Rating:  Summary: A Dark and Brilliant Sci-Fi Masterpiece Review: Talk about a action-packed sci-fi with brains, "Minority Report" is an incredible movie that combines sci-fi with elements of film noir. It's one of those films where you can enjoy it without being the biggest sci-fi enthusiast. I've admit many times that I'm not the biggest sci-fi buff, but if there's a solid story behind it all, I'm there! And this film has it all.The movie is set in the future where murder is pre-determined. That's right, now murders can be stopped before they ever happen. It's called "Pre-Crime." It's based on a system involving "Pre-Cogs" that can see the future and predict when somebody is going to murder someone. It's supposed to be flawless. But something goes wrong when the system targets one of their own, Detective John Anderton. The Pre-Cogs have predicted that he will murder a man that he has never met before. Now John is on the run, hoping to find out what's going on and if he's been set up, who is behind it all. The deeper he searches the more twists and secrets come about. Everything about this movie I love. I love how dark and eerie of a movie it is! I wasn't expecting that from Spielberg, being that I saw "AI" and thought that while it was a little dark I think he missed an opportunity to get even darker. "Minority Report" is one of the darkest sci-fi films I have seen in a long time (since "Dark City"). And what I love about it all is that even with out-of-this-world special effects, the movie never loses focus on the story or the characters. The script was absolutely superb. I've never read the short story that the movie is based upon, but I have to admit I was in awe at every turn. It has some great acting too. Tom Cruise was perfect for the role. Colin Farrell and Max Von Sydow were terrific as well. Steven Spielberg doesn't miss a note in his directing and I think the movie could've gone wrong if it were in the hands of somebody else. (I'm just grateful that George Lucas didn't get his hands on this one.) A word of warning; I wouldn't recommend parents letting their little kids see this one. It gets very dark and disturbing at times. Don't let the PG-13 rating fool you for a second, I believe that it BARELY made PG-13. Just a little warning from me. The DVD contains a TON of extras that are bound to keep you happy. The picture is great (some will complain that it looks all grainy, but that's exactly how it's supposed to look) and the sound is outstanding. You get the chance to hear it in DTS if your system can play it. Some of the extras are a bunch of documentaries on the special effects, behind the story and thought, stunts, locations, and a lot more. "Minority Report" is an outstanding film that really does remind me of great dark sci-fi movies like "Blade Runner" and "Dark City." Combined with action, suspense, drama, and elements of film noir, this movie proves to be a success on every front. If you're looking for a great movie, check out "Minority Report" when you can.
Rating:  Summary: A thriller at heart Review: I have to say that I was expecting to be highly underwhelmed by Minority Report. Generally, when Big Name Directors and Big Name Stars get together to make a Big Money Film, only mediocrity results. Plus, it seems that every time you turn around someone is making a film of a Philip K. Dick story. Fortunately, I was wrong. Steven Spielberg and Tom Cruise combine forces to make what is really a substantial thriller with a science-fiction leaning. The story and the characters are what really make this work--particularly Samantha Morton's performance as Agatha the pre-cog. Also fun are the in-joke cameos (Cameron Crowe, Paul Thomas Anderson, Cameron Diaz) and the references to Stanley Kubrick films (particularly A Clockwork Orange) and other films based on Philip K. Dick stories. It's not a classic in any sense, but Minority Report is a fun, fast-paced thriller with a brain and a message.
Rating:  Summary: Great Film Noir and Great Sci-Fi Review: I really applaud Steven Spielberg for this one. It shows even that one of the most legendary directors will not settle on his trademark "look" and that he is willing to challenge and push himself to do something different. The first half hour of watching this I was amazed that this was a Steven Spielberg film. The style is dark and gritty and the main character is flawed. To compare this movie to "Blade Runner" is unfair even though that is the first thing that will come to most viewers minds. But both movies undeniably have Dashel Hammet's influence throughout. The action and pace is great and there really is not a dull moment in the film. Tom Cruise gives us one of his standard performances. Which is to say that he does a good job, just not a great one like Magnolia or Born on the 4th of July. I also enjoyed seeing Max Von Sydow on screen again. The features on the DVD are interesting, but there wasn't really anything special. I did like the segment on the hovercraft and the segment on the look and feel of the film. Yes you could pick this one apart and over analyze the premise of the film, but don't. Just relax and let it take you for a really fun ride. Top-notch film that's done by the best.
Rating:  Summary: not that good Review: this movie is not that good. it's not even kinda good. while i watched it i was thinking "oh i'm watching a speilberg movie with nice effects but this movie is just 3 star blah"
Rating:  Summary: Boring Review: Though it seems this DVD has been released for ever, I just got it. I was very sorry I did. The plot is okay, somewhat convoluted, with Tom Cruise evading the precrime cops while trying to prove his innocence for a murder he will commit in 36 hours. Odd sounding but that's why I thought I'd like it. However, the filmmaking was horrible. Its either too dark to make much out or its so bright everything has that soap opera glare to it. And the action scenes were also poorly done - at one point you can clearly see a wire on Tom Cruise, and that's without using any DVD features! I was so disappointed with the quality of the movie that I didn't even get to the second disk to see the extras.
