Rating:  Summary: I saw it yesterday it's a blast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: This movie is awesome. As I said I was gonna see it with a friend but my cousin came along too. This movie was great!!!!!!!!!! We couldn't stop figuring the whole story out. My friend and my cousin didn't understand a lot of things but I could understand everything. I can't believe that the kid(you will know who he is if you see the Animatrix)was there!!!!!!! I thought that the only episode that really happened was The Final Flight of the Osiris,but no every single episode in the Animatrix did happen. I really really wanna see The Matrix Revolutions. WARNING: DO NOT KEEP READING THIS REVIEW IF YOU DON'T WANT SPOILERS BECAUSE I'M GONNA SPOIL MANY THINGS NOW. It was so awesome how the story was told. That Smith stole some code from Neo and he had the power to defy the program that deleted him. And I had the Enter the Matrix game before I saw the movie. So most of the things they said in the game I didn't understand until I saw the movie yesterday. To understand this movie you have to understand computers. There are two living things in the Matrix: Programs and Humans. For example there are trees in the Matrix but they are not real. There are gardeners who take care of the trees,but the gardener doesn't do anything at all,if the gardener stops taking care of the tree the program which humans cannot see,will keep the tree as it is. But not all programs are invisible,The Oracle,Seraph,The Keymaker,Merovinigian,Persephone,The Twins,and The Architect are programs and they are all visible to humans. Yes that's right the Architect was human long ago but what remains now in the Matrix is just a program that is just as The Architect was himself. All those stories about ghosts,alieans,wharewolfs,vampires,monsters,etc. are just deleted programs in the Matrix that are resisting to be deleted. Like in the episode in The Animatrix called Beyond(if you have seen The Animatrix). And there were other versions of the Matrix and the one that exists right now is the sixth version,and in each version there were different people. Like for example there was another guy that looked like Neo but had a different name and was The One in that version,the same with everyone else,there was someone that looked like Morpheus,was not called Morpheus but was the person that found The One in that version. The reason why The Architect created so many versions of the Matrix was because Zion was always destroyed,Zion was not meant to be destroyed,he had to create more and more versions until Zion wasn't destroyed like it happened now. Merovinigian,Persephone,The Twins,and the rest of the henchmen that work for Merovinigian and Persephone come are programs as I mentioned before,that come from the fifth version of the Matrix. Now that you know all this for extra information see The Animatrix.
Rating:  Summary: A Great Movie: The Matrix Reloaded Review: It is often difficult to believe one's review of a movie that is of technical nature if a review is written and grammatically incorrect. The movie followed well within the parameters of the first installment, and, given the time between the first and the second installments, it is quite obvious that the writers knew well beforehand that a second installment will follow. However, in order to produce such a technical piece, the time is of the essence, and the producer(s) knew that all too well. The simple fact that other producers are following suit with the manner in which the movie was created, with the special effects speaks well for the movie without comment.
Rating:  Summary: Stupid and dissapointing!!! Review: About 20 minutes of the movie was awsome, but the rest was so boring. Zion was very disapointing to me.... It looked like a cave from the stoneage (the dancing sceen), and all the people who were dancing around looked like uncivilized human. The sex sceen is the worst I have ever seen in a movie, and it is 15 min long!!! The part where Neo is fighting hundreds of copys of agent smith is at first ipressive (for 2-3 minutes) but it keeps going on and on and on and on.....zzzZZZzzzz, and Neo keeps doing the same mover again and again. When cast is week too. Chris Rock in a serious role!!! This really ruins the movie, he cannot be taken serious, all the time it looks as if he is going to laugh! Fishbourn dont act as well as he usually does, His speech in Zion is terrible. The only reason why this movie got 2 stars is the it had about 20 minutes all together that was really nice. The plot wasnt too good either, only the last 10 minutes of it was good.
