Rating:  Summary: I'm sick of all the backlash Review: Let me tell you something, The Matrix Reloaded was a masterpiece of visual and intellectual stimulation. All these people saying they didn't like the movie are obviously watching it for the wrong reasons. The Matrix is not just an action movie to get cheap thrills out of, its much more than that. The Matrix is about opening your mind to the possiblities that may be. I can't wait for the DVD to come out, I'm sure its going to have some amazing extras for us interested in watching a movie that has a meaning. Let's just hope all the people who said bad stuff about the Matrix are watching it to be enlightened, not just to see things blow up!
Rating:  Summary: Reload your weapons again and again Review: The Matrix Reloaded was one of the best films I have ever seen. I loved not only the action, but also the way the story was told, and the development of the characters throughout the movie. Reloaded follows the story of Neo (a.k.a "The One") and his quest to help Zion win the war against the machines. With him are his partners Trinity and Morpheous and many more characters as they battle their way through the complex world of the The Matrix. For anyone who likes intense action and a little romance, (not to mention a little language) Reloaded is the movie you should see.
Rating:  Summary: Oh dear Review: Leading up to this film i had one basic problem, Neo was a demigod, so how could anyone match him now?, then a preview pops up and the immortal words of Neo are uttered....Hmm, upgrades. I had my first doubts at this point.When a movie is so highly hyped before its release, we should all be prepared for disaster. Remember Terminator 3, The Two Towers and the god awful Phantom menace this beats all of them. Normally when a film puts me in such a violent mood i would spend a long time explaining its pitfalls, and today is no different. $$$$$$$, ok now that thats over with. The characters have no pull anymore, in the matrix i wanted to find out more about Morpheus the mysterious man, trinity and Neo would they, wouldnt they? well this is all explained in the first 20 mins with a 6 minuit orgy/dance scene for no real reason. The Matrix was all about the pretence, this is all about sex, as much innuendo and gratuitous sexual reference as possible please. The Fights......oh dear, ok the one good fight in the entire film was between Neo and Seriph in the tea house it was short smart and very technicall. The multi agent fight was not, it was clumsy annoying and after five mins you new no body was going to win. I liked the car chase but its old and used, every film has a car chase now to the point where the transporter is made. Character development in unheard of here, except clearly neo has been giving his helpers lessons in Godliness as Morpheus can now stand up to agents and acctually attacks them rather then "Doing what we are supposed to do, running". Trinity is nothing more then a sex hungrymaneater intent on blowing away anyone who comes into contact with neo.I Myself have watched the animatrix and played the game, and now i feel thje only interesting character in the entire series is Ghost (the guy sitting in the car with Niobe), who features in the game but only slightly in the movie. Hopefully the unknown characters will take a prominant role in the final as neos in his coma at the moment. One other problem i have is the simplistic plot developments, the captain doesnt like morpheus, not because he is more popular, not that he wronged him, not even because of his crazy ideas, no its because Niobe still fancies him, *Yawn*. The story is the same with links wife whos only contribution is to complain that hes allways away from home, *double yawn* The main problem with this film was it began AFTER neo had died and been resurected which means i never had any real fear for his safety, and as it turns out no matter where you are in the world as long as your Morpheus or Trinity you will be saved just in the nick of time by the good man himself. Wow what a guy. Well there ya go, and i havnt even talked about the huge plot holes or extraordinarly painful philisophic banter. The Architect, *shudders* Now im off i need to make some coffee and write a scathing report of the two towers. Toodles
