Rating:  Summary: this is an action packed movie Review: This movie kicks [hiney]. It has great speacial effects, Kurt Russel played snake very well. I have not seen escap from New York yet, but this movie makes me want to go see it. There was good action scenes the end kicks [hiney], one of the best endings I have ever seen. The movie has lots of cool and surprizing moments one of the best movies I have ever seen. It also has a great soundtrack with bands like Gravity Kills,White Zombie,Tool If you like movies that have action, surprizes and good music you should check this out.
Rating:  Summary: A wicked satire of the original Review: Many considered this a remake of "New York." Now while that is more or less true, that's really missing the point. "Escape From LA" is a satire of it's predecsesor and of B-movies in general. When taken on that level, the movie is a blast. It's impossible to take this movie seriously when you have Cliff Robertson playing the President, and Bruce Campbell playing the Plastic Surgeon of Beverly Hills. True, the special effects are not always great, but you can blame that on Paramount because they tend to give movies like this a lower budget than they need. It was a kick to see Kurt Russell back in action as Snake after a long hiatus, and the movie has flat out one of the best endings of any movie ever. Snake gets his revenge, and boy does he ever! So once you get past the fact that the movie is a remake more or less, "LA" proves to be a worthy predecessor that deserved more respect than it got. John Carpenter does a bang up job, and it also features another great score of his along with Shirley Walker (who probably deserves most of the credit for it). I don't care what anyone says. It was certainly better than "Independence Day."
Rating:  Summary: What Happened in Cleveland? Review: Having seen the original ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK, I was hoping for a pretty good action adventure film in ESCAPE FROM L.A. What I got was a big disappointed. Basically, ESCAPE FROM L.A. is a mediocre copy of the first movie. The film contains a strain of dark comedy built around a lot of jokes, but I didn't find many of them funny (e.g. the whole "I thought you were taller" thing). Russell is good as Snake and Steve Buscimi and Bruce Campbell have some nice roles as supporting players. The sfx aren't too good for a 1996 picture--many of the CGI sequences are so bad they look like the effects of old with the moving screen in the background of the action. The movie also has a very negative view of Christianity and I found that to be somewhat offensive. Overall, ESCAPE FROM L.A. is an okay movie that could have been a lot better; e.g. there could have been a lot more fighting/action scenes. I think they should have made ESCAPE FROM CLEVELAND instead.
Rating:  Summary: Escape From the [other]Reviews! Review: First of All I would like to say that "Escape From New York" has bad music, bad effects, not a very good story, the only thing good about it was Kurt Russell. But now one of Si-Fi's coolest B-A is back, and Carpenter has composed a Broken Arrow like score which kicks butt, Kurts Weapons or bigger and better, and his como pants are gone so now he looks like hes came right out of The Matrix, Brain is gone(think God), so you know its alreay better. The story much like the first one is desent, the effects are not great but I wouldn't go as far as bad. If you liked the first one, like Kurt Russell, Si-Fi or action movies, you will like this. Plissken is as crazy as the movie its self, I love it.
Rating:  Summary: Not very good! Review: This movie is very fairly slated I must say. Some may argue that Carpenter's point was to make a cheesy movie but I think that's just an excuse. He doesn't usually set the bar that low. It was just, plain and simple, a bad movie.The American public never warmed to it during its theatrical run either. When it came out America was in a feel good phase with the '96 olympics and the release of ID4. Snake's America-hating attitude wasn't really welcome at the time. They said the FX were bad but the surfing FX are far superior to that of the flames in the tunnel in ID4. Russell is brilliant as Snake and the whole movie is kind of lighthearted. The music especially. Carpenter always does great movie scores and it's a shame the soundtrack never got a decent release. There is more than just a pale resemblence to the first movie. LA is practically a remake of NY. It's the big orange instead of the big apple. The cameo stars this time around are bit hipper. It was cool to see Bruce Campbell and Peter Fonda but the Che Guevara clone baddie is not as mean as the Duke of New York. It's definitely funnier and livelier than NY (a film I found too slow and boring) but it has none of the class credibility. It's a shame really because Snake is such an awesome character. The DVD is in 2.35:1 non-anamorphic widescreen and in very cool Dolby 5.1. The very amusing trailer is the only extra on this barebones disc but this is to be expected from Paramount.
