Rating:  Summary: the matrix reloaded Review: hi, if you havent seen this movie, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? this film is amazing, the stunts are great, esspecially when neo saves the key maker and morpheous when the wagon explodes in slow motion. in full this is the best film ive seen this year so far (revolutions is out in november!!!)
Rating:  Summary: The "New" Matrix universe. Review: Why? Why try to improve upon perfection? You can't. The first Matrix had no flaws. It didn't have a cliff hanger ending. If a sequel never was made every one would have been happy. So why would the Wachouski Brothers bother making this movie. The Matrix was a blend of suspence, action, mystery, and sci-fi. Take that winning formula, get a trukey baster and suck out the suspence, and mystery and you have a dead action sci-fi otherwise known as Matrix Reloaded. When i first saw it I really liked it. A few days later I popped in my first matrix dvd and was blow away. Don't get Matrix Reloaded. Get The Matrix. All the sequel is is CGI action, completely usless Dance and sex scenes, a (looks as if it was ripped from a PS2 game) fight scene, blah blah blah blah blah, fight on the stairs, fight on the freeway, Oh i don't you to die boo hoo hoo, cliffhanger, the end. Oh if you wait untill the credits are over there is a preveiw of the next one. After thirty minutes of credits comes this piece of junk teaser trailer. Although that will propably not have anything to do with the DVD realease. OH! Other "New" Matrix products to stay away from:The Animatrix (don't listen to what anyone says. It's worse than the movie.) Enter the Matrix (an extra hour of footage that expandes upon two forgettable characters.) In conclusion: Did anyone besides me notice that most of the new line of Matrix shirts have Matrix one images on them? Coincidce? I think not. Note: I gave it a two out of five for making a horrible effort.
Rating:  Summary: Best. Movie. Ever. Review: A lot of people who have seen this movie have written reviews saying it is a mediocre film. And I can see where they are coming from. The pacing is weird, both the dialogue and the action scenes seem to be drawn out and tedious, and the architects little speech at the end of the movie is completely incomprehensible. That's how I felt the first time I saw the movie. I was disillusioned, as the first movie was my favorite movie. Then I went to see it again a day later with a friend of mine. The second time I saw it, it became my favorite movie of all time. The thing about this movie is, you haven't actually seen the movie until you've seen it for the second time. Don't ask me why. Maybe it's because by the second time, you're slightly more prepared, and know what to expect. Maybe it's because the second time helps you understand the plot more. Maybe it's because the Wachowski Bros. cast some kind of voodoo curse on their own film, so that only hardcore fans would see the movie in its full, shining brilliance. One thing I liked about the movie is that, while I appreciated the philosophy of the first movie, Reloaded's philosophy was more in sync with my own, personal philosophy. You see, while the first movie was heavily invested in the idea of fate, and faith, in the second movie, you discover that the "prophecy" is actually a tool of the machines. That really appealed to my personal philosophy, which is that religion is what the people in power have used throughout history to keep the masses under control. Like the introduction of the Tleilaxu and Ixians in the second DUNE book, Reloaded expands upon the world of The Matrix by adding in the concept of rogue programs, who either try to aid the humans, or merely use The Matrix for their own personal gain. I found the concept intriguing, especially since it allowed the introduction of the twins, who share only two lines of dialogue throughout the entire movie. "We are getting aggravated." "Yes we are." Also, Agent Smith has returned, and is more malevolent than ever. He is still my favorite villain, and has some of the most quotable dialogue from the movie. For example, in response to Bane's last words: "Oh, God." "Smith will suffice." Remember, when you get this movie, watch it with an open mind, but don't form an opinion about it just then. Wait for a day, then watch it a second time. Trust me, it will be much better that time.
Rating:  Summary: we're all turning japanese, some of us just can't admit it. Review: the matrix reloaded is definitely the movie i have been waiting to see. i have wanted to see a true comic book/anime movie come to life ever since watching the old batman tv shows. i have always been disappointed time and time again. i was disappointed with the christopher reeves superman and (although the first two weren't bad) i was disappointed with what joel schumaker did to the batman movies as well. what i liked about the matrix reloaded is that it is just like reading a comic book or watching a cool anime. both of the wachowski brothers are fans of comics and anime and i believe what they set out to do was make a movie that was just like a comic book or an anime. they are the only ones to have ever done that (so far). the similarities between the matrix movies and anime are numerous: camera angles, the speed of the action, the pauses in the action, etc. even the storyline seems to be very influenced by alot of anime such as ghost in the machine. the martial arts in this movie are top notch. anyone who knows anything about martial arts knows that yuen wo ping is one of the finest choreographers in the business. with every passing movie i have seen of yuen wo ping, i have witnessed his martial arts choreography exponentially improve. his are among the best kung fu movies ever; fist of legend, legend of drunken master, iron monkey, crouching tiger. this movie really has it all! great yuen wo ping kung fu - check! awesome anime style - check! flying characters - check! great special effects - do i have to say anything about that? great storyline - check! (i don't care what anyone says about the storyline, i thought it was an excellent story with more plot twists than i expected) i can imagine how hard it is to come up with a story to follow the first matrix but as i was watching the movie, i didn't care one bit about the story. in fact, all i really wanted to see was action. as far as i'm concerned, they could have completely done away with any semblence of a story and just had 2 hours of action. alot of the best kung fu movies have very weak storylines. the action is what makes a good kung fu movie becouse the japanese and chinese know that action speaks volumes, a lesson most americans have yet to learn when it comes to film. i know i'm turning japanese (or at least i can admit it).