Rating:  Summary: Matrix Reloaded for Dummies! Review: Read if you've seen the movie and are a bit confused! First, you must realise that the whole movie is about 'Choices'. DUH! But do they actually make choices?! Lets start with the Architect. I'm sure all of you were wondering 'What the heck?'. Well, here's how I interpreted it. The Architect created the matrix. The first matrix he created was 'perfect'. There was no suffering, no diseases, etc. But the human mind couldn't accept it, it needed the suffering, it also needed to make choices. The Oracle came up with the idea of creating an imperfect Matrix in which the inhabitants had 'choices,' though these were, in theory, still to be controlled by programs. This allowed humans to accept the Matrix as a real world and cooperate with the system, allowing it to survive and not crash and burn as the first 'perfect' version did. However, the factor of 'choice' still didn't erase the problem of human disagreement with the system. The Matrix that we live in today is only 99% effective, the Oracle's version still allowed for humans, under certain rare circumstances, to realize that they were prisoner in the Matrix. The One would then be the most extreme 'anomaly' amongst the awakened humans, able to cause actual damage to the Matrix. So the machines thought up a system of defense - they created a serious of programs which would lead the One on a predetermined course, making it seem as if it was a chosen path. In essence, the machines supported the One in order to manipulate him. They did this through the vague concept of what 'choice' was (Oracle and Maharajah ring a bell). By pulling strings, so to speak, the machines and programs would lead the One back to the Source, where his code would be absorbed by the Matrix's mainframe, examined, and used to help create a more 'flawless' Matrix in which less and less humans would be able to become 'anomalies.' But until the Matrix did reach that flawless state, the machines found it vital to allow humans to make 'choices,' escape to Zion, and rebel in small numbers. If they weren't given that freedom they didn't integrate into the Matrix correctly and caused it to crash. Hence the 'choice' even at the end of the One's path, what with choosing the left or right door. The Programs were meant to guide the One into choosing the safety of Zion over continued war, meant to pressure him so much that the 'choice' to do one or the other wasn't really a choice. Only, they didn't calculate love or emotion into things, so their plot backfired when Neo, the first One with a love interest, went against all he had been told and basically sparked the downfall of humanity. Neo has 24 hours to save Mankind and Zion. Which leads onto 'Revolutions'. You may also of wondered why there were TV screens showing in the background of the Architect's room. When Neo was going psycho on screen, these were the choices that Neo could of made. As, there is a philosophy that there is an infinite amount of timelines for each possibility possible. The Architect showed, simply, that he knew all! I hope that gives you a bit of understanding of where I'm coming from. But do realise, that this was my understanding of the movie. And may not be the Wachowski Brothers vision. But now here are some theories to think about. Neo went inside of Agent Smith in the Matrix. Smith does a huge spiel about how he has apart of him. Smith has some human elements in him, Anderson has some program elements in him. If you saw the trailers at the end, Neo and Smith face off for complete supremacy. Hence being on an even playing field as they are both equal. Smith...a program....is able to enter the real world. Neo...a human....is able to enter a program (ie. Smith). Perhaps causing him to 'feel' the sentinels at the end of Reloaded! I believe that 'The One' is the human error program of the matrix. As every flaw in a mechanical system is by human error. The Architect, I believe, is just another program that is designed to stop 'The One' from taking over the AI world. Smith, I also think, will be the saviour of the human race. As Thomas Anderson is a biblical allusion of Jesus's brother. Suggesting that Smith will be the Jesus figure and die for the sins of others. Either that or Neo dies to save the world. But he'd live on with the baby Trinity will have, thanks to that overdone 7 minute tribal/sex scene. It was the biggest 'plant' for revolutions in the whole movie. Or how about that Zion, is a matrix inside a matrix? That'll bake your noodle! Also, remember that these 2 movies were written as one script, split into two. So, if you don't understand, it will all be explained in Revolutions. Oh, and before I go. Remember...Free your mind!
Rating:  Summary: Random stuff Review: Roy Jones Jr, greatest actor ever? I was expecting Lawrence Fishburn to yell "can you dig it!"during his Zion speech, then the rest of the movie would be the Nebakanezer team being chased by the Warriors. The french guy was worthless, I guess it was smart writing as critics say, cuz first he says he likes to curse in french then later he curses in french, they were just trying to get him over for the next movie. I was expecting the sequels to be worthless anyway. Bryant Gumbell as the general, and The Juiceman as the mayor. Pointless pseudo intellectually stuff and fake fightscenes, people jumping around on wires against bluescreens, that's what the talking amounts to too. Watch Bruce Lee fightscenes instead, those scenes are deeper than all the important looking stances and junk in this movie. I assume in the next one Roy Jones is going to punch the heads off agents. I regret seeing this movie cuz the show time I saw it at was during the total eclipse of the moon, that's something I may not get a chance to see again. Someone sitting behind me thought this movie was wise, they were going,"hmmm...." and,"that's deep". Mostly I feel that the producers are trying to cash in on the success of the first movie, which is pretty obvious, these two movies are really one that's been cut into two.