Rating:  Summary: A flawed masterpiece Review: Almost there! But the trick is to have the hero cross an inhuman threshold, not the villain. If you're looking for inspirational mythology, you can look at Blake. (The human faculties duel throughout time.) If you're looking for a simple love story, Wuthering Heights is one of the best. (The ghost of Catherine gets her lover, Heathcliff, to die for her so they can be ghosts together forever.) And if you're looking for a writer who has both insanity and love, you go to Horselover Fats in Philip K. Dick's Valis. (Dick truly is America's Borges as LeGuin says.) The fact that Spielberg had the nerve to produce a Heideggerian action adventure is something. But it's just a shade from perfect. However, the special effects were awesome. The car chase was brilliant. Whoever thought up the design for the city and cars deserves an Academy Award.
Rating:  Summary: Infinitely forgettable Review: I've read the favorable reviews for this and I strongly disagree with ALL of them. This movie does not compare to Blade Runner, it's not Tom Cruise's best performance and if you're a Philip K. Dick fan, you'll be as disappointed as you were by Total Recall( a whole 'nother story, although I usually like Roger Zelazny). About all I brough home from this movie was that they had a big special-effects budget and Lexus has a new car they're promoting. There were only distant, tangental relationships to the short story that this movie took it's name from. Like Total Recall, the protaganist has the same name as the story and there are elements of the original story in the plot line, but they're few and far between. If you feel you have to own it, buy it used, otherwise rent it and then let someone else be plagued by it later.
Rating:  Summary: Minority Report Review: It was ok worth seeing once however it was just a typical scifi no ground breaking stuff very predicictable. The computer animation was good but most computer animation these days is pretty good.
Rating:  Summary: Some points to make. Review: (1)No rights for the precogs?(re-Anne MCcaffrey-"Talents") (2)No legal problems for PreCrime? No constustional problems? No Miranda or Habeus Corpus? No lawyers, defense or prosecution? (3)Why all the intrigue? Silly and absurd. I don't believe it for a one minute. (4)No problems with the precogs changing the "future" by having their "visions" come true or not?(hello time paradox) (5)The spiders are creepy. I don't think they'd work anyway. Balance problems. (6)The ending is silly. Too mushy. (But I'm relieved Anderton came out alive.) Finally, everyone involved in PreCrime; Anderton, Ed Wittier, PreCrime Corporation head,(MVS) could benefit with some SERIOUS therapy. Anderton should have never started PC with the sole basis of being angry and po'd (as I've heard) at the loss of his son as the primary reason of starting PC. What's really scary is that this is a very possible future. Think of all those right wingers out there who would love to use PC as a way to get rid of their enemies by pointing them out to precogs as "Thought criminals" Scary, isn't it?
Rating:  Summary: An excellent peek at a not-to-far-off future Review: It's 50 years into the future of Washington, D.C. Cars travel up vertical highways, advertising has linked into the same retinal scanning technology that the police use and so advertising now allows for personalized ads based on our past buying. And the murder rate is zero. The latter is because of the experimental pre-crime program, about to go national because of it's unparalleled sucess. Three pre-cogs lie in a tank, seperate from the world and doped up so they don't complain about the conditions in which they live; and they use their ESP powers to feed images of murders yet to happen to the police. Criminals are arrested and imprisoned before they ever have a chance to take a life. The program is considered a success, not only because the murder rate is zero, but also because premeditation has become a thing of the past -- the populus has gotten the hint that as soon as they seriously intend to commit a crime, they'll be arrested, so the only murders left being committed seem to be crimes of passion. That is, until Thomas Anderton is pegged to be planning a murder of a man he's not even met. And Anderton is confused by the turn of events, because he's the captain of the precrime unit -- he's the one who's been putting people away for seriously wanting to commit murder. His belief has been that every person who has been put away would have committed the crime in question, not one was going to change thier mind -- but now he sees that he's the one the pre-cogs are fingering, and they've never been wrong before. Steven Speilberg really takes a turn from the happier fare he normally produces with this one, and the results are stunning. The technological advances he envisions for 50 years from now are just advanced enough that you can believe they'll be in place by the time this movie is set. The sweeping vistas of Washington include the national landmarks like the Washington Monument standing next to modern structures that only exist on film, and they blend perfectly to the point that it looks as if Speilberg jumped in a time machine with his camera, and rocketed fifty years into the future to get the footage. Also, it's a taughtly written script with lots of twists and turns. Many times, you think the movie is just about end and the killer unmasked, but then another monkey wrench and we're off in an all-new direction. For that, it's a great suspense film. Tom Cruise, Colin Ferrell and Max Von Sydow are all decent in their performances -- it's not an "I want the truth" type of role for Cruise, but he still is believable as Thomas Anderton. the film also does a great job of asking the questions about free will vs. destiny, questions that plague many theologians to this day. In a way, in the end we can get a sense of how the two can co-exist on the same playing field, as Thomas Anderton plays out his future very nearly to the way the pre-cogs predicted it. It also is fascinating in light of America's new concerns regarding the terrorist threat -- how much free will are we willing to give up to eliminate at least certain horrid crimes like murder. Is it proper to put everyone in jail who we have every reason to believe will commit a murder, even though they've yet to actually do anything illegal, if it means we completely eliminate the crime? It's a great action movie, but it also is one that will leave you with a lot of questions. And that has always been my favorite kind of film.