Rating:  Summary: no sequel intended Review: The second installment to the matrix proves that there was never meant to be a second installment, The first movie finished quite properly and pretty much left enough room for a sequel but this isn't it, this just ruins the first movies aspects and is a shameless showcase of "cutting-edge" movie graphic technology. The philosophies, that some claim make this movie incredible, are the most useless, and cryptic ideas ever....the whole point of this movie is to trick you into believing you have seen some miracle of modern cinema but really it is nothing more than a pseudo-intelletual attempt science-fiction.
Rating:  Summary: awesome Review: There are some problems with the script but the incredible action scenes more than make up for it if you enjoyed the matrix you'll enjoy this movie my favorite fight scene was the burly brawl and the car chase was cool as well. This movie was AWESOME!!! I also reomend the "Terminator" movies in addition to matrix movies.
Rating:  Summary: RELOADED AND REVOLUTIONS (REVIEW) Review: Since they are conected I believe it is now time to call both movies which is really one the worst movie of all time. The beggining makes hardly any more sense than the ending which is when we get that stupid sunset. I reccomend not even renting this trash. Hell not even pay per view. Watch on tv for free. There is just nothing here to really say it was a sequel( two bloated sequels) that was made to drain peoples pockets, don't give in. You'll thank me for it.
Rating:  Summary: What? Are these films in the same trilogy? Review: Remember that movie five years back about a nerdy computer hacker that got abducted by rebels fighting robots, and it turned out the robots had created our known universe inside our minds like a virtual game just so they could live off our energy, and after fighting three moderators called "agents" the hacker turns out to be the one who can manipulate the Matrix code to save mankind? Well...forget all that. Turns out the hacker is God, all the rebels are hippies, instead of the robots a bunch of old guys with names like "the Keymaster" or "the Architect" control the Matrix, one of the Agents is an all powerful being now, and finally there are dozens of levels between this world and the Matrix (yeah I know, they forgot to mention them in the first movie...). But you know what? This movie was a serious waste of my time. It was. Half of it is mindless garble (Morpheus...for the love of God man SHUT UP!), and the other half is needless action. The guardian to the Oracle fights Neo apparently so he knows it's Neo...hey that's great, I wonder why security guards don't just knock people out instead of checking for ID's. And also...Neo fights all the Agent Smiths for five minutes and then flies away...WHAT THE HECK! Why didn't he do that in the first place? His friends are waiting for him, why waste their time? And further more...why waste my time! And the ending...oh my God. It just ends. Yes, that's right, after more than two and a half hours this movie just quits itself. I had heard stories that in theaters around America when "to be continued" popped up on the screen loud mumbling could be heard. Well, I was mumbling myself after the end of this thing. It was along the lines of, "Where is my dignity...cause I want it back." And could some one please explain how Agent Smith comes back? He blew up in the first movie! How can he be copied if he was destroyed? You can't delete some thing on your computer and THEN copy and paste it! The best explanation they can come up with is, "I don't know how it happened, but it did." Wow, thank you, what wonderful writing. Perhaps if the writers had spent more effort on developing that than adding in horrible "me" and "us" jokes regarding Smith's clones it could have gone better. Hugo Weaving shows what a great actor he is by giving some of the worst lines in his career and still doing it professionally. Gaaah. That taste of bad sequal is still in my mouth. The makers of the original Matrix have really gotten carried away with the storyline they originally did, so much that it almost ruins my opinion of the first movie. I can tell you one thing: this movie is NOT "like whiping my ass with silk."
Rating:  Summary: Title is misleading... Review: When I found out they were making a film called "THE MATRIX" I went nuts...but this isnt what I expected. The REAL TRUE MATRIX is what makes Optimus Prime a hero, and is what he gave to Hot Rod so he could become RODIMUS PRIME after his untimely death. I didnt see one Autobot or Decepticom in this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Mind Boggling Review: After seeing the first Matrix I knew I had to see the second. Reloaded brings so many new questions and new ideas that the mind could go on arguing what is going on for hours. It's action packed with more Kung Fu than the last and the digital effects are awesome. Not to mention the most suspenseful scene I have ever seen! (The Freeway of course) The script is just incredible. Most people know the The Matrix is about Birth-The second, Reloaded, is about life and what the people of Zion and the main characters of the movie go through. The entire trilogy one can sit with and debate hours over without getting bored. This movie I could watch over and over again.
