Rating:  Summary: A misunderstood triumph of speculative fiction. Review: This hauntingly beautiful film asks something of its audience. Don't expect high action, and don't look for constant explainations of what you see. Active contemplation is what I expect Spielberg wanted from his audience with this outing. Several reviewers on this page remark that the third act of this film is overwrought, even hokey. For those of us who pay attention and understand that the "aliens" (which assimilate David's memories) at the end of this film are not aliens at all, but self-evolving mecha which have discovered a missing link to their original creators (i.e.: humans), then we are rewarded with one of the brightest speculative fiction films in many years. To paraphrase Gigolo Joe: "Humans hate us because when they're gone, we will be all that's left." This search for the creator is ultimately a very human endeavor. I found that my fondness of this quiet bit of specualtion grew exponentially with multiple viewings (at first, I also thought those mecha were aliens--which cheapened the film a bit--once I came to the realization, it was as if I had seen an entirely different film). A highly Kubrickian film, despite what many of his so-called "die-hard" fans might think.
Rating:  Summary: YAWN! Review: This movie is BORING. The story is trite and the movie should have ended atleast half an hour before it did. The DVD isn't worth it because the movie sucked. PASS on it. It's just not worth the money or the time. The only redeeming factor was the brilliant acting of Haley. He is a natural, but it can't make up for a bad script, 1-dimensional characters, and choppy pacing.
Rating:  Summary: A challenging breath of fresh air Review: This film is a breath of fresh air when you think about all the uninspired hollywood drivel that is being released nowadays. It is superbly acted, and I think Kubrick's hard edged ideals, and Spielbergs gentleness, yet realism make this film a must see. This film was one of the finest I have seen in years, I think it deserves to be on the Oscar lists for more than sound editing and score. Haley Joel Osment is Wonderful, the artwork is spectacular, and I think the biggest plusses would be the chances that it takes. This is filmaking at its best, original, moving, and uncompromising, even if it does end on a happy note. I don't know about you but don't mind walking out of a theater entertained, and happy.
Rating:  Summary: The Epic Significance of Love Review: Spielberg has given the parent/child puzzle an epic scale, but without the preachiness of the red raincoat in Schindler. Anyone who has ever faced the mystery of individual identity and the double mystery of being the child of a parent or the parent of a child, will be more challenged than comforted by this film. Everyone we know has a mommy and a daddy, biologically if not emotionally. But, what if the emotional element were to be somehow replicated without the biological? At the same time, everyone you know is going to die. What happens to the love you feel for another once you are not here anymore? These are some of the issues that Spielberg evokes without explaining or preaching. At the same time he incorporates both his genius for showing the conflict of personal intensity in relationship as well as his sense of impersonal awe in the epic sense of time as the film progresses. This film is a proper sequel to 2001, not in plot, but in exploration of the significance of life as we sometimes are lucky enough, in rare moments, to understand and then pursue.
Rating:  Summary: Are you Ready Review: Clearly every movie is not for everybody. A.I. brings me back to movies like Dune and Mad Max. Yes,it is a long movie, but if you have a long attention span, I am sure it will be well worth it. Every scene in this movie is essential. The graphics are great and the human nature that comes through in this movie is heart breaking. So if you are open minded and fairly smart you will enjoy this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Artificial Intelligance Review: Nothing is Artificial about this movie. The plot was so great that I had to see it again and again in the theater. This movie has everything. Jude Law's performance is brilliant, Halley Joel Osment steals this movie. Spielberg did a great job on bringing Kubrick's vision to light. It is a shame that Kubrick died before he could finish this masterpiece. Recomended for people with open minds.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie! Review: Just like the title says. I found this movie fascinating and absolutely incredible both as a movie and as a brief glimpse into humanity's future. First of all, the movie by itself is incredible. The acting is superb and the special effects are equally good. The plot line, although a bit stretched towards the ending, is compelling and draws you right into the action, making you really feel like a part of this eerie and not-so-distant future. And for all of you who don't want to see this just because it's another Spielberg sci-fi, don't worry - it still retains just enough of Kubrick's original influence to keep you off-balance and uneasy even after you leave the movie theater. In addition, or as some people may argue at the heart of the movie, are many philosophical and moral dilemnas that make us question our everday existance and at the same time present a compelling, if disturbing, vision of the evolution of technology. At the core of the plot is the conflict between Humans and "Mecha," which are basically highly advanced robots. This conflict constantly makes us call into question exactly what is human and uses emotion to blur the line between human and machine. In the end, this movie feels a lot like Blade Runner meets the Matrix, minus the guns. The special effects compliment the plot line just enough to make it deeply engrossing without overdoing it. To be fair, however, I should warn you that this film, as with any of Kubrick's, can be an "acquired taste," if you will. If you go into it looking simply for action and special effects, you won't be entirely dissapointed, but you will miss out on so much of what really makes this movie great. However, if you want a deeply engrossing film that takes the genres of sci-fi, drama, romance, and even that deeply disturbing comedy that only Kubrick can achieve, and rolls them all together in perfect unison to create an emotionally wrenching and deeply disturbing Kubrick-esque film, then this movie is definitely for you.
Rating:  Summary: (You've heard this before) too long Review: AI is a good movie, and it deserves some credit for that. Spielberg deserves some credit for making a movie that seems to follow Kubrick's vision. However, AI is too long. The plot gets ridiculous after the boy gets frozen in the ice - story basically becomes that of a totally different movie - I felt like I had woken up after having slept through 30 minutes of the plot. This movie could have been made much better, had the last 3rd been removed. As for DVD ownership - it's not worth it. Rent it and see it - the movie is done rather well. But it will leave you scrambling for the fridge way before it's over.
Rating:  Summary: A.I. Review: I've seen many movies, but none have compared to A.I. It has the deapth that so many films lack, it's has a texture of emotion and reality interwoven to make one of the best film I have ever seen
Rating:  Summary: One star isn't low enough... Review: I am only writing this review in order to bring down the average rating for this movie. One star is not low enough, yet they do not allow negative values. Let me assure you that I am not a mindless movie buff, and I despise ranting as much as the next person. With that in mind, I have to say that A.I. was a steaming pile. This movie ranges from totally predictable ("real" boy comes out of coma...who didn't see that coming?) to utterly stupid and contrived (robot boy frozen for years, only to be thawed out by aliens...Spielberg, what were you thinking?) I hoped beyond hope that this movie would just end. Granted, the beginning has its merits, but these are quickly shot down by scenes such as the rounding up and extermination of robots, or the friendship between a (supposedly) unfeeling sexbot and a boy programmed only to "love" one person. Oh, if I only had more than 1000 words, I could get into serious detail about how much I could not stand this movie. Let me just warn you and say it isn't worth the time it takes to watch, unless you really like to rag on cruddy movies. In that case, this movie is a festival of potentially good ideas turned bad.