Rating:  Summary: Escape from Carpenter's recent movies Review: I'm not going to waste a lot of my time on this bomb of a movie. Neither should you. It's a travesty to follow up a great movie like ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK with this stinker. Better not do this to some of my other favorites like THE FOG and THE THING.
Rating:  Summary: A movie that is soooo BAD, that its GOOD! Review: One late night, sitting in my dorm, bored out of my head, I get the idea that I should go down the hall and bother my friend and ask for one of her movies. She lets me look at her shelf. I pick out "Escape from LA." "This doesn't seem to be your kind of movie," I tell her. "Oh. Its my dad's. I don't know how that got there." I slink back to my room and pop it into my vcr. For the next two hours or so, I watch in silent disgust, abject horror, and sheer delight. This movies is absolutely terrible...with the ... sub par acting, the cheesy script, lines, everything and yet...I look back fondly upon this movie as high camp and kitsch. Its just so bad, that its good! Snake as hamily played by Kurt Russel is hilarious and so is the scene with the stupid surfers and how they say "..." all the time...oh and of course lets not forget Snake surfing with a shark, and the ridiculously hilarious gun battles. Don't take this movies seriously folks. Yeah, I know this movie won't win any awards or what not...but hey its funny.
Rating:  Summary: Another Disappointing Follow-up to a Great Film Review: Alas, another diappointing sequel to a wonderful film. I wonder sometimes, why writers take a classic character and reviev them into a role that in no way lives up to the original. If this was all they could come up with for a follow-up, they should never have made it! This film takes a well drwn character and gives him a bad name. Come on...Sake don't surf. I gave this film two stars for being a terrible sequel.
Rating:  Summary: one Terrible movie Review: Where to begin... First of all, what is it with these people giving such great reviews?... this movie [was bad]. Next, the story line was nearly the same, so it was like watching the first all over again, though that would be a treat, but unfortunately, in this case, twice is not a good thing. Thirdly, to that time, special effects highly advanced, but this was still third rate SFX. Even kid films had better SFX. Next, that whole surfing on Sunset Boulevard was a bad and tasteless idea to get to younger audiences. Then with the President wanting his daughter killed, terrible idea. i could go on and on with this and i would run out of space. So in conclusion, dont even think about getting this movie!
Rating:  Summary: "John Carpenter's Escape from L.A." Review: Escape from L.A. (R) ..../5 Kurt Russell, Stacey Keach, Steve Buscemi, Peter Fonda, George Corraface. Directed by: John Carpenter. Synopsis: A famous mercenary must recover something for the president. The one catch is it is in the middle of the prison city of L.A., and in the hands of a maniacal warlord. Special Features: Trailer. Review: Snake is infected with a virus and forced to go do three things. One is try to contact the only surviving member of the first rescue team, two recover what the president's daughter stole for a deadly criminal, three is kill the president's rebellious daughter. The only catch is he has got to do it on the prison island of L.A. before the virus kills him. Roger Ebert raved about this film, but it tanked at the box office to bad too. This film is a hyperkinetic retread of the first and shows what Carpenter couldn't in the first. Originally when I saw the film I was upset the country was under an of course psychotic Christian presidents control, but then I realized the criminals world was just as bad. I figured out maybe he is saying we need to meet in the middle, or perhaps I read too much into films. As for acting Russell is once again the ultimate anti-hero in the part that forever shattered his Disney image, and a large supporting cast of zany characters all perform marvelously to make L.A. the place to be. Carpenter's direction is fantastic, and his cockeyed vision that is put on the screen is fantastic. I really loved the sub sequence, Snake suiting up, and the fantastic fight scenes. One of the greatest action films ever conceived. As for the DVD? Only the trailer blast you Paramount!