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Minority Report (Full Screen Edition)

Minority Report (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $14.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Spielberg done it again.
Review: Minority Report was the best movie i saw this year,And it will become one of my favorites of all time.Steven Spielberg & Tom Cruise did an Exellent job here.This movie is full of action & Suspence! You cant stop watching it for one moment!! What a great plot!! And Cool Special effects!.This movie is a Non-Stop action!!!.If you didn't see it,Go do it now!!.You will enjoy it for sure!!.And do you think you could change your own future?... Check it out.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: Like on my title, Steven Speilberg's "Minority Report" is arguebly the best damn sci-fi movie ever made! It's not very dark or cryptic like "The Matrix" or Speilberg's brillant "A.I.", but it's almost a mirrored look into our upcoming future, that's why Spielberg wanted the movie set in 2054. From 2002, that's 52 years from now. Many people said that our future might not look like that in the future in "Minority Report" 52 years from now, but come on, it could. Maybe we might reach the evolved state where we can invent better technologies within days in the future (I hope you guys understand what I'm saying). Think about all the advances in the future that we might accomplish, we might accompish them very fast. Well, enough with my techno-babbling. Let's get down to what also makes this movie so freaking great. Tom Cruise gives his best work since "Born on the Fourth of July", you can just see how drenched into character he's in of the role of John Anderton. And that scene with future superstar Colin Farrell as Det. Danny Witwer, where he stops the ball rolling of the table, and Tom Cruise says "The fact that you prevented it from happening doesn't change the fact that it was going to happen." What a great line!. The movie is set in the future where we can prevent crime before it happens. When the process started the murder rate has been down 0% for 6 years. Instead of having a cop travel through time and preventing the crime, (which would have a scientific risk of having time altered) they rely on phychics known as pre-cogs. Which are connected to head gear in a contained compartment, they lay in a pool surrounded by fresh water that puts them in a comfortable trance to pick up readings of soon to happen crimes. In the movie John Anderton (Cruise) has been framed for a murder he was-about-to-commit, which sparks a terrific mystery brought together through great directing and writing. The use of psychics is a very interesting exploration of the future of law enforcement. The supporting cast that includes Max Von Sydow, Lois Smith, Tim Blake Nelson, Peter Stormare, and the excellant Samantha Morton as the Pre-cog Agatha, a homage to the legendary mystery writer Agatha Cristie, all of the performers are great. Speaking of mystery, this movie feels like a classy mystery. Which is also one of the other reasons what makes this film so original. It's like "The Maltese Falcon" (1941) meets Phillip K. Dick, who wrote the short story for the basis of the movie. "Blade Runner" which is also based on a Phillip K. Dick story which was also brilliant, but a little too out there. "Minority Report" is a movie that really doesn't go overboard, but stays on the board that is meant to stay on. Like all the good things i've been talking about the look of the future in the movie, this future looks errie and convicing. The movie is dark, but not end-of-world dark; But a kind of prediction on where our future is heading. Not only that but it's a great movie. With great suspense, great action, great cinematograhpy, great dialogue, a pulse-pounding musical score by the legendary John Williams, a great script by Scott Frank and Jon Cohen, great performances, a great Tom Cruise, and above all, a great Steven Spielberg. Spielberg will always be on the top of his game. THIS WHOLE MOVIE IS GREAT!. It is #1 on my list of sci-fi movies like "2001: A Space Odyssey" (1968), "The Matrix" (1999), "Fahrenheit 451" (1966), "A.I." (2001), and both Terminator movies. The greatest sci-fi movie ever made!.Period.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Everybody Runs!
Review: Well some people found the storyline too confusing, but after seeing this film in theaters, I was convinced it is one of the best films of the year. It's a pretty long movie with an awesome plot. The storyline keeps you guessing, and even when you think it's over, it's not. All your theories disappear once the next phase appears. It's definetly a rush, and will keep you intensed until the very end. It's the fugitive in the future. I recommend this product to it's fullest

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Huge logical error. *Spoilers*
Review: I found the movie very stylish and enjoyable but the plot is based on a fundamental logical error.

We are to assume that the precognitions are all genuine. Then, how on earth does Max van Sydow's character generate a precognition in which Tom Cruise's character commits the murder??
The only reason TC's character even KNOWS about the victim (and hence ends up in the flat at exactly the right time) is through the precognition he sees secondhand.

Compare it to this: I show you a precognition of yourself walking to a park near you, digging under a particular tree, and finding a gold bar. Then sure, you may well go and look exactly there at exactly that time, since you think you may find a gold bar there if you do but ONLY because you saw the precognition.
In other words, if you had not seen a precognition of yourself looking there, you would NOT have dreamt of even going to the park! Hence there could have been no precognition of this event (which would NOT have taken place).

