Rating:  Summary: Awesome From Beginning To End!!! Review: This has to be one of the most exciting sci-fi action flicks I have ever seen!! What made it so great was the fact that the actors trained before filming the movie. The storyline made you think, and with the 2+ hours the movie lasted, it didn't drag one bit. I can't wait for the DVD version and all the extras.
Rating:  Summary: Good video game, lousy movie, total waste of time Review: This has to be one of the worst movies of all time. Great special effects but so video games have those and don't purport to be a decent movie. Has to be one of the worst movies I have ever seen. At least if it was a video game I would have only wasted a quarter.
Rating:  Summary: Best and Most Original Movie Yet Review: This has to be the best movie I have seen Yet. Great Special Effects. Great Actors Great Plot Leaves You thinking.
Rating:  Summary: THIS MOVIE WUZZ AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! Review: This is 1 of my fav. movies!!! On a scale of 1-100 I would give this movie a 2,000,000,000,000!!! Buy this movie today!!! ~!LIZ!~
Rating:  Summary: This Movie Is Awesome! Review: This is a "must-see." One of the best movies I ever expect to see!
Rating:  Summary: Dances with bullets Review: This is a brilliant film in some ways. It is also a deeply disturbing film in other ways. It is brilliant in the technical execution, the pacing, the atmosphere and tension it creates. It is deeply disturbing in the way it blends religion, violence, reality and fiction. Most of the fascination of this film comes from the American myths it employs to capture the audience. There is the fight for freedom from suppression (what the American Revolution was all about), there is the individual who fights for self-actualization (the self-made man), there is the savior who defeats the empire of evil (the Christian motif), there is romantic love as individual fate (the Hollywood myth). Engrossed as we are, watching these myths unfold in a new story, we do not realize that we enter a matrix of our own making. It is right there in front of us on the screen, or rather, in our heads. "The Matrix" shows us a world that we are supposed to take for real while we are watching. Without our knowing it, we tend to accept the values and myths promoted by the film. That is no problem as far as quintessentially American myths are concerned. But the film also promotes violence as an attractive and appropriate means for solving problems. And not only that. In my opinion, the film also asks us to believe that a savior has the right to kill in order to liberate other people from their wrong beliefs. The disturbing part about this thought is that radicals of all hues (Muslim radicals, Christian radicals, Hindu radicals, Fascists, Communists, you name them) think the same - "a savior has the right to kill in order to liberate other people from their wrong beliefs." Bob Herbert, a columnist in the New York Times, recently wrote an article about violence in America from which I would like to quote a few lines: "The nation is saturated with violence. Thousands upon thousands of murders are committed each year. There are more than 200 million guns in circulation. Murder is so routine, including the killing of children, it doesn't even warrant serious news coverage in most cases. We don't know what to do about all this violence. We don't know how to process it. We don't even know how to cover it. We sensationalize it, glamorize it, eroticize it. We are fascinated, not by the victims (or by the people with serious ideas about how we might prevent some of this violence) but by the killers." As much as I admire "The Matrix" as a film, I think the message it conveys and the beauty of its slow-motion killing scenes contribute to the problem of violence in America. If anything, this film glamorizes violence. And to top it all, it presents the man who fires bullets so skilfully as a savior in the Christian vein: "Neo", the "new man", "The One", reborn after having been shot dead, rising to the skies to liberate us all.
Rating:  Summary: Suggestive Review: This is a dangerous film. An addictive film. It's success is due to it's coincidence with DVD, which gives people a sense of being at the cinema but in their own homes. Once the novelty wears off I expect there will be some sobering up over The Matrix's worth. The concept is more appealing than the execution. Why? Because it allows Americans to be the victims of capitalism and not it's perpetrators. They are all lying in containers and are not responsible for 'the system' which is imposed on them. They are still the enemy though, because they will unknowingly do anything to protect the system. This sets up a particularly nasty scene whereby the heroes mow down an entire lobby of people in cold blood. The relish in which the film makers execute this is chilling, appealing to some video gamers demographic in a truly cynical manner which really turns you against the film, if any encouragement is actually needed. After the heroes leave the lobby in a lift a bit of granite drops off the wall. This was a very calculating touch by the makers, to dismiss this evil bit of death by friendly fire as a joke. There is little humour in the portentuous proceedings but the little there is is always coldly logical and dripping in morbid incincerity. I'm sure though that for Mr Hazell below, the lobby scene was a deeply spiritual moment, in the strictly Yungian sense, of course. The message of course is typically American. Believing in yourself at the expense of others. Talk softly and carry a big stick. Shoot first and call your therapist later. God is what you make her. My favourite bit of self belief in the film is when Neo machine guns the room in which the guy he's come to rescue is sitting dead centre and despite the copious and random flaying of ammo somehow fails to hit him along with the bad guys. Maybe it's just bad direction. Like, for instance, someone whose grown up from a baby without any muscle development or bone usage would just fall out an incubator and immediately take up Kung Fu. New Age mantra peps you up, I guess. The tacked on redemptive power of love ending fools nobody, either. It's as bogus as the matrix itself. Neo can fly up into the sky as far as he wants, he won't escape the system. The ethos behind this film is pure capitalism, directed with all the cold precision and studied ruthlessness of a hedgehog being thrown into the path of a combine harvester. Anyway, the brothers Wachowski are young. Maybe they'll see the error of their ways. After ten sequels, of course.
Rating:  Summary: 2003 is the year for the Matrix Review: This is a definite 'must-see' action film. If you have not seen this film yet it is time to come out from under that rock. 2003 is the year for the Matrix. The follow-ups are to be released this year. The Super Bowl was yesterday and the trailer aired for Matrix Reloaded and Revolutions. It was the one commercial that changed the room of guys from roaring laughter from the Budweiser commercial into silence and put us all under a spell of awe-inspired concentration. We all make a vow to be there opening night. No one should miss out on these films of 2003. But before you consider the easy decision of going to the theater, you must take the action needed to see this film in order to prepare you for the rush of Reloaded and Revolutions. No decision here, if you want to see the sequels, you must see the origin.
Rating:  Summary: Entertaining beyond the movie Review: This is a DVD which makes great use of the formats strengths. There are numerous bonus features, including the 'follow the white rabbit' feature, which lets you see the making of a scene when the scene plays in the movie. Also has voice overs by cast & crew and the music composer. Top it all off with a very cool movie and you get a heck of a good disc. Worth much more than the asking price.