Rating:  Summary: I'm Speechless.... Review: This movie was just great... almost as good as the first one! The fight scenes were just magnificent, the twist in the movie is great, the special effect are wonderful, the only thing that really got me was the ending... TO BE CONCLUDED... I would have perfered just a flash and the credits... besides that it was great... I recommend this to anyone except children, you might want to hold this back from them for a while...
Rating:  Summary: Best Movie I've Ever Seen Review: I've never seen a movie this great. And I can't imagine why people are writing negative reviews about it. I mean come on does anyone think that Star Wars: The Phantom Menace was a good movie compared to the original starwars movies.. Hell No. But people lined up to see the stupidest movie i've ever heard about. And i think they are the people who are writing negative about matrix reloaded. This movie sets the standerd for new movies like the original matrix did. I mean can you ever see superman fly like Neo did in Reloaded. Its like comparing a girl with a WWE wrestler. Zion was amazing. Burly Brawl was WOW. And the movie was better than any Starwars i have ever seen. Later Reloaded haters... I've to go watch Reloaded again which is I think my 11th time. c'ya
Rating:  Summary: STOP YOUR BAD-MOUTHIN!!!!!! Review: C'mon people, it wasn't that bad. The action scenes were amazing. I cant stand how other movies copied the amazing techniques of the matrix. Some people said that the CGI in it was horrible, but if they weren't stupid they would realize that there wasn't much CGI in the fight scenes. The only down side was the confusing plot near the end. I mean WHHAAAAA?!?!?!?!?!?! Neo was ten times cooler in this movie. Zion was cool, SciFi geeks will love that. The new enemy's are cool. The truck crash was awsome!!!! The kung foo fighting scenes were unmatched. I cannot wait till the conclusion. I love the matrix, dont be hatin.
Rating:  Summary: Delivers on High Expectations Review: "Reloaded" is the second movie in the Wachowski brothers' Matrix trilogy. Morphous, Trinity, and Neo continue to spearhead the struggle against the machines that seek to destroy the last human sanctuary of Zion along with all of its inhabitants. In fact we get to see a visually impressive Zion for the first time. Metaphysical parallels are drawn as Neo is treated like a messiah by the people of Zion. He has grown comfortable with is ability in the matrix, but struggles with the question of his purpose. Everyone's favorite agent Smith returns "in numbers". The stunts and fight scenes are nothing short of spectacular. Many of the visual effect pioneered in the first film are present. The freeway chase scene towards the films middle breaks new ground in how the stunts were filmed. The "wow" factor is extremely high. The movie is loaded with dialog about choice and free will. It begs to be seen more than once in order to catch it all. I have in fact seen it twice. The first time you see Reloaded you are bombarded with sensory overload. The second time I was able to concentrate on what was being said. As a side note, the second time I saw it was in an IMAX theater. If you have the opportunity I highly recommend it. The experience is amazing. I was pleasantly surprised at how clear and sharp the picture was on the extra large IMAX screen. You simply become immersed in the film. Following the mega success of the first movie, Reloaded came with some lofty expectations. I'm happy to say it delivers the goods. Some have criticized the convoluted nature of the story. In fact many questions are raised. Things you thought you understood are thrown out the door (or are they). The movie ends with a cliffhanger leading up to the final installment, "The Matrix Revolutions". By the way, be sure to sit through the credits for a brief preview of the next film.
Rating:  Summary: Love it or hate it..... Review: ...but its still a damn good movie. The critics here reflect what happened to me and my partner: one loves it, one hates it. I personally liked it much better than the first one, altough, some of the conversations were far to long and I cannot hear the words "...but thats how its meant to be" anymore. They used some phrases far to often. After over 300 reviews here, what more can I write? Just my plain and short opinion: entertaining and thrilling, great FX, superiour sound, cool beats, very wise thoughts, highly philosophical and yeah: I cannot wait for the 3rd one. But please: dont let Neo fly that much anymore. To see that I will wait for the next Superman.
Rating:  Summary: Horrendous Review: When the lights came on, I said, "Whoa ...", and believe me, it wasn't because I was impressed.The one thing I actually liked about Matrix: Reloaded was the philosophical ideas, but I think they could have been cut down to take up about twenty minutes of the movie instead of about an entire hour. We are bombarded with the same message over and over again. The worst thing about the movie was the fighting. I don't think the directors even TRIED to make it look cool. I'm not just saying this because the novelty from the first movie wore off. The first movie clearly did the fighting better, and the fighting in Reloaded could have been at least of the same quality if the directors didn't consider the viewers to be complete idiots. The slow-mo flips looked absolutely ridiculous (not to mention the actors did them non-stop throughout the whole movie) and the fight scenes just never got the adrenaline pumping. They were not hard-hitting, and the slow-mo just slowed things down without looking cool. The only action sequence worth a buck was the big highway car chase, but that didn't compete with the last twenty minutes of the first Matrix by a longshot. One of the worst action sequences was the one with the 100 Smiths. Neo was obviously a 3D graphic (couldn't you have TRIED to make it look anything less than ridiculous?) and it somehow failed to be compelling. Matrix: Reloaded is one of the most overrated movies since the AWFUL Signs.
