Rating:  Summary: Confusing Review: the problem with this movie is that it is too complicated. And No, I did not expect this movie to be dumbed down. I saw the first Matrix in the theatres, and then once on DVD. I enjoyed the movie, but I did not read any books on it, or join a Matrix religion. This movie seems to be for people who know every little detail about The Matrix, not a casual fan.
Rating:  Summary: The ignorance of the masses is most unfortunate. Review: I've found a disturbing trend in those who didn't like this movie: they did not understand it. The simpletons will certainly love the none stop, new-level action this movie has to offer. And that's fine. But some of us actually listened to the dialouge. To explain the plot of this movie would consume pages and hours, I suggest a truly intrested person read the explanations that CorporateMofo.com has to offer. Or just pick up an encyclopedia and look up Gnostic Philosophy. A few of the simpler implications are as follows; Neo is the sixth to make this journy. He had five predecessors, comprable to the Five Books of Moses- Neo, or "New", is The New Testament- Neo is Jesus. It is my prediction that he will be Crucified in the third, final film. Another miniscule tidbit I found interesting was the love scene between Neo and Trinity- below an arch- a reference to emaculate conception. This suggests that trinity is pregnant, possibly even with the Anti-Neo. And one more - Neo stops the Sentinels with his hands in Zion, he shouldn't be able to. This suggests that Zion is yet another program in the matrix, indicitive of mactrices upon matrices. There are many more intruiging aspects of this movie, too many to list.This movie doesn't "rip off" any other movie, it uses influences from many different religions, as well as making those references double entendres with computing terms. It's clever as heck. I happen to think this film most enjoyable when understood. But that's just my opinion.
Rating:  Summary: Long time indeed... Review: Since 1999, millions of viewers have wanted an inside look into 'The Matrix' and how it truely came to be. We learn more in depth about the true reality of the matrix and some myth. The action scenes are a great marvel seeing the progression of Neo's capabilities inside The Matrix and how he can bend the rules substancially. Many people are disapointed because of the scenes that take place inside Zion, but we have to remember that this is a post appocolyptic age. Keanu Reeves plays an 'EXCELLENT' role in this movie alongside Carrie Ann Moss. The two lovebird give some drama towords the end of the film. But it won't be untill The Matrix Revolution that we truley understand the story and its OVERALL plot. So for the viewers out there who were disappointed with the second installment to The Matrix, look at the last chapter before you decide that A movie which took so long to make was worth your time and money or not.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome Review: This is a great movie and everyone should see it and prey to it.
Rating:  Summary: Good but not good enough... Review: I loved "The Matrix" and was very excited when "Reloaded" came out but I was a bit dissappointed. The first one was mind-bending and very exciting; and I guess it's hard to make a great sequel for a great movie. "Reloaded" was good but can't be compared to the flawless prequel. It relied too much on special affects and fight scenes (which were unbelievably long). Some of the concepts were really weird and hard to understand, like how the people of Zion are supposed to be very intelligent people with hi-tech machines and yet they were barefooted. Minutes later they were dancing mindlessly. I just don't get it. Overall, a decent sequel, pretty cool and entertaining.
Rating:  Summary: Don't knock a movie you don't understand!! Review: I had this very huge review written where I talk about the different aspects of the movie but I opted not to post it. I decided this wasn't the right forum. The Matrix Reloaded is a movie that takes off right where it left off and if you didn't see or get the first one you certainly will be lost in the second. It's a movie that has a plot that is soooo deep that most people don't see it or understand it. I read a review on this site about the Matrix Reloaded by a 12 year old and I think to myself, if he understands it, why the heck can't everyone else. I believe it is because of lack of imagination. People can't visualize the depth and complexity of this movie and they miss its point all together. The Matrix reloaded was a movie that was meant to be watched one after the other. It isn't a movie where the producers said, "hey, we got a cash cow here, lets make another." This movie was designed as a trilogy from the beginning. If you don't understand it, go visit some chat forums and get a clue. Then go back and watch both movies again and be "WOW'd" Don't make silly comments like a local newspaper near me did and talk about aliens and brainwashing because it just makes you look silly. Just because you don't understand a movie doesn't mean anything but talking about something you don't understand without trying to understand sure does mean something......use your imagination.
Rating:  Summary: Actually better than the first one. Review: I will never forget the first time I saw it (yes, I've seen it more than once, and would like to see the Imax version this summer) and noticed that I was almost soaked in sweat at the end of the movie from the sheer excitement and audacity of this movie. 'The Matrix Reloaded' was everything I expected and more. I found the action scenes AND the philosophy and story to be more engaging than in 'the Matrix' original (despite the love triangle, Morpheus' speech at Zion and the abrupt ending with the 'To be concluded' tag). For everybody who says the movie wasn't as good as the original forgets one thing: it's not meant to be the only sequel. 'Reloaded' and 'Revolutions' were made as one huge movie and then cut in half. Any and all questions and loose ends should be clarified, if not fully answered, in the third one. This movie did exactly what it was supposed to do: expand and continue the mythology until the 17-min., $40-mill. climactic fight scene in 'Revolutions' between Neo and Agent Smith. Upon watching the teaser after the credits for 'Revolutions' and hearing Neo go 'It ends tonight', I was ready to go overboard. I can't wait until November!
Rating:  Summary: Good...but not as good as the original Matrix Review: The Matrix Reloaded is a good sequel to a movie that is very hard to make a sequel of. The special effects of the original Matrix are legendary and the sequel lives up to our expectation in a way. The problem with the movie is that you have a lot of big action scene and then you have numerous long scene of talking for nothing and it doesn't really help to the plot. The Matrix Reloaded has some highlights like the car chase scene on the highway and some awesome fights. I recommend this movie because it has a lot of very intense visual effects, but don't go see this movie if you expect to see the same thing as the original, because this one is different.