Rating:  Summary: What the hell am I watching??? Review: Ok...is it me or does this movie blow big time??? Let me just list why this might be the WORST FILM OF ALL TIME: The fight scene with Neo and like 400 Agent Smiths...if Neo can beat 400 men at once, where is the drama later on in the movie when he fights 2 guys?? And this scene was so fake looking, especially the dog pile scene when Neo just pushes all of them off him, I had to check to see if my Playstation was on. And how come when the Agents get knocked down it sounds like bowling pins? I expected Neo to scream "STIKE!!!" In the first Matrix, it is very hard to understand what is going on. But Neo doesnt know what is going on either, so as he learns, so does the veiwer. In Reloaded, you dont get that feeling. Neo, along with everyone else already knows what is going on. But us at home are totally lost. I couldnt follow this thing at all...and believe me I tried. The first Matrix, the special effects were new, which made them fun to watch. When EVERY movie in Hollywood is doing the same camera trick, it looses its touch. Reloaded should have come up with something new and different. Worst line in any movie ever...after Neo fights some Chinese guy, the Chinese guy says..."You never trully know somebody until you fight them". WWWWWHAT?????? Although I wasnt a huge Matrix fan to begin with, I thought the first one had somewhat of an appeal. The story was hard to follow but with these new special effects it made it interesting. This one, and I'm sure the final one also, is just horrible movie making.
Rating:  Summary: OK Review: I loved the Matrix. Reloaded is just "ok". The action was good enough. The big disappointment for me was Zion. The scenes with people dancing, with loving close-ups of dirty feet squishing in the mud, made me wonder if the directors have a foot fetish. It was really annoying! But the ending at least made me interested in the 3rd installment.
Rating:  Summary: Lame. A major let-down to the original Matrix. Review: The first movie of this series was by far the best (as is usually the case for most trilogies). The first one was a 5-star masterpiece: it had plenty of symbolism and philosophy, but most importantly, it left the viewer with lots of questions/unknowns which could be imagined -- giving the viewer a chance to think on their own rather than being spoon-fed. The first Matrix accomplished all of this while providing a high degree of action and excitement. The Matrix sequels have very little of these components so there is little to no overall quality to the experience, unless you happen to be seeking a brainless action flick. Besides all of this though, whatever happened to the original concept of computer hacking? It somehow turned into a war movie?! Philosophy from the 1st Matrix: "How do you define real?" What a great concept to deal with in a movie -- reality studied from within an unreal shell. Brilliant! Philosophy from the 2nd/3rd Matrix: "Some things change, others don't" -LAME! What has changed here is everything good from the 1st one. What has not: the movie industry dishing out pure garbage as long as it makes plenty of money.
Rating:  Summary: The Matrix Bloated --- with lots of FX and pontificating Review: Showing that there is nothing so dreadful as a Bad Idea whose time has come, the producers of The Matrix take the bad idea that was the original Matrix and proceed to run it into the ground. While continuing to cling to the pretentious notion that they are moving into uncharted territories of existentialist thought, the comic book geek brothers proceed only to revel even more in spectacular orgy of mind-numbing special effects --- but precious little else. This movie was so bloated by its own self-indulgences & production values that it even disenchanted good numbers of passionate Matrix devotees who were snookered by the first film. Suffice it to say, those of us who thought that the original movie was nothing a bunch of pretentious horse manure felt that the sequel only affirmed our opinions. Really, for all the ballyhoo that this trilogy received, is anyone real going to give a rip about these movies in 10 years? In a decade, the special effects will look hilariously outdated --- so all you will be left with is the empty pontificating of the movies. These movies are getting more forgettable by the second.