Rating:  Summary: Haunting Review: I am not a fan of Kubrick. I did not like 2001 A Space Odessey, no matter how many times I saw it. But I must say that I was stunned at Spielberg's ability to complete this film, while remaining faithful to Kubrick's style. I did not know what to expect when I saw this film. But, in the end, I was in tears. I thought the cimematography was excellent, and Haley Joel Osment and Jude Law gave brilliant performances. I, like other reviewers, do not understand how this film could have gotten bad reviews. I thought it was a poignant and facinating film. I have never before felt compelled to post a review, but I thought this film was worth it. I highly recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: A sad touching science fiction thriller! Review: If you liked E.T. or Pinocchio (the story is mentioned throughout the movie) then you have to watch this extremely long movie! Frankly this and E.T. are my two favorite Spielberg flicksJust watch this movie pronto. Not for children under 14, due to extreme thematic materials and violent content.
Rating:  Summary: MUST UNDERSTAND Review: Many of these reviews will fill you in on the story, but you must understand that: 1) This is a film for you think about, not entirely enjoy. NOT A TRUE MINDLESS SUMMER POPCORN FILM! This is a film for you to think about, not sit back and relax with like Rush Hour or Aliens. 2)THEY ARE NOT ALIENS, THEY ARE MACHINES FAR ADVANCED, FAR EVOLVED AFTER THE ICE CAPS MELT, REMEMBER THIS! This refers to the end, I even thought aliens at first, feeling the film was completely ruined, but then I realized and all was well. Listen closely to Jude Law, he foretell this. 3)IF YOU CANNOT TELL IF YOU LIKED THIS FILM, THEN THE FILMS HAS DONE ITS JOB. AFter watching the film three times in theatres, I couldn't decide what to think about it, that is why I must buy it. 4)FORGET EVERYTHING YOU KNOW ABOUT SPIELBERG BEFORE WATHCING THIS FILM. It's simply unique, a mixture of vision. AND FINALLY 5)THEY ARE NOT ALIENS!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: A.I. The Psuedointellectuals Triumph Review: 3 hours of maudlin drivel! With a transitory plot (staying nowhere long enough to finish a story), obvious and predictable "tear-jerkers," this movie strives for meaning and misses. Speilburg's aim to explore prejudice and the human psyche comes off instead in a disgustingly dark pointless melodrama not fit to grace the worlds theaters, much less my movie rack.
Rating:  Summary: David is Frankenstein's monster! Review: I haven't read all 600+ reviews here but, I'm surprised not to have seen any mention of Frankenstein in the one's I have read. The Pinocchio comparison is obvious since it is in the movie. Consider that in the book Frankenstein's monster laments his existence throughout the book and is last seen in an icy world just as David laments his existence and spends eons in an icy world. The monster is in many ways more human than his creator; David is more human than anyone else in the movie. When David finds the place where he was created he becomes violent and destroys his other selves. It's been awhile since I read the book but I'm sure more comparisons can be made between the two even more so than Pinnochio. I think A.I. was excellent although the ending was flawed and probably should have ended with David frozen in front of the blue fairy.
Rating:  Summary: Sci-fi at a slower pace... Review: A.I. is science fiction without the obligatory fight scenes every five minutes. This movie is, essentially, a simple tale of an artificial boy named David (Haley Joel Osment) who yearns to be accepted as a real son by his mother. Early on in the movie he is cast away from the mother that he knows and spends the rest movie trying to find a way to become "real" so that she will accept him back. Along the way he becomes unlikely friends with Gigolo Joe (Jude Law), another mecha, who helps him search out the answers for which he seeks. Haley Joel Osment once again showcases his tremendous acting abilities and shows that he'll not go down the road taken by others such as Macaulay Culkin. Jude Law also does an incredible job bringing life to his character. Last, but not least... Spielberg does a fantastic job bringing Kubrick's dark vision of society to the screen. A.I. has been much maligned by reviewers for many different reasons. I believe, however, that the poor reviews come because the movie was marketed to that masses. This was a mistake. A.I. is not going to appeal to anyone looking for a movie that has a fast pace and will keep them from having to think for a few hours. This movie is a slow, well thought out story. If you enjoy being pulled into a movie rather than just watching it then this is for you. If you want sci-fi with a kick then pop Star Wars into the player and become a potato. A.I. is definitely worth adding to the DVD/Video library.
Rating:  Summary: a tribute in unexpected ways Review: Much has been made of the contrasts between Kubrick's and Speilberg's respective styles, but such questions rarely inhibit the film's development. Like all good science fiction, it creates a seamless futuristic environment that pays as much attention to the smallest household details as it does to the larger cities. Jude Law's performance is astonishing (and full of Kubrickian overtones), but the film's best elements are the dark concerns that lurk underneath the surface. Many of them, such as fear of abandonment and attempts for individuation, are primal and powerful, and drive the film into areas that prohibit easy answers. It must be admitted that the screenplay isn't top caliber and several elements seem to be clashing against each other, but it ultimately poses unanswerable questions about loving imperfect beings and the neccesity of adapting emotional response. And in the end, a film with abstract themes that polarized reviewers may be the best homage to Kubrick that could have been created.
Rating:  Summary: A.I. - All Shadow, No Substance Review: A.I. has its points, but they are not that developed. David the android boy goes from one adventure to another, none being fully fleshed out. The special effects in the movie are good, the acting very good (particularly on the part of Jude Law, who should have been nominated for an oscar), the ending touching, but the movie just doesn't cut the mustard. SUGGESTION: Make a movie out of the make-believe mystery that was made up on the web-sites loosely related to A.I. - Artificial Intelligence.
Rating:  Summary: Artificial Intelligence ? Review: This is the worst movie Speilberg has ever made. He clearly puts himself in a class well below that of the late Stanley Kubrick with this insult to any real intelligence. By the end of the movie I hated the main character and could not have cared less about what was going to happen to him. What has happenned to Speilberg? He has gotten so grandiose that I don't even think he knows what he's trying to say. Jaws is the best movie he ever made and I think he should try and remember how he made a film that good and do it again.
Rating:  Summary: A.I. is a treasure Review: People who have previewed the dvd have observed that it is very high quality, an excellent transfer, and nearly reference grade. Its content is heavily weighted toward the technical aspects of the film and special effects. These may or may not help you understand A.I., which is, by many accounts, a deep allegorical puzzle. Spielberg has never before made a film which ventures - no, bursts - into such new territory. If it's possible for a film to light the sky like a super nova, A.I. may be it. If critics had issues with A.I., it was usually due to its pairing of Spielberg and Kubrick. Film critics are notorious for pithy remarks. One critic said the film was as if the specter of a dead film maker had arisen from his grave and sucked the life out of a living one. In my mind, this may be a valid point, because A.I. is not the film that a critic in my local paper led me to believe it to be, and it is not the film I wanted Spielberg to make. A.I. is another monument to Kubrick, though I don't believe it needed to be. I wanted A.I. to be Spielberg's vision. It's his film but not his vision. Nevertheless, I have learned to appreciate A.I. for itself. It's a wonderful film. It is clearly a >>masterpiece<<. Another critic opined that Spielberg took Kubrick's vision for his project and accomplished what Kubrick would have done: repel audiences. There is truth in that point, too, only Kubrick would have made an R rated film, not one rated PG-13. Actually, I think Spielberg did a better job than Kubrick, who couldn't see a way to make the film. This makes Spielberg a better film maker, in my mind, and A.I. a unique treasure.