Rating:  Summary: The Matrix : Reloaded Review: Well of course the fighting scenes were [awesome],better than the first "Matrix".But the sorty line in this movie is alittle wack and the world of Zion is just [silly].This movie was like Star Wars II, "too much talking and not enough action".I hope the third Matrix better than the second.Don't waste your money on goin to the movies just wait a couple months until it comes out on video...Good ol' Trinity looking good in that pattan leather like always and Jada looking good too.
Rating:  Summary: Reloaded or Retread? Review: When I saw The Matrix I was totally into it. I dug the whole man against machine thing. I loved the spirtual and philisophical aspects and how they meshed so well with the action sequences. The Matrix was a great film Matrix Reloaded is a continuation, in a way. The opening credits are pleasantly familiar; the green and gray tones, the infamous streaming numbers filling the screen. One word came to mind: finally! Finally, here it is. The answers to the questions from the 1st Matrix and more questions to be answered in the 3rd Matrix. So I watched it. The title should be changed to Matrix: Loaded. There is so much that happens plotwise, actionwise, characterwise that it would take more room than this to explain it all. So was Reloaded good? Is it worth buying a ticket or should you wait for Blockbuster? I'm afraid I'll have to pull an Oracle and leave that to you. It was clear from Matrix 1 that this series isn't for everyone. The best I can do is tell you that this is a "thinking" movie. It's not clear cut like saving the world from military mutant haters. Reloaded goes deeper into the Matrix and the Matrix is a complicated place and if you like complex stuff like that then this movie is for you. If you are looking for something unique that you don't see every summer then this movie is for you. Personally, I loved it. I enjoyed the action. The actors totally convinced me so they did their jobs quite well. Special effects go without saying. The story had more meat on it than a Thanksgiving turkey. I was quite full and very satisfied. Take the red pill again, if you dare. The rabbit hole goes down a lot deeper than last time. I'm hoping Revolutions will provide the bottom. PS - If you missed the e-mail stick around after the credits (all 50 billion of them) to catch a trailer of Matrix:Revolutions.
Rating:  Summary: GREAT SPECIAL EFFECTS, not so great story Review: Believe it or not, this reviewer actually saw the film. ...and I write terribly worded reviews, so I'll keep this short and sweet. First of all, viewed solely for it's entertainment value, save the first 20 minutes, this movie was much better than expected. I loved the first movie, but I am not a fanatic in any means. ...but I really wanted to see this, and I had low expectations considering what it was following up, and I was amazed. The special effects blew my mind, the car chase was the best I've seen, and I really enjoyed the fight between Neo and countless Agent Smiths. The humor was timed to perfection, and added much relief in areas of incredible tension. As another reviewer joked, I thought the best part of the movie was Monica Belluci (probably spelled wrong), and mix of humor and tension she had with Neo and Trinity was very fun to watch. My problems with the movie: (contains spoilers) -- The movie opens with another of Trinity's high-adrenaline chases, which was an excellent start... but excluding that sequence, the first 20 minutes of the movie was very disappointing. ...there is a long sequence involving "Zion's" underground, that seemed like something from "Lord of the Flies" or "Planet of the Apes". Morpheus builds up enthusiasm among the "freed people" in anticipation of the final battle against the machines. My problem was they were all dressed in loincloths and looked more like they were preparing to stone the machines or something to that effect. ...and after Morpheus' speech, they all strip down to even less clothes and it turns into a rave of sorts. My question is if all these "freed" people want is to serve hedonistic pleasures, why don't they stay in the Matrix, why be free if all you lust after is what you had when you were "imprisoned"? . . . just seemed very out of place in an otherwise very hip and techno-driven movie. -- The importance of the "key master" and the portal seemed increasing similar to the "Ghostbusters" movie with Gozar and the Key master and Gatekeeper. Overall, the movie was incredibly enjoyable, but because there was no revelations that shocked you, or brought new ideas to the table, as did it's predecessor, the movie had no "wow" factor in terms of storyline. ...but Monica and the special effects more that make up for it.
Rating:  Summary: Incredible sequel Review: I saw the Matrix Reloaded last night and was absolutely blown away. I guess I wasn't expecting it to be as good as it was - as usually sequels lack the quality of a first release film. But if I had to say one thing about it: This movie rocked! The special effects are amazing - the car chase and the drilling machines being the best in my opinion. And the sex scene in the beginning is soooo hot, you won't want to see this movie alone. It was almost 2 and a half hours and I had no clue it was that long. Not a moment goes by in this movie without some kind of mind-blowing action scene which keeps your mind off what time it is. Way more action than the first Matrix movie, better special effects too. But be prepared for the ending - it is quite abrupt. At least we don't have to wait years for the next sequel...just a few months. I would highly recommend this movie and can't wait to see it again. Must be seen it in a theatre to experience the special effects to the max. One of the best action movies I have ever seen - just as good (if not better) than the original. What are you waiting for?? Go see it!!
