Rating:  Summary: The scene nobody likes.. Review: I've read a lot on the writhing sex Zion scene where everyone is dancing and NEO and Trinity get it on. Why is it so long? Why all the dancing? Man do they have to hit you over the head...look at what Trinity and Neo are doing. Look at the people who are dancing. I think the scene has more to offer than meets the eye. They are releasing these movies so close to one another for a reason. Just wait for Revolutions.
Rating:  Summary: A Most Excellent Rendition Review: The Matrix Reloaded is a masterful movie in that it provides the bridge between the the original movie and Revolutions, third in the trilogy. However, the confusion some people may experience could stem from the philosophical and religious themes and occurences which underlay the plot and indeed the very Matrix universe. Overall, I would give this a 5 due to the fact that the directors have created an engrossing movie while still posing difficult questions which tug at the mind.
Rating:  Summary: "I can only take you to the doorway... Review: you are the One who has to open it." "The Matrix Reloaded", the fantastic continuation of "The Matrix", follows Neo, Trinity, and Morpheus as they continue the war against the machine. This movie features an amazing plot, awesome fight scenes and special effects, and incredible new characters like the Twins, the Merovingian, the Architect, Persephone, and the Keymaker. The visual imagery in this film, such as vampires/werewolves as rebel programs is mind-blowing. I cannot further "explain" the plot because this film, like the original "Matrix", is wide open for interpretation. Watch this movie with an open mind. You may still hate it if you didn't like it before, but an open mind really helps."The Matrix Reloaded" is shaping up to be a very controversial movie. Everyone seems to really love it or really hate it. The original "Matrix" was a groundbreaking, sci-fi classic that raised the bar for every kind of film-making. So, expectations for "Reloaded" were very high. Too high, in my opinion, because sequels are almost never better than the original, and that is the case here. But, "Reloaded" was still a fantastic film. Many people hate it, but the fact is, "Reloaded" is a VERY ambitious and experimental film. You would have to be a very intellectual think-outside-of-the-box person to fully understand the movie. I didn't completely grasp what the Architect said until the third time I saw it. I'll admit, there were scenes in this movie that were out of place or just plain bad. The Zion dance scene was completely unnecessary, the Neo/Trinity sex scene WAS necessary to show how much Neo and Trinity were in love, but it was too long and too much in the MTV-music-video style. Most of the dialogue was great, but there were a few lines that really stood out as being cheesy, like Neo saying to Trinity, "I love you too damn much". The CGI is great, even if there is just a little too much of it. A lot of people complain that the CGI in certain scenes is really fake, especially the multiple Agent Smiths fight scene, but the movie takes place in a computer program, so things aren't even real so there is an excuse for parts that look too much like a video game, because, in a way, it IS a video game. The action choreography, courtesy of Yuen Wo Ping, is jaw-dropping. People also complain that there are too many, too long fight scenes, but let's face it, that's the main reason the original "Matrix" was so popular and the people demanded more for the sequel. All of the above listed "problems", however, are minor and do not interere with the overall greatness of this film. The number of great, classic scenes in this movie far outweighs the number of stupid scenes. You have to understand, almost everything in this movie is a representation or a metaphor for something else. Like I said before, this movie is open for interpretation. Whether or not you like this movie depends on who you are and what you think. Like it or not, this is a VERY ambitious, complicated, entertaining, and intellectual movie that, perhaps, the general audience is not quite ready for yet. Hopefully, "The Matrix Revolutions", being released on November 15, 2003, will answer the MANY open-ended questions presented in "Reloaded". This could quite possibly be the "Star Wars" sci-fi epic of our generation. I know I'll be first in line for it, and I hope to see you there! "It's funny, isn't it? These machines are keeping us alive while other machines are trying to kill us."
Rating:  Summary: This Movie SUCKS! Review: The only thing that this movie has going for it is the Special Effects! Otherwise, it would just be a piece of SH*T! The only reason why I gave it 2 stars was because of the Special Effects. Stay away from The Matrix films! FAR AWAY! Go see Bad Boys II instead! It blows The Matrix AWAY!
Rating:  Summary: Does EXACTLY what it should... Review: The Matrix series is unique in that it has something for everyone. Some enjoy the amazing car chases and enormous explosions, and others love it for the intellectual angle so precious few other movies even try and deliever these days. This sequal does EXACTLY what it should. It links the first film to the third in an entertaining and efficient manner. Think about it: What trilogy has a 2nd piece that is the best, or even the second best of the three films? Star Wars, probably the biggest franchise of any, failed (in my opintion) miserably with "The Empire Strikes Back". The Wachowski brothers have kept audiences guessing, and beyond some necessarily evil scenes (when Neo and Trinity get... intimate... and that stupid cave rave thing) to expound on some cliched imagery (specifically, when Neo gets off the elevator in Zion only to be greeted by hundreds of people).
