also very much unlike any previous Tom Cruise vehicle, which is refreshing, although some parallels in the action sequences could obviously be drawn to the Mission Impossible movies. However both Spielberg and Cruise are on top form here, ably supported by Max Von Sydow and an all too smooth Colin Farrell (Tigerland) and a virtually unrecognisable Samantha Morton (Sweet and Lowdown). Much credit should also go to cinematographer Janusz Kaminski, and Scott Farrar, visual effects supervisor from Industrial Light and Magic, who helped make Minority Report a work of art.

Intelligent, very entertaining, ingenious and dark. Minority Report is another great success to add to Mr Spielberg's and Mr Cruise's very impressive CV's. 4.5 stars.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Classic Sc-Fi Crime Thriller
Review: I eagerly anticipated the release of 'Minority Report' mainly based on the comments that I heard it was going to be the "thinking persons Matrix". I wasn't disappointed, as often you can be when you have high expectations of a movie. I loved the special effects. They were very well done, but not over the top. The motorway scenes were just fantastic. Spielberg has created a surreal setting which has the atmospheric overtones of 'Blade Runner', some wicked futuristic city settings which appear to draw inspiration from 'The Fifth Element' and 'Star Wars Attack of the Clones' and the precogs unashamedly demand comparison with 'The Matrix'. Drawing inspiration from all these fine movies, 'Minority Report' blends all these traits into a fast paced, exciting thriller with a real unique storyline. Tom Cruise delivers another outstanding performance and suits the roll of framed cop exceedingly well. I don't expect any less of Cruise, who despite his classic good looks still rates with me as one of the best male actors out there. Okay, by now you can see that I am a big fan of the movie, so lets cut to the 'not so good' part of the movie, and really for me there is only one complaint. The casting of Max von Sydow as Director Lamar Burgess the head of Precrime was an immediate give-away that he was going to be the bad guy. This guy has played the villain in so many movies I'm a little surprised that Spielberg wasn't a little more innovative by giving us a character we weren't familiar with to keep us guessing. I rate this as a major flaw and let down in the movie. Despite this however, the overall quality of the project is so sound that I can't bring myself to rate this less than a 5. Thoroughly recommended.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: My Favorite Spielburg Film Since Close Encounters
Review: Ah, a Spielburg movie that makes you think a little, and one that keeps you on the edge of your seat. It poses questions about the future of law enforcement in our country based on current ideologies and trends, and shows just how flawed and hopeless the need to control people's lives and actions are via any means possible.

Excellent cinematography, pace, and a range of emotions make it a high quality, entertaining film despite it's small plot holes. For one I can't imagine this kind of thing would even be possible as soon as 2054...and the whole "drug gone bad" reaction being the reason for it is not overly believeable, nor the ability to actually expand it's use across the country seeing as though there are only three affected physics who are empowered with this ability by chance, rather than a planned result.

Regardless the idea behind the film, and the fact Spielburg actually finds a way to make it acceptable and believeable, overshadows any plot weakenesses in this case. Surely if an entreprenuer in this country had a chance to stop murder before it could happen, they would seize the opportunity, commercialize and promote it as such. And law enforcement officials would do everything they could to justify it if it made them heroes and was profitable.

Tom Cruise is tremendous, as are his supporting cast and the effects and detailed environments of the future Spielburg has envisioned. The cars will immediately remind you of A.I., they are almost exactly the same, by the way.

But, this is a Sci-fi fantasy movie, and your taken in by the fantastical notion that "this could happen, and if it did, this is how it could very well turn out." And that notion drives the film and draws you in. The characters are dynamic and the story is full of twists and turns, keeping the viewer involved and the reaction of the crowd I viewed it with reflects that.

A wonderful Spielburg film and certainly one of his very best. It's refreshing to see this kind of quality, thought and intellect mixed with action and suspense out of today's Hollywood films. At some point you just quit analyzing every little bit of logic in the film and enjoy it for what it is, a great movie.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Not very good
Review: Steven Spielberg and Tom Cruise are capable of making much better movies than this. It was O.K but I certainly would never watch it ever again it is a little too long and overdone. The color of it for one thing was annoying it was dark blue and tinted looking. Movies like that are terrible once you get out of the theater try driving home in the bright sunshine after watching this movie. I hope the future never gets this annoying. If you are into future type movies that are real space age looking this kind of movie may suit you Spielberg needs to go back to movies like E.T and Back to the future and Cruise should go back to plots similar to stuff earlier in his career. This movie bombed.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Movie of the year-and that's no minority report
Review: This movie was full of adrenaline!! Lots of great plot development, characters, and action action action!! High tech futuristic gadgets the like of which has never been seen, brilliant chases that utilize futuristic environments and weapons, and an ending that will utterly leave you speechless, until you start trying to tell everyone you run into how great the movie was. This is THE movie of the year, and I can't wait to buy the DVD and watch it over and over again. My hat is off to Tom Cruise and Colin Farrell.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: When Injustice looks like justice...
Review: Not my favourite movie, but interesting, and rather eerie. In Washington DC, 2054, police have perfected a system whereby murders are stopped before they can be committed, and the culprits charged with 'future murder'.

'Precrime', as it is called is, enthusiastically implemented by Captain John Anderton, and seems a pretty good thing, until it proves open to corruption and tampering to make the innocent look guilty and the guilty look innocent- much like the mass media today!
The villainy of those who turn the system upside down, put Anderton on the run for his life, and a quest to prove his innocence through discrediting the system he so fervently believed in -Precrime.

We are forced to examine the dangers of playing G-D, even for a worthy end, and that too much power should never be invested in State structures', in such a way.
But for me, the central tragedy and injustice was towards those called the precogs, humans who have been turned into machines, and the engines of the Precrime system, Objected to unbelievable inhumanity, in order to make Precrime work. This is tragically illustrated by Samantha Morton's portrayal of the precog Agatha. This was the central issue for me - the dehumanization of people, for what seems like a higher cause.

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