Rating:  Summary: MISSING THE STORY Review: This just did not live up to the first one, like with most sequals. I really have become more dissapointed the more I look back at the movie. First except for the Oracle and the Architect, you are not given any really new plot points at all. The movie is over 2 hours long and you get about 20 minutes of really thought provoking story progression. Yes the action is awesome(especially the Smith fight), but you all know that this movie stood out because of both action and plot. The biggest waste of time was the dancing/sex scene, just movie time filler. I have come to expect much more from these guys than to have this time wasting crap in this triology. The movie is long enough and no one really wanted to see Keanu's ass! All and all after the first 20 minutes of bad jokes and so called character building you get into the movie. It is worth the wait, don't get me wrong after all this is gone the action holds true to Matrix form. I just hope that they really get back to bringing you something to walk away thinking about like after watching the first part.
Rating:  Summary: "Matrix Overload": more, not better. Review: Imagine if Pepsi or Coke, knowing that you liked the sweetness of their original drinks, decided to put a pound of sugar in each can for the Coke / Pepsi sequel. That's how I felt watching Matrix reloaded. As much as I liked the story, the script, and the novelty of the special effects in the original Matrix, I felt that the current story was largely weak and contrived and lacking originality; the dialogue was written primitively and delivered worse; the acting in general, whatever little of it the script called for, was abysmal with the tentative exception of Agent Smith (the twins were especially bad). I will not tell you what the ending was exactly; let me just say that if you liked the Lord of the Rings (Fellowship of the Ring) ending, you're going to love this one ;-). The original Matrix's fighting scenes were a new word in choreography and cinematography. The Reloaded fighting scenes are simply "more" - not better. They last longer ("Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" style) and after the first moments watch like someone is playing a videogame, which is what essentially this movie is. "Matrix Reloaded"? How about "Matrix Overloaded".
Rating:  Summary: The Matrix Back Again. Review: Woah! The Matrix was THE film of the 1990s. No other film matched it for pure style, story and actors. Plus the effects were mind blowing. Keanu reeves couldnt act for for food until he took the role of cyber-hacker Neo, who is transported out of the dream world The Matrix. Any of you who have seen The Matrix will know that it is was only a trailer for the sequels, and what a trailer it was. When the matrix reloaded hits cinemas, full of "DODGE THIS" Action be therefor the biggest movie event of this century so far. I wont tell you the story, or how it ends.....I didnt come here to tell you the end I only came here to tell you how it began...... Now that is it has been released, you may have found it slightly disapointing, so did I. But the next day, there I was in school, telling everyone how those English twins were underused, how the Wachoskis got ahead of themselves and how the best character (Smith - popssibly the best baddie ever!) was not used enough and that "the burly brawl" was cool but sometimes done with bad CGI and it hit me - the film was simply put, a masterpiece that gets better every time you think about it The freeway scene will leave you gasping and the major twist about Neo will be a surprise to everyone who hasnt played the "Enter The Matrix" game. It may not seem as good as good as the original (but how were they ever going to better it?) but I think that on November 7th, when Revolutions hits cinemas, it will tie up every loose end and make Reloaded the best in the series. Remember how "The Empire Strikes Back" was so disapointing the FIRST time you saw it. This is a film you have to see twice or three times. And also, has Lawrence Fishburne put on weight? What will be the film to see this winter - Return of the King or The Matrix Revolutions? Judging on this the bearded one (Peter Jackson) will have to push his little hobbits to the limit. Finaly, this may be irelavant, but isnt Monica Belluchi just the best looking actress in the world!
Rating:  Summary: Well, um Review: I enjoyed the first film even though the story idea was too close to that of 'Neuromancer' by W Gibson. Story was the problem in Reloaded. Although the fight and action scenes are excellent, there's only so many you can endure without being emotionally involved. The philosophical musings of the characters (worse than the original) are tame, muddled and pretentious. Their acting can be just too serious. Unengaging. Flawed. _S PS: Suggestion: Might be a good idea to watch the original before you go?