Rating:  Summary: Reloading Rules Review: When you go see a sequel your hopes are never high. Many people this year have set their hopes high to see this movie. This movie is really one movie cut in half. With an amazing plot twist and angles that look like your watching a comic book the matrix reloaded is definitly the Godfather II of its time. Though the dance scene is slightly disapointing the rest of the movie makes up for it with and outstanding plot. A must buy for any DVD collection
Rating:  Summary: SEE THE IMAX VERSION NOW!!! Review: Before it gets put on video and is never seen this way again! I saw this movie the day it came out and I was thrilled by the intellectual stance this movie took this time around. People were expecting a run of the mill action flick like the first one (which I thouroughly loved but have since found it boring) ended up being. Reloaded on the other hand shows what great script writing and story telling is all about. Something to make you think a little bit about the story. The deliciousness of what Neo really "is" and the thought that everything we see even when we think something is real, really isn't. Talk about blowing your mind. I was with a friend of mine watching this movie and he made mention of the ending being too predictable. On the contrary! The thought of all of them trapped in a Matrix within a Matrix is truly mind blowing. As far as the IMAX version! Breathtaking! This is the way to view this movie hands down. No movie theatre can capture the spectacle that IMAX can present with such perfection and beauty. If you have an IMAX theatre near you that is presenting this film, I advise you to stop reading my review and go see it now because it won't be long before this is out of IMAX theatres for good. Phenominally well done!
Rating:  Summary: Awesome in its own right. Review: If you think this movie is going to clarify things, answering questions left from the first movie, it doesn't. If you go into this movie with high expectations expecting it to far exceed the first one, don't. You must watch this with an open mind. It's not better; moreover this movie is not worse either. It's simply different, taking it in a different direction than thought, possibly leaving the viewer with even more questions. While the first installment deals with issues of freedom/freeing your mind the second one deals with issues of choice/control. Some say it moves slower and they spent a lot of time in Zion. But I think they purposely did that. I believe they wanted to prepare the plot adding more charters for what's to come. Also so that we can get familiar with Zion, how things are ran there and some of the people there, which will probably appear in the third part. Believe it or not someone was nit picking, "why is everybody in Zion dressed like Daryl Hannah in Clan of the Cave Bear?" I think that the cloths in the Zion scene are suppose to reflect that they are still struggling underground, as well as a relaxed home vibe. The party scene was there also to show that despite being forced to live the way they do and the daunting task that lies ahead they still know how to have a good time, releasing tension. Parting so loud in defiance that they tremble the walls, sending a message as Morpheus stated. It's funny to see people taking the story literally. Obviously people can't be used literally as "batteries." It's all metaphors. "Machines," "batteries," etc... Think about it. Also the Official Matrix web site contains a philosophy section which is very interesting. It takes the ideals of the Matrix in all sorts of directions. Honestly I don't see how anyone, especially any true Matrix fan, could be disappointed with this film. I think most of the people who didn't like this film are probably the same people who didn't understand the first film, some for a long time and some that still don't. Or they probably have something against Keanu, whether big or small. This was way better than Terminator 3, though I still think they did a pretty good job. T3 even changed their philosophy behind their move to that of the Matrix philosophy of fate/destiny. But I can see how T3 might be more easily consumed by the mass majority because of its simplistic story line and more action/chase scenes. For instance, I wonder how many understood what the architect had to say the first time through viewing this film? I think this one seems a little slower paced than the first because they're setting up for the big finally. I can't wait for the third installment and the final battle scene.
Rating:  Summary: People Wait for the 3rd Movie Review: This Movie is good and People I understand your feelings, but wait for the last movie where the 2nd movie will be understood. I love this movie I know the ending ended all of sudden, but the 3rd movie will explain everything. Besides It has great action sense. My favortite part is where Carrie Anne- Moss with the bike and key maker was amazing. Wait for the 3rd movie.
Rating:  Summary: Locked and Loaded Review: I hate most Hollywood films. I hate most action movies. and I'm really not too thrilled with Keanu Reeves as an actor either. But I got to say, I do like the Matrix series and Reloaded is better much than the first movie. Regardless of what many feel for this movie, this is still a great movie for the simple fact that it has meaning. Reloaded touched Religion, Philosophy, and many serious themes throughout the movie. Whether you agree with these views or not is besides the point really. Films to the core is an art media and the fundemental point of art is expression. Sure there are alot of far-fetched ideas in the film, but it's a Sci-Fi movie. The last thing you need to take account in a Sci-Fi flick is realism. I also do agree that there might have been some scenes that were unnecessary. But there were some relly great scenes in the film also-the scene with the architect comes to mind as a memorable one. If your not at all interested in the plot or ignorant to it, Reloaded still makes a good mindless action flick. At the very least this film is definately worth a viewing.