The only way this could work is if the precognition is faked, which contradicts one of the important premisses of the movie.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Should have ended a half hour earlier *SPOILERS*
Review: Before I begin, I want to make clear that this is one of the best films I've seen this year. Unfortunately, Speilberg took a masterpiece and made it a good film. Typical to Speilberg is the necessary ending in which things are resolved. This formula worked well for some of his past movies, but was ill needed in this film. I am curious as to how many people feel that this film would have been an unblemished masterpiece had it ended with Cruise being place under arrest and Max Von Sydow getting away with the crime. Sure this would not have garnished as many repeat viewings but it would have left me with the unsettling feeling of how wrong the system they had really was. The last half hour reminded me of the old hollywood days in which it was required for the villan to pay for his villanous acts.

This film had the potential to be untouched by similar genre films, but instead allowed itself to be bogged down to please the status quo.

I have to mention...the scene after Cruise had the eye transplants and the "spiders" were searching the building is one of the most intense and superbly shot scenes I have seen in a long time

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Shows how out of touch critics are with reality
Review: How does this movie get such good reviews from critics? I suppose it helps to have Steven Spielberg and Tom Cruise's names attached. But let's call it like it is - this movie is lousy. It was so boring, I was praying for it to end.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Breakthrough for Cruise
Review: I don't have to explain much to tell you that this is a must see for even non-Tom Cruise fans. The movie was perfectly directed to portray a not so distant future and, unlike other "flying-car" futuristic movies, Minority Report is in touch with the reality that we all will still be walking instead of flying, taking the bus\subway...to work. I have to say this on my "to buy" list the day it comes out.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Speilberg + Philip K. Dick = Dark Genius
Review: Since the plot concerns a highly successful man coming apart, Cruise's presence works like a charm because his flashiness builds credibility that he COULD be this high level supercop investigator, and you're hooked by that. The part even kind of works as a parody of his Ethan character from Mission Impossible since this time he's overwhelmed by the onslaught of technology & not pushing a button to get out of every situation. Cruise uses his image to build a facade over a desperate character by acting the angst with his eyes. As we see the hero torn apart in his private life by demons & addiction, the plot becomes more believeable because the Dentyne smile works as a mask & a symbol for the corruption of ideology.

Speilberg's direction hits a fever pitch here which, due to its post A.I. uber-slickness, may skate by unnoticed as if it's Kurt Browning on Marvel Mystery Oil. He takes the ultra tech of A.I., mixes it with the "we're all in this together" humanity of Saving Private Ryan, and folds in the suspense timing from Jaws, now resurrected for the 21st century. The combination acts as the echo of The Pre-Cog machine conjured up by Dick: it's swift and sure at conjuring up images of what might happen as we float in the audience like the telepaths in the tank, but we're also snapped to reality as we realize what's behind it. Speilberg makes us become the pre-cogs in order to hammer home the story's
belief-is-never-sure warning.

All in all, probably none of this would work had it not been for the far sighted vision of PKD's story. Yes, it was written in the '50's (!!!!), but he saw what might be coming. Pre-cog indeed. It works like a mold or a casting die onto which Speilberg & Cruise fit like well honed stops to a lathe.<

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Four stras for subdued effects.
Review: First of all, I am a "half-fan" of Speilburg. He has a keen eye and good dramatice sense. However, he gets into gross humor, and that can destroy a film.

Anytime you deal with prohecy and deastiny, you are going up aganst Shakespear's play Macbeth. THis film does a good job of holding up against the Bard, and I think their expelebation about predestination, determinism was the most concise I have seen:
"Why did you catch the ball?"

"It was going to fall."

"How did you know, since it didn't?"

I think the effects were beautiful, from the 3-d home videos and the Tron llightcycle cars to the breakfast cereal box. Speilburg understands that the effects are not a move, but just aids to storytelling.

This move is really a tribute to Orson Welles obscure film "The TRial," starring Anothny Perkins and filmed in Ygoslavia and PAris. See the film , and you will see the similarities.

What bugged me were the gross jokes. In fact, the second half of the film was devoted to gross joke after gross joke. ...P>For example, the eye jokes got old after a while. Everyone knows that amputatum need to be freezed to be preserved.

And what about the mouldy sandwich joke? This was more like something out of the Three Stooges. It did nothing for the plot, and was an out of place gag to get cheap thrills

I also thought Max Von S's slip that revelaed that he was guilt was also rather predictable and hacknyed, though his actins, as always, is superb!

SO, I reccomed reading Macbeth and seeing Welles' "The Trial," as better choices.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Another Spielberg Masterpiece!!!
Review: This movie was great in every sense of the word. Tom Cruise pulled off his role perfectly! I love the way Spielberg makes people step back and take a look in the mirror and think if we are taking technology too far too prosecute individuals. As also in Artificial Intelligence a misunderstood and underappreciated masterpiece. The arguement made in this film is that no matter how hard we try we can never achieve a uptopian society. Sure society today has some flaws but it is sophisticated and fair for the most part. Message of the movie to me was no matter how hard you try you can't be perfect.

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