Rating:  Summary: Very Simply, a Very Bad Movie Review: There are so many things offensive and amateurish about this movie, I don't know where to start. The special effects ARE good and therein lies the problem. Typical of today's films, special effects are apparently the only ingredient needed for a "entertaining" movie. It's unfortunate that the movie going public has little regard for character development, plot, crisp dialogue and texture in a film. "Starship Troopers" has none of these.I'M thinking of becoming a director because the public is so easily entertained these days. Can you imagine Alfred Hitchcok, John Ford or William Wyler with todays technology? They would all realize that story and script all still the most important components of a film- NOT computers. "Starship Troopers" is a glaring example of the lack of talent in Hollywood. Come on public, be a little more choosey! And Hollywood, please. there are people OVER 12 years old that enjoy going to the movies.
Rating:  Summary: Some people won't get it Review: I heard (from some sci-fi fans, even) about how bad the Starship Troopers movie is. Bad acting, they sneered. Goes overboard on the violence, they said. Fascist message, they claimed. That's the whole point. Verhoven takes Heinlein's gung-ho novel and turns it into a propaganda film. The vapid, plastic, 90210 characters -- who were raised in a militarized society -- spout stupid, silly lines about guts and glory. Meanwhile, Verhoven gives the audience a (science-fictionalized) taste of what war is really like: Yes, the ultraviolent battle scenes will make you sick. This ain't Star Wars. Perhaps more Saving Private Ryan meets A Clockwork Orange meets ... uh, Star Wars?
Rating:  Summary: Great effects, minimal plot, little to do with the book Review: If you rate your movies in buckets of blood like Joe Bob Briggs you'll probably love it. Unfortuantely I'm not the Texas Chain Saw Masacre type of fan and other than appreciation for some spectacular effects I was extremely disappointed. I'm sure it made Heinlein roll over in his grave.
Rating:  Summary: Starship Troopers is sweet! Review: Starship Troopers is the best action film I have ever seen. It's really gory, but you get used to it after about the 5,000th marine is killed. I read the book and some people above said that the book has nothing to do with the movie, it does, the only difference is in the book Jonny Rico becomes a high racking officer and must go to school for a long time which if that happend in the movie it would of been really boring. The other thing I wish was in the movie was these suits each marine got so the could jump really high and if a bug came near them they would kill bugs with lots of weapons or just punch them. The movie was great with the bugs and starships. I didn't think the acting was a problem, so what if Bruce Willis wasn't in it. I understood the storyline and it was fun. Just see the movie.
Rating:  Summary: why don't they just make it more stupid!! Review: You don't need a brain to watch this movie because it's too stupid. If they have Mike Myers to play the role 'Rico', I might give it two stars!!
Rating:  Summary: Not Heinlein, but Not Bad Either! Review: Starthip Troopers (the Novel) is a treasured memory of my youth. Heinlein wrote a simplistic story with deep undertones about patriatism, duty to the state, and crime and punishment. His book contains no triangular love story, and actually very little combat. It's a story of a boy coming of age in a militiristic society. Paul Voerhoeven's movie shares many traits from the book. The story is simplistic, but has many undertones and subtelties. He has bumped up the action from the book possibly BECAUSE of his background as a child of World War II Holland. His film beautifully asks one simple question... Is this what you want? Is this the world you want to live in? Blood and Gore are the tools of the common soldier, the Grunt. The book, and this film are about the common Grunt. No elegance is required. Common soldiers aren't elegant people. The film highlights the youthful exhuberance of three highs school grads going into Federal service. This movie, and Heinlein's book are both about courage under fire, duty, loyalty, and how war molds young men and women in different ways. Not for the squeemish, and those who have read the book should hit the "purge" button before viewing for maximum enjoyment. The missing high tech weapons from the Heinlein book would have been excellent, but I understand why they are missing... maybe someday... Taken on it's own, the movie is a powerful message, perhaps more powerful than Heinleins original message in some ways. I disagree with those who have commented that the acting was bad. The story goes by so fast it would be hard to notice if it was. But look for the highlights... Enjoy the sequence with Carmen's arrival at, and first day driving the Rodger Young. And the scene with Michael Ironside seeing a swarm of thousands of bugs attacking a makeshift outpost is priceless. Like RoboCop, not everyone will get "it". But watch it. Note the polarity in comments here. This film is ART. And Art makes you think. The DVD is the best I currently own. BAM
Rating:  Summary: Very cool movie Review: This movie blows all the other sci-fi movies away.The special effects are incredible and the cast and crew are some of the best that I've seen in the decade.
Rating:  Summary: Great effects, good story (action/comedy) Review: The story may seem so-so to those who take it too seriously. If you consider it an action-comedy, it is pretty good. On the DVD, when you add in the special effects, it makes it a five star (must-have).
Rating:  Summary: Very good DVD technically, but a brainless movie Review: A fantastic DVD in sound and picture. A very good way of showing off the format in a media room. Unfortunately, the movie is a mindless media matter. It has only the most superficial resemblance to the Heinlein book, which is far more a cerebral treatment of politics and the responsibilities of citizenry. The DVD special section in fact shows a cut scene which had more discussion about the Heinlein philosophy of citizenry. This movie owes more to the popular action/science fiction book "Armor" (John Steakley -- look it up in Amazon, it's a good read) than the classic "Starship Troopers".
Rating:  Summary: ONE OF THE BEST SCI-FI MOVIES EVER MADE!!!!!!!!! Review: This is one of my favorite movies ever made. The special effects are some of the best I've ever seen. The giant bugs are so realistic, I wondered if they were real. Definately a must-see for Star Wars and Trek fans. If you liked Saving Private Ryan, you're going to love this one.