Rating:  Summary: One huge flaw Review: Overall, this movie followed well in the footsteps of the first Matrix. Great special effects, engagin action sequences, and some interesting twists on the "what is the nature of reality" question. However, one drawn-out, gratuitous sex scene was completely uncharacteristic and unnecessary. Okay, we get it. They like each other. He's afraid of losing her. The point was made five times before--and after. Enough already. My suggestion: When the drums start playing, take a bathroom break. Get some popcorn. Come back in when the drums stop. You'll save yourself a lot of annoyance and embarrassingly unnecessary exposure. (Seriously.) Other than that, my wife and I both enjoyed the movie and look forward to III. We'd just rather make our own sex scenes, thank you very much.
Rating:  Summary: 100% Cinematic Black Magic---Better than the Original! Review: I have seen the future of movie-making, and it is the Wachowski brother's $150 million goliath "Matrix:Reloaded". 'Reloaded' is a sleek, technologically savvy, visually breath-taking, pulse-pounding sequel that manages to achieve that rarest of accomplishments: it surpasses the original Matrix in sheer, unadulterated, high-octane coolness, a film that utterly captivated me and will doubtless inspire a new generation of filmmakers in the same way that George Lucas did nearly three decades ago with 'Star Wars.' In the case of 'Reloaded', you can believe the hype: the movie *is* that good. For more than two hours, I forgot everything other than the consumptively addictive flow of images on the screen in front of me: I forgot my life outside the theater, my business meetings in the weeks ahead, my problems. The film was stupefying, amazing, gorgeous, and for more than two hours I sat with my mouth open, stunned. The last time I can recall having such an immersive experience in a film was back in 1981, when I was 13 years old and the film was Raiders of the Lost Ark. With that in mind, here are the Four Reasons why Matrix:Reloaded is the Best Action Movie of All Time---and even why it clocks the original: 1) It's got MORE!: This time the Wachowskis took everything that sizzled in 'Matrix' and doubled, tripled, quadrupled the ingredients---this movie uses every penny of its $150 million budget to deliver MORE of everything to its viewers, and we are entertained sumptuously. More gorgeously crafted wire-fu battle sequences! More gorgeous set design and delicious, detailed sequences both inside and out of the Matrix! More of Agent Smith, who, in 'freeing his mind', has transformed himself into a trusty servant of the Matrix into a rapidly replicating computer virus with designs on the real world! 2)The Best Auto Chase Sequence---EVER. There are two sequences in 'Reloaded' that have generated the most buzz: the "Burly Brawl" sequence in which Neo fights hundreds of Agent Smiths, and the freeway chase sequence in which agents of the Matrix and the Merovingian's henchmen try to destroy the KeyMaker before he falls into the hands of the revolutionaries. To my mind, the "Brawl", while amusing, is overrated; the Freeway chase is, for my money, the best action sequence ever captured on film. 3)The Gang's all Here! "Matrix:Reloaded" oozes style, just like its predecessor, and the supple combination of high-technology glossiness and urban grime that defined the unique visuals of the first movie have been brought seamlessly into the sequel---of course, that's no surprise, since the Wachowski's wisely brought the entire team from the first movie along for the second ride. On hand for the sequel is Director of Photography Bill Pope and Costume Designer Kym Barrett, and both deliver the goods in spades. The original cast (minus, sadly, Tank & Apoc) are all back as well: Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne), Trinity (Carrie-Ann Moss) and Neo (an increasingly Zen Keanu Reeves) all turn in solid performances, and Hugo Weaving's nefarious Agent Smith tries not to steal the show. The Wachowskis toss in some other intriguing characters to round out the ensemble, including the dastardly Merovingian (played suavely, but talkatively, by Lambert Wilson), his gorgeous mistress Persephone (played tastily by Monica Bellucci), his razor-wielding Twin henchmen (done not with CGI, but played by real-life twins Adrian and Neil Rayment), and Jada Pinkett Smith's understated Captain Niobe. Acting can be a high-powered action movie's weakest link: in 'Reloaded', everything is solid and seamless. 4)The Wachowski brothers know how to take RISKS! You've got to admire the Wachowskis: back in 1999 they pulled together their unique vision of a seamless fraud pulled over on humanity by its machines, brought us the 'rabbit hole', the red and blue pills, and the 'desert of the real'---and had the guts and confidence to put that vision head to head with Lucas's "Phantom Menace". Amazingly, the duo out-Lucas'd Lucas, making "The Matrix" a wild success. The sequel isn't a safe film; instead, it's a risky movie. The kind of confidence behind a team that would plop down $150 million for each picture abounds in 'Reloaded': the plot builds on all of the intriguing and disturbing hints dropped in the first picture, keeps the action moving along, and has a great time in the process. And yes, it's true that 'Reloaded' is a little talky---but that's part of its charm, particularly when you begin to suspect that the talkers are trying to deceive. Best of all, 'Reloaded' makes me eager for 'Revolutions' and the answers to some of the more disturbing questions posed by the film: Why does the Architect claim that Zion has been destroyed 'five times before'? How can Neo stop the hunters in the real-world? And why does the 'benign' Councillor Hamman seem to apologize for--even advocate--a new dependency on a new set of machines? "Reloaded" is like a shot of raw adrenaline: sit back, turn your brain off, enjoy the ride, and depart---at least for two hours---the desert of the Real.