Rating:  Summary: Excellent DVD Review: This is the reason DVD exists. The creators put a lot of effort into it and it pays off. I hope future DVD releases are of this quality. The Dolby Digital track leaves nothing to the imagination. Every casing can be heard hitting the marble floor in the shoot-em-up scene in the building lobby.
Rating:  Summary: Philosophy and Bullets Review: This is the thinking person's action thriller. A high degree of education and cultural literacy helps a great deal, as does an appriciation for action-packed violence.For a real trip, wait until the screen says "Tracing Call" and then turn off the sound while turning on Miranda Sex Garden's "Fairytails of Slavery." If you have the DVD version, time it so the music starts exactly 50 seconds into the movie. Make sure the CD player is set on Loop. You will find many strange synchronicities. It's more fun than "Dark Side of Oz."
Rating:  Summary: Dissenting Opinion Review: This is the third time I have reviewed this movie, but I just have to submit a dissenting opinion to counter all these action film meatheads who can't separate sci-fi from hi-fi. Look. There is more to film than eye candy, visual effects and surround sound. How about content? If you really consider the Matrix in comparison to truly great sci-fi, like 2001, Blade Runner, Brazil, even Gattaca, it falls very short. The matrix makes attempts at being literate, but the plot is so contirived and narcissistic that it defeats its purpose in that regard. The Matrix is the antithesis of a good sci-fi film for these reasons: 1) it does not challenge social issues sufficiently as sci-fi does/should (unless you count the trite issues of reality or conformity), 2) it does not balance out form (FX) with content (storyline), 3) the metaphor and allegory are extremely overdone so as to appeal to a lazy audience (I find this underestimation very irritating, as should you as an intelligent viewer), etc., etc. I could go on, but I won't. I do however, disagree with the reviewer who blames this movie for the social ills and school shoootings in the good ol' U-S of A. This movie is not a cause of any social disease. It is just yet another symptom of America's defiant barbarism, but if we want to find the source of WHY murder happens we have to look into ourselves for that answer. Don't be another lazy American. Blaming the media is just full of fallacies. There is good cinema and bad cinema. This one happens to be the latter.
Rating:  Summary: Will make you want to see it agian and agian! Review: This is the top best action film ever.This is an excellent movie.I love the way you have to go see it twice just because the first time you see it you have to wait till the end to get it by then its over.Keanu is an awesome actor.I tell you go rent buy or borrow this movie.You will want to see it agian and agian.
Rating:  Summary: More than a shoot-em-up movie if you have a brain. Review: This is the type of movie that really makes you think about what's real & what's all in your head. There is violence, yes, but those that say it was made just for the violence obviously must not have been able to follow the plot. Very thought provoking & a GREAT movie. Saw it in the theater twice & already have it pre-ordered on DVD.
Rating:  Summary: You either love it or you hate it. Review: This is the type of movie where some people love it and somehate it, with no gray area in between. I believe it just matters onwhat someone expects when they go in to see the movie. The plot is interesting and to an extent original, as no one in holywood ever came up with anything like it. But then there are sci-fi books where plots like this are very common. I gotta admit though, it did get me thinking. :) One thing which I was dissapointed with (not surprisingly) was Reeves' acting. He just isn't the right actor for this movie. Other then that, and a couple loose ends here and there I have to say that the movie is great. The special FX are mind dazzling, and the soundtrack isn't half bad either. A sugestion for anyone who hasn't watched it yet: When you whatch it, don't analyze it, just take it as it is and give in to it... That way you're guranteed to enjoy it.
Rating:  Summary: WOW! Review: This is the ultimate DVD video. The first thing I noticed with this movie was the sound, it absolutely explodes with it. The special effects are amazing, they are the real star of this movie. This is one of those films that grabs you and sucks you in. The story is a little far fetched but, thats what makes it fun. There are a whole lot of extras on this DVD, well worth the $18-20. If you like action, this film is for you!
Rating:  Summary: A Fantastic Movie Review: This is the ultimate in SciFi. Though, I think they borrowed a great deal from the World of Darkness gaming system. It's very much like "Mage". I was a little worried when I first heard that Keanu Reeves was in this movie. He's a terrible actor. He's monotone, and ruined what could've been an otherwise good film in A Walk in the Clouds. However, somehow... they managed to make a fantastic movie, with him involved. Others have noted, and I also point out, that Keanu really doesn't speak much in this show. He does a lot of posing and looking cool... perfectly appropriate for the film, and has a lot of short lines. Somehow the Director made it work, and Keanu was very good in the role. I recommend this movie highly, on VHS or DVD.
Rating:  Summary: The Best movie EVER! Review: This is the ultimate movie of all time. I saw it 19 times at the theatre, this is the kinda movie that really makes you question reality and the world around us.
Rating:  Summary: Messed up, but good Review: This is truly a wonderful movie but bear in mind that the Matrix is made up of three things: a Magnificent idea--the world is a hoax, we are actually living in virtual reality while our bodies generate power for an artificial intelligence--basically a Skynet wannabe of Terminator 2, Marvelous special effects and appearances--all the actors and actresses chosen (Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishborne, Carrie-Anne Moss, and others) definitely look their parts, and Miserable acting! The punches sound wrong, sob-scenes are plentiful, people try to act tough and fail miserably, and a multitude of other screw-ups. One major problem is--an all knowing, all seeing oracle, who the heroes depend on for guidance, for all her vast intelligence and wisdom, is shown smoking cigarettes!