Rating:  Summary: Great Follow Up Review: The Matrix Reloaded is a great film, no matter what people are saying. Of course it had to follow up to one of the greatest films of our time, but essentially it is a good film if you go into the theatre (or wherever you might watch it) with not huge expectations like I did. The Matrix Reloaded is the continuing story of Neo and Co. coming back to once again try and defeat the machine world and save Zion. With Neo, now knowing his full potential, it shouldn't be much of a problem defeating the machines and saving Zion. This is part of the trilogy of the Matrix and a highly suggest watching the first one before touching this one. Anyways this movie has some great action sequences. There's actually a whole scene on the highway (which was a hgihway made specifically for this movie). The action is alot more intense then the first one, kind of like how LOTR: the fellowship had alot less action then LOTR: The Two Towers. In the movie you'll see some character devolpment, but not much has changed between the characters. Neo and Trinity become as intimate as they've ever been with a whole scene dedicated to, them (a very much unnessecary scene). You meet Niobe a commander of a completely diffrent ship (sorry I forgot the name of the ship) and you find out that she and Morpheus had previous relations (not to mention that she is going out with Mopheus's boss). All in all, not much character development is done. Keanu Reeves is still dull at times (you know those dumb questions he asks with absolutley no life "what happens if i fail" "what if im not the one".) This movie is, in my oppinion a great follow up to an already amazing movie. While The Matrix is a classic, The Matrix Reloaded will be known as the movie that not only built on "The Matrix" but made the series' alot more intresting. Overall a definite rent, and a possible buy.
Rating:  Summary: See it for action. Nothing else. Review: Im giving this movie 3 stars because the action scenes are beautifully done and are pretty over the top. Kudos on that. However, the other scenes just drag on and on. The scene with the architect, Morpheus speech, and Zion love scene are especially horrendous. And for all the people who think thats theres this extra hidden deep profound philosophical mumbo jumbo, get real. These movies are not worth the time or mental energy to even try to find a deeper meaning. A pure action popcorn movie and thats it. And the confusing storylines probably have to do with the Wachowski brothers starting the movies as males and at the end of the trilogy one is now a female.
Rating:  Summary: MATRIX UNLOADED Review: The SCI-FI genre continues to suffer over the CGI inspired style over substance theme. I thought after the fist Matrix film in '99 that it was a good chane that the Wachowski Brothers could breathe new life in the SCI-FI genre. Then Matrix Unloaded came out and I was wrong. The First film witch actually made sense. Had a good storyline Keanu Reeves didn't speak much. Hence he had very little dialogue SFX that was not overdone. The violence a little overdone but still tastefull. Carrie-Anne Moss had very little dialogue also. Laurence Fishburne's character was totally on point. Then comes UNLOADED. Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss are given way to much monologue (Note to Wachowski Bros. the difference between monologue and dialogue) they are not really good actors but you could look past that fact in the first one because the storyline was actually thought provoking. (...). And Morpehus has this stupid out of character speech. And why the heck dose Zion look like crap you spend 100's of millions to produce this sequal and Zion looks like it was filmed in a sewer a la Teenage Muntant Ninja Turtles. I'm also so sick of the Matrix Unloaded apologist saying you haven't seen it enough or you just don't understand Anime, or New Age Mysticism. I say your full of bull. First lets get one thing striaght which is 99.5% of Anime is GARBAGE! (...) Also Anime is a animation syle much like the Steamboat Willie and Felix the cat and Oswald the Rabbit look of the 1920's and early 30's in the US. (...) Second I don't care what you say about the religous influence the philosophy of Unloaded just dose not make sense whatsover. What was the point of the new characters? Jada had only eight or nine lines. And what's up with that sex scene its got to be one of the most disgusting sex scenes of all time holes and all. Also way to much CGI. Which is ironic sense that the computers use the humans as energy. So know the Wachowski Bros. are relying on CGI to do all the work instead of writing an interesting storyline. And Joel Silver had the nerve to talk about George Lucas. At least Lucas had enough sense to wait in between years to fix storyline problems i.e. toning down Jar Jar, and recover in Episode 2. Unlike the Wachowski Bros. who wrote to awful monologue read monologue filled scripst whith to many characters popping in without knowing anything about them.
Rating:  Summary: Great MOvie Review: This was a good Movie Kind Of Long though you may asleep on it. Jada Pinkett & Nona Gaye Did their thing.
Rating:  Summary: Unload and Erase Review: This is a boring piece of eye candy. The plot is tiresome and makes no sense at all. I had to watch it since it is considered such a classic series (I don't think so but that's just me). I didn't like first film very much but I liked the idea very much. K. Reeves is one of the worst actors (and I use the word loosely) on earth (worse than Tom Cruise or William Shatner). This guy's only decent role was as a moron stoner in Bill and Ted... This series needs a film called, The Matrix:Unloaded and Erased from history. I like L. Fishburne and I liked the sets and costumes but no plot, tiresome, hackneyed action scenes, and plot holes you could drive a large blazing semi truck through. Skip it or watch it on HBO, don't throw your geld away.
Rating:  Summary: How to destroy a franchise Review: This was on par for sequels, which means it was horrible. Besides the blatant commercialism, there was no threat in the fight scenes any longer. This reduced them to flying tag matches. The love story is sappy and the character speeches are tedious. Save your money and watch the first one again.
Rating:  Summary: rivals the original Review: a fast paced, action packed sequal that rivals the original.
Rating:  Summary: don't bother Review: Alright, let me just get this out of the way first: There were two good thing about this movie, the special effects and the fight scenes. Now back to reality. I loved the first movie of this trilogy, and Reloded ruined it for me. This movie digs way too deep into personal lives and gets too philosophical for a high-tech action movie. There are things like an insanely long sex scene, and family arguments that just ruin the coolness of the movie. The movie is no longer about getting the bad guys while wearing long, black trenchcoats chalk-full of machine guns. Instead, its about Zion (the only city left on Earth that hasn't been corrupted by the Matrix) and the emotional issues of the people living in it. And don't forget the way overplayed romance between Neo and Trinity. Now don't get me wrong, I don't mind a love story in an action movie, but it should not be the focus. Essentially, Reloaded gets way off track from what the viewer wants: to see those bloody computers get their butts kicked. I am not even going to see Revolutions, the last in the trilogy, because I've heard it's even worse. I only have one thing left to do before I'm done with the Matrix series completely: Watch the first one again, so I can remember it as it deserves to be remembered, not the way I think about Reloaded.
Rating:  Summary: I liked this movie! Review: I liked this movie. I only have two complaints: I wish they would not have killed off Neo. I wish there would be more installments.
Rating:  Summary: Oh me ... Review: Ok, I'll make this short and sweet. I swore I wouldn't judge this movie before part 3. Now that it's all over, I have to say that in retrospect, Reloaded is even more use- and senseless than I thought it would be.