Rating:  Summary: |4.5| Only for the chosen, not everyone...... Review: ...which is exactly why a lot of people supposedly did not like the movie. Lets get the obvious out of the way: Reloaded was a hugely anticipated movie with enough hype surrounding it to cover the universe. It was the sequel to one of the most popular sci-fi/action movies in history, and probably one of the best. You can't help the fact that many people are going to walk away from the theatre either confused as hell, very angry or very happy. The Matrix Reloaded is not perfect, but I consider it equally as good as the first. It even surpasses it in a lot of ways, and in some it doesn't come close. But make no mistake... Reloaded is for the chosen. The plot here is deeper then the grand canyon. For some, it may be considered a mess. But this is far from the truth, and is simply the result of a lack of understanding the films very complex plot. For the deep thinkers out there, who can really take the plot in and spring up theory after theory about whats going to happen next, those are the people who are really going to love this movie; like me. Casual movie-goers will like the movie for it's amazing action sequences and special effects, which easily set the new standad in movies. Hardcore Matrix fans will either love this movie to death and spend countless hours discussing the movies plot with there friends until part three is released, or they will hate it because they could not get over the first movie. Reloaded really deepens the plot... so much so that many will just walk away boggled. The movie does have it's flaws. One example would be Keanue Reevers (Neo). His acting, as usual, isn't exactly... impressive, but he is what he is and you can probably deal with that. Another problem is that there is a bit less of a 'feeling of danger' with the main characters while they are in the Matrix. In the first movie, you really felt like they were being hunted every minute by Agents. In Reloaded, it more or less feels like they are just doing whatever the hell they want. But considering Neo is the One now, and he can kick anyones [butt], you can't really help that. The last problem I had was that Morpheus is just too much different in this movie than the first. He just felt more human in the last film. The Matrix Reloaded is an amazing movie that deserves much credit for it's insanely impressive special effects, camera work and action scenes. No other action movie can match what's here. And as for the plot, you will most likely love it if you can understand it and just accept it.
Rating:  Summary: The Matrix Reloads for a Revolution in the Movie Industry! Review: I personally think that this is the sequel that stumps all sequels, packing a whallop and never letting you go. But this is one movie that fits each person differently. If you await the same "Bullet Time"-style action in the first one, you will be far from disappointed. If you lust for the intensely mind-warping science-fiction, there's even more in store for you. But there are people who think it's too chitty-chatty, too strenuous on their fragile, little attention spans, or too much of an effort for the Whachowskis to make a few extra bucks. Everyone will see at least one miniscule flaw, but other than that, "The Matrix Reloaded" is the biggest innovation in sci-fi action sequels since "T2". It starts off with Neo dreaming of Trinity's death. This especially worries him now that the two of them are extra close. Things only get worse when it's realized that the machines threatening Zion are moving in closer and will threaten the city's survival if something isn't done in twelve hours (specifically if something isn't done by Neo, him being The One and all). You've probably heard that Agent Smith now has the ability to copy himself from anyone else in the Matrix. I won't tell you how (I hate spoilers as much as the next guy). I will say that it's an especially cool way to bring him back for the sequel, gining him much more power and presenting a seemingly unsurpassable conflict. There's an superbly done car chase thrown in near the end, plus a good look into the city of Zion and a lot of incredible secrets unveiled about the Matrix. I give it a missing star because there were just a few points in the plot I couldn't understand, but that is absolutely it. I'm going to literally blast into the store the day "Reloaded" is released on DVD, and the ending literally makes me itch to see "Revolutions" in November. So pre-order "Reloaded" and it should tide you over until then. If you were told good things about this sequel, you were not misled. If you were told bad things, you were.