Rating:  Summary: huh? Review: I'll start off by saying if I were to judge this movie on special effects and tricky camera work I would give it 5 stars because it was excellent in those fields. However, this movie would rather shove people jumping and fighting in slow motion than give us a real story. Sure you can sit back and think about what everything means for hours and hours but what good will it do you? You'll never get the answers to your questions because this movie would rather throw in another action scene with bad martial arts, computer effects and people on wires moving in slow-motion. There's just way too many plot holes in this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Has its moments, but there are some deep flaws... Review: The Matrix Reloaded, being one of the most highly anticipated films of our time, is a tough one to review. I am compelled to give this movie a high rating just for giving me the most exciting ten-minutes-before-the-show-starts moment in my life. However, the film just did NOT have the wit and the charm of its predecessor. None of the key moments in the film were built upon enough and seemed rather undramatic. The loose storyboard and messy editing made the pacing of the film jerky. I don't think I have to explain which parts could've used better editing. If you see the film you'll find out for yourself. It also hurt that Reloaded was the first half of a two-part film. I think audiences would have enjoyed it better if it had a stand-alone plot. Reloaded begins with a hook introduction similar to Matrix (another Trinity fight) but then soon after loses most of its energy. You could heavily blame this on the lengthy dialogue sequences. Something I frowned upon concerning Reloaded was that the first movie had already established the philosophical issues of the matrix, so why drag it out even further? Only until halfway into the movie does it really begin to start cooking. For those of you who have seen Reloaded already, the jumping-off point would roughly begin where Neo is sent to find the Keymaker by the Oracle. By now everyone has been seduced (for a second time) by the intense teaser trailers. Quite honestly, after viewing Matrix 2, I'm going to have to say that no one, for AT LEAST the next five years, will be able to even come close to matching Reloaded's CGI sequences, other than the Wachowski brothers themselves for the third Matrix. Neo vs. 100 Agent Smiths and the car chasing scene in particular are the most dazzling moments of the movie. In the chase scene, the Wachowski brothers were even able to get the camera to dodge under the speeding cars! That in itself gets two "wows" and a half. The Wachowski brothers know what their audience wants, and so naturally we get the pleasure of being introduced to a dozen more fun and exciting characters. The most notable ones are Link, the new operator of the Nebuchadnezzar, Morpheus's former love Niobe, those freaky guys dressed in all white known as the Twins, the French guy and his wife Persephone, the Keymaker, and the Architect. The problem with these kinds of epic-storytelling films, however, is that you get to a point where there are TOO MANY new characters and none of them really get developed enough. It was exactly the same case with Star Wars Episode I. For example, the Twins fell into the trap as Darth Maul, becoming more of just mere spectacles than contributing something important to the plot. I personally think Persephone is the only new character worth paying attention to in Reloaded. She is sleek, mysterious, unpredictable, and playful. Persephone is mostly important because she reinforces the theme of rebellion and free-thinking in the Matrix films. Too bad her role is a small one in this film. Hopefully the Wachowski brothers decide to play her role out more in Matrix Revolutions. I guess my two biggest complaints on Reloaded are a) Morpheus breaking character with his (motivating?) speech at Zion and b) the bland music score. The first one is upsetting because it seems that for one scene, the usually calm and cool Morpheus trades his sophistication for more barbarian-like qualities. Not only that, he screeches when he yells and that makes it too distracting to hear what he has to say. The second one is also just as upsetting because the first movie was SO GOOD at using music to fill in for the gaps in dialogue. Reloaded's score is repetitive and downright annoying. I think Juno Reactor is an amazing group, but the quality of their music hasn't been its sharpest for the past few years. They just did not work for this film. Rob D, the artist who arguably wrote the best song of the first soundtrack (it's called 'Clubbed to Death' and it was played during the lady-in-the-red-dress scene), spews out some really uninspired tracks this time around; basically the same hip hop beats over classical strings. Where was Lunatic Calm, or the Prodigy, or Meat Beat Manifesto, or the Propellerheads? I mean cummon, the biggest rush I got was when 'Spybreak!' was played in the background of Matrix's biggest fight scene. It doesn't really seem like the Wachowski brothers even tried to get that same reaction for any parts of Reloaded. Well, even if you thought the movie sucked or it didn't live up to expectations, Matrix 2 was still very fun to watch. And who knows, maybe you will like it better after seeing Matrix Revolutions. There's probably a reason why everything is sort of left hanging. Reloaded fails in the respect that it was going to provide anything dramatically new. It's true that the Wachowski brothers and their special effects crew have raised the bar just high enough to reclaim their crown for best CGI, but rather than use these special effects to support the story like in the original Matrix, they're shamefully used as just a way to bring audiences in and sell tickets. >>> 3 stars. A movie worth watching, but lacks the potential that we all saw in the last movie. However, most diehard Matrix fans will be satisfied with the grossly exaggerated special effects and fight sequences. Reloaded could've used better editing, everything in the movie seemed too "episodic". For example, immediately after Neo speaks with the Oracle, Agent Smith shows up. Everything just seemed way too staged. What was so great about the first movie was how the story had such a logical flow. As the French guy says, everything is governed by cause and effect. So why does Reloaded seem to break this rule? -the enlightened one