Rating:  Summary: Not bad, but never great, just as the first Matrix Review: People placed the first Matrix in such a huge and not really deserved pedestal that when Reloaded came out, it failled to reach the extremelly high expectations and I have to say something, since I didn't have Matrix in such a pedestal, I actually enjoyed Reloaded(as cheap entertainment of coarse), it had good special effects, just see the fight with the Smith's and see my point. Philosophically speaking, it still contained some, the scene with Neo and the old boss in Zion in the macine level was pure philosophy(Herbert Marcuse to be accurate), and philosophy I have actually studied in depht. There was also a big portion of existencialist philosophy(the architect and the Merovingio). The acting still was as bad, or even worst, and yes the screenplay was very cheap, the first 30 or 40 minutes can be removed, everything before the talk with the Oracle(with the exception of the philosophical talk of Neo and the boss) can be frogotten, and as Seinfeld would say, what's the deal with the orgy/rave/nazi rally in Zion, at first we get Morpheous talking like in a combination of Conan the Barbarian and Adolf Hitler, the he says something like this: since the machines are coming, lets party. Then we have a weird and bizzare "dance" to say the least, combined with a sex scene with Neo and Trinity, it was an empty and dumb, trying too hard to be cool. I look forward to a spoof movie which mocks the Zion lunacy, also, the fight with the weird small asian dude was stupid, the only good thing of it is that it made fun of itself(you could have just asked) that scene along with all of it's previous scenes were just dumb filling. I think this scene and all of the scenes before fail because they have no purpose or meaning, or as the extremelly funny Merovingio said, the scenes did not have a why, it was just dumb and disorganized ideas. But when the Oracle finishes, the film gains a purpose, a reason, a why, and so from there I think the film gets better, beacuse then we have the although long but great fight with the Smith's, which was funny, had brilliant effects and was more meaningful than the things from before. Then talk with the hilarious pedantic and pompous Merovingio was very good, interesting nad it also introduced the beautiful Monica Bellucci, the joke of the kiss was good, and then there is the great and incredible chase scene(the best thing of the movie), since Ronin I had not seen a good chase scene, and this one really amazing, it was like 20 minutes long but all of them were exiting. Then the talk with the architect, I would have found it fun to cast Jason Alexander as the architect, that would have been fun, of coarse, he should have been serious, but just his presence would have been fun, which is something that would have helped that overly turgid scene, long and complicated stuff about the Matrix, all those ergo's and vice v's and a propo's were weird and eventually lost interest. And finally, the end was a combination of stupidity(Trinity dies and oh, she lives again) and mystery(Neo does the same things outside the Matrix, and the Simth copy next to Neo). Now the film sure had many flaws, but I think that movies that come in summer have a disclaimer implied on them, the film you are about to see has very few depth and emotion, it only has CGI, and gang-bang combined with punches and kicks. Just see the films that are now, and compare them with the ones that were released at the end of last year. Matrix has and will always be summer pop-corn fun, not smart, provocative and charged with meaningful emotions conveyed with grat performances, the film is a great example of good use of stylistic resources like sound, effects, etc. But that is it, but then you add some small philosophy and tou get a very entertaining film, just like the first Matrix was, or then tell me, did the first one had good performances, or important and provocative themes, just action, effects and small smart philosophy conveyed in a cool and appealing form(leather, sun shades, guns, groundbreaking CGI) that's it, that is I think the perfect definition of the Matrix phenomenon, which although entertaining, it is finally just that, cheap entertainment. Now, I personally like the films, both of them because I knew what to expect, and if people were expecting a film with good performances, and a intelligent story, well no wonder they hated it. To sum up, I liked Matrix Reloaded just as I liked the first, because both, although the have lots of pretentions, the just reach pop-corn summer movie level, which is exactly it's reason, it's purpose, it's why. I really hate people that think Matrix is more than that and who claim that the first was a great cinematic achievement, thay are wrong, it was entertaining, I liked it, I liked it's philosophy, but it is just entertainment and it will never surpass that. If you search great recent cinematic achievements, then see Lord of the Rings, or Gangs of New York, or The Hours, or Chicago, or The Pianist, or Adaptation, or Far From Heaven. And if that is not your stuff, well then Pulp Fiction, or Trainning Day, or the Godfather, or Raging Bull, or Taxi Driver, or any of the other films that are more than just entertainment. Matrix and Matrix Reloaded are fun and enjoyable to watch, they are totally satisfaying on an entertainment level, but best picture ever, I don't think so. I give to both films 3 stars.