Rating:  Summary: Check It Out In IMAX....It's Much Better Review: I don't know who invented the tracking shot. But I do know that IMAX re-invented it. When you go to an average movie theater you sit down for a mostly passive experience. But with IMAX you body is immersed in a movie. I've seen a few of the beautiful nature films and sweeping films about far off planets that IMAX has brought us. But nothing prepared me for THE MATRIX RELOADED THE IMAX EXPERIENCE. If you've seen this film on the smaller movie screen and you liked it. I guarantee you'll like it even more on the IMAX screen. Great sequences are even better. The details are magnified, and the computer-generated effects are much clearer. But the best part is how as the camera tracks around the various scenes and your body moves with them. As the film opens, you are actually drawn into the Matrix. As the camera sweeps between and in and out of that green programming code, you body feels the motion. It's breath taking. It's a feeling you can't have at you're local Loews. The best scene to utilize the IMAX is the scene in which NEO is fighting the hundred Agent Smiths. When he leaps up into the air and back into the crowd of Smith's your heart jumps. As he swings the street pole around his head, your head moves along with the motion. There is also a great moment when Agent Smith and Neo fly into a wall. As they bang into it, they actually hit the screen with a huge crack. You feel like it's almost hit you. It's amazing. While many have argued that this film is a terrible movie. I think for once, they missed the point. Yes, RELOADED is full of long drawn out exposition scenes. Scenes in which characters discuss computer lingo, and programming glitches, as well as Gnostic and, Eastern Philosophies, and while many had problems with that. I had not one problem with them. (For the record the mass orgy scene fails on every count and is a major flaw in the film) They do what they are designed to do, that is to offer a lot to think about, or maybe nothing at all. At the end of the day and after thousands of scholarly papers are written on the subject. It doesn't matter, nor should it. I don't think THE MATRIX will save the word or be an important film but it will always be lots of fun. Personally I also found the movie has a high replay value. It has lots of little moments and nuances that you miss the first time. It's also fun to put the pieces together, all the plot points that went over your head the first time. I also gained an appreciation for the supporting cast. Especially Lambert Wilson as Merovingian, his speech on second viewing is really funny. It's such a small role and he has such a good time with it. I really hope that THE MATRIX: REVOLUTIONS pulls no punches and ups the ante. I hope that many if not all the ideas that surround THE MATRIX are made a little clearer. Because of course that can only strengthen the film series as a whole. But I also hope the film keeps it's sense of fun (I heard on a police radio during the freeway scene a cop calling, saying he was ADAM-12...That Made Me Smile). If you didn't like the film, I still recommend THE IMAX EXPERIENCE. [website]-To Read My Original MATRIX RELOADED Review.
Rating:  Summary: Causality Review: This movie was bigger and better than the first one in every way. To all of those who disagree I suggest and education as this will go a long way in helping them to understand this top drawer piece of cinema. Multiple viewings of this film have not diminished the initial quality and I eagerly await the closing chapter this November. To those reviewers who cannot appreciate/understand and intelligent, complex movie I would like to suggest something along the lines of Men In Black II, more thier speed. These people should exercise choice, even if it is only an illusion, and kindly choose not write any more of their drivel.
Rating:  Summary: Box office GOLD Review: This movie was AWESOME. If you are a sci-fi person or just like a good action film, well this movie is for you. The stunts and visual effects are flawless and the plot will keep you on the edge of your seat the entire movie. Matrix fans will not be disapointed. There are less gun fights in this movie, but the kung fu action really makes up for it. The Matrix Reloaded is one you don't want to miss out on.
Rating:  Summary: I WANT MY MONEY BACK!! Review: on the first minutes of the movie, I thought I would die of major boring sindrome! the jump of trinity is ridiculous!! and their faces! "we are very bad and we wear sunglasses all the time" matrix is completely ridiculous..the first movie was ok! they were in the matrix a couple of times, fought the agents, great fights, excelent..but this one is completely EXAGERATED!! why is neo fighting about 100 agents if he can fly like he does in the end ? who is he now? superman ? what is that dance in the beginning ? sex on a movie like matrix? it's like putting sex on star wars or lord of the rings...MY MONEY BACK NOW!!!!!!! cheers!
Rating:  Summary: Wasted. Review: Although the questions: What is life like for the free "reanimated" humans? or What is Zion like? never really entered my mind, I am chagrined to say that now that I know, I care even less. This movie was entirely pointless. The entire movie is full of boring looks into Zion and the human resistance movement, (which includes a continued yawner of a love story between Neo and Trinity, and a totally unnecessary TnA orgy sequence/love scene.) and pointless ventures into tiring action sequences loaded with audience pleasing special effects. (If Neo can fly off and do "His Superman thang" anytime he wants to, then why does he bother fighting 50+ Agent Smith clones?) If you have a short attention span and just need to see a lot of special effects piled on top of each other with no plot or substance, than this is the movie for you. Personally, I was extremely glad that I was a guest and did not have to put out my own money on this horrible attempt to cash in on the success of the original, which was a mediocre, over-hyped movie to begin with.