Rating:  Summary: Sci-Fi Meeting Philosophy Hits the Mainstream Review: Reloaded is a beautiful film that pushes the limits of FX and heady theology/philosophy in a film. So the directors are a little too much of armchair philosophers. At least they make an effort to stimulate the viewer's intellect, unlike 90% of mainstream cinema. The visual effects are awesome, only a few times you can see the scenes that are purely digital because the characters almost look like....well, rubber. I was afraid 'bullet time' would be over-done, but the Wachowski's directing eye gave us some new perspectives that kept us surprised. The philosophy is a little self-serving. I got sick of the Neo/Oracle scene, where he kept alluding to his predestination with statements like, "But the choice is already made". The Architect scene, however, was almost TOO philosophically loaded for the layperson. I felt like I would need an existential dictionary to keep up at that point. All in all, we have here an incredible film. Awesome effects, awesome story. This is a great sequel. This movie avoided the sophomore slump, and even though the idea behind the Matrix is no longer a surprise to most of us, my jaw was on the floor almost the entire film.
Rating:  Summary: WORTHY SEQUEL! Review: I just saw "The Matrix 2: RELOADED" today and I must say that I was extremely impressed with the nice usage of computer graphics and suspended animation sequences! Neo returns to the Matrix once again to defeat his old nemesis, Agent Smith who has now turned into a computer virus! There are also many other bad foes and surprises along the way so I won't go deep into plot so to not spoil it for all you moviegoers. You'll just have to see the movie for yourself. Enjoy M2 and get ready for "The Matrix 3: REVOLUTIONS" which is coming out this November! I'm definately getting the DVD for this when it comes out!
Rating:  Summary: Mr. Whoa and pals entertain in Matrix Reloaded Review: Well since the surprisingly huge hit of the Matrix which seems to define a new generation of movie goers, all anyone can talk about is when the next sequel arrives. It finally has arrive and I saw it on it's opening night and you can tell right off the bat that they spend a lot of money on it. Plus there are many actors/actresses, non-actors (such as Roy Jones Jr.) trying to get involve in the phenomenon. A brief synopsis. The Matrix Reloaded fine our hero Neo finally making it to Zion. Him and Trinity (Moss) are now a bonafide item. Our ubercaptain, Morpheus arrives in Zion like a prophet except not everyone believes in his vision, especially not his boss. His boss believes in that sheer might and numbers will be the machines as Morpheus still believes that Neo is the one. Meanwhile, our coolest villain since Darth Vader, perfect diction Agent Smith, finds himself new life, and just as the Beatles did, he decided to try a little help with his friends to get back at Neo. Of course his friends are himself, and himself, and himself... so on and so on. This movie has a heck of a lot of action and I do mean a ton of it. Some very expensive CGI effect, but, event though I hate to admit it, it does lack on plot. I did think they overused the slow-motion camera a bit too much. It seemed that practically every action scene had it in it. A little something I like to call.. Matrix mode. Needless to say I was still blow away by the stunts that I saw, particularly a highway chase that even John Frankenheimer(Ronin) and William Friedkin (French Connection) would have liked (even though it was CGI'ed). Keanu is still Mr. Wood when it comes to acting and if they ever make a movie about the life and times of Al Gore, I am sure Mr. Expressionless one can play Mr. Expressionless two. But, for the Matrix Reloaded you really don't need the Oscar winning caliber performance. All you need is a cardboard guy to give you a few whoa's here and there and Keanu fits perfectly in here. Overall this is a gleeful, butter-popcorn munching, goobers eating big screen bonanza that did it's job of bringing entertainment from Hollywood to the audience at the megaplex and isn't that what's it all about. Entertaining the masses. Can't wait to see Matrix Revolutions and see more stuff get blown up in Matrix mode. Film gets a A-.
Rating:  Summary: Welcome To The Hall Of Presidents! Review: Computers really do must run our lives...at least in Hollywood they do. This film is nothing more but computer geeks showboating their talents, and a mix of plot points and ideas "borrowed" from other films. Wylde Stallion!!! The so-called plot in this film is there only as a way to link a bunch of fancy shmancy action sequences together. It almost has the same structure of a porno film: You'll have a few minutes of "story" and repetitive philosophical babble(all we are is dust in the wind, dude), then you spring into the next fifteen minute action sequence. It's like the Final Phantasy games with the little story clips in between the action. In fact, I'm sure the reason there are so many long action scenes is to distract you from the fact that there is hardly any plot in this film. This is a two hour and twenty minute film here, folks. Do you realize how boring these action scenes become? And how it makes the film seem double the length? The whole "bullet time" B.S. is quite old now. It was corny the first time around. After seeing it copied a million times since the first film, watching it now looks like you're watching somebody play Max Payne. And who thought that Ted Theodore Logan(aka Keanu Reeves) would be a good choice for this? I don't have a vendetta against Keanu Reeves, I like him alot in some films, but I've seen Steven Seagal have more depth to his performances than Mr. Reeves had in this. And I just can't buy Ted(Keanu) out Bruce Lee-ing Bruce Lee. The whole kung fu motif is silly(and why do they use techno music EVERY time there's a fight scene in any American movie?). Asian cinema did it first and will always do it better....and without CGI!! When Ted flies through the air(when did he learn to do this?) and leaps tall buildings in a single bound, you'll be wondering if it's Keanu Reeves or Christopher Reeve. He should have stuck to the flying telephone booth. There was no heart or soul put into this at all. Relying on computer effects to tell a story is cheap and insulting. Not to mention extremely fake looking. And that is why we need Eddie Van Halen......and that is why we need a triumphant video! The first one had some cool ideas, and this one kinda started off that way, but fell flat. I'll admit that I still love Smith, he's the best part of the films if you ask me. That's Captain Ahab, dude. This is probably going to only appeal to those really into the whole Matrix thing, and even they may not like it much. Wait for video if ya have to see it. Be excellent to each other....and party on dudes!