Rating:  Summary: Great Special Effects, but a confusing and weak story line Review: This movie had awesome special effects but had a very confusing and pretty weak story line. I guess if you liked the first one though then you should like this one. My point of view is that I go to this movie for the slow motion action secquences and for all those special effects. I didn't really go there expecting some cool story. If you are wanting a good story to go along with the special effects then you might be disapointed. Still, you should see this movie for it's cool action and amazing special effects.
Rating:  Summary: [SWEET]!!! Review: I really enjoyed the first movie. Reloaded is of course expanding on the plot and does it extremely well. Since they said at the end "to be concluded", that means that REVOLUTIONS will finally give everyone the entire story. I had to see reloaded twice to understand it. Even the second time was just as interesting as the first time. In my opinion, all the negative reviews will have second thoughts after Revolutions comes out in theatres. SO BE PATIENT PEOPLE!! I'M TALKING TO ALL YOU NEGATIVE REVIEWERS! People complain that this was nothing but a special effects extravaganza. Well think of the whole trilogy as one big book. The first few hundred pages get the plot started(the matrix), the middle is all the eye popping action(reloaded), and the final few hundred pages give you the surprise ending!(Revolutions).
Rating:  Summary: "Power will show a man." Review: "The Matrix: Reloaded" is the Wachowski brothers' second entertaining installment of "The Matrix" trilogy. Many fans of the first film were disappointed with "Reloaded" because they felt that the storyline was somewhat weak. Specifically what it was they were expecting remains to be heard. Those who take a superficial view of "The Matrix" and its sequels might very well be upset by the time the end credits begin to roll. One thing, however, is certain: "Reloaded" still contains the underlying philosophical questions which were presented originally in "The Matrix". Those who are able to tap into the esoteric nature of the movie will be rewarded with over two hours of true entertainment value (and not without a few cheap thrills in the form of some excellent CGI work). Not knowing anything about Larry and Andy Wachowski (other than the fact that they're brothers), I won't presume to understand their reasons for inserting such deep philosophical questions into what is widely--and unfortunately--recognized as nothing more than a blockbuster, special effects triumph; nonetheless, those deep questions do exist, and the Wachowski brothers have done a remarkable job weaving them into these movies. Cynacism aside, there is nothing wrong with trying to make a buck (or perhaps a few million bucks). If Andy and Larry had attempted to create a film based on Plato's "Republic", not only would they have failed to win the interest of the American public, they also would have likely failed to convey the overall powerfulness of Socrates' dialogue. If nothing else, "The Matrix" and its sequels should affect the audience in such a way so as to pique its curiosity about the meaning of justice, reason, and virtue. Given the success of the first film (and, yes, much of it was due to the special effects), I am sure that many people who had been previously uninterested in philosophical concepts were struck by the magnitude of "The Matrix". Those who were affected--and found themselves enjoying the sequel (even if they couldn't explain it)--might actually begin truly thinking about life. Is "The Matrix" a suitable substitute for the Classic philosophers? No, of course not. Is it better than nothing? Absolutely! And on top of that, it's good watchin'. I strongly recommend "The Matrix: Reloaded" to anyone who found the first film inexplicably thought-provoking. It's a fun film with rare intelligence... and let's face it: the fight scenes are great.
Rating:  Summary: Zzzzzz Zzzzzz Zzzzzzz... Oh, is it over? Review: This movie was just an excuse to show off Special FX, latest computer generated graphics, and how annoying Hollywood can be. The first Matrix was awesome, but this one wasn't worth the film it was printed on. Hardly any story, bad acting, and nothing to keep your interest, unless you like pointless action flying across your nose every now and again. What a total stinker, can I have my money back now?