Rating:  Summary: This movie ROCKED!!! Review: I really don't see where the dislike for this movie is coming from. It was great! I really think that people didn't understand it and rather than admit that they are slamming the movie. Its really annoying to hear people compare this movie with X2 or T3 when they aren't even on the same level. yes, I am sure they are enjoyable movies, but certainly they don't have the depth that Reloaded has. I actually heard someone say of Reloaded "i hated having to think about it, when I go to a movie I don't want to think". So, if you want a movie with simple plot themes and require no thought process Reloaded is definitely NOT the movie for you!
Rating:  Summary: Just your typical big budget flick - great f/x, weak story Review: After a thilling opening sequence, the first half of the movie is sooooo lame. It really feels like it was written by people who had nothing to do with the first film (which of course isn't the case). It has several stupid scenes, such as where 1000s of people start dancing after learning that they face imminent danger. And it takes itself way too seriously - Morpheus, for example, has been reduced to a Yoda-esque parody of the Morpheus character in the original Matrix (instead of saying "okay, I have to go take a leak now" he would say something like "The Toilet -- it is my Destiny"). My biggest problem with Reloaded is it lacks the wonder, magic, and sense of discovery that pervaded the original Matrix film. The plot of the first Matrix was so mind-blowing - we (the audience) along with Neo were led to discover that "reality" as we knew it was an illusion. In Reloaded, the only mind-blowing stuff comes near the end - too little, too late. Also, the magic and romance are completely taken out of the Oracle character. Agent Smith is more physically threatening in Reloaded than in Matrix, but his character doesn't get good dialog in Reloaded like he did in Matrix (remember in Matrix when he was explaining to Morpheus that "it's our time now" and "you humans are like a disease, and we are the cure"). This excellent dialog is what made Smith so wonderfully sinister in Matrix. Yet, Reloaded is not all bad. We've grown to care about the characters, especially Neo and Trinity, and it's good to see them again. And just as the first Matrix film set a new standard in special effects, Reloaded raises the bar even higher. Unfortunately, this reduces Reloaded to the status of the typical big-budget summer action flick - all the resources were invested into the special effects, none into the story. I hope that the Wachowski Brothers will shift the emphasis in Matrix Revolutions back to the story, but since Revolutions was made at the same time as Reloaded, I'm not optimistic.
Rating:  Summary: not as good as the original Review: This movie suffers from "sequelitys". The story is complicated (the story of the first was also complicated) but that is not a problem, the problems are the following: 1- The sex scene (almost 10 minutes wasted!) 2- The dance/orgy scene in Zion 3- The excesive use of CGI for some secuences (i prefer the Wire-Fu used in the first movie) 4- Did I mention the sex scene?? The plot is so-so... the story of the first was much better... i will buy this DVD only if (and just if) "Matrix Revolutions" is almost as good as the first
Rating:  Summary: Matrix Reloaded: From the fence Review: The Matrix Reloaded is a good film, let no-one dissuade you, but it has detractors, and for good reason. Many people who saw this film didn't see in it what they might have expected, based on what the got with the first film. "More of the same" is one possibility that these people may have had in mind, but that doesn't mean that the film on the whole should be avoided, just taken with the proverbial grain of salt. Some key points: 1] The "Zion rave" is probably the one big reason so many people hate this film. True, it's rather unnecessary, but at least it doesn't last too long. 2] As with the Japanese anime .hack, the current section of the Matrix series is a multimedia experience. There are plot points and characters you simply will not find acceptable unless you immerse yourself in the saga. To that end, you will get more out of the story if you see "Final Flight of the Osiris" and "Kid's Story" on the Animatrix DVD, and perhaps play the Enter the Matrix videogame, as all of these things introduce plot elements that tie into the main story. (Speaking of the Kid: many people complain about his presence too, but he's actually not in the film long enough to make that much of a difference.) 3] The philosophy of the series may become harder and harder to swallow as things go along, but it is good to have a film that challenges some part of your intelligence and actually gets you to think a little. Action is not the be-all-end-all of this storyline. 4] I've noted those who mention the inconsistencies in the clothing of the dwellers of Zion, but this too is minor. At least there's a sign that they actually have a textile operation down there. And that they wear sunglasses all the time in the Matrix is merely the Wachowski brothers' fashion statement. Despite points like these and others, you shouldn't keep yourself from seeing The Matrix Reloaded if you already saw the first film. "Free your mind", as the line goes. And if you can, see this film in IMAX; it's big and good, despite the fact that it's not in true IMAX format (more like a letterboxed image on a regular TV screen, even if it is much bigger). At least it isn't cut like the IMAX version of Star Wars: Episode II was.
Rating:  Summary: pretty cool Review: i admit it's nothing compared to the original but it still is allot of fun special effects filled action. it is a great movie but it's not as good as the first.